
411mania: F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Preview

411mania writes: ".E.A.R. 2: Project Origin has to be one of the most awaited games of 2009. But thankfully we don't have to wait too much for it since it will be out in a couple of weeks. After spending some time with the Playstation 3 demo I can't wait for it to be released."

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[Retrospective] For Better And For Worse: ‘F.E.A.R. 2’ Turns 10

Inspired by the J-Horror craze going on at the time, Monolith’s F.E.A.R. was a solid action fest of a shooter that entertained as much as it terrified. Bloody Disgusting goes back to see Alma ten years on from the launch of the sequel.

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FanboysKiller1931d ago

Great franchise, needs a port to consoles.

Fist4achin1931d ago

I liked the first FEAR better. 2 was ok.

AK911931d ago

This game honestly killed all my interest in the franchise, I loved 1 and its expansions (even though they're technically non-canon now) but the sequel was such a let down.


Editorial: Will There EVER Be Another F.E.A.R.?

First-Person Shooters are a dime a dozen nowadays and it’s a struggle to really find one that stands out and separates itself from the genre. This can be a double-edged sword, as a FPS that brings something new to the table can often unintentionally have that new thing staying at the table forever. But what if that game managed to capture a concept so well that not even its successors could manage to tap into its perfect blend of creative design? Let’s say they decided to mix genres: ones that had been mixed before, but managed to do something that hadn’t been done before. Could it be possible that a studio managed to make a sort of lightning in a bottle for FPS’s, something so good that there may not be anything quite like it for over a decade after it came out? Well, that DID happen, and that game’s name was F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon.

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NerveGearneeded3283d ago

its been almost exactly 4 years since F.3.A.R. its a great series that needs a comeback.

LOL_WUT3283d ago

The first one still holds up well to this day. Hope to see another one on current gen ;)


GOG Brings Warner Bros. Games to its Library, Offers Early Bird Sale

Hardcore Gamer: GOG has made its name as the place to go for DRM-free gaming. Now, the company has added a number of games from the Warner Bros. Interactive library to its lineup of available games.

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