
PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S vs Switch 2023 Worldwide Sales Comparison Charts Through February

Here we see data representing the sales through to consumers and change in sales performance of the three current platforms (PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch) and two legacy platforms (PlayStation 4 and Xbox One) over comparable periods for 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. Also shown is the market share for each of the consoles over the same periods.

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Jin_Sakai436d ago

2023 - Marketshare

PS5 - 49.6%
S/X - 16.2%
Switch - 34.1%

Great numbers from Sony and Nintendo.

The Wood436d ago

Normally vgc inflate xbox numbers. Now it
would look even more suspect to continue. Until MS release their actual s/x sales data these sites are just speculating. Plot twist...... Imagine they could be even lower. MS's reluctance to give sales data is a red flag

EvertonFC436d ago

It says on the Vgchartz site it's estimates, they've never claimed to be 100% accurate.
I've never understood why gamers get there knickers in a twist when it says estimated sales.

Aloymetal436d ago (Edited 436d ago )

''I've never understood why gamers get there knickers in a twist when it says estimated sales.''

That's because last gen in Nov 2018 AMD released their official and actual total chip sales to each company and at the same time VGc had the xbone at 4 million over the the real data from AMD. That's a BIG ESTIMATE.

Sgt_Slaughter435d ago

Mighty impressive that the Switch can be at ~34% six years into the console's lifecycle, and it'll grow once Tears of the Kingdom is out.

darthv72435d ago

Great numbers for Sony, not so much Nintendo or MS... PS doubled their market share from the same time last year while XB lost 30% and NS lost 40%.

Jin_Sakai435d ago (Edited 435d ago )

Those numbers are great for Nintendo considering Switch is nearing the end of its lifespan.

Xbox not so much as this generation is just getting started. And that includes the cheaper $299 Series S which has already been on sale quite a few times.

jznrpg436d ago ShowReplies(2)
SullysCigar436d ago

All hopes of a tight-run generation were dashed once the supply issues were over for PS5. Microsoft held them down for as long as they could with their dealings during the chip shortage, but quality always shines through.

Einhander1971436d ago

Exactly, couldn't of said it better myself.

S2Killinit436d ago

COVID helped xbox save face, but as supplies get better we are seeing what people really want.

ChasterMies436d ago

With this kind of marketshare, I don’t see how how Microsoft’s GamePass strategy will work unless Microsoft has a plan to introduce GamePass on PlayStation and Nintendo.

AmUnRa436d ago

Do you realy believe that Sony let GP on Playstation? Keep dreaming.

S2Killinit436d ago

They wouldn’t, Playstation already has Plus/Extra.

andy85436d ago

MS clearly don't care too much about consoles they care about their gamepass subs. Think of how many they would have if it was on PS. May be a pipedream but they would triple their subs. Probably never happen but it's be interesting to see

Aloymetal436d ago

''MS clearly don't care too much about consoles they care about their gamepass subs.''
Please, don't fall for that, MS cares a lot about hardware sales, they have made 2 consoles for this gen. MS/Phil are just pretending it's not important and they're doing a great job at it convincing all their fanbase that console sales are not their primary objective. MS know they can't beat Sony and Ninty and that's why they're trying to move the goalpost.

StormSnooper435d ago

MS wants everyone to think they don't care, but they care a lot, that is why they don't share their numbers. Remember how they were talking at the beginning of the 360 era? There is never been anything like that from a console manufacturer.

crazyCoconuts435d ago

@andy where are they going to get those subs other than console gamers?
PC Game Pass is the only other avenue.
I'm assuming the number of people signing up on TVs is a rounding error at this point

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crazyCoconuts435d ago

Does MS need to beat Sony for GamePass to be successful? While the cost of exclusives goes up with a smaller base, the cost of putting a third party game on the service should scale down with the user base. So they don't technically need to be number one...

Christopher435d ago (Edited 435d ago )

Their plan is to introduce GamePass everywhere, the issue is currently that they lack the backing to make it happen how they want and Microsoft is hoping that by holding IPs like CoD they can force them to go with what Microsoft wants rather than more in line with what we've had with EAPlay. GamePass, IMHO, wants to vastly reduce profit potentials from the platform holders and a part of DLC/MTX profits from Sony/Nintendo platforms for games that are available on GamePass. They want a much larger slice of the pie, essentially.

Thundercat77435d ago

Xbox plan, and only way, is to buy all publishers and keep PlayStation locked away.

Fair and square, Xbox has no chance against Nintendo or Sony.

Christopher435d ago

What is fair and square, though? Other than the laws dictating what is allowed and what isn't, isn't anything that abides by those laws fair and square?

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darthv722m ago

this reminds me... I need to get one of those carbon black Series S. And hopefully i will have better luck getting the Cosmic X than i did trying to get the Halo x.


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Jin_Sakai1h ago

This looks amazing and tons of fun! Great level designs, power ups, and boss fights. Can’t wait!

GaboonViper44m ago

This looks absolutely phenomenal, easily my most wanted game and i feel like Sony are gonna have a massive hit on their hands here, the latest trailer has a 99% like ratio and Jason Schreier is really impressed after a hands on demo, i cannot wait to get this and that dog on Astros back is so damn cute.
