
Remedy Entertainment Plc: Remedy announces sales information for Alan Wake 2 - Remedy Investors

Alan Wake 2 was released in October 2023 to worldwide critical acclaim, earning a Metacritic score of 89 at launch. Today, Remedy Entertainment Plc (“Remedy”) announces that Alan Wake 2 has sold 1 million units by the end of December 2023, and 1.3 million units as of the beginning of February 2024. Alan Wake 2 is Remedy’s fastest selling game so far.

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Nyxus87d ago

"By comparison, Alan Wake 2 sold over 50% more copies and over three times more digital copies in its first two months than Control did in its first four months."

Yes, because it's digital only...

Cacabunga87d ago

What do u you mean?? Sold more cause it’s digital only? Facepalm

I will never get this game as long as it is digital only.. boycott

MADGameR87d ago

Amen to that! Won't touch this game unless they announce the physical version. Boycott digital all the way. Do you guys even know whats gonna happen when all games are forced digital release only? You will lose your freedom of owning games. And, lets say they set up super strict policies where you can't cuss online on your favorite platform or you get a perma ban. Guess what? All those THOUSANDS of $$$$s you spent on those digital games? LOST forever! Now you have to buy them AGAIN! So you digital only guys better think long and hard. Because once digital is mainstream and physical is fazed out, there will be no going back. They will push these draconian policies.

isarai87d ago

He's not saying it sold more overall because it's digital only, he's saying it Sold more DIGITAL COPIES because it's DIGITAL ONLY. When you restrict 2 options down to one, of course it will artificially inflate the one option

shinoff218386d ago (Edited 86d ago )

Same. Fk that.

Isarai that's what I've been trying to say. On ps 60 percent digital and 40 percent physical. That physical number would be way way higher if physical existed for even half the games on psn. There's only one option for a sh ton of games so it artificially inflates the digital percentage

LucasRuinedChildhood87d ago (Edited 87d ago )

The "over 50% more copies part" is still a comparison of the overall sales.

This would mean that Control sold around maybe 850,000 copies in the same timeframe.

toxic-inferno87d ago

It's still not as impressive as I'd have expected. A sequel to a popular games getting only 50% more sales than a debut title in an unknown franchise. Yes, they're set in a connected universe, but that wasn't well publicised during Control's release, was it?

-Foxtrot87d ago

Really trying to push this “we did the right thing with it being digital only” narrative aren’t they

boing187d ago (Edited 87d ago )

Sad truth is, physical sales are now just a little fraction of purchases. We are talking single digits here. More often than not, the investment into pressing discs, confection and logistics is not worth it anymore.

Nyxus87d ago

@ boing: we learned from Sony's latest financial results that digital sales accounted for 66% of total game sales. 34% is hardly a 'little fraction'.

darthv7287d ago

@Nyxus... that's just Sony though. Tell me what it is when you factor in PC, Switch and Xbox sales. It drops the overall percentage down closer to that single digit mark. When even the mighty PS can't keep physical sales above the half way mark... you know you got trouble.

Nyxus87d ago

@ darth: Actually Switch physical percentage is higher if I'm not mistaken. But the point is, there's still a market for physical games, that's why a lot of smaller publishers have emerged in the last years.

Crows9087d ago (Edited 87d ago )


You don't have trouble when you account and factor in the enormous increase of overall sales across the board due to higher populations of gamers.

There's no denying that digital has increased but so has number of gamers and most of which have been exposed to an all digital world from the beginning. There's still a strong physical base which is probably still about the same with a bit of a decrease than it was years ago in terms of physical sales.

