
Killzone 2 demo disappoints, will the full game follow suit?

The demo of Killzone 2 is finally out and, while there are reviews already pouring out for this game, we figured that it was worth giving our own opinion on what we've played anyway. Quentyn from AnalogHype.com treads through his thoughts on the demo, with absolutely no fluff to get in the way.

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blackboyunltd5579d ago

and the ps3 will flop right after and so will god of flop 3!

Bathyj5579d ago

oooo look whose got nothing to play just like last year.

F*k off idiot.

pwnsause5579d ago

yea its going to disappoint, that's why the metacritic score is above 90...Stupid. Do yourself a favor and go masturbate to a blow up doll.

Helghast Slayer5579d ago

LOL the haters keep popping up with different names. How's this for a flop, killzone 2 is played almost every day by the people on my friends list and it's a pretty long list.

The xbrat extremists don't have a single AAA game worth playing for almost half this year and possibly the rest. Keep hoping KZ2 will fail and as for GOW3? well lets just say i expect a lot of 360 extremist to be found without a brain in their basements.

cryymoar5579d ago

bu bu but DLC..

/idiot xbot

So uh, whats everyone's PSN so we can play KZ2 at launch?

LeonSKennedy4Life5579d ago

You are full of win today. That was beautiful.

redsquad5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

If the concept of good games on ALL systems terrifies you into making such infantile statements then I feel sorry for you.
Seriously, your life must be so feeble and worthless to spend SO MUCH of your time rubbishing something you do not and never will own.

I mean LOOK AT YOU! Taking time out of your life to continually bleat the same banal rubbish over, and over, and over... It's like apes throwing their own excrement in a zoo.

Do you honestly believe that's the behavior of a 'normal person'? Do you think you're achieving something? Do you believe you have a 'great mission' and are some sort of champion of the gaming world?

You used to make me angry (I know, I should have known better), but now I just boggle at your childishness. Take a deep breath, step back and think about what you're doing - You MAY come to realize what an enormous fool you're making of yourself.

chewy3175579d ago

LOL! Fking Xbots are all celebrating now! Who the hell approved this article, this article is so full of fail, an article about the killzone 2 demo disappointing? DISAPPOINT WHO?? WHO IS DISSAPOINTED BY THE DEMO LOLOLOL

jlouis5578d ago

All xbox lovers wish that the games they can't own will flop. Because that just means that you bought the wrong console, and don't have the money to get the best.

Bits-N-Kibbles5578d ago

please take this ignorant child's bubbles

terrandragon5578d ago

I like how people automatically assume that it's a Xbot.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5578d ago
thebudgetgamer5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

tell that to the people that played that 7 minute demo 20 to 30 times already. me being one of them


edit:i know not everyone is not going to like things you like but i can respect people that bring viable points to their argument, and not just be angry and hateful.

below: once i shot a barrel it flew and hit on of the helghan right in the face

Cwalat5579d ago

i've been playing the demo for 200 times now.

wtf are they talking about, "not good" ?

in the warehouse.. kill all helghast without exploading a barrell..
before you finish the demo... go back down to the warehouse and have experiments with the barrels.

i once shot a larger barrell... it flew up like a rocket... circulated the area... came back on me from behind.. and i blew up to the top of the roof where the guy with the SG14 was standing...

i dont know bout you ppl, but i had a blast playing the demo

Trollimite5579d ago

WHO IN GODS NAME WAS DISSAPOINTED. i played the same demo 1000 times and it stll feels new this article is a shame

arika5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

i am a fan of fps games. i have played a lot of first person shooters namely: half life 1 & 2, cod 3 & 4 and fear 1 and when i played the demo(played it 50 times already) of killzone 2, it just blew every single fps game that i know out of the water. it took everything that is good on other shooters and added some original touches with cover system, great story and of course an absolutely stunning graphics engine that is unparalleled by any game on any console and you have a game that went above and beyond the hype and become the first game of the year contender as what most review sites have stated.

Kushan5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

I play a LOT of FPS games and I didn't think it was anything particularly special, either.
I know I'm going to get a million disagrees for even saying such a thing, but it's only my little opinion and nothing to get bent out of shape for.
It really didn't do anything for me, it was very short and I didn't see anything particularly revolutionary in there. Even the cover system has been done before in lesser games, but apart from that, it felt like yet ANOTHER FPS.
Looked good, though.

N4Sony5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

when it's pro-Sony.

