
CDPR Lead Condemns Gamers For Comparing Starfield With Cyberpunk 2077

A CD Projekt Red lead has expressed his disdain for gamers comparing Starfield with Cyberpunk 2077 to support false narratives.

Flawlessmic235d ago

Starfield has launched in a wayyyyyyyyyyyyy better state than Cyberpunk did, I've barely had any issues at all.

Is starfield as great as we all hoped it would be, no it's not. its a average to good game which is disappointing considering how high my hopes were for this, but if I remove the hype and expectations and just look at what's there it's still a good game just not a great one.

shinoff2183235d ago

Agreed. Good game. Way way way better the cyberpunk released. I swear it seems cdproject is trying to rewrite history. It's not good when anyone does it whether it's politicians or game developers.

VenomUK234d ago

@Flawlessmic That’s a nuanced opinion that stands out from the people who only see things in absolutes.

Ashunderfire86234d ago

Well for one Starfield didn’t release on last gen Xbox One, which would have severely limit the game compared to Series S that is superior. Cyberpunk 2077 released with all systems, and it just wasn’t ready! A huge huge letdown! Every time when I was playing it on PS5, it kept on freezing! I sent that crap back to get my full refund!

JackBNimble233d ago

How is that a nuanced opinion?
The game was so broken you couldn't even play it and Sony even pulled it from the psn store.
Nothing like massRefunds am I right?

VenomUK233d ago (Edited 233d ago )

@JackBNimble some people are shouting that Starfield is the best game ever (a valid opinion) and some are decrying it as a huge disappointment (not many may agree but also valid). So the nuance is one person coming on N4G and giving their subjective opinion that the game hasn’t met their expectations built up by hype but that it’s still a good experience.for them. However, the fanboys and girls will not accept another’s view on a game simply because they personally disagree with it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 233d ago
patriz420234d ago

I felt that way at first but with about 25 hours in my opinion has changed significantly from my first impressions, I'm having a blast.

JeffGUNZ234d ago

This. I liked it a lot when I first played it but now, 57 hours, I am addicted. I am in NG+ and exploring every planet/moon/system to 100% everything. The amount of cool things I am finding is insane. Game is great.

PhillyDonJawn234d ago

The game gets better and better as you go on. I personally don't recommend this game for those that don't have a lot of time to game lol. It'll consumer your life when you got important things to do. Or you'll drop it before it gets good

dumahim234d ago

I feel like I've had quite a few crashes while loading. They seem to come in streaks though. I can go a couple days with none, and then get a few within an hour. Also, the maps/fast travel screens are a bit odd. I'm 50 hours in and I just saw for the first time a zoomed in image of the planet that doesn't show any detail, but shows any nearby locations. Why did this just show up? And it doesn't always come up. Why? It's so much easier to fast travel. I also saw my fast travel from one system to another animate through the different levels of the map system it hadn't ever done before that I thought was neat. Only saw it once though. Might be for the better as it takes extra time to do that instead of just loading.

Other than that, it has been pretty solid. It still baffles me about the stuff they couldn't get to that should have been very simple like an FOV slider or gamma settings. Personally, I think the UI needs some quality of life improvements that seem obvious. There's a nice mod someone did that makes the space the items in the inventory take up a bit less and provides more columns for more details. They even include a DPS stat for the weapons since the damage and rate of fire is already there. I also really think there needs to be a way to mark locations as favorites you can keep on a list to select instead of finding the system on the map.

dumahim234d ago

Anyone wondering about the UI mod I mentioned, this is it.

Vx_234d ago

both are bad buggy overrated overhyped boring games.

Daeloki233d ago

For someone who doesn't like Starfield, you sure do find your way into the comments of every Starfield related post to whine. Maybe get a hobby?

Crows90234d ago (Edited 234d ago )

Idk the pc version of cyberpunk was all right. The rest of your comment actually applies to cyberpunk. Average to good game but failed to meet hype.

