
Royal Cooking Review - Hardcore Droid

Royal Cooking is a cooking simulator that puts a spin on fine dining gameplay that challenges players' time management and precision skills.

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Here are the new Xbox Game Pass Quests for November 2022

Xbox Game Pass Quests recently reset for the month of November. So if you try to collect as many Microsoft Rewards points as possible, there's a new set available now.

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Deathdeliverer558d ago

This should hold everyone off until the next big release. I love me some reward points! [sarcasm]

JBplusVB558d ago

Gamepass has changed everything. Phil, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for Gamepass. I just bought 50 years worth of subscription and I'm so happy.

CBaoth557d ago

Riiight! Thanks to GP I've discovered hundreds of indie fillers I would've never known about otherwise. Best part: team Xbox has discovered how great walking sims and interactive movies really are! And EA Play? Love me some 4 year old sports games!! Why sub up though? Just let MS auto renew that incredible $14.99 a month value. It's so easy!!

JBplusVB557d ago

Gamepass is just so amazing. Adding EA play to it brought the service to a whole nother level. Phil Spencer has the brightest mind in gaming. By far.....


Here's How Much Xbox Game Pass Paid For An Indie Game

Microsoft paid an indie studio a major sum of money in order to add its game to the Xbox Game Pass library.

The game in question is Cooking Simulator. Originally released on Steam back in 2019, the game will now be added to the Xbox Game Pass catalog. In its report, developer Big Cheese Studio has revealed the exact amount of money it has received from Microsoft in return for putting the game on its service.

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TheLordOfStuff633d ago

They got paid $600k in a one of payment, equal to 22% of their previous fiscal year.

Jin_Sakai633d ago (Edited 633d ago )

$600,000 or 22% of the games entire revenue from the previous year. But I was told we should buys games and support the developers because they don’t get paid well on Game Pass.

DarXyde633d ago

That is a disingenuous and myopic framing.

The arguments people typically make are about day & date, and this is a 3-year old clearly budget indie game.

Developers can* make money, but you really need to put some qualifiers around that. D&D is helpful for titles that would otherwise need the exposure and is acceptable for games that are live services. Single player high quality title though? Non.

A game like this would be fine on XGP, but let's not discuss these things without nuance.

gamer7804633d ago

The variables change to much to translate this to any other game. What’s the duration on gamepass. When does the game release. Not just how much money they got. It’s the developer/publishers choice, no one is forcing them to put their games on gamepass. It’s just another option.

KillBill632d ago

Except your take on the argument only makes it more so a point that Game Pass support is a good thing. As this is a good figure even for a 3 year old (2 years old on Xbox) title. Had it received the support of Game Pass day 1 then likely its revenue earnings would have had much larger accumulation. Though in hindsight a resurgence of the game in the market is also a viable look to their approach here.

DarXyde632d ago


Did you read my post clearly? You write:

"Except your take on the argument only makes it more so a point that Game Pass support is a good thing. As this is a good figure even for a 3 year old (2 years old on Xbox) title."

In response to my comment:

"A game like this would be fine on XGP, but let's not discuss these things without nuance."

I was taking issue with Jin_Sakai suggesting developers do get paid well on XGP. Certainly possible, but that is a blanket statement and I don't think that applies generally. For this game, as I clearly mentioned, sure.

I'm curious to know why you believe it would have done better as a Day 1 XGP title. Based on what, exactly? I can't say I would have any evidence to support that.

633d ago
S2Killinit633d ago (Edited 633d ago )

I think the argument is that quality games will die with gamepass model. If your game is filler, you would probably be able to negotiate a good contract with MS, on a case by case basis. (Not that this one is a good contract because we would need all the details)

InUrFoxHole632d ago

What quality games have died with gamepass?

S2Killinit632d ago (Edited 632d ago )

The ones that MS hasnt made since… well I guess it started back from the second half of the 360 generation. Those ones.

gangsta_red632d ago


You're answer is pretty vague...Which games from the 360 era and how are they related to Game Pass?

S2Killinit632d ago

Its vague only if you’ve had your head up in a green cloud for a generation and a half.

gangsta_red632d ago

Then you won't mind providing a bit more context with actual points to back up your claim.