Of course, this individual's opinion obviously has been influenced by Bill's bank account. It could be the only explaination for his dissapointment with the Killzone 2 demo. Now, I do disagree. I think the Killzone 2 demo is freaking amazing and truthfully I've played the demo around 10 full times. However, because this man doesn't like it as much as the rest of us, let's crucify him. Only on N4G. However, when he comes out and says that Halo Wars, or some 360 exclusive is garbage, he'll be carried through the halls of Sony headquarters by 80% of N4G on a golden Emperor's seat.

thebudgetgamer5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

at least you voiced reason and didnt just go for the killzone sucks or something stupid


Aaron Greenterd5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

Thank you for being such a loyal customer, and thank you for pretending that you have a PlayStation 3 so you can make yourself look like a gamer. You and I both know by the way you spend those MS points, there's no possible way you could afford a ps3, and even if you could, your emotional well-being depends on your Live activity and the belief that your system is the best. We all know that if this "yet ANOTHER FPS" was on the 360 your eyes would be red-ringing until the 27th.

By the way, here is the memo I sent to these guys regarding Killzone 2:


Kushan5579d ago


Thanks - I'm trying to be as diplomatic as possible there (I wouldn't say "Killzone 2 sucks" because a) I'm more tactful than that and b) I don't think it sucks at all, it just didn't WOW me as much as it did others), I'm glad someone appreciates it lol

sonarus5579d ago

There is no delay with the controls at least not on mine. I have heard the delay is limited to certain consoles...i have no idea. All i know is the demo i played had no delay. You can say it turns slow but turning slow DOES NOT mean delay

Kushan5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

"Thank you for being such a loyal customer, and thank you for pretending that you have a PlayStation 3 so you can make yourself look like a gamer. You and I both know by the way you spend those MS points, there's no possible way you could afford a ps3, and even if you could, your emotional well-being depends on your Live activity and the belief that your system is the best. We all know that if this "yet ANOTHER FPS" was on the 360 your eyes would be red-ringing until the 27th."

Hey Aaron, this is for you: http://i43.tinypic.com/2v2a...

(Ignore my piss poor handwriting).

What's that? A PS3? But I couldn't POSSIBLY own one! Hell I couldn't even afford one!
And yes that's Halo 3 sitting under LBP, I put it there for posterity.

Try again, Aaron, you utter Failure.

Oner5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

I know I am going to get no end of crap for this but here goes....

Video clearly showing the timed based delay issue

And another

And a perfect example of unwarranted re-adjustments @ 1:23 - 1:32 but specifically at 1:27-1:32

And a comparison to Resistance 2 on how much sharper the response time is

Sorry guys, but I am one of the people who clearly feel, see & notice the issue. I am not saying nor believe KZ2 sucks or is bad in any way shape or form, but the controls are not up to my standards and it detracts from the immersion/experience enough that I have to really re-think me picking up my already paid for in full pre-order and rent it to see if it is addressed or just in the demo build.

Please understand I am not a bot, I am not trying to crap on GG, Sony or anything else in that manner. I am 100% honestly bummed that the controls aren't accurate in it's implementation. I personally don't believe it is about the weight characteristic or it's mechanics (though I have to comment that why does the Handgun or Knife feel like the Rocket Launcher or a fully loaded Rifle?). Simply there is a timed based delay that affects the start point and the end point when you release; as if it starts 250ms later it will end 250ms later as well affecting all subsequent re-adjustments. The last thing about this I have to say is this would only be an improvement and would not change or hurt the game at all. It would just tighten up the response time when you input an action so the weight and feel will still be there thus the game will be the same but the re-action will be tighter.

I truly wish to enjoy this great title but if it's not fun to me then I cannot rightfully spend my money on it and will have to cash out my paid in full pre-order payment. Especially if it is still evident in the full retail version just as it has been proven in numerous videos of the demo already.....But again I have to stress and let it be known that I whole heartedly want the game to succeed in every way...even if without my enjoyment or contribution.

Edit: I have to add this

Earlier today I finished my 7th or 8th re-download of KZ2 (as suggested on the PS Forums) on my secondary PS3 (20gb) and this last download seems to have a better response time (weird I know)...so I might not have to cancel my fully paid pre-order just yet from GS. I will probably rent it to see first then if it is acceptable to me I'll pick up my copy. Which I really want to be able to do as I don't want to miss out on this game.

thebudgetgamer5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

what is that next to your ps3?

above i have personally not had the lag people are complaining about not saying you are wrong just never happened

edit: i see it now i was talking about the bob blu-ray at first glance i thought i was a piece of electronics but that's cause i am blind

255579d ago

the only thing that disappointed me in the demo is that it ended too quickly. I've had fun just shooting those gas canisters and died intentionally so that i could kill more higgs.

Kushan5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

thebudgetgamer: TO the left of the PS3 is the Band of Brother's Blu-ray box set, Under the PS3 is a SONY sound system for my 5.1 and to the right are a couple of games (Little big planet obviously and under that is Halo 3). I think that disk you see on the right is the first disk to the Matrix (DVD only, I'm afraid).
And underneith is the mass of cables that connects that stuff together with my 360, PC, printer and God knows what else.

