
It's Getting Worse For The PS3

A new report out of Japan and China suggests that Sony's recent restructuring is proving to be way to conservative. The report indicates that part suppliers for the PS3 and other Sony Electronics products are growing weary of their future with Sony. As suppliers are being hit hard by the global financial crisis.

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oriol0035565d ago

Wow that sucks I don't think Sony will catch up to the Xbox 360.

Powertesties5565d ago

Sony is really taking a beating and has for the last few years. With delays and falling back in the times, the Sony brand means less than it used too.

It used to be a staple of the electronic world, especially in gaming. Now, Sony is known for High Price, lack of quality (games, not hardware) and poor products.

The forecast is not much better for the PS3 as demand is low, sells are getting worse every month. While MS has been able to steadily build its market by selling double the console each month, Sony still hasn't been able to address the fundamental problems. Quality titles, equal multi-platform games, and equal features of the 360.

Now with supplies becoming weary and PS3's and PSP's (along with other devices) sitting on store shelves gathering dust, it is natural they are rethinking agreements.

Chris3995564d ago (Edited 5564d ago )

Apparently not.

If you wanted to go over the information with a fine-toothed (biased) comb, there is a very, very small part of the article that launches further speculation against the PS3 and it's software. The majority and basis of the article however, is about television sales, parts and out-sourcing.

Don't worry, the writer of this ridiculous piece of "news" is just as dense. Perhaps the three of you could start a blog.

UBA - Uninformed, Bullsh*t Articles, would be a good name.

Timberland2K95564d ago (Edited 5564d ago )

Maybe you stupid fanboys should actually read the article

It says all sony products are taking hits. This is nothing but a stupid flame article and many ignorant b()t*hes will say Ooo sony will stop making the ps3 like the dreamcast with sega

Danja5564d ago

wow the 360 section must be really empty today...look at all the trolls

Bits-N-Kibbles5564d ago

How about the world economy? This article's title needs to be changed. It's just another "The PS3 is doomed" article. I'm tired of this crap and I know a lot of you are too. About 1 in 20 articles on N4G can be considered actual news.

-EvoAnubis-5564d ago

For actually reading the source article. This little post took one tiny section of this report and blew it out of proportion, which I guess is to be expected given the blockbuster year the PS3 is set to have.

It's all good; may as well get in your licks while you can. Sony is blowing doors off this year, and 1,000 articles like this can do nothing to stop that.

5564d ago
LastDance5564d ago

"With delays and falling back in the times, the Sony brand means less than it used too"

what are you talking about. Sony's products are top quality and very innovative.

acedoh5564d ago

is overwhelming... Everytime some see an article mentioning problems for SONY they take it as bad news for Playstation. Well then I guess SONY should just put all games on hold. Killzone 2 should be stopped since SONY is over... Get a life people. SONY and the Playstation are going no where. Obviously it's as if SONY some how threatens your life but hey I guess when your life consists of nothing you would rather rely on these stories...

-EvoAnubis-5564d ago (Edited 5564d ago )

"No AAA titles for this system since god knows when

Home is starting to go down the wrong road, charging for a pair of virtual jeans, couch, hats, and shoes, 20$ dollars for clubs.

Mostly all their games are in 720p, they are not true 1080p,come on now this is suppose to be next gen. "


I'm not even going to waste my time proving these statements wrong (particularly the hilarious 3rd comment - "true" HD is a straight-up alien concept for the 360). If you seriously believe what you just said there, then you are experiencing a massive drug flashback to anything sniffed, smoked, or injected by any human being from the years 1970 to 1990.

*laughs* Twenty years worth of drugs all at once will easily get you to whatever dream world you're living in right now.

Edit: I just checked your comment history, and I see that I was wrong. Twenty years isn't enough to get you to where YOU are. Make it 1960 to 1995. Thirty-five years of pure drugs should kill the required braincells of an average human being to be in your state.

gameplayer5564d ago (Edited 5564d ago )

There's two paragraphs referring to supply issues for the ps3 and psp which draws on the context of the rest of the article... seems relevant to me.