For instance. If a game sells 1 million physical and 1 million digital in 2018. And then the sequel sells 1 million physical and 2 million digital in 2020...then game sales have gone up and the percentage will k longer be 50/50....however the same base of physical is pretty much still present. It didn't move much if at all...simply more gamers in the world now.

shinoff218386d ago (Edited 86d ago )


I'll be honest your just not telling the truth. Maybe that's true on xbox. But on ps and switch that's just not true. That's a misconception that way to many people run with. Sony is 60 digital and 40 percent physical. Physical would also be higherbif so many games would actually have a physical release. You are trying to pass off bs information

Pc adding in to the equation is another way to make artificial numbers also since they don't do any physical releases. Why do so many of you spread this

darthv7286d ago

@crows... things are not growing like you think. there has been some decline compared to previous gens. Even Sony knows this which is why they had to adjust their forecast. And to use your example of a games release and sequel...
Spider-man 1 is over 16m across PS4/PC, SM2 is only around 10m on PS5 and Miles is around 8m on PS4/5.
GoW [2018] is around 23m on PS4/PC whereas Ragnarok is 15m on PS4/5
Horizon ZD is around 20-21m on PS4/PC/PS5 and Horizon FW is only at 10m for PS4/5

those are some really big games which should have had their sequels eclipse the previous if there was actual growth. Now it may be attributed to Sony holding onto the PS4 crowd longer than they intended but they likely felt they didnt want to lose that sizable player base.

And this is why Sony is looking to try and supplement their decline with increasing PC sales. The PC market out numbers all console combined in regards to potential customers. In the console space, you figure there is a ceiling of about 180m customers. PC has double, if not triple that amount of potential customers. MS knew this from the beginning... it took only recently for Sony to figure that out and Nintendo is likely to follow suit at some point too.

THEzRude86d ago

I cannot even remember the last time i went to store and bought a physical game.
Maybe when i was a kid. Nowdays all my games are digital. Your boycott matters nothinf and nobody cares.
Only fraction of overall game sales nowdays are physical anyway. So yeah.

-Foxtrot86d ago


Can’t wait until you bitch in 5 years time when digital becomes the norm and companies start taking the absolute p*** with content you’ve bought

It’s like lubing yourself up while bending over for them expecting to be f***** in the ass then justifying it

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 86d ago
badz14987d ago

Gonna take awhile to make the money back at that pace, Remedy! Why not admit that you were wrong and release it on BD, like...right now?!

LucasRuinedChildhood87d ago (Edited 87d ago )

It's likely the publisher's decision (Epic), not theirs. It is strange though.

I wonder what percentage of people who prefers discs still bought it and how many sales were lost.

Storm2387d ago

I, for one, won't buy it until it is physical. I know a lot of people are in the same boat.

darthv7287d ago

Even if they did now, the number of physical units sold wont even make up for the cost of production, packaging and distribution. this is Alan Wake we are talking about... not Spider-man.

Nyxus87d ago

I'm sure Epic can afford it...

LucasRuinedChildhood87d ago (Edited 87d ago )

I don't think that's actually true. THQ Nordic volunteered to distribute it on disc. https://gamerant.com/thq-no...

And Alan Wake Remastered is on disc.

Might be because digital sales are more profitable.

shinoff218386d ago

Pre order like larian did with baldurs gate 3, you don't spend your own money the pre-orders pay for themselves, and they make some cash on top of it. It's fairly simple.

Neonridr87d ago

this game deserves so much more. One of my favorite games of 2023. While I would have loved a physical release, I'm not going to willingly not play an amazing game because of some weird pride.

darthv7287d ago

Exactly. some just wont even give it the time of day BECAUSE its digital only. That is just stupid thinking. No way would i deny myself the opportunity to enjoy something just because its not physically on a disc/cart.

Nyxus87d ago

Good for you. I think buying digital is stupid.

spicelicka87d ago

I think it's more a matter of waiting for it to come to physical format or for the digital price to drop more, eventually they'll buy it. It's also stupid for the publisher to not take that into consideration, I hope they realize that.

shinoff218386d ago

Why not. There's so manybgames out there I'd rather play anyway. They just missed a sale. That's on them don't pin it on me. Consumer guilt trip. Fk that.

isarai87d ago

If it were some other throwaway game I really wouldn't care. However from the getgo this game falls into the "something special" category for me. And those games I want to keep, collect and preserve to easily revisit in the future and possibly gift or sell if I want. Any game that is something special I do this, has nothing to do with pride, has everything to do with preserving what deserves to be preserved. And I'm definitely not gonna buy it twice because I caved and bought digital before hearing word on a physical release

Neonridr87d ago

I play games to be entertained. The mere fact that I didn't have to load a disc into my system to achieve that means very little to me at the end of the day.

