
Beloved Strategem Still Broken as Helldivers 2 Players Plead to Devs

Some Helldivers 2 players are frustrated with some content still being broken, so read this article to see what that is all about.

TwoPicklesGood14d ago

Some?? Try all. Mechs are bugged, many weapons are useless including the newly renewed ones, stratagems are bugged or weak, we still get stuck in the terrain with no way out, and the list goes on. Good game but they need to fix the issues before doing anything else.

jznrpg13d ago

Love the game hate the bugs. The worst for me is difficulty reverted on me so I can’t play past hard 5 and it won’t unlock again. Friend invites are spotty. Need a rejoin mission button for when you get booted (seems to happen at night more often than the day time) Fell through the world once. Got stuck a couple times on destroyed ships, on rocks a couple times stuff like that. There are other issues but those are the ones that bothered me the most without getting into weapons and strats. It all adds up. It’s not every mission besides the difficulty issue but it’s a bit frustrating. They have something special but the bugs are hurting it.

I want the difficulty one fixed right away and the friend invite as well. If they keep adding new stuff and with it comes new issues they may end up with so many issues they can potentially ruin the game.I can live without new anything for some time (however long it takes really) if they fix the major issues first.

jznrpg13d ago

I just re-unlocked level difficulty 6 after doing the 3 missions again today. Scared to try level 7 I might just keep it this way until I know I won’t have an issue and farm super samples I need. 7 is better farm wise but I’m fine with running 6 instead for the time being

repsahj12d ago (Edited 12d ago )

I agree with the rejoin mission button for random party missions and friend invites! friend invites are fine during early patches!!!

cell98912d ago

This games fun outweighs the "bugs" I can live with that. I know day by day the devs will iron them out, on the mean time, back to dumping some Liber-tea on that bug planet

repsahj12d ago

I 100% agree, my only problem really is Friend invite error. Many of my friends just recently bought it.


New Helldivers 2 Warbond brings trap-laying weaponry, arctic-themed armor, and more May 9

Polar Patriots also comes packed with new emotes, capes, and sidearms.

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Over half of Helldivers 2 sales have been on PC in the US

Already the 7th highest grossing Sony published game in history.

Helldivers 2 is already a bigger success in the US than Horizon and The Last of Us.

2h agoReplies(1)
Jeb1XB1h ago

PC is the future - and is Sonys future.

Babadook718m ago(Edited 14m ago)

It’s a part of it maybe. PS players had other (bigger) choices IE FF7R

Jeb1XB13m ago(Edited 12m ago)

But… FF7R underperformed too. So if PS players weren’t buying that OR Helldivers… what were they buying?

thorstein1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

2 platforms. Almost half on PC. Then where would the other half be?

Author thinks that the game would be as successful without PS5 sales? Really?

The game is played by and enjoyed by players on both platforms. The matchmaking is great. Why try to make a divide over some silly metric like "sales on a specific platform?"

Jeb1XB1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Over half are on PC, not almost half.

So yes, it would be successful without PS5

northpaws21m ago

It wouldn't even exists if not because of PS5.

Jeb1XB18m ago

How so? Helldivers existed before the PS5 did.

VersusDMC48m ago

Don't know why people keep saying this is the proof of every PS game is coming to PC day 1 as it's an anomaly as all the other PS games on PC sell significantly less. Live service games day 1 on PC is what's happening from now on and i believe was already confirmed.

But i was surprised that ghost of tsushima was in the top sellers list just below spider man and god of war games. I didn't know it sold more than horizon and last of us in the US. Go sucker punch.

Jeb1XB26m ago

If they release the other games day 1, they will sell more.

VersusDMC1m ago

And they will still sell that amount on PC a year or 2 after the Playstation release.

Kekewei24m ago(Edited 21m ago)

Multiplatform trend goes both ways. Games like Diablo, Baldur's Gate which used to be primarily designed for keyboard and mouse, are now selling pretty well on consoles too, I don't hear people saying console is eating up pc.

neutralgamer199215m ago

We are all gamers regardless of the platform. Instead of dividing ourselves we should stay as one community so that greedy publishers can’t take advantage of us


Some Players Proposed a Controversial Take on Recent Helldivers 2 Nerfs

With all the rage concerning recent nerfs in Helldivers 2, one player proposed a contraverial take.

Magatsuhi9h ago

I totally agree with the reddit user. I stopped playing the game because the weapons I enjoyed using basically rendered me useless against bile titans and I don't have fun using the 'meta' because I don't enjoy being a conformist.

It's not fun when I want to use the arc Blitzer and then getting completely outclassed by a sickle user. I found myself constantly on the run using certain weapons and being more of a burden to my team than a helpful asset. Balancing just killed the fun for me. Hopefully the weapon customizations make everything viable and not just certain weapons.

Make the ems strike great again!

Elit3Nick4h ago

Umm, they just buffed the Blitzer and nerfed the Sickle

Magatsuhi4h ago

Obviously I'm speaking pre patch. The point still stands, bringing a stalwart renders you useless against heavies and same with laser Canon. You are forced to play a certain way at higher difficulty and to deny this is to deny reality.

jznrpg4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Changes are going to continue happening. Some buffs some nerds. Eventually they will find the right balance but it takes time. Sickle had a lot of mags taken away but if you use it right it doesn’t matter that much until get to level 7+ and then it sucks !

Haven’t used Blitzer since patch I’ll have to see how much better it is