
Jim Ryan: I don’t want a Call of Duty deal, I just want to block the acquisition

A new moment of tension is taking place in the process of reviewing the purchase of Activision Blizzard by Microsoft and the name of Jim Ryan came up a few moments ago after an Activision executive criticized Sony’s opposition to any offer that make it the Xbox company.

BandarHub426d ago (Edited 426d ago )

Low point for Jim. This is plain childish
There is no reason for him to be this mad at Xbox owning COD. It's going to be available on PS in the future.
I see no reason for Xbox to make COD exclusive... it's going the way of Minecraft
The number of exclusives that Sony has Money Hatted is astounding.
The deal is going through no matter what. But essentially what Sony is doing is damaging their reputation.

shinoff2183426d ago

Ms has just as many 3rd party exclusives bandarhub

343_Guilty_Spark426d ago (Edited 426d ago )

Such as? Those same A, AA, and indie games SONY fans claim are GamePass trash?

Does MS/XBOX have anything with the weight of Final Fantasy or Forspoken?

TricksterArrow426d ago

@343_Guilty_Spark Wha...? All Bethesda titles are essentially exclusives now. Not Sony's fault if MS does not know how to manage them.

WelkinCole425d ago

You serious? MS is the king of 3rd party money hatting. You forget Bioshock, ME, Tomb Raider and many other time exclusives or console exclusive or first show (lol!) exclusive or DLC exlusive or marketing exclusives that MS pioneered?

There are way too many to count. Sony is just following suit but MS after 4 generations still can't beat Sony now they are buying well established 3rd parties because MS suck at making games. That is cheating.

We are not just talking about huge ass 3rd party franchises like Fallout, Elder Scrolls, starfield, Diablo, COD. No we are talking about complete buy out of the whole fucking pulbisher.

COD is the 3rd party top money maker.

Its bad enough they bought Bethseda. They had to buy out the biggest 3rd party publisher as well. How is that not anti competitive? Whats next? EA? Where is it going to end? Until they can outcompete Sony?

fr0sty425d ago (Edited 425d ago )

I'd have to agree, Sony doesn't buy Publishers, they buy studios to add to their own portfolio as a publisher. MS is using the fact that they are one of the world's wealthiest companies to monopolize the market... so yes, of course the various trade regulators out there are crying foul. then MS is taking it a step further by using even more of that money to try to buy their way through the legal system with lobbying, ads, etc. trying to influence the regulators' decision. Not to mention, they are killing the third party game industry. They've already bought out 2 of its biggest publishers.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 425d ago
426d ago
aarallen1426d ago

343_Guilty_Spark Forspoken? Are you serious? Superman 64 would be a better exclusive than that game. It's funny mentioning weight. Forspoken is weightless. It's zero gravity.

-Mika-426d ago

If this deal doesn't go through, Activision and Sony's partnership is ending. The fact that a high ranking employee revealed that information shows how badly they want this deal to go through. If the deal is denied, they are definitely going to make Xbox the new home of COD and the relationship between Sony and ABK dead.

MaximusTKG426d ago

Most ridiculous thing I’ve heard. Just cut out a multi million console install base because they are mad? Money talks every time. BS

Godmars290426d ago

By the sound of thing that's done regardless whether out or under MS's umbrella.

Flakegriffin426d ago (Edited 426d ago )

You do know there’s a difference between weird fanboy assumptions and actual business sense, right?

You know how silly Activision would have to be to end deals with a company that’s 70% market share? If they want to go from making $1 billion+ to tens of million then that’s on them, I guess LOL

SeTTriP426d ago

Those are your feelings talking, imagine the deal doesn't go through then simultaneously saying screw the market leader, does that make sense to you and the 20 ppl that thumb this up?

Tres21426d ago

While I disagree with Mika cause it makes no sense to drop such a lucrative end of the game division and I see the disagrees and the comments saying the same thing they would be fools to drop that no way they would…then why in the same breathe are ppl worried of CoD leaving from Sony system? All that revenue and they’re just going to dissolve the partnership? Does no1 really believe they wouldn’t just do like Minecraft at least for that ip? I get more of the complaints were ms and being able to keep the brand strong but is it really that strong? How much longer does it last neways?

DarXyde426d ago

Hmm, I don't know about that.

It doesn't matter how the execs feel because ABK is a publicly trading corporation and if their shareholders don't want it, it's not happening.