To each their own, but people actively missing out on a legit GOTY contender because they can't buy it physically is something I could never relate to personally.

darthv7286d ago

there are plenty of game i will double dip for, but I usually always by digital to begin with. i did it with the first Alan Wake, got it digital on 360 for real cheap then i bought the CE as I liked the book packaging. Later i got the remastered edition on PS+ because i liked the original and then finally bought the physical when i saw the chance. Its still sealed as no reason to open it if I already have it digitally. Plus sealed games tend to hold or increase in value over time.

Why not double (or triple) dip if you really like something?

isarai86d ago

Because I'm responsible with my income?

darthv7286d ago

"Because I'm responsible with my income?"

If you have to question yourself... maybe you aren't.

shinoff218386d ago

@darth I double dip all the time. Same as you had Alan wake 360, I got the ps plus free one that month, and then I bought the physical on Amazon. I also never opened the physical. I've got no issue with digital games if my preference isn't fked over. I tend to also have issue with people o well physical is only a fraction of sales. Bs where? Xbox and pc, physical still sells a sh ton on the other to sonfraction that sh. I've stated before if more games were also released physically that are digital only those percentages would jump to probably more 50 50. Hell there's about 10 or more of us here clamoring for it. Most of us would put our money where our mouth is. I try to atleast once a week

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 86d ago
got_dam85d ago

Most physical games these days are nothing more than a glorified launcher that will be just as useless as a digital game if download servers are shut down. AW2 was Aldo priced like a digital only game should be. When so many games are going for $70, AW2 was $50. I bought and do not regret it.

Neonridr83d ago

it's true, the disc acts as a key to verify a game and that's it. The entire contents of the game is stored locally nowadays.

KwietStorm_BLM87d ago

Shame that their fastest seller is just reaching 1 million. They're such a creative studio, and they have really matured since Max Payne. Alan Wake II was the best game last year and more people need to play it.

shinoff218386d ago

Then release it both ways. There's plenty of avenues for them to achieve this from a limited run games to the larian way. They make more money also

KwietStorm_BLM86d ago

waaah waah and it's still their fastest selling game. A physical release doesn't even have anything to do with what I said. And something like 89% of total game sales are digital. Physical games don't even exist on PC and haven't for decades. The only people crying about not buying anything digital are a small percentage of console gamers with a wall of games in their cave.

CantThinkOfAUsername86d ago (Edited 86d ago )

$60 for a fairly linear 20-hour game isn't gonna cut it going forward.

jznrpg87d ago

Want my money? release a physical copy already. I’m can be stubborn and this is one of those things I’m stubborn about. No physical copy no buy for me at least until it’s in the bargain bin. I’d pay full price right now for it on disc.

JEECE87d ago

Okay, but everyone taking this attitude NEEDS to actually buy the game if/when they do a physical run of it. If you sit here and chirp chirp chirp about wanting a disc, and then they eventually release one and everyone who asked for it says "meh, mid, I'll wait for sale," they are going to take that as evidence that they were right to not bother initially.

Tacoboto87d ago

There's another hypocrite around here grandstanding about how much Alan Wake 2 needs a physical edition.

Yet they own Baldur's Gate 3.

These people are only saying this for upvotes.

toxic-inferno87d ago



Just a reminder that it's a person's own choice what they spend their money on. If a person chooses not to buy a game in a particular format because they'd prefer to wait in the hope it will be released in a separate, more desirable format, then that is their own choice.

Have a good day!

