
Xbox Series S and X UK sales jumped 76% on Starfield launch

The launch of Starfield and a new version of the Xbox Series S significantly boosted sales of Microsoft consoles.

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Obscure_Observer265d ago

Doesn´t matter how haters try to bring it down, Starfield is a hit!

Battlestar23265d ago

Agreed it's a massive hit with over 6 million copies sold in less then a week not even FF16 was capable of that. The game is the best game of the generation and will win GOTY.

purple101265d ago

Game of the generation?

Whoah there' nelly

CrashMania265d ago

*players not copies sold, though I'm sure it'll sell very well on steam at least, but we know MS won't reveal any numbers outside of 'engagement'.

And whether you or any of us likes it or not, hard to see ToTK not winning goty...

Brazz265d ago

Not 6 million copies sold, but 6M players. We have no data on Starfield Sales numbers.

DarkHeroZX265d ago

Not sold but "played" lol.

Einhander1972265d ago

6 million copies sold

6 million people "played it" not sold. Big difference.

Rockstar265d ago

Calm down. I know you've been waiting for a hit but let's not lose our head here...

Petebloodyonion265d ago

Why drink and drive when you can smoke and fly?
Honestly, you seem to be on solid stuff :)
Care to tell us where you have that 6 million game sold info?
And yes it's quite probable that SF will be a GOTY contender (might even win some) but I fail to see what sets this game apart from several exploration games nor have seen any reviewers hinting at such a notion.

But hey I might be wrong.

talocaca265d ago

Lol....those 3 million FF16 players paid $70 for each copy (more if you include the Deluxe Editions)...also the number is probably higher now.

Starfield's 6 million players probably come mostly from GamePass....very unlikely to be generating a lot of revenue, let alone profit.

Vengeance1138265d ago

Someone's in for a rude awakening when reality hits in December lol

shinoff2183265d ago (Edited 265d ago )

Is that 6 million sold though or 6 million played. Ms likes to distort their numbers all the time.

Still an enjoyable game, probably my favorite game this year, but I'd take that 6 mill with a huge grain of salt cause I don't believe it sold 6 million anything and it's more 6 million played.

BehindTheRows265d ago (Edited 265d ago )

A. It's 6 million PLAYERS, not copies.

B. Why'd you use Final Fantasy? That's not even PlayStation's biggest launch. It's Ragnarök, and that sold 5m in 5 days.

Xbox has no exclusive that has ever done that, and unless they (Microsoft) state otherwise, Starfield didn't either.

Elda265d ago

Please provide 100% actual factual solid proof that Starfield sold over 6 million copies. You're getting that confused with 6 million played Starfield.

EvertonFC265d ago (Edited 265d ago )

Correction: 6mill players not copies sold.

Lightning77265d ago

It's 6 million players. MS doesn't give out sales numbers or copy sold. Best of the generation is very questionable. I personally don't think it is but to each there own I suppose.

MrNinosan265d ago

No, it didn't sell 6 million copies. It didn't sell more than FFXVI, however, it has 6 million downloads where the majority is from GamePass.

Crows90265d ago

6 million copies were not confirmed dude

Soulsborne265d ago

Lil bud was asleep all year, probably tried ER out after TGA.

A console exclusive with a niche fanbase vs multiplat BGS new IP also on GP. I know its hard but think before you speak.

LonDonE265d ago

tust me, iam at the teamoph uc missions, pope getting old mass effect vibes fom the game. dont know what people ae moaning about, the game is clean on my pc, i get solid 60/144fps and uns incedibly fo a bgs game, not had hadly any bugs too.. its decent cant wait to play mo. it like mass effect but enhanced

JusttJD0099265d ago

Thanks, really needed aa good laugh today.

fr0sty265d ago (Edited 265d ago )

Taking the victory lap in the wrong direction before you even reached the finish line... MS was able to give away 6 million copies of it to GP subscribers, among a few sales. There's a reason why we don't get the actual copies sold number, a reason I'm sure would greatly disappoint you, so just go back to playing your game.

S2Killinit265d ago

Lol okay.

And 76% only? Thats not good at all. 76% on launch means it spiked. That is actually much less that I had anticipated.

ken2813264d ago

What’s the next goal post? Over 30 million hour watched?

KrystofKage1264d ago

Game of the generation? Not even game of the year.

Ashunderfire86264d ago

I won’t say game of the generation. Save that for Perfect Dark and Hellblade 2. Baldur Gate 3 will be this years game of a generation! Spiderman 2 will come very close, but it would be a huge shocker if that game trumps the game of the year contender!

Jigga69264d ago

starfield is at 84% on metacritic. It was not even the best game of the week. lol

ChiefofLoliPolice264d ago (Edited 264d ago )

Best Game of the Generation!? (I cannot take you seriously with the GOTG comment so I'm going to let that go)

However... GOTY??! Whoa hold on there slim...kinda jumping the gun there a bit aintcha? What the hell have you been smoking? SF is a decent game but it's FAR from a GOTY material.

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 264d ago
265d ago
VenomUK265d ago

What this means is that in the week of the Starfield launch Xbox sales went up by less than double. It’s good, and this is not downplaying, but it’s not a major leap in sales, and it will fall in the second week. Meaning, if repeated in all international territories, Starfield has been a hit with Xbox owners but has had not dramatically increased sales.

Crows90265d ago

Sterfield is a Bethesda game...so it's a hit just like fallout.

Those not looking at it with rose tinted glasses however, get to see it's not a great game at all. It's average at best and not their best game either.

