
Deviation Games shuts down

Los Angeles-based developer Deviation Games has closed down, the studio announced.

95d ago Replies(1)
XiNatsuDragnel95d ago

Unfortunate ngl I hope deviation makes another studio.

RaidenBlack95d ago

Deviation was reportedly “over 100 strong” in 2021 when it signed the deal with Sony. At the time of its announcement, the studio told GamesIndustry.biz that its PlayStation deal ensured “complete financial security for years and years to come”. ~ via VGC
They didn't even get the chance to release their debut project, an original IP which was set to be exclusive to PlayStation platforms. Likely FPS, which PS portfolio severely lacks.

MrBaskerville95d ago (Edited 95d ago )

It really does feel like Sony is scaling down on their live service plans. Also think that's why 2024 i fairly barren firstpartyvise.

Not that this particular studio is first party.

Bathyj95d ago

I bet you Jade Redmond is shitting herself.

94d ago
execution1794d ago

🤔 thought she formed Haven Studios

Sonic188194d ago (Edited 94d ago )

I thought she formed and work at Havens Studios? I didn't know she worked for Deviation games as well. Deviation games was in trouble when Jason Blundell the co-founder left the company. So I'm not to surprised this happen

-Foxtrot94d ago

They should have never bought Haven

They hadn’t even produced anything

I do hope they get a chance as a single player studio if their GaaS title fails

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 94d ago
Profchaos95d ago

Live and vr it's clearly taken a hit after London studios

ocelot0795d ago

I hope so. There is a place for Live Service games. Helldivers 2 is a perfect example as is Destiny 2. However, Sony don't need loads of them. They now have 2 good ones. Add another 1 or 2 to cover the next 3-5 years. At the same time focus on single player experiences.

Lightning7794d ago

Studio shut downs and more job lost Sony even promised them financial security and didn't even pan out. Yet you hope the games cancelled? If there's ever a death of the industry is because of fanboys like yourself. Let's pretend Sony is perfect and not at all at fault. Deviants gone (not even their studio), London is gone and MM was almost on the choppin block also barely scraped by. Let that sink in.

But your reasoning is selfish. Too many LS. That's not what I want so this is a pro consumer move in your book right? Again ppl like you will kill this industry nobody else.

ocelot0794d ago


Yup, Absolutely people like me ruin the industry. You know Sony take my word and do as I say. It's my fault deviation is now no more because someone over at Sony read a comment online that I don't like Live service games. So they decided to close them because of my comment.

I'll learn from my selfish mistakes. Tell you what because I'm a nasty pasty because I don't like LS titles. To make things right and help the industry grow ill stop buying games altogether and what I'll do then is pay £6 per month and play some day one titles for little to no money. As well as older titles with my subscription.

Then if any new games don't release on that subscription. I'll just illegally download them on my pc. Yer I'll do that it will help the industry grow.

So to recap. Me disliking live services games and having 0% sway on what Sony do = I'm killing the industry.

Me stop buying new releases and buying a sub for the cost of a pizza per month and illegally downloading games on pc witch is something I could (I don't) do as well as many others can do. But nah total won't kill the industry.

Massive /s

Ironmike94d ago

Destiny 2 is dead being dying for few yrs

Lightning7794d ago

What does you have anything to do with buying a subscription to play games? What does have anything to anything I said?

You said I hope so. Which is weird because this news confirms they shut down.

You're only ok with it because this isn't a Sony owned Studio. Nvm jobs lost and another game canned as long as it's about what you want and clearing and justifying it since Sony is involved. A independent studio being shut down due to Corporate meddling is what this is. Another game and studio gone, but it's OK because Sony already has too many LS as is, (in development) no harm done in another one being gone is what you're saying. Even if the studio stayed and released their game You don't have to buy it you know that right? It's not your type of game which is fine It's a preference. My issue with you is, you're just OK with the studio going under because it's was a LS (a game you dont want) and it's ok because you simply want SP games from Sony and all actions are justified here. Forget jobs lost and studio gone and IP being canned. This is good news to you.

ocelot0794d ago


There you go again claiming I said this that and I mean this and that. My OG comment in reply to MrBaskViller. Who said this looks like Sony is is scaling back on live service plans.

I simply said I hope so lol. Not once did I say I I'm happy to see a studio close. I simply said I rather Sony focus on what they have done for 30 years. I'm not a fan of LS games.

If me not liking LS games and wishing for single player games offends you then I really don't care.

As for subscription comment. It was just a way to point out how much poo you are typing. You are accusing me of killing the gaming business because I prefer single player games and because I wish Sony don't focus so much on LS.

My comments on a internet forum is simply a opinion. How can that kill the business??????

Now back to the subscription comment. That's something I can absolutely contribute to help kill the gaming business. Pay £6 a month for a rental service. Pirate the ones not on the service. That will help kill the business NOT MY OPINIONS!!!!!!!!

Michiel198994d ago

Destiny 2 is a terrible example

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 94d ago
porkChop94d ago

Rather than shutting studios down or pulling funding PS could have reworked these projects into proper, non live service games. That might have been the better option. Flashing cash and promising financial security before pulling the rug out from under the studio isn't a good look.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 94d ago
outsider162495d ago (Edited 95d ago )

Say..have these guys made anything?

Edit: never mind, i found it.
-Founded in 2020.
- working on a live service ip for playstation.

Profchaos95d ago

Industry is so fragile right now it feels like it's crashing

raWfodog94d ago (Edited 94d ago )

Nah I think it’s just finding the correct equilibrium. We see these phases throughout many industries. In this case, we’re seeing the re-adjustment after the COVID boom where the industry grew due to many people staying at home more and looking for stuff to keep them busy.

The industry will refocus, adapt, and continue. It’s worth billions of dollars and will not be easily abandoned.

itsmebryan94d ago

I don't think so. Microsoft seem pretty stable and are looking to buy more studios. That way they are helping to stabilize the gaming industry .

Profchaos94d ago (Edited 94d ago )

They haven't really spoken about buying more studios since Activision was announced though.

Through leaked information we know Internally there's been a lot of talk about not hitting the desired ROI from all acquisitions so itay be a strategy they are pivoting from.

Plus they have also has some significant lay offs and also just lost a studio in toys for Bob.

It's a weird time in the industry I don't recall it ever being this turbulent i worry for where we are going if it's going to result in the decline of single player games or more forced live service games I don't care about exclusivity going Multi plat if games are good enough I'll be on that platform I care about declining quality and innovation which I've absolutely noticed this generation

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Garethvk1d 20h ago

Star Wars Outlawa has some real potential. I loved the Fallen Order games but the abundant timed jumps at times took me out of the narrative as they could be come frustrating. The branching options and status with factions looks great.

-Foxtrot1d 20h ago

Prince of Persia 2026…REALLY? And that’s all they had for us…a candle.

Jesus. Imagine if they didn’t give it to a shitty support studio and tried to sell us a sloppy remake years ago

Now we have (no hate on quality here) two PoP games no one asked for. We could have been anticipating a Warrior Within remake by now.

Elda1d 20h ago

LOL!! They should have even announced it. They should have just waited a year from now to announce it with some gameplay. Lame.

Terry_B1d 20h ago

Sorry for everyone who watched this ;)

LordoftheCritics1d 20h ago

Where's the quadruple A games?

Elda1d 20h ago

No surprises just updates on existing games & games that have already been announced. A lame show.

-Foxtrot1d 19h ago

The "could have been an email" type of show.

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