
Tales Of Arise: Beyond The Dawn Review (PS5) - PSU

Tales of Arise: Beyond The Dawn is another chance to adventure with Alphen and the rest of the gang. Bosses are still too big, and said boss also have too much health. While it's not meant for everyone, fans will get exactly what they want from this expansion.


Tales of Arise - Beyond the Dawn Review by Video Chums

“Tales of Arise - Beyond the Dawn explores life after the main story. However, it does so without adding anything substantial and the story feels rushed which makes this DLC hard to recommend even for fans of the main game (which is, in fact, awesome).” - Mary Billington from Video Chums.

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lucian229210d ago

Yeah when I saw there wasn't even one new attack, I was like no thanks.

How they could bother making a 20 hour dlc with no combat additions is beyond me. The combat was already getting stale in end game because everything was learned already. Big fail on their part


Tales of Arise - Beyond the Dawn - Announce Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games

For Dahna. For Rena. The fight for peace begins anew.

lucian229271d ago

As much as I lived the first game, this dlc is kind of disappointing seeing the combat untouched. The same exact moves as fbd main game

Lexreborn2271d ago

I pretty much maxed out my characters and as long as those efforts come full circle with a new story I’m perfectly fine with dusting off my crew and breaking through the story. I would rather have an expansion I can just enjoy and maybe get a few extra things then starting over.

shinoff2183271d ago

Things don't always need to be changed though. Thus is a continuation or whatever it wouldn't make sense they didn't have the same moves. Im sure theres new stuff. For instance ff7 rebirth not carrying over stuff from ff7remake doesn't make any damn sense.