JEECE87d ago (Edited 87d ago )


Sure, it's every person's choice what they want to spend their money on. No one challenges that. But if you make a big stand about how you won't buy a game unless you can buy it on a disc, and encourage other people to take the same stand, but then turn around and buy other games digitally that aren't available on disc, you are a hypocrite.

Have a good day!

Nyxus87d ago (Edited 87d ago )

Baldur's Gate 3 does have a physical version: https://box.baldursgate3.ga...

Not out yet though. But it would be nice if Remedy could do something similar.

JEECE87d ago (Edited 87d ago )


You may want to look at the release date for that physical version...

Nice edit lol.

jznrpg87d ago (Edited 87d ago )

I will buy it day one if they make it. I can’t speak for others. @Tacoboto I don’t own BG3 yet I’m waiting on my physical copy still. It should be here within a month or so. The only digital games I have is from PS plus.

Tacoboto87d ago

@jzn, I'm glad that you're consistent; unfortunately you have people like toxic that drag down the cause by saying one thing, doing the complete opposite, and trying to play victim when called out on it.

Nyxus87d ago (Edited 87d ago )

@ Jeece: Not sure why you're so focused on this one person. Don't know who it is either, but it's just one person anyway. Doesn't really mean much.

DOMination-87d ago

Reminds me of the endless people begging for Apple to release a small iPhone. Then when they finally made an iPhone mini nobody bought it and they discontinued it after only two generations.

The mainstream don't care anymore about physical and production of them is REALLY expensive not to mention terrible for the environment. If devs want to be digital only then they shouldn't cater to the handful moaning about it on news forums because as someone above mentioned, they will probably lose money.

If you want Remedy to survive, support them regardless of their distribution model.

shinoff218386d ago (Edited 86d ago )

Simple solution do what larians doing. You have to buy full price off their site.

Also maybe some have disposable income. Bought digitally after the physical release news. Bought physical release and bought digital after as not to open the physical release. You don't know. Instead of asking you went into attack to fight against options. Nice.


Then those same devs shouldn't complain about low sales when they don't release both ways. Physical releases can pay for themselves, larian isn't losing money on those pre orders. In fact the providers are paying for themselves, there's smaller publishers that would kill to publish Alan wake 2 when all their doing is small indies. The is said tonhave offered. That is on remedy then. Don't get mad at me cause I don't want to buy digital. Both options can and should exist. Again this is on remedy, the want is there.

I've bought digital games knowing I'd buy the physical also quite a few times. Cosmic star, oddworld, and numerous others.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 86d ago
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Square Enix Preparing for Layoffs in U.S. and Europe Amid Heavy Restructuring

In a town hall that took place on Monday, Square Enix president Takashi Kiryu reportedly confirmed imminent layoffs in the U.S. and Europe.

2h ago
lelo2play1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Square should ask Sony for more money...

gleepot55m ago

Sad but true. It's the consequence of a shift in player habits, massive overhead, and out of control budgets across the industry.

blackblades2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

What did NA and EU did anyways? Just translate or something? I would say it might help them get back to there roots but DK.

Hofstaderman1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Actually, you are correct they play a hand in localization especially in Europe with the many languages. That and marketing.

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Xbox Gives Incoherent Explanation For ‘Hi-Fi Rush’ Studio Closure

The gaming world is still reeling from the announcement that Microsoft is shuttering Tango Gameworks, the studio behind last year’s big Xbox hit, Hi-Fi Rush.

Relientk771d ago

There's no logical or good reason to give for closing Tango Gameworks. They make great games consistently and Hi-Fi Rush was the highest rated Xbox game in literal YEARS. Closing the studio was just plain stupid and nonsensical.

notachance4h ago

It’s quite strange to not see Phil Spencer in any talkshow or podcast… usually the dude would talk almost daily when there’s even a bit of news from xbox.