STONEY45564d ago (Edited 5564d ago )

"Mostly all their games are in 720p, they are not true 1080p,come on now this is suppose to be next gen."

That's the developers choice, nothing to do with the PS3, but the games that do support 1080p usually run in native 1080p, where as the 360 upscales it to 1080p. I prefer native resolution over upscaling.

N4G3605564d ago

Yes the PS3 is loosing it's ground and will probably lose this gen.

5564d ago
-EvoAnubis-5564d ago

"N4G360 - 18 days 9 hours ago
10.4 -
My gameboy color has better graphic's than Killzone 2 "

You really expect me to take someone seriously who posted THAT?

N4G3605564d ago Show
-EvoAnubis-5564d ago

Thank you for proving my point for me.

xerox5564d ago

I truly feel sorry for 360 fanboys.

likedamaster5564d ago (Edited 5564d ago )

My gameboy color has better graphic's than Killzone 2 "

Bubbs for that classic diss.

-EvoAnubis-5564d ago

"My gameboy color has better graphic's than Killzone 2 "

Bubbs for that classic diss."

"Classic diss?" Are you serious?

Christ's sake; before, I thought that fanboys had a 3rd grade reading level. NOW I realize that I was right, because they actually ARE in the 3rd grade.

trancefreak5564d ago (Edited 5564d ago )




@ below wtf you talkin about man. Im tired of the doom and gloom ps3 articles so im very sarcastic towards it

-EvoAnubis-5564d ago

In my last comment, I wasn't referring to just 360 fanboys, but rather, all of them. Two 360 fanboys have proven me correct thus far, and now, thanks to you, a Ps3 fanboy has as well.

Kushan5564d ago

@trancefreak: If this article was on hiphipgamer, people would be readily defending it.

gw4k5564d ago

I am a middle of the road gamer. I own all systems and each one is special to me....especially after the price tags.

It really blows my mind when some one states a well informed opinion or fact about the PS3/Sony and everyone on N4G freaks out. The real trolls here are the those Sony fanboys.

Those are the ones that play NOTHING but Playstation and honestly, do not know what they are talking about. Microsoft truly cares for their customers. Imagine what they had to give to get the exclusives that they have. Imagine how much they paid Square for all the role-playing games. You have to admit, if you are a FPS fan, the 360 is the system to get. Graphics, online play are always better (COD4/5, Rainbow six 1/2, Unreal, etc). Back to Role Playing games, 360 for the win there as well (honestly, who cares how many discs it comes on? Remember Final Fantasy VII for the PS).

You have Gears of War games, Halo games, Downloadable content that is exclusive and so much more.

Want to talk about the LIVE network, while not perfect it is constantly getting better. Never as laggy or as slow as the PSN. Easier to use. Private chat in games, voice messages, etc. The PSN has none of that. Not to mention joining a clan is easier, inviting your friends to a game is easier....It is a joke to join a friend on the PSN. Seriously.

The 360 is an incredible machine, equally as powerful as the PS3. Heck, the processor in the 360 has the same core as the Cell. Don't believe me, check out this month's issue of Game Informer. IBM states that the 360 and the PS3 are basically equals power wise. Seriously folks, I am not making this up. Read it for yourselves.

I love my PS3, do not get me wrong. It has some killer games out and coming out in the future. MGS is awesome. Drakes F. is amazing (Number 2 is around the corner). LBP isn't bad (very innovative). Killzone 2 is going to be great (But the graphics are not MIND BLOWING, Great but not the leap we all were expecting). God of War III looks awesome. It is a great year to be a PS3 owner.

Of course, the PSN is free. That is awesome of course; but, I would be willing to pay for a better, faster, more feature rich service. The PSN is terribly slow. Comparing trophies requires a nice wait. Downloading takes a good amount of time. Then it has to install (360 is fast, download and ready to go). Voice over the network is poor. Everyone sounds terrible, as if they are in a tin can. That is, if you can even understand them. Bluetooth has a part to play in this but even with USB mics, pretty poor (but better). I can go on and on why Live is the winner in this area but if you have ever used Live, you already know this. If you haven't, then you will say that I am troll or a fanboy. Gamers that appreciate both systems know what I speak of.

