
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Shortchanged Hailey Cooper - Here's How to Fix It

Reviewers can ramble about what’s been great about the game, but sometimes even great games come with problems. One such problem is popping up online from players complaining about a side mission with Hailey Cooper in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.

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VersusDMC199d ago

They recommend Hailey Cooper DLC?! Any dlc that doesn't include a playable spider man is getting flamed to infinity.

And i would 100% prefer Mary Jane or Rio if they wanted to make DLC like that.

TricksterArrow196d ago

Yep. She is a’ight… as a secondary and minor character. No need to be pushing her into the spotlight. MJ is already pushing it, but I love stealthing and I actually like MJ as a character throughout the years, so I can live with that.

Would be more interesting having Black Cat doing the stealth missions to be completely honest, make her more involved in the story. Maybe even Silver Sable herself.

-Foxtrot199d ago (Edited 199d ago )

Why are people obsessing over this character, she was bland as hell and the only reason people give a shit is because she’s deaf. I’m sorry but she had no chemistry with Miles and the text to voice AI thing she had for phone conversations was grating to listen to with how computerised it was.

We could have had Gwen Stacey, Kate Bishop, Cassie Lang or Kamala Khan with each of them having some kind of romantic interest in other media. At least all of these could have helped you out on missions and if you played as them you’d probably get a better mission.

Inverno197d ago

I don't think anyone is actually obsessing over her. People are just pointing out how the one mission with her is boring, much like how people pointed out how bland the non spiderman missions were in the last 2 games. Sites grab that, change the meaning around so that people come off as racist or hateful towards deaf people and use that as an excuse to bring her up.

Rocketisleague197d ago

I don't get the need to shoehorn pure shit into games these days. Maybe marvel had a say in the game that's why it's putting this nonsense it. Don't follow the MCU insomniac. Please

-Foxtrot197d ago

My issue is they had so many love interests for Miles in the comics yet didn't do them, each of them a superhero character who could have had some great missions if they were involved with Miles instead of this new character.

Kate Bishop - You could have helped pick targets off a rooftop for Miles using stun arrows

Cassie Lang - Go small and infiltrate a building to help Miles who is in trouble

Kamala Khan - After the Avengers game, we know what she can do power wise.

Gwen Stacey - Harder to pull off as they'd have to double down on the Spiderverse stuff but even Gwen as herself would have been better and she's a Spiderman based character.

H9199d ago

The author talks about switching to MJ like it's a great thing that they should copy for this character, it's the one thing people hated in both games

SyntheticForm197d ago

If this game did anything, it made me entirely disinterested in buying future Spider-Man games.

197d ago
SyntheticForm197d ago


I'm generally a pretty big fan of PlayStation first-party fare, and my criticisms of Spider-Man 2 have absolutely nothing to with console warring. However, your criticism of my comments has everything to do with console warring - it's what drove your unhinged response and prompted you to go comment rummaging.

Yes, sometimes I criticize PlayStation games. That's not "propaganda" - it's merely criticism and opinion that doesn't align with your own. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the term "propaganda" so that you avoid misapplying it in the future.

197d ago
Profchaos196d ago

I still loved the game but it makes me want insomniac to move onto something else since 2018 this is 5he third game we got excluding a remake of sm1.

Sure they did rift apart but they do world building so well I just want something new from them that isn't superhero based I know wolverine is next it's just the superhero fad is Start to feel a little done at this point

SyntheticForm196d ago


The combat and traversal are enjoyable, but the writing and side missions are absolutely not, nor is playing as "Hailey" who I couldn't give a fraction of a damn about. There are just too many non-Spider-Man elements to this Spider-Man product.

Writers are using the inherently morally upright worlds of superheroes as their new dumping grounds to push woke agendas, and they've packed Spider-Man 2 with 'feel-good' woke stories of 'acceptance' and 'tolerance.' I'm sorry, I don't play these games to endure woke lessons - I play them for entertainment purposes and to escape - often to escape the very same shit Insomniac are pushing here. Why double down on the loathed MJ missions? Why is she equal to or as important as Spider-Man? She isn't, nor is Hailey. They should be kept confined to cutscenes as absolutely nobody desires playable sections as them.

I don't care any about this, or a gay couple. I just want to play a Spider-Man game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 196d ago
Profchaos196d ago

I'll give them some credit it was a little better being MJ in sm2 but still overly long and tedious you just get a teaser now and move at much more like say the stealth section of tlou2 so a little faster.

I think they did need something to break up the constant spidy swing here fight him but they could of done something else especially since they were told flat out this is what we hated in sm1 universally

CrimsonWing69197d ago

I hope to god Miles falls for someone else in the next game.

-Foxtrot197d ago

At least we won’t have to listen to awful text to voice computerised voice phone calls

Nails on a chalk board

CrimsonWing69196d ago

I’m with you on that, lol.

rippermcrip197d ago

This has got to be the weirdest article.

They start off focusing on how people hate the mission.

Then the next section comes to the conclusion that she just needs a DLC expansion. Somehow puts this new minor side character on the level of MJ and seems surprised why they aren't given equal time.

Profchaos196d ago

Sounds like a diversity for clicks thing

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purple10129d ago

no.1 is Elden ring,

and there Is no ghost of tushima on the list,

I fear this man hasn't played ghost of Tsushima, hehe

purple10128d ago

ah your raise a fair point, - totally forgot, -


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Akira202034d ago

The Beetle.
There, I saved you a click. Use that time wisely young warrior.


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