No matter who you agree with though, you should respect that the "opposition" is just doing its job. Ryan is literally just trying to protect Sony's bottom line. Likewise, Spencer is trying to increase Xbox value/profitability. I'm biased, but I'm particularly irritated by Spencer basically saying he's okay with the scandals. I'm sure if not him, someone else would be doing it, but it really illustrates a character failure to me.

I don't play ABK games, but regardless of what happens, I'm glad Sony is giving them hell. Goddamn soulless pretender corporation has tremendous resources to make the best games and literally REFUSES to do it, preferring to just buy large publishers.

What is the result? That community talks about game pass nonstop (a service... Imagine that), acts like Todd Howard isn't known for vastly overstating the end product, and in true American society fashion, just passively accept the nonsense being shoveled at them.

They're scum and I hope they fail and heads roll at MS, but a part of me wants it to go through so these rubes can understand how right the test of us are about their corporate imperialism they seem painful ignorant of... And the fact that their sub prices are going to go up.

Extermin8or3_426d ago

More likely the executives involved lose their jobs and are replaced lol

Chocoburger426d ago

You don't understand business. Not one bit.

ChronoJoe426d ago

Activision get a $3b payout if the deal doesn't go through. A significant windfall for shareholders.

The only party annoyed if it doesn't go through will be Microsoft, and perhaps Bobby Kotick himself who was looking forward to a big payout individually.

DOMination-426d ago

Whilst I don’t agree with this original comment, what a lot of people fail to understand is that of CoD was exclusive, a LOT of people would get an Xbox to play it. So whilst they would lose PlayStation sales, the projected Xbox sales would increase and probably significantly. This is what MS wants.

They will be hoping Starfield has the same effect albeit it’s not as big as CoD it’s still going to be a huge entertainment release.

Obviously not saying it will completely bridge the lack of PS sales. That’s almost mathematically impossible. But over ten years, ten exclusive CoDs would allow MS to eat into that PS5 lead.

Irrelevant point anyway because I doubt it’ll be exclusive

Ryzza5425d ago

Bad news for Crash Bandicoot if that were true

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 425d ago
SkwakIdent426d ago

Microsoft in an effort to play victim and get the deal to pass claimed their games were inferior and couldn't compete on a level with Sony, seems like Microsoft has done a fair amount of damaging their own reputation. People have been claiming "the deal is going through" for ages now and here we are with it still not through.

426d ago
darthv72426d ago

Sony, in the same effort to play victim to get the deal blocked, also claims that MS would sabotage their version of the games. And that their own first party titles do not generate enough revenue to fund other first party development.

MS at least has some legitimacy to their claims, Sony... not so much.

Tapani426d ago (Edited 426d ago )

Jim is trying to keep the competition alive, which is good for both consumers and creatives.

Asplundh426d ago

By buying up studios themselves and buying timed exclusive? Yeah right.

426d ago
King_Noctis426d ago

Have you seen the news where it says Sony is looking to spend 5 billions dollars to expand their business?

Tapani426d ago

Microsoft is more profitable and has a 17 times higher topline, and have been more aggressive in the past in M&A. 5bn USD is nothing, Activision acquisition is around 70bn USD. Sony is planning "aggressively" to spend less than 7.5% of what Microsoft is doing here. Even Zenimax was more than that at 7.5bn USD. For comparison, Sony paid 3.6bn for Bungie. So yes, Jim is trying to keep the competition alive and a level playing field. Learn business.

Asplundh426d ago

Xbox is definitely not more profitable, you'd have to be living under a rock for the last decade to not know that. Not sure if you're a troll or just slow 🤔

Risky_24426d ago

@Asplundh . I'm sure it was 'Microsoft' not 'Xbox' that was mentioned. One would recommend reading properly before insulting someone by calling them slow, ironically.

Asplundh426d ago

I read it correctly and made a statement, you're the one confused here sir. I'm going to compare the competing products and not the companies as whole in order to make it look better for Sony.

MontyeKristo426d ago

Asplundh - but, Xbox is not the one buying Zenimax - Microsoft is. So comparing the two in this instance as just Xbox and Playstation doesn't really make sense.

Risky_24426d ago

@Asplundh You are seriously making yourself look foolish now. The company making the purchase is Microsoft. No amount of spinning to make your statement look better is going to change that. Someone speaks about a company and you speak about a product. Well done!

