
How TimeSplitters Split Once Again

TimeSplitters got cancelled for a second time recently, but for what reason? And is there any hope for another comeback?

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Jingsing87d ago

To be honest the odds of this ever being good or recapturing the original trilogy were always going to be slim to none. The franchise was a product of its time. Look at how misplaced nostalgia met reality with Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. If you have to use old IP then most of the time you have to completely reinvent it from the ground up.


Cancelled TimeSplitters Game Footage Appears as Studio Closes

Unveiled footage of the cancelled TimeSplitters game emerges after Free Radical's closure, igniting fans' nostalgia and hopes for a revival.

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CrashMania69d ago

From looking at the gameplay, it just looks like Fortnite, this would have been very poorly received by timesplitters fans.

Cacabunga68d ago

Another legendary series that ends brutally.. glad this never came out, it’s an insult to the original one

Neonridr69d ago

I'm glad this got cancelled, what's with the Fornite knockoff? TimeSplitters was an FPS, not a 3rd person battle royale.

What were they thinking?

XiNatsuDragnel69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

Looks fornitey would've been cool at the time tbh

aaronaton68d ago

I got into a minor disagreement with their staff shortly after the closure, after i commented about a Timesplitters HD remaster to gauge public reception before such a big project here:


Looking at the gameplay footage, it's clear that the staff (no matter what level) we're out of their depth, putting lots of hours into a game that would of been DOA if Embracer didn't shut it down.

CantThinkOfAUsername68d ago

They removed the footage. Here it is if anyone's interested: https://youtu.be/BesmfPD8fj...

It's basically a Fortnite clone. Seems like a good decision to cancel this game.

ocelot0768d ago

That's not time splitters I enjoyed as a kid/teen!!!

Wtf was that!

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Embracer CEO confirms TimeSplitters studio faces closure before Christmas

TimeSplitters studio Free Radical Design faces closure before Christmas, Embracer CEO Lars Wingefors has privately acknowledged.

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Obscure_Observer167d ago

I hope those (selectively) against acquisition of studios are now satisfied.

Nitrowolf2167d ago (Edited 167d ago )

What does this even mean lol, this very studio was formed out of a acquisition (purchase of the IP)

How does that in any way serve towards your comment

Not to mention the layoffs from Embracer

Obscure_Observer167d ago (Edited 167d ago )

"How does that in any way serve towards your comment"

Had Xbox acquired that studio from Embracer before gone, you know N4G would gone riot.

Nitrowolf2167d ago

So you're making up scenarios for a studio that was created for the sole purpose of this IP, for console warring?? Where has Xbox ever said they were interested in buying them, and vice versa?

Where's this assumption that they would want to even save them? If that was the case, we would never have any studio closure.

Crows90167d ago


Wow...cant even begin to imagine the lengths you take to be so inaccurate.

This studio has barely released anything in the last decade. You think people would've rioted? The contrary. It wouldve been an investment into elevating the studio to be able to bring back timesplitters. I wouldve been grateful.

shinoff2183167d ago

He's basically saying ms acquisition is good embracer bad

mastershredder167d ago

^ Obscure observer is denser than lead.
Obscure’s mouth flaps, and a whole lot of stupid comes out every freak’n time.

northpaws167d ago


Don't even try, Obscure_Observer has the special power to make every single news into a "XBox good, PS bad" story, powered by infinite amount of delusion, you can't win.

ocelot07166d ago

He just liked to ramble and spout nonsense. Just politily nod and back away slowly.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 166d ago
Crows90167d ago

Tell me how ignorant you are without telling me how ignorant you are.

ChiefofLoliPolice167d ago (Edited 167d ago )

Dude Obscure_Observer is a complete idiot. He always and I mean ALWAYS make comments and responses that make no absolutely NO sense. Trying to get that moron to learn anything is like trying to teach calculus to a drywall.

167d ago
-Foxtrot167d ago (Edited 167d ago )


People lose their jobs before Christmas


I hope those (selectively) who wonder why you get disagreed to oblivion are now satisfied.

Profchaos166d ago (Edited 166d ago )

Xbox dont want studios they want publishers and all the studios that come with it and this isn't even about them not everything is a Xbox slander piece

ziggyzinfirion166d ago


No offense but I think you seriously need to see a doctor.

shadowknight203166d ago

I'm pretty sure Obscure_Observer gets a kick after each comment he reads that bashes him (Some people are like that). He would stop eventually if people simply stopped replying to him altogether lol. But then, maybe everyone who fuels his behavior also gets a kick out of it too

Mr_cheese166d ago

The ultimate satirical troll of N4G strikes again.

But... but... but.... if xbox.

