
Here are six minutes of leaked WIP footage from STALKER 2

The STALKER 2 hackers have leaked a number of WIP footage from this upcoming game, and the following video packs numerous visual effects.

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Killer2020UK450d ago

Didn't the dev team (who are working in war torn Ukraine) publicly appeal to outlets and individuals not to share any content the Russian hackers stole in an attempt to blackmail the devs into releasing their game in Russia with Russian localisation included? If so, bit of a dick move DSO. You're firmly on the side of the war criminal Putin 🖕

Gwiz450d ago

DSO is not your general news outlet.

343_Guilty_Spark450d ago

Yeah DSO and who ever approved this article.

medman450d ago

He should be lacking lungs by now

Gamer_Dude449d ago

Good question, doubt you'll get an answer though, these folks listen to the main stream media and don't really care about facts.

Father__Merrin447d ago

@Killer2020 you mean the same ICC that USA doesn't recognise neither does Russia and others. aka its a banana court

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 447d ago
alexkarkar450d ago

don't watch it in solidarity with Ukraine. A dick move is you telling what others should see and what they shouldn't.

Killer2020UK448d ago

They didn't tell, they asked people not to share.

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yarbie1000450d ago

Thanks for sharing. Reminds me of the gta leak. Still very rough and early in development. Can tell they have some cool stuff tho when it’s fully polished.

z2g450d ago

It’s probably old stuff from a while back

Aussiesummer450d ago

This looks sick, makes me want it even more.

Ra3030450d ago

I can't support the Ukrainian dev any $$$ they get will filter to the Ukraine Government and its war machine. Also the Ukraine Government ask that gamers not support the Russian Developer for the same $$$ filtering to the Russian war machine reasons so for me it goes both ways.

Zombieburger638449d ago

One is invading, raping and killing. The other is defending its home and people.

Ra3030449d ago

This may be very, very true, can't argue that but what its not is my problem in any way. See I'm an American an my job as an American is to support the American Government as it creates instability in every region on the planet and damn no one does that better than the American Government. But anyway I can't support these devs or the blood thirsty ambitions of the Governments that they support as that would be a simple conflict of interest with the blood thirsty ambitions of the American Government and that would be.......wrong!

matt139449d ago

Bad take. By supporting the war machine you mean a nation defending against an aggressor lmao

shinoff2183449d ago (Edited 449d ago )

Ukraine didn't invade Russia. Ra3030. It doesn't work both ways. It's fucking 2023 countries shouldn't be invading others these day. It's beyond ridiculous for real. What you said isn't even in the same ballpark to compare. With that said. Can't really blame Ukraine. I also will be supporting atomic heart when I'm ready to buy it

Also can't tell if your American governments support post is all sarcastic or not but America(our country) definitely stands on Ukraine side. Well most of us

alexkarkar449d ago (Edited 449d ago )

America and NATO have been invading sovereign countries for decades and killing civilians in droves with no consequenses whatsoever. When it comes to Ukraine you sound both sanctimonious and hypocritical. You should be ashamed of yourself. Sadly, the only way to teach you a lesson is on the battlefield. That's what Putin is doing now.


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Stalker 2 devs explain why it won’t be at Xbox Summer Showcase

With the Xbox Summer Showcase approaching Stalker 2 developer GSC Game World gives an update on the game's presence within the Microsoft presentation.

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darkrider366d ago

This one is the timed exclusive payed by Microsoft isn't?

Sonic1881365d ago (Edited 365d ago )

It is a timed exclusive but I think it's longer than 3 months. Looking forward to playing this on PC. I'm still wondering when they show it will it be captured on the Xbox or Windows PC🤔

Zhipp365d ago

I think more important to Microsoft at this juncture is that it be day and date on gamepass.

365d ago
cthulhucultist365d ago (Edited 365d ago )

Sony's paycheck is in the mail. You surely compete with Orchard for fanboy of the year award

Ashunderfire86365d ago

I am not surprise because the game developers are dealing with the Ukrainian and Russian war in the middle of development. Some of those developers literally went to war, and died! Look at their developer diaries for more contexts.

shinoff2183365d ago

That's so damn sad. Wish this would end already. Wish the world could realize we need to work together. Despite are differences.

sadraiden365d ago

Russia hasn't invaded Ukraine "because of their differences". Russia sees Ukraine as part of Russia by right. They want to eliminate Ukrainian culture and assimilate their people into Russia by force. They are committing genocide over one man's cold war imperial wet dream.

MadLad365d ago

One of the team that was lost during the fighting I've considered a friend since my game journo days.
That has been a good while since, but we kept in touch over the years. It was a bad day for me to wake up and see that an online friend of the better part of a decade was a causality of all this needless fighting.

darkrider365d ago

Now imagined that for the thousands that died and are dying because of a madmen....

Abear21365d ago

War…war never changes…

Binnsy365d ago

Looking forward to seeing it...


GSC GameWorld to present an exclusive look at STALKER 2 at GDC 2023

GSC GameWorld will hold a session at GDC 2023 on March 23rd, in which it will present an exclusive look at STALKER 2.

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459d ago
459d ago