Asplundh426d ago

The argument is over competition in the gaming console market, so yes I'm speaking only of that market. Tell me how sales of Window products is damaging Sonys ability to compete? The only spin is coming from you as you go off topic of what regulators are even arguing over.

1Victor426d ago

@ noctis have you seen the news of Microsoft buying ABK for 69 billions instead of using that money to fix their developers teams and ensuring their games are of the best quality, making a console that don’t split between developing between low end/ last gen and current gen,

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 426d ago
Godmars290426d ago

"There is no reason for him to be this mad at Xbox owning COD."

But there is with MS simply buying a good chunk of the established market, especially after decades of questionable attempts at growth on their end.

HardKnockKid24426d ago

This is funny as many gamers here call those studios that MS bought “trash” and “buggy”…. if that’s true, what’s the harm?

Godmars290426d ago

That under MS they'll get worse, or become another Rare. Be left to rot before either being closed or their IPs given to other - short-lived - studios.

King_Noctis426d ago

“ That under MS they'll get worse, or become another Rare.”

Lol what? So what is happening to Playground Games? Mojang? Bethesda? Obsidian? InXile?

You just conveniently chose the one that is not as successful didn’t you? If so then where is Evolution studio? Studio Liverpool? Japan Studio? Zipper Interactive? BigBig studio?

CBaoth426d ago

funny how you cherry pick Sony's failures King yet you can't pick one studio owned by MS that's better for it. Oh and Liverpool and Evolution's former employees formed Firesprite and let themselves be re-acquired by Sony. Thanks for the set up, I couldn't have said it better without your ignorance!

King_Noctis426d ago (Edited 426d ago )

“funny how you cherry pick Sony's failures King yet you can't pick one studio owned by MS that's better for it”

Funny how Godmars cherry picked MS’s failure yet can’t pick the studios that are successful under MS such as Playground Games, Mojang, Bethesda, and inXile.

Hypocritical isn’t a great taste now isn’t?

HardKnockKid24426d ago

@King, lol let them be… the only approval we will get from them is if we say, “MS/Xbox bad, Sony good” then queue the standing ovations haha. Truth is that Xbox has made some terrible decisions in the last decade but so has Sony. People are just WAY less willing to give the same grace to MS. So when you bring up fair comparisons, it breaks their brains. Millions will still enjoy Xbox no matter what they say, just as millions will enjoy PS.

Godmars290426d ago (Edited 426d ago )


They've just bought Bethesda. Have literally had no impact on what they've made and wont for years. Likewise what has Mojang done of any real significance, besides some DLC tweaks for the one title they're known for? Quickly forgotten Minecraft off-shoots?

And yes of course Sony's closed studios. Thing is the point people who - somehow - miss when making the comparison is that those studios MADE GAMES, well regarded ones, while under Sony. Unlike, the at best, continued exiting IP with MS.

Again the point is AT BEST the games Activision currently make will continue. Maybe they'll even make attempts to bring old IPs like Starcraft back. Ghost will finally come out. Meanwhile Bethesda will continue putting out buggy entries in their old and established titles.

The reason I mentioned Rare, as one of MS's most notable acquisition for the time, is that for years MS brought out like an old broken sex-slave in a gimp suit whenever they wanted to promote their old IPs - some which that gutted studio didn't even have a hand in reviving.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 426d ago
gold_drake426d ago (Edited 426d ago )

damaging their reputation for standing up to the multi trillion company?

"i see no reason for cod to he exclusive"

ah, we have intel right here. the original intent was to make it exclusive.

426d ago
Owlbert426d ago

You are aware this is a Sony fanboy site,hence your dislike ratio...lol,fuck all the fanboys 🤣✌️

Abracadabra426d ago

I don't mind this being a Sony fanboy site. What irks me is that even the mods are Sony fanboys... that make no effort to be impartial.

VoiceMale426d ago

Yes I wish it differently cause it’s such a good source of daily compiled articles
The first comments are usually off topic or trolling in every Xbox article especially the positive ones
I have been around for years and have yet to see a healthy respectful chat on an Xbox topic
Sad part is that your comment and @ Owlbery is gonna be marked for trolling

Babadook7426d ago (Edited 426d ago )

This fanboy site is about 2-1 Sony fans over Xbox fans. Same ratio as a place called planet earth. Welcome here.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 426d ago
Abracadabra426d ago (Edited 426d ago )

Jim Ryan is like a typical Sony fanboy... hypocrite and childish. "If I can't have it, nobody can".

