
Exclusive FEAR 2 HD gameplay blowout

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has kindly supplied VideoGamer.com with a selection of exclusive F.E.A.R. 2 gameplay videos, featuring a host of the game's weapons and slow motion action sequences.

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Cheboury5583d ago

Here it goes... I guess I will have to get used to the fact that not everything can end up looking like KZ2 but this stuff is mediocre at best.

These physics or ragdoll effects were impressive about 3 years ago but now they look downright pityful! Not by the least stretch of anybody's imagination has the team of F.E.A.R put any focus on anything that this game stands for. It is basically an exercise in regurgitation, same density, color and smell.

Lord Xire5583d ago

Not every developer can spend $60million and spend 5years to create a game that is in critical need to a system that needs saving and recognition among the consumers that plagued its last generation console...

Shane Kim5583d ago

The only thing I found good about this game is the nail gun, but since you can have one of those in KZ2 as well this game is a nono. The graphics were awful and everything just looked wired and lame. I didn't feel the weapons at all. Was like seeing a bottle of ketchup where the ketchup slowly is pouring out.

Blademask5583d ago (Edited 5583d ago )

I've never seen a developer do what Monolith has done, they asked the community why fear1 sucked, we told them, and they went out of their way to tell us and SHOW us what they have changed. Much like the same idiots that pretend GG is going to remake KZ1 over again with a new coat of paint, the same idiots are pretending that just because Fear1 wasn't widely viewed as a great game, they developers will take no feedback, and make the same game again. Especially if the FPS Standards are HALO3 & COD. Fear2's demo tops both of those easily with its Single Player alone, and the game will have MP.

Pretending Fear2 is underwhelming is retarded, yea the graphics suck compared to KZ2, but come on guys. Its a multiplat. But being a multiplat, it performs very very well. Dont just go "ive seen ragdoll physics better in other games" Because that doesn't make/break a game. You dont play a game just for the physics set. You play it for the entire package, and I think thats where fear2 will/has already shown it will stand on its own. Its like the guy who said MGS4 has terrible bottle breaking, as if that tarnishes the rest of the game.

Why you need to TRY Fear2.

1. Story/Atmosphere

Fear1/2 Plays out like a horror/action movie. Its never just a lose story around objectives. its Warner Brothers folks, they spent some time with this. The sound design around the game in surround is very creepy. It reminds me of Socom(sound)

2. Cover System

Fear2 allows players to knock over anything that they can, tables, vending machines, trashcans. All in first person, its as natural as just walking up and hitting a button, and crouching. No sticking to cover as some rigid system like Uncharted, KillSwitch, or Gears.

3. Graphics

Fear2's demo has honestly illustrated some lush very detailed graphics. The amount of detail is insane, not so much ... polygon level of just a TON of objects. But everything in the games world looks very realistic with individual textures. A book shelf has different books with different titles.. A projector has a name brand on it.. small details like this are overlooked by games that just throw a generic texture over everything, and call it a day. Realworld miscellaneous items are just strewn all over the sets, as you would find in life. Cups/papers/paintings/staplers mugs,telephones. Its just very very detailed, as soon as you guys get the demo, you will see exactly what I mean as far as the detail goes. Take a second, look around. Little Kids paintings in the classroom heh. And its all rendered with a very nice COD4-style Blur. Everything feels good. Monolith has surpassed COD4/5 (which isn't hard to do, but if thats a 'bar' fear2 hops over it easily)

4. Gameplay

Fear2 combines a slow-down max payne style function to aid you when the odds are tough, med kits are rationed out to you. The game is still your standard FPS, but the AI dynamic makes playing the game different every single play. Ai is very advanced, as was the AI of Fear1. More advanced than COD4/Halo/Gears. AI will listen for you, and look for you. If your flashlight is on, you get a MGS style "A flashlight!", if you knock over a glass, or knock over a trashcan "what was that? Go check it out!". Your health is low, you get a "Hes hurt, move up!" The Ai doesn't do your standard pop in and out of the same place, they go all around to take pot shots at you, and they will flank you IF they can. You can see them working in Rainbow6 style attack patterns to where one guy moves up, others stay behind. You literally can't just aim at the same place, knowing the AI will pop up there again.(If played on Hard). You panic in the game, and thats what Fear relies on, because during the combat with the soldiers you totally forget the horror part of the game until you are running down a hallway, and all the doors slam and someTHING throws a desk across the level. Oh yeah, and theres a Mech suit & the game has Multiplayer.