On that note how's the PS4 and Xbox One versions of starfield?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 233d ago
MrDead235d ago

Cyberpunk runs better with full raytracing on than Starfield without, they have screwed the PC release up. Digital Foundry were shocked at the disparity between AMD, Nvidia and Intel cards for a AAA title, this should never happen. Bethesda have ignored 85% of the PC hardware market.

shinoff2183235d ago (Edited 235d ago )

Oh gtfo. It runs better at release or 2 years after ?

Even if cyberpunk ran better at release the game was a broken piece of shit dude. Starfield is atleast playable without my ps4 crashing every half hour. I beat and platinumed cyberpunk on ps4 within release and it was a huge pile. I enjoyed the setting so much so I stuck it out. Cyberpunk is probably a fantastic game now sure but starfield has released in a better state no doubt. I've played both at release and starfield takes the cake

MrDead234d ago (Edited 234d ago )

Digital Foundry used Cyberpunk as an example of how poorly optimised Starfield is, Cyberpunk is one of the benchmarks for graphics on PC, Starfield is not even slightly close to being that. The fact that a very demanding game with full raytracing runs better then Starfield is shocking and that they ignored 85% of the PC hardware market on release is insane, there has never been a bigger disparity between graphics cards on a AAA game.

Zeke68234d ago

@shinoff Not hating but now I get the downvotes: "Starfield is atleast playable without my ps4 crashing every half hour."
And here silly old me though this was an PC/Xbox exclusive. You learn something new every day it seems ;)

shinoff2183234d ago (Edited 234d ago )

I meant to say xbox crashing lol. But refer to cyberpunk crashing my ps4 every half hour

Far as graphics they both looked straight to me. It's not always about the graphics dude. Game can be a graphical beast but if it runs like shit dhit it's useless

--Onilink--234d ago (Edited 234d ago )

The topic is clearly PC performance, not last gen consoles. Why even bring up PS4 Cyberpunk to compare?

Cyberpunk PC performance was and is better than Starfield’s.
The game has no business being this heavy without running a single RT feature.
We also know that settings that typically would imply its CPU heaviness aren’t doing anything particular to performance and its performance is actually dropping the more cores a CPU has, which is the opposite of what it should.

Its extremely poorly optimized on Nvidia (and literally non-playable on Intel), with cards performing 20-40% worse than they would be expected too (plus the whole discussion of lacking DLSS and XeSS)

The settings menu is really bad and lacking meaningful performance gains between graphics tiers (and basic options like FOV slider). That and their HDR presentation is awful (and also lacking menus to customize)

I’m loving the game, have well over 50 hours, but I also have a 4090 rig that just powers through poor optimization. And in terms of bugs or just being unplayable like many recent PC ports, Starfield is in a pretty good spot. But there is no denying just how badly optimized Starfield is for so many PC setups and Bethesda needs to step up

FPS_D3TH234d ago (Edited 234d ago )

Starfield on your ps4 huh? Try that one again but without the bs maybe?

Crows90234d ago

Nothing about cyberpunk was broken. Main story is better. Gunplay is better. Choices are better. World building is actually better as well...but that's my preference cuz starfield has good world building too.

Graphics are also better on cyberpunk...

Maybe cyberpunk had more glitches...that's a possibility for sure.

Extermin8or3_232d ago

Cyberpunk ran alright on ps5 and presumeably xbox series x too. The unplayable version was last gen.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 232d ago
Profchaos234d ago

To be clear df used cyberpunk in its current state for comparison we all know how bad it's launch really was.

I'm not in love with starfeild at all I like aspects of it but it's not my cup of tea however I'm not going to go out of my way and make frivolous claims it's still a decent game on PC where I played it.

