
Picross Goes 3D

Picross, the grid-filling logic puzzle that Nintendo first brought to the Game Boy in 1995, is officially taking the plunge into full 3D. Rittai Picross (Japanese for "Solid Body Picross," though this name will almost certainly change into something nicer-sounding for the US market) is coming out for the Nintendo DS March 12 in Japan for the bargain price of 3800 yen, and -- at the risk of sounding like a lazy PR man -- it's Picross like you've never quite seen it before.


A definitive guide to the Picross timeline

With the release of Picross S on the Switch, it's a great time to jump into the puzzle game series! But what about the lore? It's true, the deep, complex narrative of the Picross games can be a bit difficult to sort out, so [Michibiku is] here to help with this guide to the timeline of Jupiter's long-running franchise.

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X-Raying the Brain Training Trend

Warp Zoned writes:

"Since the beginning of time, mankind has found ways to stretch their brains. Some strive to become smarter, while others thrive on being stupid. History lessons aside, the video gaming industry has found a way to capitalize on this idea, and has fairly successfully encapsulated the trend that is “brain gaming” – gaming that totally makes you “smarter.”"

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Picross 3D Review - AllAboutTheGames

"With the DS currently snowed under with tedious movie licenced games, and the usual shovelware fodder that infests the release schedules, Picross 3D is a genuine slice of originality that should have you playing into the wee small hours. It’s a bit annoying that it’s taken so long to arrive, but it’s definitely worth picking up if you fancy something challenging and long-lasting to get you polishing the dust off your long-neglected DS."

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