
Redfall retail boxes have "60 FPS" listed on the back so Bethesda put a notice sticker to clarify

Redfall won't have 60 FPS Performance mode on launch but its retail boxes mention such a feature, so Bethesda had to slap a last-minute sticker for clarification.

SullysCigar405d ago

This is getting dangerously close to Fallout 76 levels of launch issues. It's like Bethesda is targeting their own record.

I still can't understand how this particular issue can even possibly happen. It's got to be either that they're rushing it out and they've made promises for years that they've failed to deliver, or it's plain dishonesty. I'm thinking the former, so maybe bad planning, bad leadership or Microsoft strong-arming them to release due to the drought of new games.

darkrider404d ago

This just shows what we have been all saying. Microsoft is forcing beteshda to launch the game. It's crystal clear

Obscure_Observer404d ago (Edited 404d ago )

'I'm thinking the former, so maybe bad planning, bad leadership or Microsoft strong-arming them to release due to the drought of new games."

Such a drama. XGS gave them time (one fully year) to polish and iron out issues. So this is on Arkane´s and Arkane only!

Dishonesty? Things just didn´t workout as they´d expected, yes it is disappoint but completely normal. It´s nothing like TLOU 2´s Factions which was promised, not delivered and it´s highly possible that ND is going to charge gamers full price for something that was supposed to a free mode which to this day they´d failed to deliver.

It´s also possible that Arkane will get rid of the always online requirement and deliver the 60FPS even before we get the chance to see actual Factions 2 gameplay.

But hey, it´s ok, since it´s Sony, right?

SullysCigar404d ago

^ Nice attempt at diversion tactics there, Obscure_Observer (nice to see you peek out your head btw, how's your week going?), but whataboutisms won't change the troubles and launch embarrassments associated with Redfall.

Have it your way, they had plenty of time and still messed it up on multiple levels. The only party happy with Redfall's launch it Etsy, thanks to all those stickers some lackey at Bethesda is having stick on all the game boxes because they were too incompetent to deliver what had been promised on the xbox store for MONTHS.

But you want to talk about TLOU2, because "Sony Too™", right? WRONG. Naughty Dog announced NINE MONTHS before the game released that they had decided to make the new Factions a standalone project, because the scope had grown. You couldn't even pre-order TLOU2 at the time.

Talk about a desperate false equivalency. Lol

Obscure_Observer404d ago


"This just shows what we have been all saying. Microsoft is forcing beteshda to launch the game. It's crystal clear"

Why do you feel the need and resort to lies just to trash MS? It´s not MS fault if one of it´s studios chose to set a release date for a game, fail to deliver, gets more time to make it right, sets another release date on their own volition and still fails to deliver yet again!

There´s a reason why studios like Insomniac and Turn 10 just gave us a release window instead of a clear release date set on stone. They know their games need more work and will try and avoid commitments that can´t be fulfilled at the moment.

Even DF said MS is not micromanaging it´s studios by give them freedom to do what they want. Why there´s always online for Redfall and not for the other games???

Because that´s a sh!t move that Arkane and (again) ONLY Arkane is trying to pull out.

Michiel1989404d ago

@sully it's not. Not having a 60 fps mode and online only is F76 launch disaster? You don't know what you're talking about. Not even gonna elaborate further because you'll probably keep talking in hyperbole, because you got an agenda.

Obscure_Observer404d ago


"Have it your way, they had plenty of time and still messed it up on multiple levels. The only party happy with Redfall's launch it Etsy, thanks to all those stickers some lackey at Bethesda is having stick on all the game boxes because they were too incompetent to deliver what had been promised on the xbox store for MONTHS."

There´s a gulf between incompetence and dishonesty as YOU´d pointed out. But I know you´re pretty aware of that. You just made that up! Just like the developers making statements about Gamepass cannibalizing sales which you never proved. You just disappeared like I knew you would. Because that´s what you do, you rely on lies and false narratives to justify your hate for Microsoft.