Its the closest to KZ2 anyone without a PS3 is going to get, and its like playing in a Haunted House hehe.


"the gun is nowhere near as detailed, the blur effects that he claim Killzone 2 overuses is actually being overused in FEAR 2"

Would have to agree there, but.. its not killin me as an issue heh.

chaosatom5583d ago

Seriously, wait till the week before Christmas, oh wait, i mean Killzone2 before posting videos.

I mean you're seriously high on that video. :)

Sarcasm5583d ago (Edited 5583d ago )

I played the FEAR 2 demo, and it's actually quite a good game. Definitely not an average FPS.

However, Tordavis is smoking f'in crack that he thinks the graphics are anywhere near Killzone 2. The gun is nowhere near as detailed, the blur effects that he claim Killzone 2 overuses is actually being overused in FEAR 2. And the particle effects and destructibility is good at best, not amazing.

Tordavis, do us all a favor and stop calling people "Stupid F'cks." Because you're the biggest one for making that stupid claim "KILLZONE 2 Can be done on the 360!!!"

Cheboury5583d ago

60 million Euros and 5 years of development is not the issue here, you know what is?

The Conduit for the Wii. It's about creativity and adding that extra layer of detail that nobody really cares about.

I not denying that KZ2 is an unfair comparison but what really made it stand out are the finer details that would go unnoticed but add another dimension to the game.

Kleptic5583d ago

blademask...I agree on some levels...

i just played through the demo on my PS3...and I loved FEAR 1...it had some of the best atmosphere of any shooter to date...but I was one of the few that enjoyed the fact that everything was tight spaces...no real large outdoor sections...

reviews and other players complained about that, I know...and that always surprised me...but whatever...

the mech in the new game doesn't cut it for me...and sadly, I am guessing that its going to be a pretty utilized mechanic...the game loses its atmosphere 100% when you get outside..it feels generic at that point...

the indoor sections where enjoyable again though...similarly great AI (still arguably the best of a shooter yet, although the second half of killzone 2 is said to be 'superb' also)...great Alma touches...great sound...but it kind of ends there imo...

visually...i don't know...particles are great, lighting average (fecking flashlight STILL isn't a real light...I hate that, I want dynamic shadows created with it...in a dark game, just brightening the center of the screen worked in 2005, and its cheesy now)...and textures are accpetable...but where FEAR 1's muted color pallet heightened the gloom and eeriness of the game...FEAR 2 gives a more cartoony look...which is frustrating...its kind of hard to get sucked in and scared when your enemies glow with neon hues because of your 'new' face mask...and each indoor battle (save the ghosts in the hospital room) had lots of neon bar lights and things...

its cartoony in a Resistance 2 or halo kind of way...as in not realistic...at all...that works in the former games mentioned, but not in a game that is trying to terrify you...there isn't one aspect of the graphics that are bad really...its just all the changes together are not very drastic from the first game...and the overall new art style direction seems to go in the wrong direction for me personally...

gameplay wise..its still FEAR...and its still awesome...the guns feel kind of dinky on their own...but annihilating other soldiers is just as fun as it was 3 years ago...the rag dolls are a bit dated, but the new blood and chunking effects incorporated into them still makes it more than acceptable...splitting a guy in half with a shotgun is as fun as it ever was...and the new deformation effects in slo mo with grenades (or I should say more pronounced, as they were there in the first game) are great...and makes explosions and things feel a lot more powerful...

its a rental for me at this point...not because of the game itself, but just that it does absolutely nothing to counter killzone 2 for my play time...i'll rent it and enjoy the single player...but the multiplayer will probably be equally as weak as FEAR 1...but maybe i'll be surprised, who knows...

CaseyRyback_CPO5583d ago (Edited 5583d ago )

1.8 "the mech in the new game doesn't cut it for me...and sadly, I am guessing that its going to be a pretty utilized mechanic...the game loses its atmosphere 100% when you get outside..it feels generic at that point..."

You don't need to use the mech at that part of the demo. You can also get out and go on foot, its easier to do it with the Mechs, but just saying. The developer have also already stated that there are limited mech sections because they didn't want to overuse the mechanic due to the exact reasons you just mentioned. I think it needs to be pointed out how the Flashlight works at a spooky sensor in the game. When the bad stuff happens, the light starts flickering out just like the movies, which is sure to bring some interesting DOOM dynamics in the gameplay.

