
Persona 3 Reload Won't Include Content from FES or Portable, Including the Female Protagonist

In an interview with IGN, Persona 3 Reload producer Ryota Niitsuma and chief director Kazuhisa Wada confirmed that Persona 3 Reload only features content present in the original release of Persona 3.

Snookies12347d ago (Edited 347d ago )

That's... Kind of disappointing, not getting the FES stuff at least.

Nebaku346d ago

It's the opposite really.

The Fes Stuff(The Answer) was 30 hours of mindless dungeon crawling, for a barebones story that hurt what WAS a good ending to the original game.

The extra content from PSP however, namely the female protagonist, would have done nothing but improve the overall package.

VersusDMC346d ago

It is but the main P3 storyline is still around the 80 hours so it is 60 bucks worth of content. And it is a big graphical upgrade. Compared to the original.

And i can see why they didn't add the female protagonist as they would have to do every cutscene twice. They did it on the psp version because there were no cutscenes(just still images) all that changed was the voice and text.

But maybe i don't care as much because it's a one month gamepass rental for me.

-Foxtrot347d ago

Of course

They'll include it in a future Persona 3: Reload +

RpgSama346d ago

Yep!, Will be skipping this at launch while waiting for the "Royal" edition.

MadLad346d ago

Same. Persona is actually my favorite in the series, and I'm hyped for the remake, but it's ridiculous to not include the added content and instead pull it out and sell it, yet again, down the road.

This is a remake. Not a new release. Just give us whatever content is already on offer.

FinalFantasyFanatic346d ago (Edited 346d ago )

This exactly, there's no reason to not make this the definitive version with all of the content from P3P and FES, or at least the FES content. I really want to buy it, but I'm expecting a P4G or P5R type treatment in the near future, so I'll be skipping out on this for the first year or two.

It's bad enough that the original game's content was so fragmented with the Vanillia, Fes and Portable editions. I always feel like Atlus is nickle and diming us when they do this kind of thing, especially when it's shortly after the original releases.

GhostScholar346d ago

Just so you know a lot of people didn’t like some of the content that is being left out.

MadLad346d ago


That would be an easy fix. Just make it that you can opt in or out of the extra content. Plenty of games have features like that anymore.

FinalFantasyFanatic346d ago

You can just choose not to play it, FES did split the game in two, so you could just, not play the Answer, and P3P let you choose your protag.

Judging by the comments on a lot of news sites, most people actually want the FES and P3P content. It seems like it's only the minority who don't want the left out content.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 346d ago
AizenSosuke347d ago

Disappointing to be real with everyone here.

gold_drake347d ago

missed opportunity with FemMC.

Magic_Spatula346d ago

Eh. Guess I'll just go and replay the PSP version.

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Naughty Dog Boss Neil Druckmann Says AI Will 'Revolutionize' Development

Druckmann claims the tech could 'push the boundaries of storytelling in games.'

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Jin_Sakai7h ago

I’m more interested in what else he said.

“Neil Druckmann says new Naughty Dog title could ‘redefine mainstream perceptions of gaming’

Zezdh6h ago

Yay, more trans lgbtq characters and awful story lines

Jin_Sakai6h ago

I miss the old Naughty Dog when Bruce Straley and Amy Hennig were there.

H93h ago

It will be something like "we erased gameplay all together it's just a movie now"

purple1012h ago

every time naughty dog make a game, you play it and get the feeling "this is not possible'

from the boulder running towards you in crash, on ps1,
to the massive open world of jak and daxter, on ps2,
to the QuickTime events sequences of uncharted on ps3/4

and now we will see what they do with ps5,

H91h ago

Press X for doubt at "PS5"


Hidetaka Miyazaki Wants To Work On His Debut Franchise After Elden Ring DLC

Hidetaka Miyazaki appeared in an interview to discuss the future of the Elden Ring DLC and FromSoftware's future plans.

Cacabunga6h ago

I hope Bluepoint are working on BB remake..
Sony now seem to have lost it with all the gaas, i have no hope in seeing them approaching FS to make a sequel. I hope gamers will push Sony and show continuous disapproval to the gaas model

Cacabunga6h ago

U probably right about the remake it is maybe too early. A performance mode would be more welcome at this point

fsfsxii4h ago

can we get new ideas instead of remakes? gamers are the most nostalgia driven on this earth istg

Chard3h ago

Look at how Bluepoint changed the art for demons souls. I wouldn’t want them doing that for Bloodborne

-Foxtrot5h ago

I don’t know how to feel, Armored Core just isn’t as good as Elden Ring, Dark Souls, Bloodborne and the like.

I hope he does a new IP instead

Nacho_Z4h ago

Fortunately, if you're not interested in the AC series, he doesn't say he plans to drop everything to work exclusively on the next one, as implied by the article header. Just general comments about it being an important series he wants to be involved with at some point.


The Witcher 3 REDkit Q&A - CDPR & Yigsoft Confirm Steam Workshop Support; Further Changes Planned

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