
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (XS) | VGChartz Review

VGChartz's Lee Mehr: "2023 has been a tough year for quality higher-budget shooters and Sledgehammer Games exemplifies that claim. Unlike other examples, like Redfall & Crime Boss: Rockay City, it's more a bad game in principle rather than in execution. It should be manifestly impossible for a game with this mechanical baseline and punchy audio-visual design to fumble so egregiously across so many avenues. It's almost a feat unto itself! From the opening service agreements to the end credits, anyone can implicitly perceive this feeling like a hurried expansion with an exorbitant retail price ($70). Even by the tempered expectations of this fatigued franchise, Modern Warfare III deserves nothing less than a dishonorable discharge."

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Jin_Sakai161d ago

This score is spot on. It’s ridiculous how they’re charging $70 for glorified DLC.

coolbeans161d ago

And it sucks for Sledgehammer too. I'm willing to bet real money the creative leads' initial talks with Activision/Kotick about this arrangement was more like a $30-$40 expansion that'd be supplemented by GaaS stuff in the storefront. Everything about it feels like content for an "off year," as a means to afford more time for Treyarch's next CoD.

160d ago Replies(2)
itsmebryan160d ago

TLOU2 remaster , Miles Morales , Venom, and countless other remaster and remakes of old games by Sony says Hi!

coolbeans160d ago

Miles Morales was $40/$50 (PS4/PS5) retail though.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 160d ago
Gabrielmpf161d ago

Well, I've been having a blast with the multiplayer. If it's DLC, it's the best DLC COD has ever had.

MIDGETonSTILTS17161d ago

$70 isn’t what DLC should cost.

160d ago
Crows90160d ago


I guess you also want the next halo, gears, forza, etc ...basically any iteration of an established franchise to be given away as dlc now...

coolbeans161d ago

I'll grant you multiplayer is the one aspect that *can* deliver some dopamine rushes, but I still think there has to be a tougher interrogation about this being an expansion masquerading as a sequel. Even the fun with certain competitive modes can't distant themselves from the reality of its wholesale recycling of old maps. Plus, it's not like there aren't cheaper ways to engage with CoD's tight mechanics. Warzone 2.0 & DMZ are free and feel way more mechanically cohesive than any part of MWIII.

purple101160d ago

I’ve also been having a blast but I paid £40 new off eBay
So there’s that

Not worth anywhere near £60/70 they wanted to charge

Gabrielmpf159d ago

I've also got it for €55 from a key site. Bought Brazilian credit and got it from the MS Brazilian store :P
I don't buy games at full price.

anast160d ago

They need to charge more, they are leaving too much money on the table.

160d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin160d ago

its not that bad. the online multiplayer has a robust community and is fun to play. maps are good with free maps being added. i bougght it for £52.99 and to be honest il get my monies worth from it

coolbeans160d ago

-"maps are good with free maps being added."

But how much credit should be owed to maps originally crafted in 09's MW2? Sure, there's *some* fun in reliving most maps with this movement, but isn't criticism warranted for how that looks along with the obvious shortcuts done elsewhere?

anast157d ago

Not sure why you got downvoted. I gave you an upvote.

Ironmike160d ago

Clickbait it's good cod I normally lose interest quite quick with cod this one kept me playing loving it

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purple10138d ago

The game is now broken and displays “dev error 5433” and won’t start a multiplayer match