
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Out in the Wild and People Are Already Playing it on PC

Early copies of The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom are out in the wild and people are already emulating it on PC.

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XiNatsuDragnel377d ago

Yep I've been enjoying but I will pre-order that deluxe edition to thanks Nintendo and support them.

Sonic1881376d ago

I haven't tried it out yet but I will especially in 60fps

XiNatsuDragnel376d ago

Great idea use ryujinx because yuzu doesn't work rn and remember pre order the official release or collector's edition to support nintendo to do more of these amazing games.

Andrew336376d ago

60fps doesn't work right, messes up cut scenes and shrines currently. Better days ahead for sure tho.

repsahj376d ago

Nice! I'm still waiting for the actual release, my switch hasn't been pirated yet. I'am really excited to play this game already.

XiNatsuDragnel376d ago

Great stuff 👏 👍 I support your gamer choices.

ufo8mycat376d ago

So you support outdated games from a technical level, where the game is 30 fps on the Switch and is more of a expansion then a new game, all that for FULL price? This is exactly why Nintendo gets away with stuff like this


376d ago
GoodGuy09377d ago

If you pirate, buy the game as well. We desperately need actual quality singleplayer AAA games like these in these horrifying modern AAA times...

luckytrouble376d ago

You do realize TotK is going to sell insanely well regardless of this leak, right? It blows my mind all these years later people still believe piracy harms sales when we have yet to see any proof of that. People pirating the game now likely always intended to pirate it, or have a preorder but just want to get ahead of spoilers in this particular case. If this game sells less than 10 million lifetime, I will procure a hat and proceed to eat it.

andy85376d ago

I'll eat it if it isn't the 2nd highest selling game of the year 😂

Profchaos376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

You have a very short memory if you believe piracy doesn't harm the industry it almost killed pc gaming in the early 2000s prior to steam pc wasn't getting ports of console games because piracy was rampant.

Look at crysis 1 it was pirated so much that they pivoted the entire franchise to focus on games that could run on console and pc instead of just pc.

The ceo of crytek admitted that there was more than double the pirated players than legit players for crysis 1 and stated its changed the future of game design for them away from pc


Attitudes like this are the reason crysis 2 was a linear cod rip instead of a epic scale game

What if you had a business and 50 percent of people who used your product stole it.

ifinitygamer376d ago

Piracy absolutely hurts sales. It may not seem like it matters because Nintendo will certainly sell tens of millions of copies of the game, but there are people who won't buy a Switch because they emulate the entire console and therefore just download 2, 3, 4, 10, 20 games onto it without batting an eye. That's a massive loss multiplied out over the millions of people who emulate and don't buy a single thing.

XiNatsuDragnel376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

Thank you for that awesome article insightful.
I disagree with that because yes I can see your point. No all piracy is for evil sake look at the manga industry there no fair, viable solution to consume their content so people will resort to that since there's no fair way to do so, and not all people are inherently thieves for me for example I'm buying the collectors edition of totk while emulating it using ryujinx so I think your opinion is not understanding nuances of reality and certain situations. If manga Industry had a great option to consume legally ppl will buy same thing with anything fair.

Yi-Long376d ago

At prof Chaos; Crysis is a very poor example though. The game was EXTREMELY demanding regarding hardware, so folks chose to pirate it for numerous reasons; To check if their system was even capable of running the game properly (in most cases, no it wasn’t), or they had little interest in playing the game, but if they had a new powerful build it would function as a ‘tech-demo’ to show off what their system was now capable off.

Not saying piracy can’t harm sales btw. I have my personal views on that. But just saying Crysis isn’t the best example to bring forward into that discussion simply because for the vast VAST majority of gamers on PC, it was simply unplayable to begin with due to the extremely demanding system requirements.

sadraiden376d ago

Piracy doesn't hurt sales? Huh? It literally is how you hurt sales.

Pocahontas376d ago

Absolute, beautiful delusion.

derek376d ago

@luckytrouble just becuase a game sells "well" doesn't mean piracy had no effect of course it does. Lol. If you can't steal a game, you'll have to buy it, meaning more sales, right. Lol

luckytrouble376d ago

I like how people don't know how using data to prove an evidence based point works. It's fundamentally borderline impossible to prove a pirated copy of a game would have been a purchased copy otherwise. Assuming that's the case is a leap in logic with zero support to back it up.

If you've ever been in a piracy scene of any kind, you know two things tend to lead to piracy: either someone simply pirates because it's all free to them so why not try it, or they don't have the purchasing power and want to play the games, watch the movie, etc.. The latter category may become a purchase down the line regardless, while the former doesn't associate a monetary value with what they pirate anyways.

If you want to prove that piracy actually hurts sales, you would need to know *why* someone pirated and if they would have purchased the game had piracy not been an option. Without that level of data as a baseline, you simply can't prove a pirated copy is actually a lost sale. Assuming pirated copy = unsold game copy is just what companies do because they can't measure any provable impact, so they just assume there is one and do their due diligence to protect their properties.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 376d ago
ufo8mycat376d ago

Don’t get me wrong, the game is great, BUT they are still charging full price for a game that is outdated graphically by more then 6 years (switch was outdated on release), runs at 30fps.

Piracy has its place. If a publisher is going to overcharge for a product.

PC version for me. 60 fps as well. If it was 60 fps on Switch with todays standards, I would gladly support Nintendo and buy it full price

ifinitygamer376d ago

This is completely wrong. If you don't want something because you don't agree with the price or can't afford it or don't want to spend the money, or the product has a flaw in your eyes - whatever the reason is - you don't have the right to steal it. You can't argue that a car is too overpriced so the dealership should just give it to you. Yes, it's the same "you wouldn't steal a car" argument from the movies, but it's true.