Reverse the roles: If it was Sony acquiring Activision, all people complaining about Microsoft, would be praising Sony for the purchase... just like they praise Sony presently for all the acquisitions and 3rd party exclusive deals.

1Victor426d ago

@abra: “ Reverse the roles: If it was Sony acquiring Activision, all people complaining about Microsoft, would be praising Sony for the purchase”
I can’t speak for anyone but myself if the role was flipped I still wouldn’t support the acquisition for the same reasons of not taking 3rd party games from the competition after a contract expire.
Please don’t come with the flimsy defense that CoD will be on PS because Phil said so we all know how it turned out with starfield

Kakashi Hatake426d ago

It cuts into their revenue, how daft are you guys? MS is doing this to make money, not appease the fanboys. Sony is trying to block this to look out for their bottom dollar. How dare they, right? Cod has been a given on mainline consoles for years. Sony has every right to try to stop it.

darthv72426d ago

...well duh. Like the saying goes. gotta spend money to make money. MS just happens to have the money to spend and ABK has a price that Sony can't afford. So naturally ABK would go to MS and not Sony. sony is just pissed they weren't offered the first right of refusal. Had ABK decided they were going to part out certain franchises then maybe they would have talked to Sony first. But being the best customer doesn't guarantee you get dibs, especially if ABK were looking to sell the whole lot.

Bobertt426d ago

I was watching commentary about this from a developer and he said Microsoft was really expecting cloud gaming to take off and for Game Pass numbers to be higher than they are now to make it more profitable. Their idea going into this gen was to get people to give up physical games like they originally wanted to last gen before the backlash and to subscribe to Game Pass so they can get constant revenue. He says this also why they are having issues with delayed or no first party games. Microsoft was focusing on spending money to get third party games on Game Pass and to market it as even though we don't have as many exclusives as Sony you can play most of the third party games for cheaper through Game Pass.

But this didn't work out as they hoped and by focusing on third party on Game Pass they have neglected or mismanaged their first party studios so there are tons of delays for Xbox exclusives. For example the Hellblade 2 was announced by Microsoft way back in 2019 and we haven't seen anything 4 years later. They have even more studios that they claim are working on exclusives but we haven't even heard about most of them this far into the cycle. They know they won't be able to release these exclusives on time so they will lose even more market share while they wait. So they have pivoted to a new strategy of just buying up as many big studios as possible to forcibly take market share by removing some of those games from competitors to become the new exclusives, and to generate revenue to license out those big earners like CoD to their competitors. This strategy is better to them because they don't have to wait for years for the exclusives or build up goodwill with the community to gain market share and it won't just be with consoles. Activision has a huge presence in the mobile gaming market so Microsoft will instantly become one of the top players in the mobile market too. That's why regulators are saying they need to sell off some part of the company for this deal to not be a monopoly. Either they gain some of the biggest games on consoles or they gain some of the biggest games in mobile but not both.

So trying to block this is not childish of Sony it's smart business because if Xbox fails for another generation then people will be hesitant to buy their next system at launch and give PS6 an advantage.

426d ago
SeTTriP426d ago

I see no reason for Ms to buy Activision, we just always skip right over this part.

MIDGETonSTILTS17426d ago

I don’t see how his ruins Sony’s reputation.

Sony is acting just like I am as an Xbox owner since x360: they don’t think the largest media buyout in history should be what fulfills M$’s decade-long empty promise of “the games ARE coming.”

I want to see what they have been working on for all of this time, not what they can buy up last minute to make up for lost time.

So, have they really been unable to produce anything but Halo Infinite, Gears 5, and a few Forza titles over the course of 10+ years?

Yeah, I don’t want those same liars to run Activision and their franchises. M$ can thrive or fail on their own efforts, just like Sony.

senorfartcushion426d ago

It doesn’t matter what company it is; a monopoly is a monopoly

giovonni425d ago

Which doesn’t apply to this purchase

426d ago
Jin_Sakai426d ago (Edited 426d ago )

“Low point for Jim.“

Yes the President of PlayStation should just say sure thing to the competition taking over the worlds largest 3rd party publisher and gaming franchise.

mastershredder426d ago

How much derp sauce can you drink? Sounds like you had a few gallons.