Could things be Betty for the PC version yes, is it worse than cyberpunk at launch no

MrDead234d ago

Digital Foundry used it as a comparison because it shouldn't even be a thing, Starfield should be running far, far better then Cyberpunk because it's not even in the same ballpark when it comes to visuals. Cyberpunk is pushing full ray-traced reflections, light and shadows, higher quality models, denser crowds, literally more of everything at a far higher quality. Starfield is very poorly optimised.

Sonic1881234d ago (Edited 234d ago )

I'm still surprised that they got away with it. I mean what's the reason to invest in a Nvidia card if you can't take full advantage of it. No DLSS support 🤔

gold_drake235d ago

i agree with the cdpr leader,

starfield runs way better than cyberpunk.
the audacity of some people haha

234d ago Replies(1)
Stanjara234d ago

They condemned me? Oh... I didn't know.
I'm condemned now.

David Guetta gets mad.

How about your shitty launch and fake advertising+ chosen reviewers hurt gaming industry.

Stfu cdpr.

That UE 5.3 better be running on that Witcher 4.
Hope it runs well.

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Starfield’s largest update since launch is coming on May 15

Bethesda has announced the release date for the biggest Starfield update since launch, which will bring map improvements, Xbox graphics options, and more.

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Zeref1d 10h ago (Edited 1d 10h ago )

40fps and 60fps modes on Xbox is huge! Honestly didn't think it would be possible.
Too bad it wasn't there at launch but this and land vehicles definitely gets me way more excited to jump back in when Shattered Space drops.

darthv721d 8h ago

Very nice. I will jump back into it at 60fps like I did with Fallout.

helicoptergirl21h ago

The real thing here is... why didn't they have 60 FPS at launch?

I remember so many people defending them saying that it must not be possible to have 60 fps for that game. So many people defending Bethesda. Saying its too hard for 60 fps. I hope a "journalist" goes back and looks at all the excuses made for Bethesda releasing only 30 FPS. Go back and look ath all their excuses and the fans' excuses and do a write up of it all. Bethesda keep messing up and getting a pass imo.

Releasing 60 fps now for this game is simply not good enough

I'll tell you one thing, if I had bought and played Starfield at launch on Xbox SeriesX I would be so damned angry right about now.

Futureshark16h ago(Edited 16h ago)

I remember Phil Spencer announcing that Starfield was to run at 30fps as a 'creative decision'.


This is one of the reasons why I'm no longer a Xbox fan, yet another example of Mr Spencer treating the public and their customers as idiots, feeding them basic marketing bullsh!t that anyone can actually see straight through.

And now their is an update over 6 months later to that game that has since lost all it's momentum it had at launch that not only improves performance but apparently adds all the QoL fixes that should have been there at launch (city maps for example).

What a load of baloney, going to wait until all this customer beta testing is finished and will get it on PS5 when on sale.

LordoftheCritics11h ago

60fps loading screen is still a loading screen.

obidanshinobi14h ago

"40fps and 60fps modes on Xbox is huge! Honestly didn't think it would be possible."
Really? Have you played Starfield on the Series X ? It's not really a looker, many parts of it look very last gen, there's no doubt a base Xbox One could run it at 30fps if they toned down the resolution and some of the detail.

There are already better looking open world games that run at 60fps like Cyberpunk 2077, on the Series X.

The Series X could easily run Starfield at 60fps, it's just the developers couldn't be arsed to prioritise it.
Seems to be a recurring problem within Xbox Studios, Redfall and the upcoming Hellblade 2 are other examples.
And let's not forget that Aaron Greenberg tweeted in 2020 (around March I think) that 60fps would be the standard for the Series consoles.

Zeref11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

I'm not sure what game you've been playing but the Starfield I've been playing looks amazing. Only the characters don't look that great but everything else looks amazing.

Goosejuice7h ago

I don't think he said starfield looks bad, cyberpunk looks better though and has wayy more going on. There was no reason for starfield to be 30 fps. It was an unfinished game when they released it. You could tell just with the maps..how do u release a game with the maps they had for cities? In was terrible.