So, am I a troll for speaking the truth about both systems? Heck no, if you leave a negative bubble, then it is you. Simple as that.

Also, before I forget, there is not one single game on the PS3 that can not be done of the 360 (Don't even mention disc size, no one minds popping in multiple discs). Graphically. Not a single one! If a developer spends as much time making a game as say, Killzone 2, for the 360, it would look just as good if not better. And then, you would have the terrific Live service to go hand in hand with that. I get a good laugh at those who keep talking about the games that graphically, the 360 can't do. Haha What reality do you live in?

This may change in the future but that is not the present.

jammy_705564d ago

we all no sony is better quality, has better games, blue ray....

quality over quantity... i think it is ..... =/

NickIni5564d ago (Edited 5564d ago )

"So, am I a troll for speaking the truth about both systems? Heck no, if you leave a negative bubble, then it is you. Simple as that."

Opinion =/= the truth.

"Also, before I forget, there is not one single game on the PS3 that can not be done of the 360 (Don't even mention disc size, no one minds popping in multiple discs). Graphically. Not a single one! If a developer spends as much time making a game as say, Killzone 2, for the 360, it would look just as good if not better."

We don't know that. And if it is so reachable, then why hasn't it been done?

SL1M DADDY5564d ago

Read the articles folks before posting and for the submitter of this article, be sure the quality of your submissions keeps people, gamers like me, from speculating that you yourself are nothing but a silly fanboy.

JasonPC360PS3Wii5564d ago

More Playstation fan excuses... what else is new?

SpoonyRedMage5564d ago

May be Killzone 2 can be on the 360? People have been saying graphics have hardly improved in the last two years on the 360 and simply that's because they've been in development for two years at most not four at the minimum. of course if an MS took four years to develop a game of that supposed(because nothing I've saw has actually wowed me) quality it would take at least four years and then the 360 and PS3 are quite old by then.

STONEY45564d ago (Edited 5564d ago )

"It really blows my mind when some one states a well informed opinion or fact about the PS3/Sony and everyone on N4G freaks out. The real trolls here are the those Sony fanboys."

The fanboys from both sides can be considered trolls.

"Those are the ones that play NOTHING but Playstation and honestly, do not know what they are talking about."

I play pretty much nothing but Playstation, some PC games here and there, so that makes me a fanboy and a troll?

"Microsoft truly cares for their customers. Imagine what they had to give to get the exclusives that they have. Imagine how much they paid Square for all the role-playing games. You have to admit, if you are a FPS fan, the 360 is the system to get"

And that's why everyone hates them, they think they can use all that money to make PS3 exclusives multi-plat, or buy exclusitivity so the only way to play the game is if you own a 360. Their ultimate goal is just to make more money and completely take over the console market. They even tried to pay Intel money not to make a chip for Linux.

"Graphics, online play are always better (COD4/5, Rainbow six 1/2, Unreal, etc)"

Multi-platform graphics are up to the developers, and most of them make the game for 360 first since it's much easier. Then they port it to the PS3, thats why multi-platform games tend to look better on the 360. It has nothing to do with the PS3 or the 360 itself.

"You have Gears of War games, Halo games, Downloadable content that is exclusive and so much more."

We have our share of exclusives too you know, and once again, Microsoft paid for exclusive downloadable content for many games because they're hogs. If they didn't do this, I'm pretty sure we wouldn't have all these arguments like "We have exclusive GTA4 DLC, Sony fanboys must be crying."

"Want to talk about the LIVE network, while not perfect it is constantly getting better. Never as laggy or as slow as the PSN."

Personally, I have not experienced any lag. And if you have, this has nothing to do with the PSN. All online games on the 360 all use master servers by Microsoft. However, on the PS3, the developers of the game set up their own master server, so if the developer has crappy master server, then there will be alot of lag. That's why we can have 60 player games like Resistance 2 without any lag at all.

"Not to mention joining a clan is easier, inviting your friends to a game is easier....It is a joke to join a friend on the PSN. Seriously."