Crows90425d ago

Except there is absolutely nothing wrong with his statement. He doesn't want a deal to be struck because no deal is going to allow call of duty permanently available on PlayStation. There's also a ton of other IP that would be removed from PlayStation from the other developers. He prefers that all of these developers continue to make third-party multiplats.

That's in the interest of PlayStation gamers ...so if anything a new high because he recognizes the value of the whole company and not just one IP

TheEroica425d ago

Jim Ryan is a crybaby with no plan other than complaining about competition out menuvering him. Cry more Jim! Cry even more Sony defense force!

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 425d ago
Lifexline426d ago (Edited 426d ago )

Well at least they are being honest lol even though it’s not what they want to hear have to respect that. It’s obvious they don’t want to make a deal.

The agreement that MS has offered has been more than fair. They are now offering a lifetime guarantee to call of duty according to activision exec yet that was not enough so pretty obvious where Sony’s mind is at. It seems relations between actiblizz are souring I wonder how it will play out once it’s all said and done.

I just hope the government once it’s done with all this circus focuses on the shady deals that goes on between these companies and fines them. To pay developers to exclude games sounds more anticompetitive.

DarkZane426d ago

Microsoft are scums and liars, they will definitely go back on their promises the very second that deal goes through, it's why Sony are trying to stop them. They promised Bethesda games wouldn't be exclusives and the first thing they did was make them exclusives. Nothing Microsoft or Phil Spencer says can be trusted. Especially Phil Spencer, everything that comes out of the guy's mouth is lies and bs, he is not better than Bobby Kotick in my book.

Lifexline426d ago

I agree with that MS sentiment the majority of billion dollar companies are scum I like the Xbox but don't really care for MS. They never promised bethesda games being exclusive that was debunked. Do you not know how a contract works? Go google it if you really are that clueless. Damm you sound really bitter what did Phil do to you that doesn't allow you to eat or have a roof over your head to warrant that bitterness. Some of you guys take this way too seriously.

MadLad426d ago

What Sony games are on Xbox, besides Destiny? Sony literally pays just to keep certain games off of Xbox. They don't own the company; they just throw money at people to keep them off their competition.

Imalwaysright426d ago (Edited 426d ago )

Oh the irony... No they did not promise such thing. They said they would honor the deals that Sony had with Bethesda wich they did with Deathloop and Ghost Wire timed exclusivity and that Bethesda games being released on the PS5 would be on a case by case basis.

babadivad426d ago

Most of the derogatory statements you made applies to Sony as well.

shinoff2183426d ago


Care to explain ms 3rd party exclusives then. It's getting very old seeing yall try and trash Sony for 3rd party deals like ms don't do that shit. Come on you had to be around during the 360 days right. 50 mill for gta 4 dlc timed exclusive in top of numerous exclusives , mind you they still have 3rd party exclusives themselves.
Far as Sony fans. I don't speak for all of us but it seems we're more in the camp of being annoyed ms keeps buying up all these multiplatform studios and publishers. Fuck cod I'd prefer to get some of those wrpgs ms bought all the studios thay do them , personally. Were annoyed by that and the fact that ms already has more then sony but hasn't gotten there shit together in 20 years. 20 years they've been in this and there upside was a good stretch on the 360 of 4 5 years.

richardmmorales426d ago

They did no such thing when it comes to Bethesda. The FTC tried saying that and the European Commission even countered and said that never happened.

At least I see some people have already said exactly what happened. That they said current contracts would be honored and future titles would be done on a case by case basis. Man Sony fans are just as bad as Sony making stuff up that never happened.

@Minute Man 721 the only reason MLB The Show is multiplatform is because of Major League Baseball. They told them make it multiplatform or they'd lose the MLB license.

MontyeKristo426d ago

Minute man - MLB is not a great example of this. It's not Sony being the nice guy, like "here have this game, on us!" It's the MLB wanting the game to be not exclusive to one system.

S2Killinit426d ago

Its interesting that people are complaining about PlayStation buying exclusivity. Has everyone forgot that this was MS’s business model? In fact, this was so relied upon by MS that they neglected to foster their own studios leading to the need to spend 70billion to acquire a large part of the industry in the form of Activision. Now all gamers (including xbox gamers believe it or not) will pay for MS’s mismanagement. To put this into perspective, MS has not made 70 billion profit in all the generations they have been in gaming. That is what they are doing.