But something tells me you'll comeback with another "I'm not doing the research" type of comment.

S2Killinit632d ago

No research is needed its been pretty evident.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 632d ago
BrainSyphoned633d ago

Jin is my favorite professional straw grasper.

garryxcs633d ago

This is one instance and not representative of the entirety of games MS pays to put on gamepass.

Palitera633d ago

They have more than 30 people in-house.
600k is burned down like paper in an IT company of this size.

neutralgamer1992633d ago


That's not what we say that's what the CEO's of biggest publishers in gaming are saying. This is why Ms have invested close to 90 billion to acquire talent and games


So let's see should I take someone on a gaming site more seriously or the CEO of one of the biggest gaming publishers. Unlike us his only affiliation is business and not a plastic box being a fanboy

You blaming others JIN is like Ms blaming Sony for holding back games from GPZ only got it to be 100% denied

They can't depend on 3rd parties and pay per game basis and make a profit. This way they own the talent and the IP's. Also what worries me is we may see Ms push out games early and support more AA games to make GP stand out more

rlow1633d ago

On you being worried about MS pushing games out early.
Starfield and Redfall say hello.
Xbox took a lot of flak for that but they took it on the chin and did the right thing. So I would think by their actions, they are making sure the games are cooking as long as they need to.

Christopher633d ago

Because every Indie developer is getting paid $600k to put their just as good Indie games on Game Pass, right?

InUrFoxHole632d ago

Are you trying to imply, you think they'll get more or less?

RabbitFly633d ago

You have no basis for saying 22% is alot or even fair.

The problem is more about the Future of gaming.

You cannot claim that gamepass is good value and at the same time say devs get payed well. The system only works as long as the number of adopters is low. As such the idea that one should buy into gamepass because it is good value is flawed. The system can only survive an increase in popularity bu either removing revenue from the benefactors (publishers and developers) or increase the price to q point where the subscription concept of gamepass No longer makes sense.

Gamepass is a marketing ploy. And it is the good old "the first one is free" in New clothes. As such it brings nothing good to the industry, but has the potential to be devestating.

fr0sty633d ago

Getting paid less than a quarter of what your game made the previous year is supposed to be a win how?

gangsta_red632d ago

People are quick to believe and tell you that GP ruins games, doesn't support the developers, stiffens quality and isn't sustainable with less context than this article to base those opinions on.

But to actually get some numbers, multiple devs praising GP, and more games new and old being released to GP , this seems to never be taken into account. Why demand more context now, when your original opinion of GP had nothing solid to lean on from the beginning?

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 632d ago
brewin633d ago

Well there goes that narrative. Games still make money on Gamepass. Just as movies still make money on netflix. Shocking. Sad that some people try and argue the service somehow degrades the quality of a game because it's on Gamepass. Games are more likely to find their audience on there. That's a win win. I know it's painful for Fanboys to admit that Microsoft got something right, but the facts are that Gamepass is wonderful for companies and for gamers.

gamer7804633d ago (Edited 633d ago )

Right it’s just another revenue model for games to choose from they just gotta figure out the amount of money vs amount of time On Gamepass and if a game releases on pc and ps then it’s not a bad option. People complaining about options…

RickRoland633d ago (Edited 633d ago )

Games make money…if they’re indie or filler. High budget games still benefit from actual sales. This reinforces the narrative that game pass has a bunch of junk on the service. A one time payment of 600K which is 22% of their previous years earnings….so basically unless they keep selling this game at the same clip (which they probably won’t since now people can play it on game pass)…that 600K will be their last big windfall with the title. Your sales trends no longer can be forecast once you join gamepass. Good luck!

MadLad633d ago

Except many devs have already stated they benefit from being on Gamepass, and that their games still sell while on Gamepass, the money given to them helped the studio, and they get a significant bump of sales on the discount had when exiting Gamepass.

Devs aren't obligated to praise Gamepass, yet many have.

thesoftware730633d ago

So no one on PC or PlayStation will buy it now that it's on GP? You should look at it as this is their big windfall on MS platform, which is an instant 600k..and the possibility of someone actually purchasing it adding even more money above the 600k.

