
Imagine Online Goes Open Beta, Q&A

Play Online writes:

"Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine Online was a game I never expected to see released in English. The MMORPG based on the cult-classic Atlus franchise was a game that I wasn't sure would have a huge market here in the States, but thankfully, Aeria Games disagreed, picking it up for release. Now, after a short closed beta period, Imagine Online has now entered the open beta stage, meaning anybody and everybody can download the free-to-play MMO and give it a go. I haven't had the chance to get too deep into Imagine Online yet, but I will say this: if nothing else, as a longtime MegaTen fan, I absolute love the setting and atmosphere of the world presented. Even if you aren't a MegaTen fan like myself, if you've grown a bit tired of the traditional sword and sorcery fantasy settings of most MMORPGs, Imagine Online's stark difference in that regard may be quite refreshing.

For our December issue of Play, I had the chance to ask a few questions about Imagine Online's North American debut to Spencer Chi, the producer at Aeria Games who is in charge of its English-language release. What I didn't have the chance to do, however, was print the full five-question Q&A."

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Homicide5593d ago

I found this pretty fun. The plot is very interesting.