
PlayStation auto-play patent shows a feature to skip grindy sections of games

Sony is apparently experimenting with an AI tool that will play the game for you when you are grinding away. A PlayStation patent for “auto-play” mode would simulate your gameplay style in certain environments and apply them to skip that section completely. This technology would likely be built directly into the cloud-based PlayStation Network and be a new feature that subscribers would have access to.

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Christopher12d ago

Hah! Either will never happen or publishers will charge you to use this AI. This concept would only exacerbate the problem we already have with GaaS.

gold_drake12d ago

doesnt that concept already exist tho?

buy dlc to get a ahead in games? money, weapon and exp dlc come to mind but yeh. one more thing for them.to potentially charge for.

Christopher12d ago

Usually, for GaaS/Seasonal games, you'll have to perform actions to earn specific in-game currency to buy things for events. Then they sell the currency with real cash or a third-currency to then buy the in-game currency items (it's honestly truly bloated to hide that they're cheating you out of money). With this, they'll just give you items if you do something 50 times or the like and then charge you to have the game play it for you. It's better, right? No currency shenanigans, just play the game and we reward you! But, the truth is they'll inflate the amount of times you have to play through content just to get the same thing.

TallDarknWavy11d ago

I can't remember the name of the developer but they said that if you need fast travel or pay to win schemes in order to not play the game then your game sucks and I completely agree.

Cacabunga11d ago

A funny one i remember is RDR2 some players bought gold bars with real money to get the high bounty license in RDO and they could use it for nothing because they need to grind like morons to get the bounty wagon which is a must for catching more than one bounty.. people were complaining to R* it was hilarious

TheKingKratos11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

I don't get how anyone would use it ... I mean if i don't myself grind to get what i want in the game and simply skip all that and just keeps upgrading my level to the point of becoming a walking tank... What's the point of playing at all if i am not going to work for it and learn along the way ?!

Christopher11d ago

You are not like a very good portion of gamers who are influenced by FOMO (fear of missing out).

11d ago
jambola11d ago

Why not just remove the Grindy part?

I hope it's not an excuse to make them worse, but optional if you pay

mandf11d ago

The Grundy part is how they pad and fill out games. Reviewer would complain nothing to do or game to short

Eonjay11d ago

This IGN blogger mode will allow 'reviewers' to play games like rest of us.
I will never forget watching GamingBolts spoiler video for Horizon FW and realizing they never played it. Made me wonder if they play games at all.

Skuletor11d ago

As if most modern games don't hold your hand enough already.

jambola11d ago

Spiderman 2 reminding me how to swing 12 hours in

Christopher11d ago

I'm playing Kingdoms of Amalur again and the Fate mode reminder every time my fate bar is full is extremely annoying and takes up so much space on the screen.

Profchaos11d ago

Reminds me of those 24 hours races in gran Turismo 4 having your PlayStation play for you.

But realistically if you have to use any of these for Grundy games there's a bigger underlying problem of the game not respecting your time in the first place.

Grind for game length is a real problem in my view

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No Man's Sky Is Easily One Of Gaming's Greatest Comeback Stories

Despite No Man Sky's rocky launch, Hello Games managed to turn it into one of the best space exploration RPGs out there.

-Foxtrot1h ago

I hate the whole concept of "comeback story" because at the end of the day it doesn't remove the core issue we had in the first place, that we were lied to, it was disappointing and it launched with bare content to what was promised for years.

Any bad game can have a comeback story if it's supported enough after launch but for me if you launch in a terrible state then you had your chance. I can applaud you for what you've done after but at the end of the day there's not much of a choice since most gamers would blank your next product if you ditched your last game so fast, it's not about repairing the game but spending your time repairing gamers trust before you launch your next product otherwise it would be dead on arrival.

With these stories and the games being updated, the only way is up most of the time so of course it's going to improve the game and feel better over all, getting better and better as time passes. No Mans Sky, Sea of Thieves, Fallout 76 etc but then you have games like Anthem, Suicide Squad, Redfall and The Avengers where the devs just clearly moved on, now if they have another product people won't be as exited for it, I mean hell Guardians of the Galaxy was a great game but because of the Avengers it didn't help its sales since people were obviously still sour at that point.

I still think despite the improvements to games like No Mans Sky and Cyberpunk along with being better now overall the games are still not up there to what was promised and hyped as for years.

If we keep celebrating these “comeback stories” then unfortunately it only strongly supports the concept that these studios / publishers can continue to push half arsed broken products out for the sake of quick sales instead of waiting until they are fully finished. We need to condemn this awful behaviour or sadly we lose all voice and power as consumers.

thorstein57m ago

I really enjoyed it at launch and had every trophy by August 2016.

The experience I had is no longer in the game: It was just me and my ship. It was a survival game and the feeling of loneliness in the universe was pervasive. There was no way to ruin too far from your ship and, in an emergency, you grenaded a hole in the ground to survive.

I miss that aspect, but since then, I love what they've done.


Leaked Marvel's Wolverine PS5 Test Gameplay Features Opening Cutscene, Boss Fights, Rage and More

A ton of leaked Marvel's Wolverine PS5 test gameplay have surfaced showcasing boss fights, Rage Mode, wall running, combat and more.

PrinceOfAnger1d 4h ago

Are you sure this is not the leaked pc ver?

thorstein1d 2h ago

Scumbag journalists who post leaked gameplay for internet points are as bad as the leakers.

You can choose not to be a scumbag.

senorfartcushion30m ago

Oh shit up, you didn't make the game.

CrimsonWing6912m ago

Am I crazy for being glad they showed this? Like, I’ve been wanting to see something for a long time. They actually do some journalism and we hate them for it?

thorstein4m ago

Hate them for giving leakers a platform.

I want to see more too. But that's up to Insomniac.

purple10112h ago(Edited 12h ago)

Insomniac: “have you got a good tv, with HDR”

Player: “no”

Insomniac: “your screwed”


The Holy Gosh Darn: Ozan Drøsdal Talks Dialogue Skipping Mechanics And Why He Hates The Word Quirky

Ozan Drøsdal tells TheGamer about The Holy Gosh Darn, the final part of the Tuesday Trilogy.

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