EDIT: At Aaron below:

I'm being a "d!ick" about PS3 games? Now how did you come to that conclusion based on the fact that all I said was that Killzone 2 didn't "wow" me? I even stated that I didn't think it "sucked" or anything, just that it didn't do anything for me. Adding to that, I also stated that it was MY opinion and nothing more - would you rather I stated YOUR opinion as if it was my own? Would that make you feel better?
And yes - that IS Halo 3 sitting there and no, it's not the most amazing game ever. In fact, I've barely played the game's singleplayer and I only jump into the multiplayer maybe once every few months (right now I'm addicted to COD4 and 5) and you can check this yourself by looking at my profile - my gamertag is "neoKushan".
Other PS3 games I own - GT5: Prologue, Ratchett and Clank, Warhawk (With the headset), Resistence: FOM and Uncharted off the top of my head. The big exclusives, really. Oh and KZ2 is on preorder still.
Anything else?

Edit AGAIN: Right, so let me get this straight, you ask me questions to try and determine my motives and if I'm being genuine, then when I answer them apparently I'm being defensive? Ok then, I don't really see how that works, but whatever.
And I'm not trolling anything, all I ever post is a little fact and some opinion, which are clearly defined. Anything I've said about KZ2 has usually been along the lines of "so what if this magazine gave it x out of 10, they're not wrong, they just had a differing opinion". That's all this is - opinion, you're free to think KZ2 is the best game ever, I wont stop you, but the reality is that the best game ever for you might not be the best game ever for someone else.
The reason I've still got it on preorder is because although I don't necessarily think it's going to be the "best game ever", I do think it's going to be a decent game. As I said above, I play a lot of FPS games, but if I only played the FPS games that bettered all in their genre at the time, I'd have only played maybe 5 games this last decade.
And Halo wouldn't have been one of them.

There's a big big difference between not liking something and not thinking something is the best thing in the whole wide world.

Final edit: Do you know how many achievement points I have on Halo 3? 95. 95 out of 1750. Clearly, I do love Halo a lot.

Aaron Greenterd5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

I couldn't help but noticing Halo 3 in that picture.

Can Killzone 2 be a good game? Or is Halo 3 the most revolutionary FPS game evar?

Please stop trying to be Mr. Anti-hype, if you stop trying to be a d1ck about ps3 games maybe you can start to enjoy them.

What other ps3 games have you got?

Edit Getting awfully defensive Kushan, by the way you are reacting I would say I am right. Why do you feel the need to troll every KZ2 thread then? You've made your opinion heard, go back to Halo 3 and Live and tell yourself everything will be ok.

Why would someone preorder Killzone 2 if every chance they get they are downplaying it to anyone who will listen? If you don't like it, then don't buy it, cause in a month you will be here telling all who will listen how you had to trade KZ2 in because it wasn't all that.

EDIT # 2 Kushan: you have three (3) ps3 trophies, yet your Gamerscore is 11,047......yeah, you are the pinnacle of unbiased gaming. we should all see you for the unbiased, independant gamer that you are.

dude, i rest my freakin case. another stealth fanboy exposed.

Morgan Webb of Lies5579d ago

I think i was wrong about ps3 users needing anti-depressants.

i now believe that 360 users need them, because obviously they are having a hard time that KZ2 is only on ps3.

start medicating guys, it doesn't get any better from here on out.

Ldubbz5579d ago

Aaron you are a troll, and you need to go back under that bridge from which you came. Only a real loser would use that name and avatar, and then go and attack people that ARE VOICING OPINION! Kushan isnt some moron devoid of rational thought like yourself. You obviously lead a worthless existence.

Kushan, cheers to you and Oner for voicing your honest opinions without fanboyism. Its too bad that this site is full of 13-year old trolls that dont know how to read or write complete thoughts.

incogneato5579d ago

Agreed. Disappoints who exactly? Some queer trying to make a sensational headline so idiots on N4G will hit his site? Lol. Pathetic.

Aaron Greenterd5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

way to post and then give yourself agrees, as if anyone agrees with you.

i clearly exposed Kushan for the stealth 360 fanboy troll that he is. yes, i am a troll, but my intentions are clear.

when you only have 3 ps3 trophies, but your Gamerscore is in the tens of thousands, i find it hard to believe that you are unbiased, and it is very disingenuous that you are going to act like you are giving an honest opinion.

i would also point out that you are a troll just like i am, so why you are sitting on your high horse acting like you are better than me is simply preposterous. you hate me because you hate the ps3, plain and simple.

pixelsword5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

"...and I think my site is popular enough so I can whine and Sony'll see it, then I'll get one so I can review it early and seem important".

At any rate, read the article; the guy complains about the sluggishness of the controls, then he cranks them up to max sensitivity (what he said) and complained it was too fast for him. Anyone else see a very pointless reason for complaining?