Tacoboto1d 10h ago

Way to bury the best news here! Thanks Zeref for already sharing.

"You can now select your own frame rate target for Starfield if you're on a VRR display, allowing you to choose between 30, 40, 60, and Uncapped."

I'm glad I've waited to finish it. The PC version with frame gen feels great but I'll happily play it on my Xbox again away from my desk

darthv721d 8h ago

I just started fallout 4 for the first time and did so because of the new patch that was released. I play it in performance mode from my SX through my g cloud and it works really well. I plan on doing the same with this one when it drops.

Snookies121d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

What happened to the 30 FPS lock on consoles being a "developer choice"? I refused to touch it on console because of that. I honestly got pretty bored of the game after about 15-20 hours, but maybe I'll go back after a lot of updates. Still sad to see things like the map being fixed, and FPS options that should have been there in the first place. Being added in so much later.

darthv721d 8h ago

the 30fps lock was the developer choice because they could not get 60 to be consistent (at that time). They could have offered 40fps as a trade off but I guess they were wanting to do more work to get 60. And now they got things working to support both 40 and 60 (on the SX) so you can rest easy now and enjoy it.

helicoptergirl21h ago

That isn't good enough. Other devs work hard and launch with 60 FPS. But it's Bethesda right? They always get a pass

Neonridr13h ago

@helicoptergirl - so either have something available at launch or don't improve a game moving forward.

That's quite the rationale you got going on there.

Eonjay12h ago

It seems pretty obvious just looking at the game that expecting it to run at 60 should definitely be achievable. We saw a similar thing happen with Redfall and now with Hellblade. The games are being pushed out too early. Its great that they are now getting 60 FPS... I can saw for sure that this makes me a lot more likely to buy the game when it comes out on PS5.

romulus2311h ago

That's not a "developer choice" it's a developer incapability and a parent company not willing to wait eight months for them to become capable. No one should "rest easy" when they have to wait upwards of a year for developers to deliver on promises they made. They had plenty of resources being under Microsoft's umbrella, there's no excuse for them not getting a consistent 60 (at that time).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 11h ago
Lightning771d 5h ago (Edited 1d 5h ago )

I agree 100%. These devs need to be up front about why console is 30. In fact I don't believe for a second HB2 was a dev choice but ran out of time. Despite having plenty of time already.

Makes no sense how much dev time does a game need to be in a pipeline in order to be 60 at launch? Even after delays its still 30. MS needs to get this sorted out with their next batch of games but I doubt they will. I think Indy might be 30 despite it being another linear experience and Avowed might be as well going by MS feature incomplete track record.

Tacoboto23h ago

I'm confident with Avowed and Indiana both being 60.

Avowed has the 60fps gameplay footage, after their commitment to do better after Redfall.

Indy's footage is 60fps too and runs on id Tech.

chicken_in_the_corn3h ago

Because it was exactly that. Their choice.

andy8523h ago

Remember all the excuses from 'fans' about why 60 fps wasn't possible on Xbox consoles. It obviously was they just couldn't be bothered.

CobraKai21h ago

Im still hoping for the landing cutscenes for previously visited planets

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Todd Howard says Starfield's Shattered Space DLC launches this fall.

"Big update coming really soon" has city maps and shipbuilding improvements

The update "should be" properly revealed this week

Read Full Story >>
InUrFoxHole3d ago

Oh stop ✋️. Starfield is a good game. But definitely could be better. Would like some quality of life changes. Although if past games are anything to go by. Bethesda is gonna rely on the community to update the game :(

Gaming4Life19813d ago

Exactly Starfield is a good game and I can't wait until we get mod support. I'm looking forward to the new update and dlc.

Crows902d ago

Its not though. If it was more people would be playing it but its long forgotten. Its average at best.