Behave yourself.

1Victor166d ago (Edited 166d ago )

@obscured:”I hope those (selectively) against acquisition of studios are now satisfied.”

Translation by google translate from Xbox fanboy to reality

“I hope those (selectively) in favor acquisition of studios are now satisfied.”
Well when you eat more than you can chew ether you choke to death or poke out, unfortunately when corporations play monopoly thousands of employees families suffer. 😩

Obscure_Observer166d ago


"Well when you eat more than you can chew ether you choke to death or poke out, unfortunately when corporations play monopoly thousands of employees families suffer. 😩"

Check your facts and tell that to Sony which fired hundreds of people while shutting down studios and canceling games in the last few years.

shinoff2183166d ago

Sony didn't lay off 10k people. Ms did though. Wtf is wrong with you.

Obscure_Observer166d ago


1Victor was talking about "eating more than you can chew" and all Sony has been doing lately is layoff hundreds of people at *Playstation* including Bungie which under Playstation is 8% smaller after just one year despite the fact that Sony paid 1.2 Billion dollar for talent retention.

The layoffs at MS you mentioned only hit a small fraction at 343i at the time. No other Xbox first studio was affected!

SIE is getting people fired left and right, not to mention cancelling games and shutting down first party studios.

Talk about "eat more than you can chew".

Barlos166d ago

I just can't take you seriously.

You're either a troll or you have some serious mental health problems.

Obscure_Observer166d ago

I don´t give a flying f* about what you think about me dude.

Read my name, scroll down and spare both of our time replying to my comments. It´s simple as that.

thorstein166d ago

In the old days on N4G, trolls like obscure would only be allowed one comment per article.

I miss bubbles... and Cat (Legendary Queen of the Mods)

Barlos165d ago


Yeah you've just shown me you need help. Or a lie down. Maybe go out and get some fresh air. You have a lot of pent up angst you need to offload.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 165d ago
OtterX167d ago

The embrace of Embracer feels more like a death squeeze. ☠ Hopefully the Time Splitter property doesn't get abandoned completely, and I would hope at least some of the key creative minds behind the originals are sought within a new studio taking the helm.

darthv72167d ago

you hate to see it... if only there was someone capable of bailing them out and providing them with the capital to make new games in the franchise.

Abnor_Mal167d ago

I’m sure there’s many a “person” who could be capable of bailing them out and providing them with the capital to make new games in the franchise, if they wanted but doesn’t seem like anyone wants to do it as of yet.

UltimateOwnage167d ago

Microsoft hasn’t saved anyone, or any IP by throwing their money around. I can’t think of any franchise or company that is better post-MS. I’d rather the company died a natural death for lack of good new content than be put into zombie mode to pump out MS flavored versions of their once beloved IP.

ZwVw166d ago

"Microsoft hasn’t saved anyone, or any IP by throwing their money around. I can’t think of any franchise or company that is better post-MS."

Either you're uneducated or being willingly ignorant in this regard.
Bungie became a household name in the gaming industry after MS acquired them and changed Halo from a third person RTS to a FPS.
Obsidian were enduring massive financial woes and were on the brink of bankruptcy until MS swooped in to save the day.
Double Fine were able keep originally cut content (due to insufficient funding) into Psychonauts 2, after MS purchased them and allowed them to delay the game and reinstate said content.
Ninja Theory went from developing Hellblade with a team of 20 (having to borrow leased equipment just to complete the game in the process) to over 100 with Hellblade 2 (with complete access to MS' R&D and technologies).

You don't have to like MS but lets not start making revisionist history by acting like no studios have ever benefited after being purchased by them.

darthv72166d ago

I never said MS, nor did i even say any company. I just said someone. You used your own bias to fill in the gap to come to the conclusion you did. Congratulations... and thank you for playing.

Mr_cheese165d ago (Edited 165d ago )


You've named a lot of studios there that haven't been "saved". They've been invested in, with the best return (Halo) eventually being dragged through the mud and Bungie being bought by Sony.

At best what you are saying is that Microsoft has allowed these studies to develop an improved version of their games and even that is up to debate.

This isn't a dig at Microsoft, this is an alternate view of what you're selling.

shinoff2183167d ago

It wasn't their franchise was it?

167d ago
recoctimocassirnff166d ago

I guess you haven't been paying attention the last few years.

MS doesn't bail out developers to invest in them and create new content. They buy up "successful", already existing 3rd party franchises to block them coming to competing consoles.

Sony, on the other hand, if they saved Radical, would be within their MO.

darthv72166d ago

You used your own bias to fill in the gap to come to the conclusion you did. I never mentioned MS, nor any other company. Congratulations... and thank you for playing.

recoctimocassirnff166d ago

"I never mentioned MS, nor any other company"

Really, Darth? Really?....

