
Rise of the Ronin review -  brutally stylish combat is let down by bloated exploration | Video Gamer

Most open-world games suffer from oversaturation and needless bloat in the form of maps bursting with endless clusters of objective markers, and Rise of the Ronin is entirely guilty of this. While the open-world objectives become cumbersome, the undeniably stylish combat and gameplay do a lot of legwork to smooth over the bloating issues.

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badz14982d ago

I didn't see they complain about the non-existent story in Zelda and Mario games. But when it comes to others, the story must be top notch and excellent or they will deduct points. Typical!

Levii_9282d ago

Oh for godsake would you stop. So embarrassing.

badz14982d ago

there's nothing embarrassing about pointing out the obvious double standard in reviews! if they want to be taken seriously, they should start with being consistent.

SyntheticForm82d ago

I'm glad reviewers are starting to crack down on bloat.

Also, copious map markers with explained objectives/activities really take away any sense of adventure and wonder, turning games into banal to-do lists. Games are so much more fulfilling and interesting without them.

anast82d ago

Too bad they won't crack down on live service elements and microtransactions.

purple10182d ago

Playing ghost of tushima at the moment, it get this right,

They have a map with “undiscovered locations” so you know you should visit, but don’t find out what’s there, until you arrive.

Juiceid82d ago

A developer builds a gameplay mechanism of “A”. And also includes “B”. When one game does a lot of “A” and less of “B”, people bitch. Then another game comes along and does more of ”B” and people bitch. There’s no winning, people are never happy. As long as whatever mechanic you’re complaining about is optional then enjoy everything else.

Einhander197282d ago

This site gave Redfall a barely functional rushed out game a 70 (average was 50) that needed a sticker on the box to warn people the promised 60 fps mode wouldn't be in the game and wouldn't be released for nearly six months later.

I spent way too much time looking at their reviews on Metacritic for this gen and they have over 10 points higher than the average for Microsoft games and a 10 lower than average for Sony exclusives.

I haven't played this game yet, but I am certain it's better than Redfall.

I feel like this all fits an unfortunate pattern.

spicelicka82d ago (Edited 82d ago )

But they gave Spiderman 2 10/10 and Forza horizon 5 an 8/10 even though Forza horizon 5 is higher on meta. Anyone can do this.

You spent way too much time cherry-picking data to justify your fanboy outrage. It's embarrassing dude, if you don't agree just say it and move on. It doesn't mean the game sucks. You're literally on a website that has a much higher ratio of Sony fans.

Einhander197282d ago

"You spent way too much time cherry-picking data to justify your fanboy outrage."

Actually you didn't spend enough time looking, I went through nearly every release on both platforms to get a feel for how they rated games in general. I feel like I made that clear in my comment.

Ironmike82d ago

Exactly it's cos it's a sony consoles exclusive the excuses start coming out cos it's not getting the scores they want

Ironmike82d ago

Now u just being stupid there's a least 6 or sites giving 6s and others 7s some 8 some nine it's mixed bag are all those other sites giving it a 6 xbox biased as well

spicelicka82d ago

You said yourself you spent way too much time, not you're saying you didn't spend enough time lol.

They would not give Spiderman 2 a 10/10 if your conspiracy accusation was true, way to ignore that. You know EXACTLY what you're doing. Your brain can't comprehend that an exclusive from your beloved piece of plastic got a low rating so you frantically investigated the website to cherry pick some point to make yourself feel better. We all do this to a certain extent for things we're fans of, you just went way overboard and it doesn't look as pretty as you think.

I'll say it as an owner of both consoles, this game looks good and I'll buy it when the price drops a little. People just need to stop with the outrage.


Rise of the Ronin Releases Big New Update

The latest update for Rise of the Ronin brings huge changes to the game by introducing new content, adjusting the gameplay, and fixing bugs.

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ZeekQuattro20d ago

Gotta get back to this. I took a break for a while.

H919d ago

I started this yesterday, it's like Ghost of Tsushima but with a actually fun combat, I don't like the Assassin's Creed world design in both tbh

EnViiDisnuCCa19d ago

Ain't nothing like ghost of tsushima rise of the ronin is way different from ghost

H919d ago

Same open world design which is the biggest chunk of the game, the biggest difference are the combats which is great and the souls style interconnected dungeons

Elda19d ago

I just beat the game & it does remind me of Ghost Of Tsushima. It has some Ghost Of Tsushima influences, though Rise OF The Ronin is its own game.

notachance19d ago

I had a blast with it, AC style open-world with Nioh gameplay, and the combat was way easier than their past title so you can actually chill while playing it and not raging all over the open world.

Demetrius19d ago

I tried getting into this but it felt way too much like a souls game, it felt like fromsoftware made it, it would be nice if most devs knew they don't have to copy souls game for success, cause most of every game that copies them I rarely hear about those titles again and people I've talked to rarely know about em, but they know of darksouls, elden ring, can't beat the originals, not saying ronin a bad game I'm just not into souls like games I like for devs to be creative and copy less, it's so many ideas games could use nowadays

Einhander197218d ago (Edited 18d ago )

"I tried getting into this but it felt way too much like a souls game."

You can change the difficulty and make it more like a hack and slash. It doesn't need to be a stressful playthrough.

Psychonaut8518d ago

Good to see them continuing to support it, good game but definitely needed some love.


Team Ninja: How Ninja Gaiden and Nioh connect to Rise of the Ronin

Many of you who have already played Rise of the Ronin may have noticed some elements of our previous works such as Ninja Gaiden and Nioh from Team Ninja. Today we’re excited to share some of the behind-the-scenes development stories for the first time. Plus we share details on an upcoming game update.

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purple10120d ago

not a good title FPS RUSSIA. should have gone with: "new content added'. ... or something like that

try : 'New and expanded content 5 new Ally Missions added. + Addition of dojo training partners"


Lol thats the title of the article by playstation blog what are you talking about ?


Read the article it has nothing to do with what you said

purple10120d ago

I literally copied and pasted that from the bottom of the article

DEEBO20d ago

The new update is so good...


Rise of the Ronin—A History of Music With Composer Inon Zur

CGMagazine had the opportunity to speak about the soundtrack of Rise of the Ronin, Starfield and more with composer Inon Zur.

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