Other than that, it's a pretty good article.

Gun weight adds strategy because guns actually have weight in real life. That's why there's often specialists on the battlefield: not every gun feels the same, has the same balance, recoil, etc. You can't just pick up any gun and just start firing; some guns have a caliber that'll make you knock yourself out with the gun if you don't know what you're doing, and some guns are heavy to the point that some people inexperienced with a weapon like that will hold it at waist-high or on a strap the whole time instead of firing from a proper standing position.

I dunno; I didn't see it as a bad thing myself, just an attention to detail; maybe i'll go and look at it again.

pixelsword5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

The demo of Killzone 2 is finally out and, while there are reviews already pouring out for this game, we figured that it was worth giving our own opinion on what we've played anyway. Quentyn from AnalogHype.com treads through his thoughts on the demo, with absolutely no fluff to get in the way. Please note: rumors and reports are stating that the demo version is not as close to the final build of the game as the version shown at CES 2009. With that in mind, check out the impressions after the jump!

So, I preordered Killzone 2 with just one thing in mind: the demo. I didn't want to go through the trouble of making a European account, and 5 dollars down on a game is very expendable and easily retractable. February 5th inched near and I hit the marketplace running. I downloaded the Killzone 2 demo in a record 10 minutes (which is amazing considering that it's taken me hours to download demos and certain game updates that noone is probably even accessing.) All of that aside, though, I fire up the demo and I'm ready to go.

You only have one difficulty option, the eqivalent to "Normal" in most games, and you are able to choose between a number of different control configurations and options. The default controls for Killzone 2 are a little awkward after playing your Call of Dutys, Resistance 2s, Socoms, etc, so I quickly changed the control scheme to Alt 2 to mimick the Call of Duty scheme more. so I take these controls into the game and they are very much adaptable right away. All of this is referring to th ergonomics, though. When it comes to the feel of the controls, however, it becomes a love it or hate it type thing. Guerilla Games introduces "weight": the idea that, heavy guns take time to maneuver. From the second I press a direction on my analog stick to the animation carrying out, there is a very noticeable delay.

Some will argue that this delay makes the game more realistic and sets itself apart from other FPSs that uses "twitch controls", but others will despise it. Personally, I think it's a piece of crap "feature" that really takes away from the intensity of the game and adds to the frustration. I understand how you could justify the heavy controls for aiming and moving, but there is a delay for nearly everything I do: including pulling the trigger. A friend suggested that I maximize the sensitivity of the controls, but all this accomplished was even more frustration as my line of sight zoomed right past my target in my attempt to line up the shot. Needless to say, I feel that this really cripples the game. Imagine trying to play multiplayer with such a control interface: how can this truly work without posing some very concerning problems?

Aside from all of that, though, the rest of the game holds up in its standards. The hit detection is amazing, the graphics are everything Sony and GG said they'd be, and the sounds are amazing. Killzone 2 presents a truly immersive experience and atmosphere that games in the current generation can only hope to match. Here's something to try: turn off all hints, crosshairs, On Screen Display items, and go in with nothing but the sight of your gun and the will to kill. It is one of the most exhilerating experiences you can find on consoles. The world is fully realized with textures that are as crisp as a fresh haircut and particle effects that could PROBABLY rival Hollywood.

The actual demo is rather short as I was able to complete it in just over 5 minutes. It did just what it was supposed to do, though: it made me want more. Killzone 2 is looking like THE milestone AAA title of the year, but seeing as how this is just a demo we cannot fully pass judgment on the game. If you're looking for a video game review, this is not it, but we just like to share with you guys when we think something is doper than dope itself. Look out for Killzone 2 on February 27th in the United States.

Kushan5579d ago

Ok then, I'll bite. How long has the 360 had achievements? Since Launch.
How long has the PS3 had trophies? Since July of last year.
How many of the games did I list that I own actually have Trophy support? I think LBP is the only one, the point is I've not went back to play the others much since I already finished them, so hell if I know if they have trophy support added later or not.
I also forgot that I owned Wipeout HD, thanks for reminding me (Long time Wipeout fan here).

Now what exactly is your point? That I play my 360 more than my PS3? Well...that's true. I do. I've had the 360 longer, I've got more games on it and it is my console of choice for multi-platforms purely since most of my friends own a 360 and not a PS3. What, do you think I should tell my own friends to go to hell just because I don't own as many games on my PS3 and could do with bolstering the collection a bit? I don't think it works like that. In the end, I don't see a lot of differences between the consoles to care which one the game is on, I've got both so it doesn't matter.

What about you? Do you own a 360? Do you have an equal sized gamerscore and trophy collection? Do you show absolutely no bias towards either? I don't think so.