Armaggedon2d ago

@Crows90 You are looking at numbers, numbers dont tell the whole story. What about Palworlds 90+ percent drop off, or other games like that dropped lst year? People that think starfield is bad will find “evidence “ that it is, but its just confirmation bias my friend.

notachance2d ago

eh, bethesda completely killed the sense of exploration in starfield. In fallout and elder scrolls I could walk to a mission objective only to get knee deep on a random vault/cave 3 hours later because I randomly encounter other missions on the way, in starfield it's just travelling from city to objective to city to objective again...

would've been way better if they just make 3-4 planets but with big open area each full of contents.

Crows902d ago (Edited 2d ago )


There's no bias. I played the game. Beat it. There's nothing interesting throughout the entire game...half baked systems galore. Just boring content...tons of boring content.

I have more fun throwing bread and chairs at players in chivalry 2 than in the entire Starfield experience. That's not bias...I don't care about numbers. Nobody cares about Starfield. It was a failed attempt ..maybe they'll do better with the next one.

Maybe if they give it to obsidian we'll get something awesome like fallout New Vegas. Hopefully with less bugs.

1Victor2d ago

So does this confirm a PS5 release by winter? 🤣

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2d ago
Becuzisaid2d ago

@Armageddon "you're looking at numbers, Numbers don't tell the whole story..."

Seriously? You're argument is stop giving logical evidence. And giving evidence is showing bias?? Democrat much?

FunAndGun2d ago

WTF does "Democrat much" mean? Like you care about "evidence." Republican much?

Armaggedon2d ago

My my, look at all these downvotes to people that actually like the game. Time to get a mind of your own people.

shinoff21832d ago

How is it not having a mind of your own to not like the game. I bought a whole series x for this and was pretty disappointed. No lore, exploration(half baked unlike their other games, and it felt like a step back), lack of lore, etc. As it stands I don't really like the game. I think it's a bad game and a huge step back. Step back is the problem as well. With that said I'll try it again after some of my complaints are fixed. Sadly though I doubt my lore issue(no books or pc's to actually read like their other games) will be fixed. Trust me I didn't spend series x money to say I didn't like the game.

Lightning772d ago

I highly doubt you got a X to play it. Or played it at all. The games in the future you're not gonna find booke and their are PC's to get back story.

You're lying.

Wretchedstain2d ago

This happens far too often on here.

"Whats that?!?, you like something that I don't? Here's a down-vote to you good sir for liking something..."

(Down-votes inbound)

Extermin8or3_2d ago

Literally the point of down voting is to down vote takes you don't agree with. So if most people think the game is mediocre at best then yeah praising it will get down voted.

Eonjay2d ago

I think that's the point. I get down votes all the time because I say stuff some people don't like or don't agree with. I didn't agree or disagree because I never played the game.

Crows902d ago

Down votes mean people disagree with the statement.

For instance. You said it happens too often and assume it's simply because people don't like what you like...that's not it...that's not the reason.

And that is why you're getting down votes.

Hofstaderman2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Have you seen the Steam engagement numbers? I mean don't you guys gauage a games sucess on engagement these days? This game was slated as THE game to be played for months and years.... Allow me to save you the click its low.

dumahim2d ago

If I wasn't at work, I'd create a K2SO meme, "It's low. It's very low."

Barlos2d ago

What if, and hear me out here, but what if... these people actually don't like the game? I know, I know, pretty profound.

CrimsonWing692d ago

My, my, look all the upvotes to people actually not liking the game. Seems like they have a mind different than yours… maybe one that we can say is their own.

Nobody’s taking away your right to freely enjoy the game. I personally, enjoy some dumpster fire trash games. This particular one just helps cure insomnia… hell, just discussing this game is making me yawn.

Lightning772d ago

Lol no. Notice how it's only known Sony fanboys that have a extreme negative reaction to this game on here. Y'all Have had this reaction since the game released. I've never seen such hate and emotional reaction over a single game in my life yet leave it to Sony fanboys like yourself to set a unwritten record of most hate for a game. Clearly just look around in this comment section.