Malacath633d ago

And yet publishers keep putting their games on there.

They must be making enough money off game pass to make up for the lost sales or they just wouldn't put their games on there.

I'm quite sure different games have different deals and a high budget game would get way more than than $600,000 especially if it's put on there day one. They would not only get enough to cover lost sales but if the games good enough a lot of subscribers would end up buying the game when the contract ends and it's taken off the service.

633d ago
Kyizen633d ago

The amount of times I heard..."I would of bought that game but didn't cause it might be on gamepass" or I am glad I didn't buy that game since it is on gamepass"

DOMination-633d ago

For an indie game, I think its more beneficial. For an obscure title like.. its probably way better to have the exposure and a share of 25 million sub money than selling 20,000 units at full price (don't forget digital sales sacrifice up to 30% to the store vendor ie. Sony/Microsoft/Valve/Epic etc.)

Third party AAA is where things are going to be interesting. It is clear they are going to struggle moving forwards unless they adopt a F2P/MTX model. Hence the attraction for acquisitions.

First party is very different. Especially for MS who make $20BN PROFIT every QUARTER.

Sorry to piggyback your specific comment, it wasn't because I disagree or anything, I just felt it was the most relevant to re[ply to.

gold_drake633d ago

what narrative?
we all knew that MS had to pay a certain amount of money to get games on GP.

if it works out money wise for publishers is besides the point. theres a good chance you'd be loosing out on money if your game really takes off and ppl only play it on GP.

632d ago
MadLad633d ago

Not to mention many devs have openly stated the games see a sale boost upon leaving the service. There's a lot of people who typically wouldn't go out and buy a game physically, try it because it comes with a service they already pay for, end up really liking it, and then buying it anyway because they ended up loving it and want it in their collection.

garryxcs633d ago

I'm not at all surprised some people are trying to use one example of deal MS made to bolster their argument but it's a hollow attempt, this one game is not representative of every deal made for every game on gamepass and what's "fanboying" is thinking that it is. As far as the service degrading games well if you truly believe Cooking Simulator is a highlight for gamepass then I guess there's nothing I can say that will help you.

632d ago
garryxcs632d ago (Edited 632d ago )


Your complete and utter nonsense aside, I'll have to check out Hollow Knight as it's free on PS Plus Extra, thanks for the recommendation.

FanboysKiller633d ago

It's an unethical move , don't pity them.

FanboysKiller633d ago

It's about making choices , if you liked something and they pulled it from the service then you'll make the choice , numbers don't lie , there's no other side for this topic except the made-up stories , otherwise , you shouldn't see what happened.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 632d ago
Germaximus633d ago

looks like they got gipped to me

RickRoland633d ago (Edited 633d ago )

Yep and that 22% MS paid from their previous years earnings will be the reason that 600K will be 60% of their earnings for the next year when sales drop off due to the fact that nobody has to buy the game anymore.

JEECE633d ago (Edited 633d ago )

Also in the future when MS approaches them (having finalized deals on several publishers and therefore far less in need of third-party content) and offers them $200-300k for their next game, they will have to take it, because people have been conditioned that indie games = "Gamepass games," so they aren't going to be able to sell their game on Xbox in any kind of significant numbers.

thesoftware730633d ago

Again that makes no sense.

Your logic implies that if a game comes to gamepass(the lowest selling platform of the 3 by unit sales)PS and PC users will not buy it.

There are 3 competing systems against MS, the game has made 600k from one platform and you make that a negative lol.

arkard633d ago

@thesoftware gamepass is on pc to, so that argument makes no sense.

rlow1633d ago

Game came out in 2019. Don’t you think they already saw their sales drop. Especially after the pandemic?

Godmars290633d ago

You're missing that if GP becomes more popular, becomes the leading means to access games, then both MS will pay less to get titles on it and games will sell less on other platforms.

632d ago
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“Cooking Simulator” is going to release its “Shelter” DLC for PC via Steam on November 18th, 2021

"The Poland-based indie games developer Cheese Studio and video games publisher PlayWay today announced with great thrill and happiness that the “Shelter” DLC is coming to “Cooking Simulator” for PC via Steam on November 18th, 2021." - Jonas Ek, TGG.