
LEGO 2K Drive Review - Everything is Cool When You're Part of a (Racing) Team | COGconnected

LEGO 2K Drive offers satisfying exploration, wild custom vehicles, and competent AI during some thrilling and intense races.

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Coming to Xbox Game Pass: LEGO 2K Drive, EA Sports PGA Tour, Harold Halibut, and More

From driving to golfing to tomb raiding, let’s take a look at the games that are mere moments away from your download queue!

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MrNinosan61d ago

Since when is free patches in games a benefit of GamePass?
No Man Sky Orbital update is included in this article as GamePass benefit, also the FFXIV started edition.

Reaching far when the games are getting worse.


LEGO 2K Drive Season 4 adds more tiers, biome and rewards

The creativity of LEGO 2K Drive shows no sign of slowing down. And now it's time for Season 4 of the Drive Pass to come to the fore. If you're a blocky racer, you'll want to get involved in this.

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PlayStation Plus Monthly Games for December: Lego 2K Drive, Powerwash Simulator, Sable

All playable December 5.

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darthv72187d ago

Sable was cool, gave me a bit of motion sickness though. Lego Drive and Power Wash are fun games.

LucasRuinedChildhood187d ago (Edited 187d ago )

I bought Sable a while back because it seems like a game I'd love and the art style is amazing but ... dear God ... https://youtu.be/mIJ7EjKhN-... The framerate is like a car that's conking out and about to die. It stutters all over the place, especially on the bike. It's not very playable.

You can get used to a low framerate but not this. It's like this on every platform and I don't think they ever fixed it.

darthv72187d ago

I liked the art style, but man did it mess with my head.

isarai187d ago

It was worth pushing through for me personally, it's probably the best example of a map that rewards exploration. But it is terrible especially when zooming through forests

purple101187d ago

that looks choppier than the Atlantic ocean on a and day,

hopefullY they fix that for the ps+ release cos' id like to check it out.

seanpitt23186d ago

What is this garbage? It's December! The month of giving! Lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 186d ago
gold_drake187d ago

ooo powerwash

atleast a racer is included xD

Obscure_Observer187d ago

40% price increase for this. Sony should be ashamed. Smh.

JEECE187d ago

Sorry Spiderman 2 is selling well. I know you had low hopes for it.

MaximusPrime_187d ago ShowReplies(2)
shinoff2183187d ago

How come I never see you in the bad news xbox articles. Or the system sales articles. 40 percent sure sounds like alot but if you actually say the dollars it's really not.

anast186d ago

Obscure understands. I would play back.

VersusDMC187d ago

Essential had a 60 to 80 increase which is around 34%. Nothing you say is ever factual.

And if it were 3 popular games released this year you would say everyone already has the games and still complain.

Espangerish186d ago

So rather than release recent popular games they should release old unpopular ones to reduce the chances of people already having them? Weird logic

rippermcrip187d ago (Edited 187d ago )

Microsoft tried to raise their price and everyone cried, so they took it back. Then they eventually removed GWG free games.


Einhander1972187d ago

What games are you getting this month with your basic subscription?

And of course it wasn't a 40% increase.

S2Killinit187d ago

Isnt gamepass now more expensive? With an inferior service might I add.

crazyCoconuts187d ago

Monthly core is the same price, but PS is still cheaper annually even after the price increase

northpaws187d ago Show
187d ago Replies(1)
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187d ago
RupeeHoarder187d ago (Edited 187d ago )

What will it take to get you removed from this site? Enough is enough. You are so toxic to the comments sections here.

anast186d ago

Those games are on par with Starfield...

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 186d ago
TheEnigma313187d ago

Trash month for Sony. I expect better. They haven't had a month this bad in a while.

darthv72187d ago

I guess the lack of GwG competition is starting to set in...?

187d ago
Crows90187d ago

You honestly think that? There was never competition between the two.

187d ago
OtterX187d ago

Sorry they didn't cater specifically to your taste? Next time I hope they contact you first.