You were obviously being facetious. Reading between the lines you said "if only there was some super amazing company that is the bestest evaa!! that has being throwing money around, buying up all heaps studios that could also buy this studio. But I just don't know who. It's on the tip of my tounge, but I just can't think of the companies name. Gosh!"

You absolutely did mention MS, so stop playing stupid. And it's not bias, it's just the facts.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 165d ago
RhinoGamer88167d ago

If the studios were bought, the studio leaders got paid right? Millions...
Let them help out their teams now...

Relientk77167d ago

Very sad news :-( I was really looking forward to the return of TimeSplitters. I had a blast with those games

Hofstaderman167d ago

I remember back in november 2000 my dad gifting me Timesplitters after just completing my grade 11 exams. This and the multitap and my friends was one of the best year end breaks I ever had.

Mr_cheese165d ago

The virus mode was wicked back in the day!

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TimeSplitters Is Officially Coming Back, Free Radical Design Resurrected

Deep Silver announced that TimeSplitters is officially coming back and Free Radical Design is being resurrected to work on it.

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Alexious1089d ago

Too bad it's going to take a while.

1089d ago
Notellin1089d ago

The time will pass regardless.

UltraNova1089d ago

Excellent news, love this IP.

BenRC011089d ago

Rose tinted specs are everywhere here. It's borderline unplayable by today's standards, and seriously doubt anyone was involved is still working on it. Its just a name thatll be used to peddle some 6/10 dross.

galgor1089d ago

Oh, because a game hasn't aged well means it wasn't good at the time? Gtfo with your negativity.

Storm231089d ago

The article literally says this in the first line of the article: "Deep Silver (which bought the IP in 2018) announced the resurrection of the historic development team Free Radical Design, featuring industry veterans Steve Ellis and David Doak who worked on the original TimeSplitters."

Lol. I love the series. Can't wait to see what they come up with.

SoulWarrior1089d ago (Edited 1089d ago )

I'd take Timesplitters over todays modern live service shooters crammed with weekly challenges, battle passes, lootboxes and BR.

Notellin1089d ago

Goldeneye is unplayable today by your standards. Doesn't tarnish it's legacy one bit.

HankHill1089d ago

Go "play" TLOU2 for the 8th time then.

1089d ago
HarryMasonHerpderp1089d ago

I played timesplitters 3 on the gamecube a few weeks ago. Holds up really well actually. The graphics are nice, the gameplay is great, level design and audio is spot on and it's full of content. Not sure some of the innuendos and women in skimpy outfits will make it through todays censors though. Beside that they could release as is in HD and it would still hold up today. I especially love the haunted house levels.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1089d ago
neutralgamer19921089d ago

Can we get a remaster of the original Three games with updated controls adjusted difficulties and other quality of life improvements

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1089d ago
Cuzizkool1089d ago

Can’t wait. Day 1 for me.

wolf5811089d ago

Me too great games... Back in the days we r all excited about ts because the games was in fact created from almost all the main programers from rare team Who was responsible for goldeneye and perfect dark.
They left rare before sold to ms... Ahh memories

DigitalDaniel1089d ago

I loved Timesplitters when it came out. Spent probably as many hours on it as I did with GoldenEye.

But I fear this is too little too late. This type of shooters isn't really what grabs people anymore. Unless modernized it won't really take off. At least that is what I think

Nacho_Z1089d ago

Agreed, if they take the unique elements of the series and create a brand new game it could be great. If it's just Timesplitters with a superficial modern lick of paint it'll feel too old fashioned imo.

Mr_Writer851089d ago

Doom is an old style shooter and has done well.

I wouldn't underestimate the power of nostalgia. TS is very different to most shooters, which can help it stand out.

That's IF it's done right of course.

WelkinCole1089d ago

Yeah since many are tried of current crops of shooters. Many would not mind old school with an updated take

sagapo1089d ago

If the new TS has the option to build your own maps/arenas like in the old days, then it will sell pretty well I believe. Play and share those self builds maps with friends, appealing enough for me :)

CobraKai1089d ago

That’s gonna be the key to success right there. From Dreams to Roblox to Minecraft people love to create and people love to play on created content.

Notellin1089d ago

I'd offer the counter argument that we have enough BRs and Counter Strike knockoffs that a simple arena shooters might find a solid audience.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1089d ago
ScootaKuH1089d ago

Was reading an article in Retro Gamer recently and they did a piece on the history of Timesplitters. There were hints that it could return at some point so I'm not surprised by this. But it will be interesting as it's the original team working on it

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