Unlike you, I´d called out Arkane´s on their incompetence myself! I´m not even playing their game before a 60fps mode is up!

I just can´t stand you bs and made up lies trying to imply that studio has done everything they could to ruin it´s own game on purpose! That´s sad and pathetic even for you.

"Talk about a desperate false equivalency. Lol"

They promised a FREE online multiplayer mode which was never delivered! That´s a hard cold fact! So you can try and spin that all you want.

"Naughty Dog announced NINE MONTHS before the game released that they had decided to make the new Factions a standalone project, because the scope had grown."

We´ll see about that when and if the game turn out to be FREE or just another "standalone *PREMIUM* project" to cash in just like they did with UNCHARTED: The Lost Legacy.

SullysCigar404d ago

^ Okay Mikey, lets just pretend it's only flaw is the fact that it runs at 30fps despite them advertising it everywhere as 60fps for what feels like forever.

Let's ignore the problems with all progression only tracking for one player during multiplayer. And the fact that it's always online, even in single player. Or that despite a full year delay, the game is releasing unfinished. Or the launch problems we're accustomed to from Bethesda titles. Or the dumb AI we weren't supposed to notice in the IGN gameplay footage. Or that everyone was reporting for years that this would be made in Unreal Engine 5, but the developer recently admitted they ran out of time to upgrade the engine from UE4, hence why Redfall looks like an Xbox One game. Or that this is a first party Xbox game that will run - and look - better on PC, day one.

Yup, no problems with this launch. Just the frame rate, that's all. Anyone saying otherwise has an agenda /S

crazyCoconuts404d ago (Edited 404d ago )

I mean I don't know why we're bringing a game with no release date or pricing into the conversation lol.
But back on topic, regardless of why it is what it is, the points Sully makes are true... We'll find out facts in a few days now but the indicators are not good imo

Michiel1989404d ago

@sully oh it's far from a perfect launch, you won't hear me denying that, but the things you mentioned don't even come close to what a dumpsterfire 76 was (unless they start selling bags for Redfall )

RauLeCreuset402d ago


Am I the only one getting whiplash here?

"'They need to learn how to advertise games. That's one thing Sony does way better is advertise all their games and their console.'

"I agree. Sony not only advertise its games better but also do it in a very transparent way. By watching a trailer you´ll know what you see is running on actual PS5 hardware, be that in-engine cinematic, pre-alpha build or gameplay for example.

"MS has been criticized for showing gameplay of Xbox games running on PCs for years! They´re well aware of what the Xbox community thinks about their stance and they simple don´t give a damn.

"What´s so hard about make trailers which the games are running on an actual Xbox Series x console? It would help them to promote its more powerful console while giving us more transparency.

"I think Arkane´s decision of showing Redfall videos clearly running at 60fps on PC, just to confirm later that it will only get a performance mode for Series consoles later down the line was an epic PR fiasco!

"Here´s hoping Bethesda learned something from Ghost Wire Tokio and Redfall controversies and deliver a proper and clear presentation on June 11."


+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 402d ago
solideagle404d ago

wait, I am bit out of loop here. is it because of Xbox Series S parity thingy?

darkrider404d ago

Maybe. The bottom line is that the game isn't ready to launch but Microsoft didn't allow another delay

crazyCoconuts404d ago

Can't imagine it would be. FPS or res doesn't need to match across boxes afaik

fr0sty404d ago

while it is responsible for things like levels having to be kept a certain size/complexity in order for everything to fit into S' memory, things like FPS can easily scale.

JeffGUNZ404d ago

Right? At this point, they were better of delaying it till 60FPS was ready.

InUrFoxHole404d ago

No. A mess would be letting it go out with no clarification. This is just piss poor optimization and time spent. A big L to me

Christopher404d ago

Why aren't we congratulating for at least going the extra step to not misinform the public?

crazyCoconuts404d ago

That's a good point, glass half full way of looking at it.
On the flip side, of they didn't do it they'd get sued by the vultures, so you know it's just protecting themselves. Maybe the FPS of the game shouldn't be printed on the box lol

Bathyj404d ago

Man this is like Halo on the box at launch.