Obscure_Observer265d ago

"Those not looking at it with rose tinted glasses however, get to see it's not a great game at all. It's average at best and not their best game either."

Nobody invests more than a few hours playing an average game, especially nowadays with some many great games out there!

Tons of PS fans spending tons of hours in Starfield right now rather than playing Final Fantasy XVI, BG3 or Armored Core for instance!

MK1 and Lies of P will be out in a few days and those people will CONTINUE to be all over Starfield!

That´s average Starfield to you!

Elda265d ago (Edited 265d ago )

@Obscure. You're definitely reaching. Most solely PS5 owners are done playing FFXVI due to the game released almost 3 months ago. PS5 owners are definitely still playing AC6 & BG3. When Lies Of P & MK1 releases next week solely PS5 owners will be playing either of those 2 games or possibly both. I'm playing some Starfield but when Lies Of P & MK1 releases next week my full attention will be playing both of those new games, I'll be playing MK1 on my PS5.

Obscure_Observer264d ago (Edited 264d ago )


Awesome! We need more women as part of the FG community!

That said, I wasn´t talking about gamers like you. You didn´t even like Bethesda games in the first place. If you´d managed to spent some hours in Starfield despite your personal tastes, more power to you.

What I saying is that too much hate surrounding Starfield that most people talking crap about that game had never played it, while those PS fans playing Starfield in other platforms are mostly enjoying the game.

HyperMoused264d ago

6M players, id be guessing thats between copis sold and gamepass subs, which is also money...great launch

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 264d ago
Hofstaderman265d ago (Edited 265d ago )

If you sell one console the previous month and four this month that's a 400 percent jump. Give us the actual numbers Microsoft...

raWfodog265d ago (Edited 265d ago )

Yeah I was wondering why the same site gave the actual numbers for PS5 (and accessory) sales in an earlier article but did not release numbers for the XB sales. They have that info if they know how much percentage it rose.

Hofstaderman265d ago

MS don't release figures for obvious reasons...they getting pummeled since 2013.

jznrpg265d ago

Because it doesn’t look as good as it sounds

GamingSinceForever265d ago

XBOX sales were up 76% week-over- week, whereas PS5 sales were up 60% year-to-date. 😂

Plague-Doctor27265d ago

In UK they sold 25k in August. This bump is week over week. Extrapolating to whole month they'd sell around 43k for September (at best)

EvertonFC265d ago

It sells about 10,000 aweek in the UK, so about 17,000 this week. The article makes it sound like it sold hundred of thousands lol.

TheCaptainKuchiki265d ago

300% jump*
100% is already doubling
But yeah, giving us percentages means nothing when we don't know the numbers

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 265d ago
265d ago Replies(3)
Sonic1881265d ago

6 million players or 6 million copies sold??🤔

VersusDMC265d ago

They love their misinformation don't they?

Except when people bring up that Fallout 4 sold 12 mil day one...then they are quick to clarify that it was shipped numbers.

jznrpg265d ago (Edited 265d ago )

Speaking of Fallout 4 , I was so disappointed. It was Fallout 3 with ultra lame base building. It didn’t feel any different at all, story was basically the same story same game with slightly better graphics. Instead of growing from Morrowind and New Vegas they have went to lesser RPGs with a lame sprint button . They could have been the best rpg maker in the world after Morrowind but instead they make jankier games for casuals.

Crows90265d ago

The easy answer to that is why didn't they ship the same for starfield?

ThinkThink265d ago

Xbox will always be last place. As long as they continue to compete, they're all good in my book.

ravens52265d ago

Xbox will always be last place. As long as they continue to purchase*, they're all good in my book.

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The Status of Every PlayStation Franchise

Sony owns a fair few iconic franchises - many dating right back to the original PlayStation. But while we’re pretty familiar with the likes of ongoing series such as God of War, Horizon, and Gran Turismo, there are plenty of PlayStation franchises that haven’t seen the light of day in a long time. So in this video, we’re going to be taking a look at the status of PlayStation’s many IPs, and checking in on when we last heard from them.

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Skuletor1d 18h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde1d 13h ago

Status in one word:


The end.

anast1d 13h ago

Which ones should they utilize more?

BehindTheRows1d 12h ago

Indeed. We hear this “underutilized” talk as if every old franchise should have a comeback or reboot.

I_am_Batman1d 11h ago (Edited 1d 11h ago )

When new IPs start looking like Concord, you can't blame people for wanting another Resistance or Killzone instead.

anast1d 11h ago (Edited 1d 11h ago )

J&D and Resistance are good ones. As much as I love these, though, I'm not sure they would payoff without an enormous marketing push. Younger gamers today do not have taste and the older gamers that would appreciate these might not be enough. But yeah, I would day 1 Resistance.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1d 11h ago
Hotpot1d 10h ago

Well that’s just the consequence of consistently producing new IPs isn’t it. Not all studios can be or want to be like polyphony digital who made gran turismo all the time.

Abear211d 12h ago

Here lies The Infamous Series; once a shining beacon of free flying, lighting bolt sniping, and wire riding amazing gameplay, it has been laid to rest and be forgotten for what seems like forever despite being loved by millions. Plot next to Wipeout across from NBA Jam.

Lightning771d 8h ago

Still baffling they cancelled Twisted Metal, Factions 2 and Spider-Man Multiverse LS game but thought Concord looked good enough.

Chocoburger1d 8h ago

Ape Escape, Parappa / Lammy, Gravity Rush, good times. Always hoping for them to make a return, or at least similar type games, such as the newly-announced Astro Bot, but one game isn't enough. Bring back the joyfulness of the 90's era of gaming.

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