Profchaos376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

But if we're looking at the product as a whole the hardware is dated but it's not the games fault.

So pirating it because you feel the product is flawed is just theft if you don't intend to buy it.

I've seen two arguments for pirating 1 I paid for it and I want to experience it in 4k 60 etc and that's entirely different from argument b I think I should get it free because insert entitled excuse here

376d ago
sadraiden376d ago

Good Graphics =/= Good Game.

What you can rely on is that Zelda has good gameplay. You choosing the pirate a game that isn't even out yet because you deem it to be too expensive is a shitty rationale. Piracy is usually only condoned by the community if there are no modern options to play the game reliably. We're talking about the latest Zelda on a current gen console.

Also, I'd be super worried about internet honeypots. TOTK is arguably the hottest commodity in gaming currently. You think Nintendo isn't acutely aware of what sites are distributing it's golden IP?

nommers374d ago


"Good Graphics =/= Good Game."

This might come as a shock to some nintendo fans, but you can have both great gameplay and great graphics at the same time.

"What you can rely on is that Zelda has good gameplay"

Not for combat so much anymore. Zelda has been long left behind there. Zelda only now shines in approach and puzzle based gameplay. BOTW also had a very lacking soundtrack so it seems like multiple areas of Zelda games are being let to waste.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 374d ago
kainslayer376d ago

dont worry nintendo fanatics got pirates covered,game is a littlebit boring tbh also you spend a lot of time building shit forr kindergardeners anyway...pcmr ftw

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 374d ago
Number1TailzFan377d ago

Probably runs and looks a ton better too, Nintendo are so late with their next machine.

Good-Smurf376d ago

Only one proper settings away from running better than Switch hardware at 1440p/4K some already made 60 fps mod for it even though it still WIP.

sadraiden376d ago

What's wrong with the Switch? State of the Art graphics isn't Nintendo's wheelhouse. They aren't interested in competing with Sony/MS and the PC market. They'll continue to make Switch games as long as people keep buying the system in droves.

DankSinatra376d ago

That’s all these people care about. To them amazing graphics = amazing game

fsfsxii375d ago

I dunno man, the switch has trouble maintaining 30fps, doesn't sound like they're pushing the system graphically, the problem lies in the system's underpowered nature by design, they nickel and dime you and give you a substandard experience, but for you sheep its 'part of the charm' lmao
could never be me

Vits377d ago

Yeap, it's running pretty well on Ryujinx. Just some visuals glitches on cutscenes and you have to run it at 2x otherwise the game locks itself at 20fps for some reason.

Probably getting it once it's in stores as well. But I do wonder how well it will run on original hardware, a lot of stuff looks better than BOTW. Draw distance in particular feels like double.

walken7376d ago

I saw something for a 30fps and 60fps patch, but can't speak to the truth of it. I don't know if my pc could handle it anyway, so haven't bothered, I can wait til next Friday.

sadraiden376d ago

Numerous builds of the game, including some versions that have locked framerates, ensure that if a leak occurs and the game gets out in the wild, only so many people at Nintendo will have had access to that build, narrowing the search for the leaker.

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One Year Later, Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Has Timelessly Free Gameplay

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has already cemented its legacy through its sprawling open world and commitment to player freedom.

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CS720h ago(Edited 20h ago)

Yesterday I was playing and there was a puzzle with two gears, (one moving and one stationary) and I couldn’t figure out how to get the stationary gear moving .

I took my spear and stuck it against moving gear and it transferred the motion to the stationary gear and that solved the puzzle.

I was so shocked I went online to see what was the intended way to solve this and I didn’t see anyone solve it quite the way I did (from the few videos I watched).

I definitely believe that this “intuitive” gameplay is the future of game design.

ZeekQuattro20h ago

Indeed. The number of puzzles I solved thinking this will never work surprised me. One puzzle had me wanting to pull my hair out though. It was one of the jet rail puzzles. I looked up tips and one solution was as simple as creating a box and draping it over the rail and riding that across as you stood in the middle of it. I was done. 🤣

FinalFantasyFanatic11h ago

I'm dumb AF when it comes to this game, I tend to over complicate the solution, but some of the things people come up with is brillant, people are making missiles systems, mechs, tanks, etc...

antikbaka16h ago

i stll believe that it's inferior to the first part

FinalFantasyFanatic11h ago

ToTK would have been amazing to me if the first part either didn't exist, or I never played BotW. Part of my issue is feeling like I've done all this before and TotK feels like a 1.5 version of BotW, Totk temples and puzzles were better than the first game though.

H915h ago

The gameplay loop is one of the best ever


Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Official Soundtrack releasing in Japan, pre-orders open

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom soundtrack to be released in standard and limited edition versions for first anniversary.

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anast2d ago

Nintendo really knows how to milk a product.


The Legend of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Achieves 4K Resolution On Nintendo Switch With 8GB RAM Mod

A new hardware mod for the Nintendo Switch allows the console to run The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom at a resolution of 4K.

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lucian22933d ago

4k turd doesnt look very good. resolution of textures, poor lighting, bad models and shaders wont be saved by upscaling a video to 4k

gold_drake32d ago

the issue is that zelda is heavily styliesed (spelling), take away all the yricks that make it look good, and ur left with ... well. that

lucian22930d ago

thing is you can be heavily stylized and detailed. zelda isnt unique in cel shading, just look at the detail given by arc system works granblue versus rising or guilty gear

gold_drake32d ago

its astonishing that nintendo games will never achieve it. maybe in 10 years when all of us have moved on to greater things