All gamers used to enjoy these multiplat games including xbox owners. Now they will get the same thing but will have to be happy that “its exclusive” because MS is going to deprive others.

gleepot426d ago

They never promised that.

343_Guilty_Spark426d ago

Never said Bethesda games wouldn’t be exclusive

Focus40426d ago Show
wiz7191426d ago (Edited 426d ago )

Bethesda still releases multi platform games and still support the ones that’s currently out. If anybody thought any new IPs were going to be multi platform are delusional , why would they be ?? I bet the next Doom and Dishonored games like that will continue to be multi platform. Just like with mojang all new games and updates on Minecraft is still multi platform. Hell even Pyschonauts 2 was a multi platform release after Double Fine was purchased. If this deal goes through MS doesn’t want to remove COD from PS , you think they’re spending $68B just for exclusives right ??? Nah it’s to get that money Activision is bringing in currently. Sony doesn’t want that to happen , imagine funding your competitors hundreds of millions even billions possibly.

Gravesinger_425d ago

My guy...its not that serious, sony are just as scummy as Microsoft and any one who says otherwise is just a, can't believe I havento say this in 2023, a fanboy. They're bith billion dollar companies whose only purpose is to make money. Grow up

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 425d ago
isarai426d ago

What did people think they were doing? Thought this was understood from the start...i dont get it

Outside_ofthe_Box426d ago

That's what I was saying. Sony is only using CoD as a talking point to get the deal blocked. Keeping CoD on the system isn't the priority, stopping Microsoft from buying up the industry is.

theindiearmy426d ago

If that were the case, why is Sony on board with UK's idea of only allowing the deal through if COD is sold off? This is all about COD.

426d ago
shinoff2183426d ago

Because cod is the biggest console game. That's why the indie army, you gotta put the rest of that together yourself. Look at the bigger picture guy

blackblades426d ago

They think Sony would give up and sign the agreement. Apparently people dont know signing a agreement means defeat and Jim had them fighting words.

KillBill426d ago

Fighting words? His words were basically the Monty Python Black Knight "I'll bite your legs off" come back. lol

MrDead426d ago

What he said: “I don’t want a new Call of Duty deal. I just want to block their merger (Microsoft | Activision Blizzard)”.

I'm totally confused by what people thought this was about. This entire thing is to stop the merger as it will hurt PlayStation and give MS control over the industry that it's currently buying up and trying to monopolise... thats why we're here people!

Christopher426d ago (Edited 426d ago )

Exactly. This immensely reduces the competition in the industry. Competition is pro consumer but Microsoft is trying to sell the idea that them controlling more of the market, let alone some of the biggest IPs on the industry (multiple of them larger than anything Sony has and that Microsoft already has two IPs more valuable than any Sony IP - Halo and Minecraft) is better for the consumer.

It isn't. The same way Windows and Office aren't better for the consumer. It's just what there is and is maintained because no other company has the patents Microsoft has to control what features are in such software because as soon as a company comes out with something that could compete in some way they buy them out.

thorstein425d ago

Yeah. Not that Sony is our shining knight, but Monopolies are terrible for innovation and growth as an industry.

giovonni425d ago

But this is not a monopoly, so I don’t understand what you’re saying.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 425d ago
426d ago Replies(1)
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Xbox Has No Idea What They're Doing, and I'm Not Sure They Ever Did

Nirav from GL writes: "If the makers of a GOTY competitor that outdid sales and Game Pass expectations and owned by the richest company in the world cannot stay open - what hope is there for everyone else?"

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Christopher3h ago

***If the makers of a GOTY competitor that outdid sales and Game Pass expectations and owned by the richest company in the world cannot stay open - what hope is there for everyone else?***

None if you stay in an arena of corporate driven metrics. And this is what happens when you allow publishers to buy up massive amounts of studios and IPs. There's only so much internal competition and the focus in the end will remain on those who look best on a spreadsheet.

Players can be so driven by what is best for them and only see what is put right in front of them. But that's not what is best for them. They are being lied to constantly, as seen by Microsoft's ridiculous praise for Hi-Fi Rush and Phil's lies about Redfall prior to release and how big of a supporter of both studios he has been. But, instead of thinking "wait, this corporation wants me to think this way, should I be listening to them and believing them?" players eat it up and go "OMG, did you hear what they said! They're just like us and they know what's best for the industry."