Your original comment claimed that I wasn't a "real gamer", yet I own both consoles and have a good selection of the big exclusives on both (I'm missing Resistance 2 and SOCOM on the PS3 - last Christmas really wiped me out with so many games...oh and I don't own Haze, either...sorry), you've tried time and time again to try and prove this with tedious arguments and you've finally settled on "you've got a bigger gamerscore than you have trophies, clearly you're a troll!", do you not see how trivial your own argument is?
Is it so bad that someone...disagrees with you? Do you have trouble sleeping at night because of it? I sure as hell don't, it amuses me to no end that you've wasted your 3 bubbles trolling against me and failing miserably at it. Why not do yourself a failure and go back to bashing Microsoft, since you hate them so much?
Or are you going to create a new account called "Douchan"? That would make my day =)

pain777pas5579d ago

STFU already with this stuff. GEEEZ!!!!!!!!!!

GrandTheftZamboni5579d ago

As for the rifle kickback it doesn't happen instantaneously after pulling the trigger. It does in games, not when firing real weapon.

thebudgetgamer5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

for me the demo rocks.

for others not so much.

that's what matters to me


Tempist5579d ago

Control gripe aside, he had no problems. The headline is 100% misleading to what the author actually said. This is yet another case of 'Lets ride the killzone hype bandwaggon'

mal_tez925579d ago

This demo was incredible. While it was rather short, it is still one of the best game experiences I've ever had.

Realistically, I think I have sunk more hours into this demo than I have into GTAIV, (got bored of it in less than a week.) The "Restart last checkpoint" option is amazing, you can replay what you just did with no loading time at all. I play though the demo restarting each section 10 times before I go on and finally reach the finish.

My favourite gun is the Helghast assault rifle, followed by the ISA rifle, and I don't really like the single shot rifle. I do like popping heads with it but I prefer automatic weapons.

pswi605579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

dude give it up...Aaron owned you. LBP and Wipeout have like 70 trophies between the 2 of them, and I think you said you had Uncharted, which has 50 trophies. So out of 120 possible trophies, you have 3 from Wipeout (i wanted to see this for myself...fyi you get a trophy in Uncharted for finding one (1) treasure....one).

clearly you have no interest in the ps3 or its games, which disqualifies you from trying to have an unbiased discussion about anything related to the ps3.

it has nothing to do with whats been out longer, since you've had plenty of time to get trophies in the above games. seeing as how you don't care to, i would have to agree with Aarons interpretations of your agenda.

Aaron is the best troll on n4g for a reason, not just because he is funny, but because he can see thru people just like you. dont hate the player, hate the game.

ThanatosDMC5579d ago

I reported it as fake cuz he's own opinion is not being true to himself.

N4360G5579d ago

The Killzone 2 demo did everything but disappoint,Killzone 2 is only 17 days away,I can't wait!!

TheSadTruth5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

"I know I am going to get no end of crap for this but here goes....

Video clearly showing the timed based delay issue

And another

And a perfect example of unwarranted re-adjustments @ 1:23 - 1:32 but specifically at 1:27-1:32

And a comparison to Resistance 2 on how much sharper the response time is

Sorry guys, but I am one of the people who clearly feel, see & notice the issue. I am not saying nor believe KZ2 sucks or is bad in any way shape or form, but the controls are not up to my standards and it detracts from the immersion/experience enough that I have to really re-think me picking up my already paid for in full pre-order and rent it to see if it is addressed or just in the demo build.

Please understand I am not a bot, I am not trying to crap on GG, Sony or anything else in that manner. I am 100% honestly bummed that the controls aren't accurate in it's implementation. I personally don't believe it is about the weight characteristic or it's mechanics (though I have to comment that why does the Handgun or Knife feel like the Rocket Launcher or a fully loaded Rifle?). Simply there is a timed based delay that affects the start point and the end point when you release; as if it starts 250ms later it will end 250ms later as well affecting all subsequent re-adjustments. The last thing about this I have to say is this would only be an improvement and would not change or hurt the game at all. It would just tighten up the response time when you input an action so the weight and feel will still be there thus the game will be the same but the re-action will be tighter.

I truly wish to enjoy this great title but if it's not fun to me then I cannot rightfully spend my money on it and will have to cash out my paid in full pre-order payment. Especially if it is still evident in the full retail version just as it has been proven in numerous videos of the demo already.....But again I have to stress and let it be known that I whole heartedly want the game to succeed in every way...even if without my enjoyment or contribution.

Edit: I have to add this

Earlier today I finished my 7th or 8th re-download of KZ2 (as suggested on the PS Forums) on my secondary PS3 (20gb) and this last download seems to have a better response time (weird I know)...so I might not have to cancel my fully paid pre-order just yet from GS. I will probably rent it to see first then if it is acceptable to me I'll pick up my copy. Which I really want to be able to do as I don't want to miss out on this game.