Hofstaderman3h ago

Muzzled and/or in on it from the very beginning. You have to be a very stupid person not to anticipate that your division is going to be under scrutiny from shareholders after 80 Billion Dollars worth of acquisitions

Aloymetal3h ago

The beauty of being a CEO here in America is that when your company does well, you get extra money as a reward...
And when your company does badly, you get extra money to encourage you to stick around and lead it through the storm...And at some point, you get to bow out and float toward retirement on your golden parachute, which means and you guessed it, MORE MONEY!! What a deal for snake oil man Phil!!

2h ago
2h ago
purple1014h ago

Perhaps they think they can sweep this one under the rug, gamers will forget about it,

We will not

They made a good game and you put the whole studio in the bin, this couldn’t be clearer, ms don’t care, everyone suspected it, but now we KNOW it

Amplitude3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

She's kinda got the verbal communication of 3-years-ago Biden trying to say something he knows nothing about.
What she meant to say is: "We wasted our budget for the next couple years buying Call of Duty, and we're moving all our chips to that one series"

It's starting to seem quite obvious that XBox is going to be shutting down most of their studios or selling them off, then focusing on some sort of PC/Console hybrid OS for the next XBox where they can collect royalties Valve style.

esherwood1h ago

To be fair I don’t think there is a good answer, I’d rather her been honest but that probably would have pissed more people of then the word salad route.

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Square Is Shifting Strategy To Aggressively Pursue Multiplat Releases,Focus On Quality Over Quantity

Square Enix is shifting its strategy to aggressively pursue multiplatform releases and focus on quality over quantity.

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CantThinkOfAUsername11h ago

Yup, it's official. FFXVI and FFVII Rebirth didn't sell as much as they expected.

gold_drake10h ago

read the report, where exactly does it say what u just said ? lol

Barlos9h ago

It's your interpretation. That doesn't make it 'official'.

CantThinkOfAUsername1h ago

- 1% increase in net sales compared to a year with Forspoken and Octopath Traveller II, which didn't sell more than 3 millions combined (and I'm being generous).

- A 38.3% decrease in operating income despite the release of 'High-Definition' titles namely FFXVI, FF Pixels Remaster, Dragon Quest Monsters, and FFVII Rebirth.

- Aggressive multiplatform strategy one year after saying that exclusivity with PlayStation was mutually desired.

Sure, it's all in my head.

Sonic18815h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Probably for PC and the upcoming Nintendo Switch 2. Square Enix games doesn't sell to well on Xbox

Extermin8or3_5h ago

Nothing sells well on Xbox that's precisely Microsoft's problem

The3faces4h ago

Apparently they don't sell well on PlayStation either.

Lightning773h ago

Square named Drops Xbox as part of their multiplatform approach in their quarterly reports.

Like it matters MS will probably find away to close them down to.

DarXyde5h ago

I mean, maybe? They'll want as much as possible and I figure they could have been hoping for greater impact on PlayStation, but that's good reason to reflect and realize the resources and development cycle of these games aren't very sustainable. The solution is to make more affordable games with shorter dev cycles, then once in a while bring out the big guns.

I think Final Fantasy VII Re make and Rebirth would do really well if it was multiplatform. Specifically, if Nintendo gets their hardware up to snuff, and the rumors are promising. I don't really have much faith in its performance on Xbox, but Nintendo gamers really commit to buying their games. At one point, Breath of the Wild for Switch outsold the Switch itself.

Granted, Zelda always solos everything except GTA, but Nintendo folk are avid Final Fantasy fans. I think it would do exceptionally. Nintendo just needs to make porting easy and inexpensive and they'll get more games.

Christopher3h ago

The two most profitable games for them didn't sell as much as expected. Yes. Make it make sense.

MrCrimson57m ago

I interpret it as - they want to be multiplatform, as they will sell more copies.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 57m ago
CrashMania11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Hopefully the next Nintendo system isn't a potato and it can contribute to FF sales in future as well, in addition to PC releases. If this ensures the long term health for SE and franchises than like FF and KH then I'm all for it.

NotoriousWhiz10h ago

Adding Nintendo and PC customers is the best way to increase sales and long term success. Not going to get that from Xbox.

shinoff21835h ago

Hopefully square brings all the lose switch exclusives over to.