The mech was a highly desired feature from the first game, its why they added it for parts.

I think toon shading when I see "Cartoony", but seeing as how you were in a childrens school for the first part of the demo, it was chalk full of color. And the shaders weren't even in the ballpark of Halo3. Wood looked like wood, tile looked like tile, plastic was plastic(trash bins). When you went outside, it went brown. I dont think thats a fair assessment of the game at all. R2/Halo3 textures were flat and lifeless in parts. Not sure Fear2 will suffer from that.

My 2 cents say give the games demo a shot. I think its worth it, blademask might just be a diehard fan though.

Kleptic5583d ago (Edited 5583d ago )

great post...

I should have clarified...the 'cartoony' label was in terms of art direction imo...not in terms of the actual tech...yes I agree, Fear 2 has superior lighting, shading, and texture detail to both those games...I was just talking about how this game has A LOT more color than the first one (and lack of color is something people always whine about...and it drives me crazy...)...and that that color definitely doesn't help with the overall eeriness of the game...the first one was far more subtle in this regard...and the demo at least seems more forced...its very hard to explain what I mean...the first game tight roped the action/creepy parts very carefully...and in the end it was nearly flawless...a lot of details went into how it came across for me...1 of which was very muted colors, but with extremely bright muzzle flashes and explosions/particle effects...so far, I haven't seen anything like that in FEAR 2...

and that is from watching all the available videos too...I understand that the first game is in a children's school/hospital (it is a hospital towards the end right?...there was like operating tables everywhere I thought)...but the fact that enemies glow now (what is that about?)...making them easier to spot (definitely doesn't help with immersion)...and that I have seen the brighter more colorful areas in many more areas than just this opener...for example...why does the nail gun now shoot neon blue nails?...the first game it was nothing like that, just a metal spike...but now the guy has glow sticks pinning him to the wall?...whatever...

again...I am not trashing the game...I loved the first one...and will definitely play this one...I am just commenting on how some of the changes for FEAR 2 don't appeal to me as much...but I also realize that I was in the minority of people that enjoyed the 'negative' parts of FEAR 1...monolith did what they had to...they addressed the stuff that most fans complained about...just pointing out that I was not one of those fans complaining about those things...

also...I did not know you could skip the mech...as it simply said, 'get in'...so I did...if it isn't in the game that much...that would be a good thing...its sad to think that MGS4 had a similar sequence for about 5 minutes...and pulled it off far better than FEAR 2, which has that thing available in multiplayer...also, how are you to defeat the other mechs without your own?...if you just went on foot, can grenades and regular gun fire take the other mechs down pretty easily or something?...not to mention that you fight an identical mech at the end of that sequence, but the demo ends abruptly right there...

again not attacking the game...I still like it a lot so far...just surprised thats all...

dude_uk5583d ago

has everybody forgoten that KZ2 development started after the release of KZ: Liberation?

Gosh ignorant people!

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Teabag5583d ago

I think that this is going to have a very hard time against Killzone 2 (I think FEAR 2 comes out about two weeks earlier).

Graphically it will be slaughtered, it looks like a mock-up video rather than an almost finished game. It is a bit unfair to compare to Killzone 2, but that is the comparison that will happen.

But who knows how the gameplay will be? It could be great. For some reason it really reminds me of Timesplitters.

Still the sales must surely suffer.

Apocwhen5583d ago

This is a multi-platform game. KZ2 is exclusive to PS3 only. The 1st FEAR was huge on PC and with it also being available on the 360 I don't think sales will suffer at all.

Blademask5583d ago

You guys are missing out on a decent game, sales dont matter at all as long as the games bases are covered.

Apocwhen5583d ago (Edited 5583d ago )

That's true blademask, but I can't think of any popular FPS coming to the market in the next couple of weeks to compete with it (other than the obvious KZ2 for the PS3 only). The 360 and PC have a large FPS fanbase so there's a good chance they'll pick it up.

Anyway, I'll be picking this up along with KZ2 when it's released but that's because I loved the original on PC. Can't understand why this is getting compared to KZ2 though, they are two very different FPS games. FEAR is a Horror FPS and KZ2 is not.

