
Play Preview - Shellshock 2: Blood Trails

Play-mag writes: "Shellshock 2 tries to distance itself from the likes of Wolfenstein by claiming to be a survival-horror game in first-person, rather than a first-person shooter with horror bits. But we've seen no evidence of that in the few sections we've had the chance to play through. Yes, there are zombies, yes there is gore, and yes ammo is more restricted than in most shooters, but it still feels like a pretty standard FPS, and less of a true horror game than, say, F.E.A.R., which managed to blend horror and shooting extremely well."

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Zombies: Have We Committed Overkill?

Allan Muir looks at the question "Have we run zombies into the ground in terms of effectiveness?" and uses examples of 4 zombie games. Two that get them right, and two that gets them wrong.


Top 10 Zombie Games for Xbox 360

Have a look at GamingXL's list of top Zombie games to get if you own an Xbox 360 console!

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The Naughtiest Games of 2009 (ZTGD)

ZeroTolerance writes: It is that time of year again where the nice games get the entire spotlight and the naughty games are forgotten. That is why we bring you the naughtiest games of the year each and every holiday, and even though it may not be the kind of naughty you are thinking of, it still doesn't change the fact that every game on this list needs to be avoided at all costs. Without further ado we bring you 2009's most heinous list of gaming.

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Relientk775284d ago

This list is full of games that fail

Cat5284d ago

LOL, that's the point - from the summary: ZeroTolerance writes: "...Without further ado we bring you 2009's most heinous list of gaming." ;)

Myst5284d ago

Yep Damnation should have been at the top though (if it followed a ranking), shut my PS3 off every time I wanted to progress to the second to the last level.

I will admit that is the first time this gen I ever got burned that badly, and I had REALLY high hopes for that game...

INehalemEXI5284d ago

yup, onechanbara was terribly fun.

TheDeadMetalhead5284d ago (Edited 5284d ago )

Shellshock 2...It doesn't seem that bad at first (the first level isn't too bad), but the game goes from mediocre to absolute crap in the second half of the game. I actually played through it three times to get 1000G. Feels bad man.

Also, Shellshock 2 and Rogue Warrior were developed by the same people. Seriously.

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JeffGUNZ5284d ago

I downloaded the demo to Darkest Days and it was terrible. Everything about that game felt awkward and sloppy.

Jamescagney5284d ago

Shellshock 2: Blood Trails was surely one of the worst games released not only this year but this decade. A total masterclass in how you shouldn't make an fps or any game for that matter.

Once you touch it you can never go back, it has stained your soul.

Transporter475284d ago

it may not be that great of a game but i liked it lol

5284d ago Replies(1)