
Fae Farm Interview: Isaac Epp On How Cosy Doesn't Have To Mean Simple

TheGamer spoke with Fae Farm game director Isaac Epp on how even cosy relaxing sim games can be full of depth for players to sink their teeth into.

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"Fae Farm" has just dropped its free demo for PC and the Nintendo Switch

"The Vancouver-based (Canada) indie games developer Phoenix Labs are today very happy and excited to announce that they have just released a free demo for their cozy farm-sim/RPG "Fae Farm" (the said demo is available right now for PC and the Nintendo Switch)." - Jonas Ek, TGG.

1nsomniac126d ago (Edited 126d ago )

??? I’ve been playing the demo on the switch with my daughter for a couple of weeks now.

It’s actually pretty good….i went to buy her it thinking it would be no more than £15 maybe £20 at a push… £50 is beyond an absolute joke though! I laughed my ass off at the price and told her she wasn’t getting it. That’s an intentional pricing move to take advantage of kids.

Jin_Sakai126d ago (Edited 126d ago )

That’s where most of these smaller games flub up. $20 would have been the sweet spot.


Video Chums Indie Game of the Year Awards 2023

“2023 was so full of excellent indie games that I had to upgrade my consoles' storage capacity so let's explore the year's very best indies.” - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums.

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Indie Game of the Month Awards September 2023

“I thought there have been loads of great indies this year then bam! September hit with an indielanche so let's hand out some awards.” - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums.

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crazyaejay253d ago

Some top-notch titles this month- wow!