I'm really happy with Lego 2K Drive. I was about to buy it for my kids for Christmas, and I know I'll enjoy playing it just as much as they will. Being able to actually build our own vehicles sounds pretty cool, and much different from the other samey-Lego games. (It's ok to enjoy Legos as an adult, we won't tell your friends! ;) ) Power Wash Simulator is a surprisingly fun, relaxing game. I'm hearing good things about Sable, but I know little about it.

It's good to cater to different kinds of tastes.

TheEnigma313187d ago (Edited 187d ago )

I'm a paying customer, so I have the right to criticize my displeasure with this months releases. Sony has dropped the ball this month and hopefully they bounce back in January.

frostypants187d ago (Edited 187d ago )

"Sorry they didn't cater specifically to your taste?"

Why are you asking? Do you not know?

Seraphim187d ago

@TheEnigma313 - criticize a company because, even at the higher pricing, the monthly cost of PS+ is less than a cup of coffee? @ $80 annually that's $6.66/mo. Make no mistake, I dislike the price increase, but we're talking spending chump change each month while expecting gold in return. Furthermore, how many people here have $35-50 subs active? Meaning they've paid $2.91-$4.16/mo. It's just silly and beyond ridiculous that month after month people complain about free games that were an added bonus to PS+. What kind of value do you expect each month for the cost of less than a cup of coffee. Criticizing a company for unrealistic expectations is sophomoric at best, idiotic at worst.

OtterX186d ago

@TheEnigma313 Yea, my apologies for the passive-aggressive response yesterday, I could have toned that down a bit. You're right, you have the right to complain. Just seems there's always so much of that on N4G, no one is ever happy with anything.

I still disagree though, Lego 2k Drive is a big score, as it's only came out in May. That's amazing to get a 69.99 title for free, only half a year after launch for the monthly price of a coffee, like @Seraphim said. The PC community has been wild about Power Wash Simulator this last year too, with an Overwhelmingly Positive score on Steam. I know the concept sounds boring on paper, but nothing scores "Overwhelmingly Positive" on Steam without being truly great. Give it a shot.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 186d ago
Einhander1972187d ago (Edited 187d ago )

We're going into December where lots of kids are going to be getting their consoles, so they offered some family friendly games.

Just because you personally don't like the games does not mean they are bad games.

TheEnigma313187d ago

To me as a paying customer, they are bad (to me).

CrimsonWing69187d ago (Edited 187d ago )

When can we complain about Sony offerings? Seriously, like I made a comment about the classic games not having been stellar and you went up my ass about that.

So, my question is when can we voice our opinions about not being thrilled about the PS+ offerings? I’m pretty sure “never” is your answer.

Einhander1972187d ago


You guys don't appreciate what you have and you're going to make it worse for everyone. Microsoft charges $80 a year at it's cheapest rate and they get zero monthly games.

Sony is giving you at a minimum 60 dollars worth of games this month, for $6.65.

If you want a different game go on the PSBlog and tell them what types of games you want, don't just say oh PS Plus is shit blah blah blah just because this month they didn't give you that one game you want.

And I believe my point was in that conversation that no matter what they give you, you're going to complain, I 100% double down on that. I went through a list of games that people said they wanted which Sony put onto Premium yet people still complain even after getting what they asked for.

Seriously, you guys are kind of worse than Obscure and the other xbox fanboys they just throw stones at the wall, but you guys are tearing shit down from the inside. You're causing people to cancel which means Sony has less money and the service is only going to get cheaper and cheaper games.

If you want better games more people need to subscribe so Sony can pool our money and negotiate better deals, that's why all the xbox fans are in here talking crap they want you to unsubscribe so Sony will have less money to make games and put games on the service.

187d ago Replies(1)
recoctimocassirnff187d ago

I'm very disappointed as well.

Coming up to Christmas, the month of December should be a blitz, but this is a deflated bean bag.

I've had PSN plus since the ps3 days, but I'm seriously considering letting my sub laps.

187d ago Replies(1)
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