And because of this single-mindedness of the majority of gamers, we are where we are now. Massive layoffs. Massive studio closures. Games that we were told were representative of the core values of said corporations shelved and studios behind them shuttered. The truth is coming to bear because the truth all along was only what the numbers in an excel spreadsheet told the corporate suits.

If you truly want what is best for the industry, what is best for developers, then you need to support Indie games, support developers that maintain control over their IPs and direction, support boutique publishers who only exist to help Indies make it out the door and don't own the IP. Stop supporting major corporations with your money or you devotion. Stop playing their games, and I don't mean video games, but their marketing, their double speak, their guy without a tie who says things you want to hear PR, their future of video gaming concepts as if we were hurting for new ways to play games other than installing/downloading and playing them, and especially any slogan from them that gives the impression that they are for you, the consumer. They are not. You're merely a value on a spreadsheet.

Christopher2h ago

Sure, I'm the one drinking the koolaid. Keep believing in the corporations. They definitely have your best interests in mind. All hail the Big Green, For You Blue, and Nostalgia Red! All praise big corporations buying up other publishers. All praise the inevitable spreadsheet adjustments. For greed, not the players.

Tody_ZA28m ago

This should not be surprising to any of you. We have been saying for MONTHS that Game Pass is not sustainable and that these acquisitions will come at a massive cost to the industry. People refused to grasp the difference between buying and investing in a developer like Insomniac or Housemarque, and buying the entire publisher. People refused to accept that spending billions to acquire the biggest publishers in gaming means you have to RECOUP those costs, and you aren't going to do it without consolidation, focusing on core IP that sells, creating revenue streams via ownership and releasing on other platforms, and closing down studios that are superfluous to the budget requirements. You will not recoup those costs by investing in risky new IP or creative new games and studios.

No, people cheered Microsoft on like they were delivering GOTY titles to their door and pouring money into the industry to grow Indies and triple A projects.

You are getting what you deserve. You take the consequences of the practices you supported.

Layoffs happen. Some games don't succeed. Everyone has seen it happen. Happens even to the winners.

This, however, is goddamn shambolic and if you can't see it now then there's no helping you and you should keep enjoying the "value" of Game Pass while contributing nothing to this industry.

I've never seen the developer of one of the best games of the year get axed before.

Ninja Theory is next after Hellblade 2, I can see them going independent again. There's more to come from MS.


Xbox Has Had More Studio Closures Than First Party Game Releases So Far In 2024

Twisted Voxel writes: "We've almost reached the end of the 1st half of 2024, and Xbox has had more studio closures than first party game releases in the year so far."

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16h ago
KicksnSnares12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

Hellblade 2, Indiana Jones, Avowed, Towerborne, and Call of Duty are still to be released this year. Marcus Fenix collection to be added to the list with the Xbox showcase, hopefully.

anast9h ago

Those are all coming to PS5 too.

Tech54h ago

"Xbox Has Had More Studio Closures Than First Party Game Releases So Far In 2024"

they kept the IPs though. they'll be making them under the MS brand i'm guessing. like minecraft all those years ago.

solideagle8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

the keyword is so Far...

on topic: Ouch!

Hedstrom6h ago

Kinda missing the forest for all the trees statement!

shinoff21836h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Bet all those don't make it though this year

romulus235h ago(Edited 5h ago)

If we're going to talk in "still to be's" there still could be more studio closures from Microsoft this year as well.

DOMination-2h ago

How much confidence do people have in these games being good though? I hope they will be (especially Avowed) but from what we know of them so far, it's hardly a guarantee, is it?

And even if they do turn out to be good, how much of that will be down to Xbox and its leadership? Most of these games were either sequels to games made before being acquired or started development before being acquired.

And just a note on Hellblade II - it is out in two weeks and unless I'm missing something, I don't see much in the way of previews or advertising from Microsoft. Not ideal for a niche game that looks like it probably cost a lot of money to make. It genuinely feels like another game being sent out to die and then have the studio shut down.

Elda1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

To me...Avowed graphics look cheap, the game looks generic as well as boring.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1h ago
anast9h ago

Popcorn is good. Anyone want some?

anast5h ago

I wouldn't mind a caramel and cinnamon mix actually.

dumahim4h ago

That does sound good. I have trouble just finding caramel corn.

anast44m ago

I find it interesting that people have to resort to praising how they were randomly born in a certain location to say they're not weird. But, I'm not sure this kind of stupidity can be generalized over an entire group of people, at least, I'm being optimistic here.