Hofstaderman404d ago (Edited 404d ago )

What’s that saying? History is doomed to repeat itself.

esherwood404d ago

Really doesn’t seem to be that big a deal

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 402d ago
Vengeance1138405d ago

Lmao developers actively promoting their failure? If it's not available at launch, no reason to buy at launch.

Gamerscore2077404d ago

It being on Gamepass is not going to do it any favors either. The decisions that are made by management for the Xbox is just baffling.

Vengeance1138404d ago (Edited 404d ago )

Exactly, how exactly does MS count sales? Does hitting the Play button on GamePass count as someone "buying" the game? Would be bizarre if so.

crazyCoconuts404d ago

There's gotta be some metric MS uses to track success on GP. Like an engagement metric based on hours played or something that's normalized for the number of customers. No way they'll penalize the team if a bunch of people spend tons of time playing it on GP.
Satya might penalize Phil for not actually turning a profit, but that's another topic 😊

hiroyukisanada404d ago

@Vengeance1138 it does actually feel like Bethesda is advertising it on purpose. Maybe they tried to convince Microsoft to delay it again and they wouldn't so they put this info out before launch to prove a point. It genuinely feels that way. Like "we are going to launch with Quality Mode only, not performance mode."
They knew that would rile up the internet.
I just have a gut feeling things aren't going too smooth behind the scenes btwn Bethesda and MS. Especially after they delayed Redfall and Starfield out of last year when they were supposed to be the two big games from them.
Not trying to be a conspiracy theorist here, it just reeks of all the things you're NOT supposed to do when marketing your game. Something is off

Vengeance1138404d ago

Redfall NEEDS another big delay in order to fix the loads of glaring issues that we're seeing in gameplay and visuals and performance. But I can see MS just screaming "We NEED games now! We cannot afford to push unfinished games back, we need something!"

Lack of depth in releases will cause that, Sony meanwhile really doesn't need to hurry anything along as they know they have 2 massive hits coming this year in FF16 in June and Spiderman 2 in September. Seeing whats in store for the future would be nice though but its not a must right now.

XiNatsuDragnel405d ago

To make a situation worse congratulations Bethesda and Microsoft for this one.

Ninver404d ago

Real nice start to a perfect partnership right?

badz149404d ago

Ghostwire Tokyo and then this...MS sure knows how to treat their fans /s

BLow404d ago

Just curious. Have we've seen this game running on the world's most powerful console yet?

-Foxtrot405d ago

So someone either screwed up with the cases when they were being approved for manufacturing OR they already had the cases made then decided to come clean about not being able to hit 60FPS

If MS was serious about getting back on track they would have noticed this earlier on, dialled down the hype, go quiet for a while, let Arkane have an extra year or so with the game and then re-reveal it closer to launch showing off all the new improvements made. 60FPS, switching to UE5, making the world feel more alive when travelling etc.

However it just feels they want the game out now and will just update the game over time like Grounded, Sea of Thieves or Halo Infinite.

EvertonFC404d ago

That someone just assumed all games were 60fps this gen and offered performance mode too.

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Redfall's final update, which adds an Offline Mode, is available and it's 16GB in size

Arkane Austin has just released Game Update 4, the final patch for Redfall which is 16GB in size and adds an Offline Mode.

Read Full Story >>
PassNextquestion5d ago

I'm not interested in this game but i think it's great they added the offline mode for those who are.

darthv724d ago

It was okay at first... once they added the performance update it was definitely better.

TwoPicklesGood5d ago

Bury this turd. It’s only good as a reminder of what devs shouldn’t do.

mkis0074d ago

I hate the concept of an announced final update.


Would It Have Even Mattered If Redfall Were Good?

