
3 Years Later, Next-Gen Is Finally About to Begin

Welcome back to Next-Gen Console Watch, our show following all the news and rumors on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series. This week, Daemon is joined by Ryan McCaffrey, host of IGN’s Xbox podcast, Podcast Unlocked, and Max Scoville, host of IGN's PlayStation podcast, Podcast Beyond. Their topic: has next-gen finally begun? Despite having debuted three years ago, the Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 have been plagued by supply issues that have kept the consoles out of the hands of many, and game makers have adapted by releasing new games on both next-gen and last-gen. Now that the new consoles are readily available, is it time for games to leave the PS4 and Xbox One era behind? And what does this mean for the Nintendo Switch?


Slitterhead Interview: The Creator of Silent Hill Explains Their New Horror Game - Exclusive

In an exlusive new interview with IGN, Silent Hill creator Keiichiro Toyama, director Junya Okura and producer Kazunobu Sato answered all of our questions about Slitterhead, the new horror game from Bokeh Game Studio.


Star Wars Outlaws Preview - Finally a Galaxy Full of Scum and Villainy | TechRaptor

TechRaptor writes, "Star Wars Outlaws is to fans of the series' lovable scoundrels as the Star Wars Jedi series is to lightsaber lovers. Here's our hands-on preview!"

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Assassin’s Creed Shadow’s Dual Protagonists Open Up a World of Possibilities | TechRaptor

The different playstyles of Yasuke and Naoe of Assassin's Creed Shadows means your experience can vary greatly.

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