I haven't played Killzone 2 or read much on it, but it's impossible that there are "isolated" cases of controller delay.

The answer is obvious, the players that post are not skilled or intelligent enough to notice the delay. One kid cites having played Half-Life 2 and Call of Duty, wow man, that's pretty hardcore, I think my little sister has played more first person shooters than you. Most of the PS3's userbase is NOT first person shooter fans so this would explain it. They aren't using to having precise controls with no delay like PC gamers are used to. I recall playing RFOM and thinking how gross (Almost as much as halo 2) the autoaim is but when I talked to other PS3 owners they said they didn't notice it.

Today's hardcore gamers are just casual gamers with too much free time on their hands.

They obviously spend more time posting on internet forums and flaming rival consoles than actually playing games.

motts5579d ago

Ya i played this demo so many times haha. I too switched my controls to an alternate to start, but realized that nothing beats the default setting once you adjust to the game. L2 really needs to grab cover, r1 is better for shooting on a ps3 than the trigger, and the R3 zoom is not a big deal. Because cover is so important you dont need to zoom in very fast like in most games.

No Way5579d ago

It's quite obvious why you got those disagrees for your first post. But, for the second with the picture showing you own a PS3, I don't understand why you got disagrees.. Lol. I guess that just goes to show people only believe what they wanna see.

@Aaron Greenterd - You lose. He proved you wrong, now move on in self pity. Go cry or cut yourself.. Or, something.

No Way5579d ago

You do realize that some people have other things to do, rather than play video games, right? And, get this.. Some people have to share their systems with other people, mainly family members. Not everyone has their systems down in their grandmas basement and get to play their PS3 24/7. I have no trophies for my account on PS3, so does that mean I can't voice my opinion about games? Dude, get the hell outta here..

AAACE55579d ago

Its a demo, so you know some may have issues with it. Don't let it change your decision to buy it.

Consoldtobots5579d ago

man these fanboys and their hate for anything PS3 is really getting annoying. They pull made up excuses out of their culo and think people wont call them on it. I need to post a video of me scoring ONE BULLET HEADSHOTS from my ASSAULT RIFLE followed by a nice "STFU FANBOYS" in bold letters at the end.

Capt CHAOS5579d ago

Kushan and Aaron announce marriage plans.

Lol, you guys are at each other. Bubbles to you Kushan, Aaron, get over it.

SL1M DADDY5578d ago

And then willing enough to write an article about is a complete idiot. Hope they read this 'cause they need to know that their words are good for one thing, printing off on paper and wiping one's rear with 'em.

Oner5578d ago

@ TheSadTruth ~ I totally agree. I myself am a prime example to use in this situation of how it is noticeable to someone with experience, and not just for gaming but with firearms as well...see I used to work in a local Gun Shop and have tried & used MANY different kinds of weapons ranging from a 4 inch super concealable .22 Magnum cartridge Revolver to semi automatic Shotguns and all the way up to fully automatic weapons like an M16 rifle fully decked out or even an M60 rifle in 7.62mm fashion.

Now my expertise in Gaming is not something to be laughed at either. I have been gaming for nearly 30 years, I am a more than capable and experienced FPS shooter having played in some CAL Tournaments in CS along with having run and moderated quite a few Servers as well. Now there are more games than just CS for the PC that I have played (some Unreal, AVP's, Combat Arms, Americas Army, Farcry, Half Life and other Steam titles & etc.) but you get the point. I have also played many different console titles over the years including the Halo line, Gears, COD, MGS, Uncharted, Some Splinter Cell, Some Ghost Recon, Some Socom, Golden Eye N64 & Perfect Dark and many, many more.

Basically almost anything ranging from old school arcades to home consoles like the Vectrex on thru the PS3 and PC gaming. PLUS I have been moderating/cultivating the console section of a huge Tech Site for over 7 years now. I am an educated man (not a child) and business owner in the field of Computer Repair who can express himself clearly and not just with flames or insults. So for those who may question me believe me when I say there is SOMETHING of concern going on that needs to be looked at or adjusted. It is not about downing KZ2, GG or even Sony for that matter as I am a DEFINITIVE Sony supporter and have ALL the proof I can provide to those who would say other wise.

Look people, all that I am saying along with the many others in the Official Sony Forums and everywhere else around the net is that there is proof showing the issue and can it be adjusted. It will not affect the weight characteristic as it seems to be localized to a timed based issue that when you do X action it takes X time to start to do so. Just as the videos I posted earlier clearly show. That specifically is unrealistic, not anything about the weight or anything else trying to make this game a "twitch shooter". Which by the way is an improper term as a Console game can NEVER be a twitch shooter because of controller limitations anyone who has played any Unreal on the PC will and can attest to that. So those who claim COD4 is a twitch shooter on the 360 or PS3 are sorely mistaken and goes to show their misunderstanding of the situation.