Sarcasm5583d ago

I agree with Blademask that FEAR 2 is going to be an excellent game. But it might just be crumbled down because there isn't really any big hype for the game. Right now on most PS3 fanboys heads is Killzone 2. And you cant blame them for that, Killzone 2 is just too beautiful to miss.

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DeZimatoR5583d ago

Where did you pull 5 years of dev time and 50$M from? Your ass?

KZ: Liberation was released late 2005 and the 'target render' trailer had been shown some months before. Do you really think they were working on Killzone 2 before that? I think not.

So if I'm not mistakened - late 2005/early 2006 to early 09 is ~3 years. Not 5 like you said.

As for the 50$M budget, I don't know where you heard about it. Latest time a figure was mentioned, they said 20$M.

Fishy Fingers5583d ago (Edited 5583d ago )

It was over $30 million a year or so ago. I imagine $50 million isn't to far off. Not to bad when you consider the tech development as well as producing a game.

For reference: GTA4 had a $100m budget.

Kleptic5583d ago

it was never said to be $20 million...it was confirmed to be 'more than 22 million USD'...the only reason that got brought up was because it then became the most expensive entertainment endeavor in douche history...the entire thing was printed in a Dutch Newspaper in early 2007 iirc...

Guerrilla games as a studio went from roughly 50 employees for Killzone 1 and most of liberation...to 134 in house employees by early 2007...art direction and conceptual design began for killzone 2 just months after killzone 1 shipped in 2004...a separate in house team did liberation, which then merged over for killzone 2 when it completed...

motherh confirmed just last week that he had been working on killzone 2 since late 2004, which will put him at nearly 4.5 years...but that a few devs have been on it longer...this was all in his 'ask the dev' thread that was linked on N4G last week...

but yeah...many analyst reports the game being upwards of $50 million before ANY marketing is factored in...that that was a contractual budget for development only...not only for the 134 employees (which is most likely higher now, that again was in 2007) but the contract employees working on the title from other companies within SCE...this of course has never been confirmed, as GG and Sony both dodge that question to the public every time it is presented...which makes sense...Sony wants other developers to see killzone 2 and think 'we could do that'...and they don't want a 'you can do this if you have 50 million laying around' hanging over its head...its not surprising that the budget it is in the dark overall...

but I guarantee you...killzone 2 is NOT a $20 million dollar game...the amount of polish the game has makes it clear very quickly that it took a MASSIVE amount of time and money to create it...it might not be $60 million like some argue when its all said and done...but I would put money on it being more than $40 million...

Fishy Fingers5583d ago

Getting this for the PC, loved the first one. Might not wow you on the graphical front but the for atmosphere and story not many other FPS games can compete. I find it far more spooky than any Resident Evil/Silent Hill type game. Looking forward to it.

Blademask5583d ago



Marceles5583d ago (Edited 5583d ago )

For everyone that skipped over the first FEAR but has played Dead Space, this game is way scarier. I still don't think Dead Space is scary at all, I'm picking up Fear 2. Probably on the PC since it has the usual multiplat-but-ultimately-bette r-on-PC graphics, but the gameplay is great and I love the atmosphere. The AI on hard is also amazing and I like how you can flip over objects so you can use it for cover.

Fishy Fingers5583d ago (Edited 5583d ago )

Ha, well thats so true. I knew loads of people who turned their nose up, I pushed them to give it a try and they pretty much all really liked it (except the chickens). Sadly it seems a game can only generate hype now if it looks like God handled the graphics.

AngryHippo5583d ago

....it doesn't live up to Killzone 2 standards in terms of graphics lol. People saying its rubbish and will not pick the title up because of this are out of their mind.

The original FEAR had some of the best A.I seen in a game at that time and the creepy atmosphere in the game was second to none. If people keep having this attitude that if its not up to Killzone 2 standards graphically, it'll be rubbish, then i'm sorry but you will have a very limited multiplatform selection of games, and these multiplatform games can be fantastic AAA games.

Marceles5583d ago

...the reason why I think alot of idiots have hated on the PS3 for so long is just because of the fact that Killzone 2 has set high standards on graphics. When the PS3 first launched, we saw a few demos of multiplatform games and then everyone saw the E3 trailer of KZ2. Sony gave their $600 price point and people were mad, but then they though "ok...if every game looks like Killzone 2 then it might almost be worth it". Then Resistance came out and everyone thought "this looks NOTHING like Killzone..FLOP", and so the hate began.

