
Review: Super Mario Bros. Wonder - The Best 2D Mario Since The Super NES | Nintendo Life

Super Mario Bros. Wonder is, quite simply, the best 2D Mario game since Super Mario World.

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CrimsonWing69228d ago

Mario Bros. 3 was the best 2D release.

Barlos228d ago

I'm torn between Mario 3 and Mario World. But Wonder just looks like a mobile phone game to me

Neonridr228d ago

it's a 2D side scroller. Not sure what you were expecting.

Barlos228d ago (Edited 228d ago )

@neonridr something that doesn't look like a mobile flash game I guess. But it's nintendo so of course it'll be the best thing ever.

Just because something is 2D doesn't mean it can't have flair - look at Ori.

shinoff2183228d ago (Edited 228d ago )

Idk about that. Wonder looks awesome. Looks and sounds like it has "flair" to me.

shinoff2183228d ago

Mario was dope af back then I remember being in 1st or second grade when I played it. Although we were always late to the party concerning games. But I gotta go with super Mario world. Tbh as I type this I guess I could go either way depending on the day. Sh their both fantastic masterpieces


Super Mario Bros. Wonder Almost Had A Live Action Wonder Effect

One unused Super Mario Bros. Wonder effect would have had Mario go live action, with Mario himself humming the music and mimicking sound effects.

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Profchaos74d ago

I imagine a lot of these wonder effects especially the cut ones were imagined while the team were out drinking somehow


Super Smash Bros Ultimate Princess Peach: Showtime! and Wonder Spirits Event Announced

Super Smash Bros Ultimate will host a new Spirits event on March 21 to celebrate the release of Princess Peach Showtime! and Super Mario Bros Wonder. The event will last for five days with new Spirits from the Nintendo Switch games.

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Sega Blames Super Mario Bros. Wonder for Sonic Superstars’ Dip

Sega claims Super Mario Bros. Wonder's launch overshadowed Sonic Superstars, affecting sales. Sega remains hopeful for a turnaround.

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Cacabunga95d ago

SEGA in victim mode for many years.. blaming others for doing good never questioning themselves.. no need to be marketing effort to know that releasing a bit of the same sonic at the same time as a very creative and perfectly executed 2D mario would hurt the sales.. well SEGA have one of the most amateur marketing people in the industry


The rivals are at it again. 😁

ZeekQuattro95d ago

Even when Sega were still in the console business Sonic couldn't compete in terms of sales with Mario. Sonic is hot ragain and Sega still managed to fuck up. Quite the accomplishment.

Agent7595d ago

A lot of bad Sonic games over the years. After Sonic Adventure 2, although Sonic Adventure was better, Sonic died. Apart from the Sonic Racing, that's pretty much it. Sonic Frontiers, SEGA should've knocked out Sonic Adventure 3. These SEGA collections have been knocking around for too long. There's been too much dumbness at SEGA.

FinalFantasyFanatic95d ago

Sega is no stranger to dumb decisions, they've had a lot of practice, having said that, I love the Sonic Racing games and the movies.

Knightofelemia95d ago

Sonic is great but he is nothing when compared to Mario. Nintendo just knows how to utilize Mario better like Mario Maker, Super Smash, Mario Kart, Mario RPG, Mario Paint. Sonic is not a utilizable enough like Mario. Mario can be adapted to different games. Sonic is pretty much run, run, run. Sure Sonic has his own other games but again he is nothing when compared to Mario.

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