Even if Redfall were a good game, the closure of Hi-Fi Rush proves even that doesn't matter in the industry.

Read Full Story >>
Profchaos23d ago

Yeah it would have mattered especially since their huge game that year wasn't all that it was cracked up to be remember redfail was almost heavily promoted and hyped not to the level of starfield but still more promoted than the average game.

There was still a decent marketing campaign behind the game I'm sure millions were spent advertising it on websites and I saw a few billboards and bus stop signs in real life

darthv7222d ago

their biggest mistake was showcasing it as being a 60fps game only to release it at 30. That really soured the taste so that when the real 60fps mode was released, many still didnt want to give it a taste. i tierd it at 30... it was okay, but playing it at 60 is a much better experience and a better overall game. Its really not that bad once you get past the drama surrounding its initial release and just play it for what it is. It has some pretty decent aspects but nothing groundbreaking. It feels like a typical fps from the ps360 days... of which there were many.

jwillj2k423d ago

No it wouldn’t matter it wouldn’t bring in enough profit to offset their 100 billion dollar acquisition. It would maybe delay the inevitable by some months.

Profchaos23d ago

Pretty much no game in Bethesda stables makes cod numbers instantly even fallout 4 Bethesda's best selling game sold 12 million at launch and over the next 10 years climbed to over 32 which cod would do rapidly

CrimsonWing6923d ago

I would f*cking think so. Good games are what draws people to your platform. It’s why I adored the 360 era with Gears of War being one of the highlights for me. You make sh*t games and it just makes your platform that much worse and you start gobbling up studios I like and then killing them off it also makes me hate your platform as well… just sayin’

franwex23d ago

Unless the game would’ve been War Zone, or Fortnite level. No. Maybe even Hell divers 2 I doubt would’ve been enough.

Eonjay22d ago

Helldivers 2 realistically has earned about half a billion which is definitely a success considering it probably cost Sony $50 million to make.

However you would still need 140 releases to at least be that successful to break even on a ACT purchase.

This is how you know the goal for Microsoft was to reach those crazy subscribers numbers. Without them the whole plan falls apart.

Exvalos23d ago

No it would not have, the ABK deal was great for Microsoft but horrible for Xbox. Over 100 billion dollars in acquisitions. That money has to be made back. That ABK deal essentially destroyed Xbox as we know it.

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A Flawed Game Till The Very End, Redfall Deserved To Die, But Not Arkane Austin

Hanzala from eXputer: "Redfall was a bland, repetitive game with no post-release support; it deserved to die, but why kill Arkane Austin over one mistake?"

z2g26d ago (Edited 26d ago )

What short memories everybody has. According to the internet they became “the worst studio” after redfall… the internet made redfall a bigger deal than redfall just being a shitty game becaus *gasp* Xbox bought them and” just wanted shitty gamepass games so quality wasn’t a priority”.
(The reality was it was just rushed to market to fill a release hole).

Everybody wants Xbox to fail but as soon as closures start happening suddenly that was never the hope at all and Xbox is just evil.

What has happened to humanity. Being so extreme with viewpoints paints everybody into a hypocritical corner where the side of the story your on depends on which side makes Xbox look worse. Read the internet. Your disagrees are lies.

Shame. Gamers never want to accept their role in all the shit.

My heart goes out to those laid off. Not sure why those studios had to close but I suspect they were costing more money to operate than they were brining in revenue. It does cost money to fix games. Cyberpunk’s road to redemption was prob approaching the price of the original game.

That sucks and I’m angry about it but that’s also business and I’m in the same boat myself at my job as we speak… so it’s not like I don’t have sympathy. But I’m tired of the short memories, the lack of true empathy and opinions being driven by branding. Disgusting.


People wanted Xbox to succeed, especially after THE biggest media acquisition in history and effectively owning the entire existing Western RPG genre; but we knew they would fail, and they’d drag down an entire genre with them.

Nobody wanted this, but it was foreseen.