
Oxcgn Review - Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage

From the review: "The DLC really opens up a mixed bag of feelings. Anything to add to this rich and complex world that has been created is a bonus for any Fallout fan however some may feel short-changed upon completion.

While it adds to the game, Operation: Anchorage is essentially a scenario simulation that sees your character making his way through Alaska assisting in liberating Anchorage which has been invaded by the Chinese Red Army. While this doesn't actually expand the map outwards it certainly stacks more content on what is already available."

REALgamer5568d ago

Doesn't really affect me. I found Fallout 3 to be good, but got bored and moved onto other games. Can't really see this DLC bringing me back.

Fable 2 however... =)

Superfragilistic5568d ago (Edited 5568d ago )

I haven't had the time to sink my teeth into Fallout 3 proper...

But Fable 2 is amazing. I'm on my second playthrough and stuff is so different from my first... heck I still check in on my first character just to see the changes that've taken place since I've been gone. That whole "Animal Crossing" social/economic simultaion side has consumed me, even when I'm not there! lol

But only buy the Knothole DLC when you've finished the game, otherwise it might spoil the game's focus on choice and consequence. ;)

XboxOZ3605568d ago

I've yet to buy the Main game, so the DLC will have to wait. But it all sounds great actually.

Sometimes I wonder whether many gamers actually put all the time into these titles. Especially if they say they played them, didn't like them and return them, within a few days - or less sometimes.

How can one give ANY game a decent play in such a short time. Games like this could occupy a gamer for - hell - a bloody long time.

I'm not sure if I agree with the score,but seeing that I've yet to play it, it'll have to wait until I do too pass judgment of course.

REALgamer5568d ago

Played about 20 hours?

In the end I got sick of grey and brown. I loved Oblivion (Fallout 3 follows the same blueprint) and loved it, especially exploring with the varied landscapes and beautiful views.

I know Fallout 3 is post-nuclear, but I couldn't stay interested in grey and brown dead landscapes. If you've seen one destroyed mutant-infested building you've seen them all. =P

miasma5568d ago

Everyones different, i have sort of the same issue as you yet different. Loved Oblivion, finished it, took me about 209 hours. the thing that i didn't like about oblivion was the dungeons/caves were almost all exactly the same. Where fallout 3, i felt the 'underground' areas differed enough to keep it fresh. i do agree about the grey brown thing but it didn't bother me too much.

But, Oblivion made me want to play it twice, i am currently playing a new character, but only casually. Whereas, Fallout 3 was a blast for me to play, I spent about 80 hrs on it, beat it, but i don't have much interest to go back to it with a new character. I dunno. but i love both games...

XboxOZ3605568d ago


wasn't having a go at you, I started writing that when I was the first to comment, you just finished before I posted hehehe.

My comment is aimed at those who do not give games their fair due, yet diss them wherever possible.

I suppose it's hard to have a post-nuclear war torn landscape and not have it devoid of colour. Ever walked through a war zone or fire ravaged town . . . there's no noises, no birds, no colour to speak of and it's errilly still.

Putting colour in there would be completely out of character and "unreal".

gaminoz5568d ago

I'm still waiting for a block of time to play this game...have it sitting waiting. I loved Oblivion and the fact each city was so different in medieval style.

Those who loved the game will probably get the DLC but these days people seem to move on faster.

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Immortal Kaim5568d ago

The game is incredible. I only just started playing Fallout 3, and I'm completely lost in the scope and depth of the game. Looking forward to furthering my experience with the DLC. Awesome.

Godem5568d ago

Ill just wait for the GOTY edition to come out, i'll buy that.

XboxOZ3605568d ago

But there's 2 other lots of DLC to come in the not too distant future, so it's doubtful all those will be on any GOTY edition . . . If you wait a little while, the price will drop, but it's not that much now really, in the greater scheme of things.

I added up the cost in points what Ace Combat has cost me with extra planes, and packs, NOT including the online game modes which there are around 6 - 10 of btw. The $$ was huge, and when added to the original cost of the game, it popped it well above the $AU200 mark.

But . . . .it was worth it. All the planes could not have been put in the original game, the maps and modes could not have been made in time, and the slower introduction of the packs allowed the game to be played longer and more often than if it had all be placed in at the beginning.

One thing I'm NOT in favour of however is the need to have 25-40% of the achievements being only available for online play in one form or another. These should be the added 250 points on top of the 1000 points for a game, NOT 20-40% of the main game. There are many who simply do NOT want to play online.