But anyway back on topic...I want to make something abundantly clear. I am not trying to argue or imply KZ2 does not deserve all of it's accolades or crap on it's amazing gameplay in it's design, AI, graphics or anything like that. Simply there are people out there who have a valid point with proof to support their findings. Whereas those who say they don't have the issue haven't shown anything to show otherwise...and when they do or have done so their video has been shown to have the same issue explained.

As I said before though, let it be known that I whole heartedly want the game to succeed in every way...even if without my enjoyment or contribution. Sucks for me I know, but that is not to say I want GG or Sony to fail. Lastly I would like to ask if you are going to flame or cannot hold a proper conversation for discussion please refrain from posting insults or whatever at me or who ever. It's not going to do anything other than show ones immaturity and derail the topic. Thank You.

Doppy5578d ago

It was too short, and more like a tutorial, but the majority of the people liked it just, because they got a taste of the game. This game is going to sell regardless.

madpuppy5578d ago

That is a great series and I really need to grab a copy of the series.

Homicide5578d ago

I played the demo twice and deleted it. I'm sorry, but the demo was very disappointing.

xwabbit5578d ago (Edited 5578d ago )

Lol what i loved most of this thread wasn't the article, it was the discussion of Aron and kushan Lol

Btw Homicide your in the club of fan boys with pimp614, whythis and agent vx

Groo5578d ago

i've played the demo myself about 15 times lol. i must admit though, the first time the controls did feel wierd to me and it took me a little bit to get use to them and adjust, but after i got a feel for them i like it! I can't wait for this game!!!!!

madpuppy5578d ago

So was the demo for Uncharted: drakes fortune when I played it, Now, it is one of my favorite games.

+ Show (42) more repliesLast reply 5578d ago
cayal5579d ago

This is going to end well...

blackboyunltd5579d ago

killzone 2 will disapoint like everything else in the playstation world

Aclay5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

"killzone 2 will disapoint like everything else in the playstation world "

LOL, Judging by Killzone 2's initial reviews, it's FAR from disappointing. ;)

BkaY5579d ago

straight to the ignore list.... good job...

redsquad5579d ago

Only because your mindset is predisposed to that opinion - You've repeated your own brainwashing mantra for so long that you believe it.
You're only kidding yourself you know, chum!

madpuppy5578d ago

for commenting on a Sony news article that has nothing to do with a 360 troll.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5578d ago
Ps_alm3k5579d ago (Edited 5579d ago )

will it disappoint your mom????
just a question......

edit: if you were being sarcastic....then sorry..
my mom thought killzone 2 look nice
but do who care??? right???

ogwilson5579d ago

Seriously? Was that the best you could do?

MicroSony4Life5579d ago

Dude do you know how stupid you sound.

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PlayStation 3 Games That Desperately Need a PS5 Remaster

The PlayStation 3 may not have been the strongest generation for Sony, but there were still some diamonds in the rough that deserve a revisit as PS5 remasters.

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OtterX74d ago (Edited 74d ago )

Even if they could just remaster and put on PSVR2, some would still look great as VR titles and could do a whole lot to bolster the headset w these exclusives! I'd imagine the investment of reworking these titles into VR would be way less than building new games from the ground up, and they could be amazing experiences, and VR often makes flat games feel fresh again. The Resistance and Killzone games are particularly what I want to see!!

Rude-ro74d ago

I played killzone 3 in 3d and it really changed the game per being immersive.
In vr, that would be even more awesome.

darthv7274d ago

Funny you mention that... my son wanted to play some PS3 games in 3d on my PS tv and he was blown away by how good KZ3 was. It really was a great addition to the game. Im surprised there have not been more 3d games from that era being ported to the PSVR/VR2.

_SilverHawk_74d ago

resistance 1-3, killzone 1-3, uncharted 1-3, uncharted golden abyss, folklore, socom 4 , motorstorm, twisted metal, MAG, heavenly sword

Cacabunga74d ago

Killzone 2+3
Sly Thieves in Time
Crack in Time
God of War Ascension
Modnation racer
Infamous 1+2

Profchaos74d ago (Edited 74d ago )

Killzone trilogy in VR would be amazing bonus points if they offer shadow fall.

There was a psvr1 Killzone project that supermassive was working on at one stage which wasn't up to scratch and Sony brand it back in house I was hoping we would see that on psvr2 eventually.

Personally I'd love to see some more love or acknowledgement of psvr2 from Sony in general it was a expensive headset and Sony barely acknowledge it's existence

seanpitt2374d ago

The amount of work needed to remaster these games wouldn't be beneficial on a financial and business sense.. MGS4 would probably be the best bet as it would need the least amount of work!

