
Ads Appear in Counter-Strike v1.6

Long talked about and recently voluntary it seems that ads are finally in the most recent update to popular mod Counter-Strike.

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deathtok6273d ago

Yes I know there is good with the bad but ads have the potential to really ruin games. Sure this isn't the first instance where they have appeared but now there is the possibility of in-game ads for GTA IV. Where that game has had jokes before a change like this would be a big takeaway.

BIadestarX6273d ago (Edited 6273d ago )

Seriously, those ad do look like they shouldnt be there, and therefore it removes the "feel" from the game. next thing we will see a plane with a banner flying in the sky in a game like obviblion. Better yet, how about "Got Milk", TMobile, Blu-ray, etc in a game like Conan or Rome Total War.

sovietsoldier6273d ago

if you paid for it why should you have to see ads in the game? unless there is something you get for seeing the ads there shouldnt be any ads in the game.

Bullseye6273d ago (Edited 6273d ago )

Deffinately not the way to go. There's a growing trend,against this sort of intrusive advertising,simply DON'T buy the product. It will take time,but advertisers and devs will catch on eventually.We do have the power to stop it dead, if we wish.The main reason i have not and will not buy half life sequels is the compulsion to sign up to steam even if you want to play off line.Have i missed it ? not really, there are plenty of other better games out there. Make your choice by all means , but understand the consequences.


Why Half-Life is one of the greatest PC games of all time

Half-Life is still one of the greatest FPS games that ever existed. Out of a list of the top 100 games, 99% of people would list Half-Life in the top 5. Looking back, this was an industry influencing game and due to its success, Valve became a household name. What made this game so popular back in the 1990s? What was it about Half-Life that was so different from other PC games at the time?

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Garethvk4057d ago

It is still an amazing game and I hope we see more of it soon. It came out with little expectation and became the new standard for the genre.

ATi_Elite4056d ago

Why Half-Life is the greatest GAME of all time PERIOD


Rearden4057d ago

This sort of article comes up once every few months... Is there anyone who would argue it's not one of the greatest PC games of all time?

NastyLeftHook04057d ago

half life is one of the greatest games in general.

xPhearR3dx4056d ago

I played it and thought it was boring as hell. Nothing about it stood out at all to me. Glad I'm not someone waiting for Half Life 3 due to the retarded amount of time it's been anticipated and never revealed.

kneon4056d ago

Well for me it wouldn't make the top 100. I got all the half life games on some steam sale a few years ago but have never managed to finish the first one and never started the others. I just got bored.

Maybe I just haven't gotten far enough into it but I've yet to see anything that I would call great.

Ravenor4056d ago

If you didn't play it in 98, I don't see how you have the perspective to make a definitive judgement. It's like playing System Shock 2 today and saying Bioshock 1 is better.

The game revolutionized story telling in shooters, and was one of the major pillars that supports the notion that 1998 was one of the greatest years ever in gaming.

kneon4056d ago

So you are saying that it was influential and great for it's time, that's not the same as greatest of all time.

When something truly is great then it stands the test of time.

Ravenor4055d ago

No piece of software will be "The greatest of all time", everything is iterated on and improved upon. You can't argue the influence of Half Life in how it shaped gaming, especially in the realm of FPS.

God of War, Halo 4, CoD etc, etc while all being wildly popular, WILL be considered antiquated and quaint in 15 years. While you might not see greatness those who were there and knew what the genre was before Half Life and after Half Life understand it's importance.

kneon4055d ago

My opinion of the game has nothing to do with the software. I just didn't find the game very engaging. For me it was much like Crysis, I found both games boring, and Crysis is much more up to date with regards to the software.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4055d ago
Sizzon4057d ago

A masterpiece yes ofc :D

Half-Life 3 already Valve! :P

kube004057d ago

Yes I agree how much longer do we have to wait?

SJPFTW4056d ago

One of the best games on any console... EVER

4056d ago
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Counter Strike: Back and in Beta

Currently open to steam users and people who like browsers, the CS:GO beta is now open. Hey, you have a browser... Why don't you take a look?

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KeiserSosay47884457d ago

Misleading article. I seriously thought that valve had actually made the beta open, lol


Greatest Multiplayer Games of All Time

Video games come in a wide variety of styles. Some are single players, some are multiplayer, and others have elements of both. One of the things that draw in many gamers is the multiplayer aspect of games.

Kran4538d ago

Modern Warfare 3?

Are you having a laugh?