These ppl are being penalized for that choice. Plus many of the packs will only play online, again, penalizing the single player. Almost as if they are trying to force gamers online.

darkmurder5568d ago

I love this DLC but its way too short, bring on some more though Bethesda!

XboxOZ3605568d ago

But what IS too short these days . . .really . .?

Most gamers, especially the "new-gamer" (those who've come into gaming on this generation and since 2005/6 or later 2007-9) don't even give a game any reasonable amount of time in the first place. So if a developer creates a main game with 50 hours, it will NEVER be played through, and a huge portion of its development $$ will have gone down the toilet.

Same goes with DLC . . . Sure, there ARE those who will give many games the time they do deserve, but by and large, they are in the minority. They are "usually" gamers that have grown up used to longer games and more details in the game play.

"New-Gamers" are into the quick fix, instant gratification and no patience. You only have to look at any retail stores return rates, even on excellent AAA titles. Many get returned within days of purchase, even if they have scored high with reviewers etc.

And most of those returning them are - your guessed it - "new-gamers".

SO, if you were a developer,knowing these facts, would you invest another 10-15$ on a whopper of a DLC pack, or add that extra 20 hours into the main game that added another $10mil into the over all costs, made the release time longer and thus cut down on possible profits . .

I'm sure you wouldn't really. Not if you have shareholders to account to every qtr. Shareholder that could pull their portfolios at the drop of a hat, leaving you with NO future game development possibilities.

If we all want to enjoy the games we have, and for the market to grow, we need to understand that the era of long game play has changed, and while some will give it to us in spades, many will not, and they will use DLC to extend the life of their games.

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Amazing Deals On Bethesda DLC Available Now On Xbox Live

Acclaimed add-ons for Bethesda classics Oblivion and Fallout 3 have become available at bargain bin prices on Xbox Live.

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Mad_Mack4326d ago

Can I be bothered to go back to Fallout 3....


MasterD9194326d ago

And of course Skyrim's Dawngaurd DLC isn't in the mix...

TrendyGamers4326d ago

Most people have all this DLC already.

KingOfArcadia4326d ago

Dang, got excited there for a second. Then I realized that I've already played through all the FO3 add-ons, I just bought the Oblivion GOTY edition yesterday, and Dawnguard last week.


Fallout DLC Discount for European PS3 Users

Bethesda announced today via the Bethblog that all Fallout 3 and New Vegas content packs would be going on sale for PS3 users from May 16 through May 30th. Both Fallout 3 and New Vegas add-ons will be discounted, unfortunately this deal is only for the European PlayStation Network.

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shadowwizard4382d ago


MrDead4382d ago

I love these games but they do drive me insane, save often or you could lose a lot of hard work when it crashes and it always does.

Broken Steel is by far the most broken of the DLC when I'm in the main courtyard of the steel works the game almost stutters to a halt.

A good tip, if your game starts to slow bring up your pipboy for a few seconds and it seems to sort out the problem, works better in New Vegas.

Suddenbrain4382d ago

Maybe I'm not disappointed that this isn't available in the US then. I haven't played any of the DLC yet but just assumed bugs would have been worked out by now. That's pretty sad if it is still broken.

Megaton4382d ago

Heard the DLC is unplayable on PS3.

MrDead4382d ago (Edited 4382d ago )

Only had big problems with Broken Steel save and reload if you have issues.

NastyLeftHook04382d ago

i played it. how is playing it unplayable? makes no sense to me.

Tru_Blu4382d ago

I got 100% on FO3. Great game but the main game is buggy as hell and the DLC is 10 times worse.

Megaton4382d ago

Yeah, I got a plat in F3, but I got YLoD before the DLC came out. Heard it was way more unstable than the main game, which was pretty bad itself.

colossi164382d ago

I remembered Europe already had a discount on Fallout dlc shortly after ps plus started. I would've purchased all the dlc and get 100% of the trophies. Too bad.


BOGO Free Fallout Games Sale

That’s right, buy one get one free used Fallout games at GoHastings. Get two titles from the Fallout series for the price of one when you use the special coupon code. You can choose from any of the latest Fallout Games for the Xbox 360, like Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 3 Game Add-On Pack: The Pitt and Operation: Anchorage. This Fallout BOGO sale won’t last for long, so hurry up and grab a couple of copies of everyone’s favorite post-apocalyptic shooter game.

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