Hofstaderman10h ago

Will there be a XBOX for Square to release games on? Or a MS Games service?

thesoftware7308h ago


You must not have heard they are launching new hardware and have already committed to a Next-Gen Xbox.

But, for some reason, I think you already knew that and wanted to spin a silly narrative; besides, why wouldn't they release games on the SX/SS? You do know these consoles will still be here, right?

Hofstaderman7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

Optics. They have a STATED plan to do so. Thats not commitment. The shareholders and board are calling the shots now. Lets see if they have the appetite for hardware because they are owed 80 Billion Dollars already. Investment in hardware, R and D and marketing is how much again? That cost with the history of their hardware performance....at most maybe a handheld. What I am certain of XBOX is finished, the writing has been on the wall before the studio closures. Its MS Games and they are not hardware. They are software because MS is a software company. Expect them to be folded in the Surface team.

DarXyde5h ago


I believe they committed to hardware.

I hate to nitpick, but that's kind of the company they are. You have to.

4h ago
Aloymetal6h ago

No to both, not worth the effort, money and time on an already dying brand.

4h ago
thesoftware7306h ago

"They have a STATED plan to do so. That's not commitment."

Huh? What are you talking about? They announced they would be unveiling new Hardware this holiday season; how else are they supposed to commit to it?

" Lets see if they have the appetite for hardware because they are owed 80 Billion Dollars already"

What a silly statement, you think this deal was approved so they could make 80 billion in less than a year? This is a long-term commitment, a future-proofing of profit.

"What I am certain of XBOX is finished,"

No, you are not certain of this lol; as you stated, if they make even a Handheld in the form of a Steam-Deck that can dock to a TV/monitor, wouldn't that be just changing the form factor but still XBOX?

Closing these studios has really got you guys delusional; that is what happens in companies, in a changing market: you acquire, and you trim; like it or not, that is the way things are done. Lets look.

Where is the new Psygnosis with a new wipeout?
What happened to Japan Studio? Pixl Opus? London Studio?
Where is Zipper Interactive?

I can list more, but you see, closing devs doesn't mean your company is finished, especially when you have like 30+ dev teams.

Extermin8or3_4h ago

They won't be unveiling the hardware this holiday season it will be like the series x and s they got a tease at the game awards 2018. But no details until year of their release in 2020 lol

Relientk7710h ago

Please tell me the Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake is still coming. I feel like I've been waiting forever for that game.

gold_drake5h ago

i think the juggernauts kingdom hearts (disney provides the money for that one) final fantasy and dragon quest are fine, the rest not as much

Charal9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

Another sign that dedicated consoles market is in trouble, while PC seems more and more attractive to big publishers.

Having a good gaming PC and a PS5 myself, given current trend form both Sony and MS I am less and less playing on PS5, waiting for exclusives to release on PC, so I understand the logic behind the new strategy.

anast9h ago

Post those numbers. Then your comment might make sense.

thesoftware7308h ago(Edited 8h ago)


I get that we don't know exactly without numbers, but come on, man, we can clearly see what's happening.

The console market has not grown much, the highest-selling console in history is still the PS2. You can play the " prove it" game all you want, but Sony's more aggressive PC push, SE completely rebooting their company/business, after being mainly exclusive to one console and showing a sizeable profit loss is telling.

PC is a high seller, and your doubtful PS5 dominant stance does not change the clear writing on the wall, straight from Sony's mouth, that they need to be, and will be more aggressive in the very lucrative PC market.

So, in other words, PC market is indeed looking more and more attractive to Pubs.

anast7h ago



I'm willing to bet the farm that ¨PC gamers are not the dominate number compared to console, but I don't know because I don't have numbers. However, the price point of entry can allow us to infer what I had just stated.

anast3h ago

I don't click on links on forums. Tell me why that .com source is legit.

Tacoboto52m ago

What an ironic thing to say on a link-agreggate site like N4G. Explains your comment history perfectly.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 52m ago
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