CrimsonWing692d ago


I can only speak for myself, but I bought this game, yes bought, so I’m not sure where in the hell that makes me a Sony fanboy. I own all the f*cking consoles, so quit b*thing about fanboys just because people didn’t like this game. I think it’s completely underwhelming and quite frankly one of the most boring experiences I’ve ever had the displeasure of experiencing.

You go ahead and like the game, bub. Nobody says you can’t, but don’t get your panties in a bunch when people voice their opinion on the game and don’t go trying to make claims it’s only fanboys that hate it.

People just don’t like it, it’s just one of those things you’ll have to learn to deal with.

Lightning772d ago (Edited 2d ago )

"so quit b*thing about fanboys just because people didn’t like this game."

The ones who are genuinely underwhelmed at SF are hardcore Bethesda fans. What's the only fanbase or fanbases that takes a game that's only on one console dials up the hate to a maximum? Half these ppl here are lying about playing it they don't have Xbox. It's fanboys don't cover up their behavior. I see the same ones here, hell even on twitter the same culprits every time. They all have extreme fanboy track record I see a recognize and I can easily point them out. It's not hard.

If I enjoyed the game or not doesn't matter it's the terrible, toxic fanboys over this game is the issue.

There very fact you say "ppl voicing their opinions" is beyond hilarious. These aren't ppl they're fanboys. I recognize most of these ppl here all over Xbox news and games in general through out the years. Nice excuse.

You're not gonna win at this. You can keep deflecting and making excuses for them for their behavior. The fact that it's "oh it's just honest gamers voicing their opinions'" makes you very, very sus none logical person.

Or one of them.

CrimsonWing692d ago (Edited 2d ago )

@Lightning 77

I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not.

Do you realize your comments are probably the most fanboy responses in this entire comment section?

If anyone’s “sus” it’s you and your paranoia perspective on everyone who doesn’t agree with your fanboy stance on the game.

You’ve definitely demonstrated how impossible it is to have a discussion about anything with a fanboy.

Lightning772d ago

"I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not.

Do you realize your comments are probably the most fanboy responses in this entire comment section?"

So you clearly have no logical response so your retort is "no you're the fanboy!" You gotta come stronger than that Crimson. I know you got something.

But sure entertain me how am I the fan boy lol. I want full details on this.

CrimsonWing691d 17h ago


“So you clearly have no logical response so your retort is "no you're the fanboy!" You gotta come stronger than that Crimson. I know you got something.”

Isn’t that what you’re doing? No, seriously let’s have a real discussion here, if possible. What is your response to literally almost every comment here? Are you not LITERALLY calling every single person who says they’d don’t like this game a fanboy because that’s all you got?

The irony is so ironic it almost makes me want to vomit from how pathetic it is.

Yea, you’re right about one thing, I do have something more to say. I’ve honestly not seen a more. Your comments are steeped so deeply in fanboyism that it’s impossible to have any form of discourse with you. You’re actually delusional and it’s pretty disturbing in a way. Like, it borders on unhinged behavior and the delusion you have is on a whole other level.

So, what’s there to discuss further? I think Starfield is one of the most boring games I’ve ever played. There’s tons of YouTube videos of people criticizing the game with a plethora of examples that I agree with. Boring gameplay loop, boring environments and level design, boring story, boring characters, like Wirral nothing about this game has entertained me.

What’s your “retort” going to be? Probably, “Oh you’re a Sony fanboy just hating on a Xbox game and blah blah blah fanboy this and fanboy that blah blah blah,” like what discourse can we get going taking to a fanboy like you?

That’s literally your response to everyone on here and when you get called out as a fanboy your only response to that is saying “you don’t have logic so you retort to calling me a fanboy.”

