
First details on Fallout 3: The Pitt

The first details on Fallout 3's second DLC pack, The Pitt, have arrived via the latest UK Official Xbox Magazine.

The Pitt takes place in Pittsburgh's steel-making industrial district, described by OXM as a "stunning dystopia that's unlike any other area in Fallout 3's world".

The Pitt consists of a large 'dungeon' area, an abandoned steel yard, as well as a settlement divided into two halves; Downtown, occupied by slaves, and Haven occupied by their masters.

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Megaton5557d ago

This one sounds interesting. I liked the Raiders, but there really isn't much to them. Closest thing to a compound they had in the main game was Evergreen Mills, and you never get to interact with them beyond shooting at eachother.

Nineball21125557d ago

And I have to admit... as a PS3 owner... I'm bummed that I can't get the DLC for this game.

You Xbox boys have fun though! Fallout 3 is awesome.

Megaton5557d ago

I just hope they release a GOTY Edition on the PS3 that includes all of the DLC, but I dunno what kind of agreement they have with Microsoft. That's about the best we could hope for.

Tempist5557d ago

Every DLC release makes the original game seem more and more incomplete. I keep wondering 'why couldn't this be included in the game?'

Silellak5557d ago

Come on man, seriously?

Just because they're adding MORE to the game does not make the original game incomplete. I probably spent more time playing Fallout 3 alone than I spent playing most other games COMBINED this year. I KNOW I sunk at least 50 hours into it.

It's a huge game - easily bigger than anything since, and including, Oblivion. Just because they're adding a few more places doesn't make the PS3 version any less complete. If you paid $60 for Fallout 3, you got your $60 worth, at least in amount of content - especially when comparing it to other games this gen that are asking for your $60 entry fee.

Bladestar5557d ago

Fallout 3 Game incomplete? wow... I never though I would actually see anyone saying that...

I mean if Fallout 3 which I spent more than 50 hours in the main game is "incomplete"... I wonder what people would call 99.9% of all the other games which range from 4-10 hours of gameplay... including big profile games like Gears, Halo 3, Heavenly sword, Metal Gear, etc...

Why do people quickly assume that DLC are stripped out of the game in order to sell separately?

Why can't they assume the obvious... that DLC is content that was written after the game completion or was just not part of the main game design?

Let me see if I get it..

* if no new content is ever release on a game and the developer stop supporting the game and focus on other projects.. then the game was complete.

* if developers like Bungie who are constantly supporting their games by releasing new maps.. than that means that they stripped it from the main game to sell it separate...

It never bothered me that a great game keep getting updates and keep me comming back as time goes buy...

I mean, you sony fans... if Kojima releases new Metal Gear Missions every 6 months because Sony pays him to... would you assume that that content was stripped out the game to sell later? Would you be upset and angry?

This content was never made... Microsoft paid them to keep bringing new content... and I hope they keep doing that.. I hope they do the same with halo wars, Mass Effect and other games that so much can be done with...

To be honest I rather keep getting DLC for games I know I love.. than to gamble with some new IP that may flop... or a game that many only offer me 4-10 hours of gameplay and never see it again.

from the beach5557d ago

It's incredible how much there is to do in the retail game alone, just exploring random buildings and stuff - for example there's a Raider stronghold in the abandoned bethesda offices, no reason to actually visit it but hours could be spent there exploring if you do. Same for the mill you mentioned above. It's one of those games that you can sink 50 hours into and still feel like you've just scratched the surface.. the DLCs are just extras.

ThanatosDMC5557d ago

I still think these DLCs should have been included with out game. I mean, remember that Tomb Raider news that they purposely cut off content from the retail disk so they can sell some DLC for extra money. How lame is that?!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5557d ago
PS360WII5557d ago

Oh yeah this is sounding like a fun one :) Now for it to come out already!

Syko5557d ago

You can see two of the scans from OXM here:


Nineball21125557d ago

That Auto Axe looks cool!

Thanks for the link! Nice scans...

Philip J Fry5557d ago

Thanks for the scans man. Bubbles up!

Syko5557d ago (Edited 5557d ago )

Man that argument is so F'ing tired. Seriously if all of this was in the original release it probably still wouldn't be released. They have to cut the game off at a certain point for testing, printing and distribution...So even if a large DLC pack is released a week after the game comes out it doesn't mean it could have easily been included in the game because the game was wrapped months prior for testing and release.

Seriously if you don't like DLC that's fine don't buy it, but all this whining this Gen about DLC grows tiresome.

Now if you wanna complain about DLC that unlocks something ALREADY on the disc. I will join in on the complain train. =)

5557d ago Replies(1)
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10 Expansions That Are Better Than The Main Game

NoobFeed Editor Joshua Burt writes - It is now a mainstay of gaming that post a title's release, and DLC will accompany the game. Some of the most popular games of the last fifteen years have followed this practice. But there are some DLCs that are better than others. That stands on the shoulders of their base game, and in some cases… Surpass it. These are the 10 expansions that were better than the main game.

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Dudeson681d ago

Damn, I feel stupid when years ago I played all the dlc for fallout 3 except the pitt. My younger ass looked at it and thought it was boring without trying I believe... Well good reason to fire up the old dusty ps3!

PhillyDillyDee681d ago

Bethesda usually does great DLC. Makes sense they are on the list 3 times.

generic-user-name681d ago

Solid list, I'd add inFamous: Festival of Blood, although it was a standalone download, it still felt like an inFamous 2 expansion.

Blood and Wine might be the best ever though.

SullysCigar681d ago

I'd also add in Horizon The Frozen Wilds. As I started it, I wasn't sure I had the energy, but my God that was awesome. Some of the best weapons, enemies and missions in Horizon for sure.

680d ago
RaidenBlack681d ago

Blood and Wine is always the reason these "best DLC of all time" list gets made in the first place nowadays.
Don't think CDPR can come any where near with any upcoming CP2077 DLC.

Silly Mammo681d ago

I have beaten Bloodborne but though i have the DLC I never played through it. For now I want to wait and see if it gets a Bluepoint remake.

anast681d ago

It's the best DLC in the genre. You are missing out.

SarwarRon681d ago

I double that. If you've liked Bloodborne, don't miss out The Old Hunters.

680d ago
MadLad681d ago

I skipped on Demons Souls remake, but Bloodborne would be day one. I love the game, but it is very, very jaggy and really needs a 60fps edition.

anast681d ago

I didn't like Blood and Wine too much, but the grandmaster gear is worth it.

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10 Video Games That Forced You To Answer Impossible Questions

"The video game equivalent of would-you-rather. "

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How Fallout Teaches You How to Move Out

Fallout is a rare game that deals with the real life process of moving in a realistic way. What can be learned about how you should move out on your own from how you play Fallout?

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RondoMachete3520d ago

I never thought of it like that.. Fallout 3 is still my best game ever,so wanting Fallout 4.

Omnisonne3519d ago

Personally I learned alot from Fallout, especially New Vegas' DLC

There are alot of hidden teachings and different perspectives in those games

Matt6663519d ago

Oh yea its fine considering on Fallout you don't have to pay for the following;

water bills,
gas bills,
electric bills,

I wouldn't really say it taught me to move out, but I would say it has taught me other stuff like how to barter etc