Now that Killzone is finally coming out, we can't keep flopping third party games just because of the graphics. If we start doing that then the only game you'll be playing is Killzone, and then waiting for God of War 3 to come out. FEAR's AI, atmosphere, and gameplay are superb and have yet to be outdone on an FPS...try the damn game out people. If you don't like it then basically you're too spoiled, it's as simple as that because it's a very good game.

For people getting mad at MS for heavily advertising multiplatform games, but then laughing at FEAR for not looking like Killzone...with that attitude I don't know how you can be upset in the first place because it sounds like you don't want any games at all. Yes the game is coming on PS3, but for people who aren't graphic whores and are actually interested in the game...you should start caring.

Kleptic5583d ago

^^ I agree...if a person lets Killzone 2 become the standard, in which he won't accept anything with less graphical awesomeness...he may not be buying another shooter until the new consoles show up...while killzone 2 may get a same gen sequel or spin off using a slightly updated version of the same engine...that may be unlikely with confirmed reports of the game getting a lot of DLC over the next few years...with killzone 3 likely to become a launch title for the next Playstation(and what that will look like makes my head hurt)...

there probably will be better looking games than killzone 2 before this generation is said and done...but not drastically better, and probably not shooters...the engine gets so many details perfect that it will be very tough to top...

but that doesn't change the fact that there will be other fantastic, yet graphically inferior games coming out...FEAR 2 is one of them...it by no means can hold a candle to killzone 2...but don't judge it because of that...as NO other shooter on consoles can hold a candle to it...killzone 2 hands down tops Crysis is some major areas...no console game does that...period...so at least judge other titles on gameplay...as going up against killzone 2 visually will never end well for the next few years...

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The Koalition’s Scariest Video Games of All Time

Stephanie Burdo from The Koalition writes:

"With Halloween just around the corner, TheKoalition.com has decided to list some horror games which petrified us the most.

Please note that this list is in no particular order. Each selection has been made by individual writers who found their respective choice their most terrifying experience in gaming."

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DarkOcelet3112d ago

I mostly agree with those except with Alan Wake, it wasnt scary at all.

But a great list overall.

UltraNova3112d ago

I've played all games on the list. Alan wakes was intense at certain moments not scary. Fatal Frame; I was quite young then it got me scared shit less(damn camera). The evil within was ok but Resident evil scared me more back in the day (maybe its because I got older, dont know).

As for PT? ok...I advice people NOT to use surround headsets whie playing this...Jesus... I could hear her moan behind me right on top of my ear at times and I could for the life of me turn around...mind f***

But my god does Alien Isolation raise my heart beat. When you're being chased by the xenomorph and you know you are totally defenseless against it can scare the bejesus out of you, things get worse when you realize that running for it when you encounter the beast makes things worse, yeah...

That said Silent hill 2 was scary as shit as well, especially when the Pyramid head chased you...

KurtRussell3111d ago

My first playthrough of Alan Wake was without HUD so the first couple hours was kinda kinda scary, occasionally being lost in the woods chased by possesed rednecks.
Alien Isolation was really intense and i'd say it's the scariest game overall i played. Sadly i haven't played PT since im PC only, but watched the first 15min online and it looks sick.
But the scariest moments for me were wandering at night in STALKER games, scarier than all the smeared guts on the walls and closet monsters of Evil Within and Dead Space. It has such an oppressive atmosphere that no game comes close, and that's whats missing in most horror games. Looks like a tough one to successfully pull off.
Real shame such games are so rare, out of hundreds i played only few were scary.

UltraNova3111d ago

Hmm i need to play STALKER...

As for scary games not being that scary anymore \I thing its that we've seen it all and nothing surprises us anymore...

Now Alien Iso was scary not because it had the new thing, it was a cat and mouse chase on a spaceship again but the devs played with the sound in such a way that they breathed new life to a tired concept (cat and mouse).

Remember that time early in the game after that guy got impaled by the Xenomorph? Now from there we walked in the transit area and called the transit... smoke filled the dark area and a heart-pounding music started while we waited for the train car. Tell me that cant scare the bejusus out of anyone! I was literally waiting to get dismembered by the xenomorph while hiding like crazy! INTENSE. And that was just the start of the game!

Thats ^^^ what we need more of!

DualWielding3111d ago

only game that has really scared me is Fatal Frame 2