Iceball200074d ago

YEAAASSSSS! I miss this franchise and wanna play it so bad again.

Father__Merrin74d ago

The time is perfect for a resistance fall of man game campaign coop multiplayer

InUrFoxHole74d ago

The resistance series is str8 trash to me. Socom 3 I would welcome. Or killzone MP.

Marcus Fenix74d ago

A Resistance reboot will be awesome

Michiel198974d ago

That's what Bungie should make, Ill keep saying it until it happens

1Victor74d ago (Edited 74d ago )

Resistance was ok but Warhawk and Starhawk was better and kept me coming back for almost a decade of fun and petty revenge on the loud mouth unskilled players 🤣
Edit I loved capture the flag dropping the pot on the flag carrier was extremely satisfying as well as transforming your plane in bot form and stumping them to death 😱

74d ago
Michiel198974d ago

Resistance was the best co-op fps I ever played after L4D2

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20 Years of Guerrilla: The Story of a PlayStation Studio

The Amsterdam-based studio reflects on its humble beginnings, beloved franchises, and growth through the years.

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SullysCigar378d ago

Up there with the top tier in the industry. Love Guerrilla Games - Horizon Burning Shores is simply STUNNING.

1Victor378d ago

Can’t wait for their next franchise

SullysCigar378d ago

Same. They nailed it with Horizon. The trouble is I also want a new Killzone! Can't I just have it all?!

jznrpg378d ago

I’m with you I want Horizon 3 , Killzone and new IPs

badz149378d ago

I have yet to play Burning Shores as I just started Forbidden West (bought at launch, just unwrapped last weekend LOL) and playing on PS5.

man...I still can't believe the graphics especially now I'm playing it on my LG OLED. that graphics and with stable performance backing it up, GG really is the master of their craft!

Vengeance1138378d ago

32.7M sales in the Horizon franchise! With 8.4M coming from Forbidden West alone! Truly a hugely successful game and franchise as a whole. Looking forward to Horizon III

Shane Kim378d ago

That's kind of a huge drop though. It's only been two games.

VersusDMC378d ago

One year after realease HZD sold 7.6 million.


So not a drop off.

Unless you're saying a HFW should have sold as much now as HZD sold in 5 years?

Vengeance1138378d ago

It's been 3 games, this includes Call of the Mountain. Also no, its a great improvement over HZD.

solideagle378d ago

lol you are comparing:

HZD: 28 February 2017 - May 2023 (6 years+)

HFW: 18 February 2022 - May 2023 (1 year+)

We will see if it surpass original number.

Phoenix76378d ago

@shane, 2 full main games, 2 DLC add ons, 1 VR spin off game, oh and a an official LEGO set.
Not too bad for an ip that's only been on market for 6 years

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 378d ago
REDGUM378d ago

Wow, very impressive. I didn't know the numbers were so high for Forbidden West. Still playing through it myself

thesoftware730378d ago (Edited 378d ago )

Yooo, when I first saw that Killzone 1 footage at E3, my friends my brothers and I were like, Holy shit! When it came out, it didn't look exactly like it, but we sunk so many hours into 1 & 2.

I even liked Killzone: SF, it was a spectacle to look at, and even today it looks good. I hope they make a new one. Can you imagine how that will look, and they can get some modern FPS pointers from Bungie.

blacktiger378d ago

thank you fps lover, I'm with you

talocaca378d ago

Such a wonderful studio. They deserve all their success.

The Decima Engine is absolute 🔥 I'm just mad they have abandoned Killzone.

OzzY-waZZy378d ago (Edited 378d ago )

Kinda wish they move on from Horizon tbh.

potatoseal378d ago

They are probably working on mutiple projects. One of them is Horizon 3, but another is a multiplaer game and probably somehting else.

Imalwaysright378d ago

There were rumours that they were working on a Socom reboot.

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Top 20 Best PlayStation 3 Games (20-11)

Alex DS. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "Is the PlayStation 3 retro? This is a surprisingly hard question to answer as the system definitely has the age to be considered retro, having launched in 2006, over 15 years ago now. But with it being home to so many massive games, many of which still hold up today and in fact were released for the PlayStation 4 when that console was released, make the PS3 a retro console that doesn’t feel retro."

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shinoff2183750d ago

No ps3 is not retro. I dont even consider ps2 era retro. All imo.

shinoff2183750d ago

Typically, the term retro is given to items which are at least 20 years old (but not yet 40 years old).

Quick google search

badz149750d ago

No the PS3 is not yet a retro console. But if you're gonna put 1 game from a series in this list, then LBP2 should be there instead of the original, Motorstorm PR is also an overall better game than the 1st game and to put Tools of Destruction over A Crack in Time is a blasphemy when ACiT is the best game in the series.