
Nidzumi: Flower Preview: Glorified Tech Demo?

Nidzumi writes: "A couple of years ago we saw the peaceful underwater plaything known as fl0w make it's debut on the Playstation Network. It was less of a game and more of toy that allowed players to just chill out. With it being more of a non-game the truth is we'll never seen a straight follow up to fl0w, nor do we really want a fl0w 2. Luckily, That Game Company are taking that same premise and putting a very different twist on it.

TGC are well known for their odd and artsy back-stories as previously seen in the indie gem known as Cloud and that same artistic prowess is visible in flower. Each level is designed to represent a flower's dream as it sits on a window sill in a high rise apartment suite. You control a petal (or the wind depending on your perspective) through fields by manipulating the Sixaxis controller. You guide the petal into other flowers to pick up more petals and to trigger an explosion of colour."

grantps35600d ago

thats sort of what linger in shadows was like...it was stupid, but i did like the trophies


The best calming games to play while you’re quarantined

KnowTechie writes: Looking for some games to play that are meant to be a relaxing experience? We've got you covered with 10 games worth checking out.

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BootHammer1517d ago

This is greatly appreciated right now. Gotta fight this cabin fever ;b

brando0081515d ago

Great recommendations, I love all the games listed that I've played so far. Going a bit stir-crazy with the constant WFH during this time. Thanks!!


8 Games Perfect for Embracing Spring & Shaking Off Your Winter Chill

Nelia writes: "Spring is nearly here and to celebrate we've put together a list of some of the best Springtime video games for the upcoming season."

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Review - Flower (PC) | WayTooManyGames

WTMG's Leo Faria: "Flower is a gorgeous, well-crafted and relaxing game, but I have to say, I don’t get the massive love towards it. Its “story”, if you can call it that, is far from deep and thought-provoking as some say it is, its duration is borderline insulting for its asking price, and it just doesn’t motivate you to replay it after you’re done with its half a dozen levels. Sadly, Flower isn’t as meaty as it should be. A fair point in a way, given it’s a game about plants…"

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