Eonjay8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

Sony doesn't have to bother fighting the next Microsoft acquisition. The massive layoff by themselves should be enough to get the next big buy blocked.

Hofstaderman7h ago

Vindicates Jim Ryan. Don't know who didnt see this coming except those frothing pro acquisition fanboys who are not commenting here for some reason....

Tacoboto6h ago

What did happen to Obscure?

Tody_ZA6h ago

Obscure is working on his thesis on how to spin this.

Elda5h ago

Exactly. Where is the mayor & spokesperson of XB?

badz1495h ago

Obsecure where are you? Don't tell us Phil fired you too

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5h ago
MatrixxGT4h ago

Let’s not pretend Sony is setting the world on fire with its first party either….it’s been crickets from them as well. In fact they even said not to expect any at all this year.
MS is a dumpster fire and Sony isn’t fighting anymore and it shows. I fail to see how this is a good thing.

Sonic18814h ago

I was actually thinking about that. You beat me to it

MrDead8h ago

So if MS hadn't spent $80 billion consolidating the industry just think of all the games and jobs that would have saved.

MS is a drain on gaming and have been nothing but a negative.

MrCrimson6h ago

not exactly like the studios were putting out good games anyway. Industry needs to restart from the ground up; if games like battlebit or manor lords can be made by teams with 10 people - then there's something fundamentally wrong with having 500 man teams put out glitchy overmonetized crap.

shinoff21836h ago

Interesting. Prey was a good game, evil within was dope, and hi fi was the best Xbox game that Xbox has had in so many years. That's according to the base.

romulus235h ago

HiFi Rush was a really good game actually so that's hardly the reason for shutting down Tango.

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Former Blizzard President Says Closures Hurt Phil Spencer 'as Much as Anyone Else'

The former president of Blizzard Mike Ybarra in a statement on Twitter says Microsoft Gaming CEO is hurting just as much as anyone else following the closure of three studios under Bethesda - Arkane Austin, Tango Gameworks, and Alpha Dog Studios. Roundhouse Games is also joining ZeniMax Online Studios.

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jambola11h ago

Yeahhh I doubt it's hurting a millionaire as much as it's hurting fans and people who lost their jobs

Name Last Name6h ago

Phil is the only guy in the industry that has plot armor.

Tody_ZA6h ago

Hahahahahahaha! xD Legendary comment.

lelo2play4h ago(Edited 3h ago)

At this moment, even Xbox fanboys are starting to hate Microsoft. It's fu**up, after fu**up, after fu**up... that's the state of Microsoft gaming.
Purchasing developers left and right, then killing them off...

Phil was the worst thing that happend to Xbox. Might as well just shut down their gaming division and fu** off

Jingsing8h ago

I can already hear Jim Ross.. He has a family damnit!

Barlos6h ago

Poor Phil. He must be crying into his bonus cheques. Makes your heart bleed doesn't it?

MrDead5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

I'm sure he'll be upset that those cheques contain a small percentage of money MS is still making from the closed studios games too. Next time someone purchases High-fi Rush or Evil within all that money is now just Microsofts, just think the former devs at Tango who made Hi-fi Rush MS's most highly acclaimed game in years will get nothing more.

MS are buying these publishers for the big IP's like Elder Scrolls and Call of Duty they have little interest in the ones that don't make huge profits... and firing thousands and closing studios looks good on the next quarterly shareholder report. Gotta protect the share price.

Eonjay9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

This is all coming from the executive who thinks we should have the option to tip devs... apparently so publishers can pay devs minimum wage. Will someone think of the C-suite executives!!!

dumahim5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

That was from a former Blizzard exec. Did Phil make a comment on that also?

edit: Oh, it wasn't Phil who said this himself.

LucasRuinedChildhood9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

Yeah, the guy making $10m a year is hurting as much as those who have lost their jobs and are worrying about their future and supporting their family. /s

It takes a real lack of shame to even try put the Good Guy Phil™ spin on this. It's not going to work this time.

Profchaos9h ago

He's sitting around feeling sorry when he should of been doing everything in his power to get people jobs in other studios you're telling me after toys for Bob split from Activision there wasn't a opening in the call of duty mines for arkane it's just woah is me.

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