Why is CoD4 not in it's place?

miyamoto4538d ago

Yu Yu Hakusho Makyoutohissen for the Mega Drive comes to mind

frostypants4538d ago (Edited 4538d ago )

The author is clearly doing a bit of Activision butt kissing in the hopes of being given some schwag or early review consideration in the future.

There is no chance in hell MW3 belongs anywhere within a mile of an "all time" list. Sorry. People can have their opinions, but this is pushing the bounds of reason.

Ezio20484538d ago

i know i am going to get spammed for this comment but i like MW3 over MW (COD4).

Kran4538d ago (Edited 4538d ago )

Why do you like MW3?

Because it's CoD4+MW2? Thats bad! CoD4 will always be the best CoD multiplayer

Ezio20484538d ago

buddy i dont offend you but...i just love the fast paced gameplay in MW3 and especially the new perks and killstreaks. Also, there aren't as much camping spots as prevalent in MW2. I know that MW3 is by NO means perfect multiplayer game, but i enjoy playing it everyday on PSN.

thrasherv34538d ago

"i just love the fast paced gameplay in MW3"

As opposed to what? The slow paced gameplay in CoD4? Have you played much CoD4? It's fast.

"there aren't as much camping spots as prevalent in MW2."

Are you joking? MW3 is the campiest of them all. So many nooks and crannies to hide behind in these poorly designed maps. All I see is fools camping with their Type 95's waiting for someone to walk buy. It's garbage. MW3's maps are nothing but over blown boxes with corners everywhere. Atleast in the past CoD's the maps had flow to them.

nanometric4538d ago (Edited 4538d ago )

Agreed with above, I got a chance to play MW3 this weekend, borrowed a copy, and I’m quite dissapointed to say the least. It really is like a reskined MW2, the menus are the same, the emblems/titles are almost the same and/or made more horrible than in MW2. Played campaign(veteran), it’s ok, but the enemies are still dumb aimboting POS. Spec-ops also seemed like a letdown, didn’t have the chance to go trough all of them, but they were basically run’n’shoot, that’s it, in MW2 you had to man turrets on choppers, AC-130 (that was included, but still lacked), etc., those missions had great diversity, but not in MW3. Survival wasn’t bad, split-screen coop great, split-screen MP is a great bonus. MP overall is 1:1 like MW2, just made even more noob friendly, since now you can earn killstreaks (i.e. pointstreaks) even if you die. And the maps were ‘effin horrid, they all seemed like a freakin’ chessboard, kill one guy in front of you and you are bound to get shot in the back or side of your head a second later. I have to constantly rotate 360, omg.


OT - CS 1.6, TF2(PC), COD4(PS3) for me.

antz11044538d ago

I feel with the new modes, including everything in spec ops, and the new killstreak chains MW3 multi is the best in the series. The maps are solid and the gun choices aren't as bad as previous installments.

But if MW3 made the list I think Halo Reach should have made it, that multi was pretty great.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4538d ago
TheFallenAngel4538d ago

I agree, MW3 is fun and more balanced than any other COD game.

torchic4538d ago

yes. it is indeed Opposite Day. I mean it's not Opposite Day. I mean...

Shackdaddy8364538d ago

That's fine if you like it but to me, it's probably one of the worst out of the series.

Part of it is due to the extremely bad maps. I actually miss maps from MW2 like quarry. The maps in MW3 are just so extremely small and just have so many camping spots.

Pikajew4538d ago

Mario Kart 64 is a great multiplayer game

dendenmooshi4538d ago (Edited 4538d ago )

The original Halo and Goldeneye would also come before MW3. WoW also would come before MW3.

I'm glad they included counter strike though. Hate that they're referring to the xbox one that was released in 2004 and not the original PC one.

frostypants4538d ago

Gotta add Quake 2 as well. And BF1942.

There are a LOT of games that come before MW3.

PRHB HYBRiiD4538d ago

My personal list
Halo 2
Golden eye 007 (n64)
battlefield 3
Call of duty 4 and world at war
assasins creed brotherhood
Test drive unlimited
uncharted 3
Red dead redemption
little big planet

Shackdaddy8364538d ago (Edited 4538d ago )

you should add counter strike
oh and time splitters

PRHB HYBRiiD4538d ago

i forgot about those :) they are also very good

clrlite4538d ago (Edited 4538d ago )

Counter Strike, etc.

@below, agree and a bubble for the straw hat avatar.

Edit: At least he included CS and TF2, but that doesn't make up for including MW3 and not including the (IMO) much better Battlefield games.

also, he lost me when referring to COD, "..this game has already broken records..with top notch graphics.."

decent list though I guess.

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