Please tell me you see the irony in this. I mean, we could make a drinking game that’d put someone in the hospital with taking a shot every time you mention someone’s a fanboy for not liking the game in here. How’s that for entertaining you?

So yea, unhinged fanboy, what do you want to discuss further? I’d like to say “I know you got more,” but I know it’s just going to be fanboy this and fanboy that and we’ll be stuck in some endless waltz where it feels like discussing things further with you is the equivalent of putting my brain in a microwave and nuking it.

It’s just one of those things…

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1d 17h ago
Becuzisaid2d ago

No one is downvoting you because you like a game that they don't. They downvote you because you're a smug, contrarian, ignorant person that seemingly exists just to tell people they're wrong for thinking differently than you do.

Lightning772d ago

Not my fault I'm right compared to all of you.

Thinking differently? Tell me why I see the same exact fanboys here that I see in, not only in other SF articles, but across Xbox related news in general then?

Maybe be smarter in your comments and don't be a fanboy. Then you'll witness the wonders of having a brain for once.

Crows902d ago

Follow your own advice and stop worrying about what other think...

Lightning772d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Let you get away with trolling and ignorant fanboy comments thats has to do with Xbox and PC. How would you like it if a bunch of Xbox fanboys tore down a PS article and game?

What's funny is I hardly see any Excited Xbox fans in here for shattered space it's all been taken over with fanboys like you so what's wrong with that picture?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1d 17h ago
Barlos2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Thank you Todd! Thank you Phil! Thank you team Xbox!! Thank you Bethesda! Thank you to my mom for giving birth to me so I could experience this masterpiece of a game!! This is the most amazing news I've ever heard!!! DLC to the best game ever made!!!

Let's gooooo!


Eonjay2d ago

I'm half expecting them to announce it for PlayStation next week.

Barlos2d ago

You never know. I'd still not buy it.

Lightning772d ago

I wouldn't hold your breath.

Extermin8or3_2d ago

Cool so I bet the PS5 version with all the updates and the expansion etc releases early next year then. I'm not particularly fussed or looking to buy it given my time with the game on pc was very "meh" but importantly it will help prove a point to all those in denial claiming the reports about a starfield port were wrong.

CobraKai2d ago

I enjoyed the game. I wasnt into Skyrim that much but using a sci fi setting got me into this one

Crows902d ago

I was honestly super excited for it. Just found it too shallow and uninteresting. Rather play mass effect.

CobraKai2d ago

Mass Effect is one of my favorite games of all time. I like em both tho. Maybe ill try Skyrim again

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Source Code For The Witcher 3 & Cyberpunk 2077 Has Allegedly Been Compromised

Source code for CD Projekt's action role-playing games The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 have allegedly been compromised.

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just_looken12d ago

Well they are using unreal engine now thanks to there work culture and horrific job on making cyberpunk so for the future no impact.

But it will be interesting to see what mods will be made


just_looken10d ago

7 disagrees shows how many look at one dlc that had a rip off fight from ghost in the shell and goes wow what a goat team i love cdpr while ignoring that they only made 2 games that were good witcher 2/3 in 20yrs.

But its a new world we want a criminal that support's legal murder as president/support shoplifting love toxic work environments and have a mass casualty event every other day.

GhostMirror10d ago

I’ll admit I didn’t play it at launch, but Cyberpunk 2077 is a really good game now.

And who the hell knows what you’re even going on about in your second paragraph here.

EazyC11d ago

Wait a min...I swear to god CP2077's source code got leaked before. CDPR needs to stop using "password123" for all their accounts 😅

just_looken10d ago

Na its hundreds ex employees no doubt just getting there revenge.

Profchaos10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

This is the same leak the threat actors have been trying to sell the source code after cd project didn't pay the ransom.

They didn't manage to sell the source code to any company largely because it would be unethical for say EA to buy it so the threat actors failed to find a buyer.

After they failed to make any money they went through with their threat of simply giving it away.