
Gamespot: The House of the Dead: Overkill Updated Hands-On

Gamespot writes:

"We know what you're thinking. The second you read the title of this story you considered moving on to another page, or even shutting down your browser altogether, right? Another House of the Dead game? How could that be interesting to anyone? We hear you, but trust us when we say that despite some similarities to previous series entries, Sega's upcoming The House of the Dead: Overkill is a fun-filled retro reboot of the long-running zombie-blasting series that looks to be one of the early highlights on the Wii in 2009. And if you don't believe us, you can just $&@# our &#*@."

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VR vs. 10 Franchises SEGA Would Be Crazy Not To Bring To VR – Part 2

Guns, girls, cars and dreams in week two of the SEGA list.

Auron2677d ago (Edited 2677d ago )

House of the deads, Panzer dragoons, space harrier, virtua on/Cop and shoot even shenmue.

Featuring_Dante2677d ago

House of the Dead needs to comeback!
Its now or never!

bouzebbal2677d ago

VR is the perfect platform for every rail shooter. From House of the Dead to Virtua Cop or even Time Crisis, Silent Scope..
They can also bring their racing franchises back, like Scud Race, Daytona, Sega Rally, Crazy Taxi, 18 Wheeler..
So many hidden treasures just waiting to be brought back.


The Typing of the Dead: OVERKILL Bundle Launches on Steam

SEGA Europe Ltd. have announced that The Typing of the Dead: OVERKILL has launched exclusively for PC Digital Download just in time for Halloween. Available now, the original The House of the Dead: OVERKILL is also included in the package.

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CustardTrout3868d ago

Seriously? I just bought the original for £7... Literally like 2 minutes ago


The 50 Best Nintendo Wii Games - Part Three

SuperPhillip Central writes, "We've already had two weeks totaling twenty unique Wii titles that are the best the system has to offer. We continue our look back at the Wii's library with ten more games spanning various genres and franchises like Donkey Kong, Kirby, Final Fantasy, and Resident Evil. It is my hope that with this list of fifty that the mindset of the Wii having a weak library is, well, weakened. It's a console with an overwhelming amount of variety and mass diversification within its collection of games. Let us see what the next ten highlights of the Wii's library are."

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omarzy4255d ago (Edited 4255d ago )

No Twilight Princess or The Last Story love so far for any lists????