I don't know how joining a clan could be easier, don't the games have to offer clan support themselves? And joining a friend isn't hard on the PSN, you just gotta be in the same game and the game has to support friend invites, which most games do. I know XBL is much easier because of the cross-game invites, but the PSN doesnt bother me much.

"The 360 is an incredible machine, equally as powerful as the PS3. Heck, the processor in the 360 has the same core as the Cell. Don't believe me, check out this month's issue of Game Informer. IBM states that the 360 and the PS3 are basically equals power wise. Seriously folks, I am not making this up. Read it for yourselves."

The Xenon is weaker than the cell, but it was based off of it. Bill Gates went to IBM for them to make a processor for the 360, but he wasn't interested in any of the ones they showed him. Then a guy who was working on the Cell (which was secret at the time) told him about the Cell processor for the PS3, and Bill Gates was interested and made IBM give him parts of the Cell. So, Sony was giving IBM money to work on the Cell, while IBM secretly also used that money to make the Xenon. Just shows how damn greedy Microsoft is.

"Comparing trophies requires a nice wait."

3 seconds.

"Downloading takes a good amount of time."

Depends on your connection speed and the amount of people downloading.

"Then it has to install (360 is fast, download and ready to go)."

Maybe because the 360 installs it as it's downloading. Duh.

"Everyone sounds terrible, as if they are in a tin can. That is, if you can even understand them. Bluetooth has a part to play in this but even with USB mics, pretty poor (but better)"

I can clearly understand people on PSN, and the quality depends on their mic.

"Also, before I forget, there is not one single game on the PS3 that can not be done of the 360 (Don't even mention disc size, no one minds popping in multiple discs). Graphically. Not a single one! If a developer spends as much time making a game as say, Killzone 2, for the 360, it would look just as good if not better."

Developing a game for 2 years on the 360 is pretty much equal to developing a game for 4 years on the PS3, because it is much faster to develop a game on the 360. And, if Killzone 2 can't be graphically done on the 360, then how come it hasn't been done or surpassed? As far as I see, Gear of War 2 is the most graphically impressive game on the 360, which is very impressive, but doesn't come close to Killzone 2.

XxZxX5564d ago

why quit when you look at your shoulder and XBOX 360 is worse than you. only quit after XBOX 360 fail hard.

JHUX5564d ago

gw4k, I honestly don't believe for a second you own all systems with how biased you came off as. Especially considering the fact that a lot of what you said you completely pulled out of your ass. You are nothing but a 360 fanboy. Your lack of knowledge of PSN pretty much raises a flag. Oh btw, I am pretty sure there have been games with twice the budget as kz2, and in development for around the same amount of time (kz2's majority of the time was building the engine), and guess what? None of them have reached it.

Trolls are trolls, and you are one of them. Whether they be ps3 fanboys or 360 fanboys.

+ Show (29) more repliesLast reply 5564d ago
Counter_ACT5565d ago (Edited 5565d ago )

Uh, I don't think companies are just going to stop making parts for Sony. They're a huge electronics company that is one of the leading brands in the world.

ThatCanadianGuy5565d ago

Shh..let the fanboys think their right for a moment.

They've had a bad day with all the Anti-Microsoft articles on here

tnkGODimATHEIST5565d ago

Only problem is those companies don't just make parts for PS3 they make them for tons of different products so as the other products they make have less demand the companies prices go up and affects sony because they have to pay more than Sony looses more money.

jack who5565d ago

find sum else to make their crap?

LeonSKennedy4Life5564d ago (Edited 5564d ago )

I can't believe they haven't thought of that yet! You'd think with all those brilliant analysts giving them advice, they'd look into that as a possible solution.

You are an economics genius!!!

Graphics Whore5565d ago

Lol, Sony makes more revenue than Microsoft. Don't believe these naive asinine pseudo journalists because they can type on a keyboard.

DrWan5565d ago

for the past 60 years, i believe they know better than all you fanboys and speculators where to put their manufacturing plant. This is no concern for consumers, not to mention, this is going to spell Doom for the PS3 just because of this? A little conspiracy theory, i say bull crap.

oriol0035565d ago

This is no speculation did you even bother to read the report?

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