
Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge - Enhanced Edition: PSVR2 Gameplay

While they still are working to sort out the spacing issues sucgh as grabbing from the belt, here is the game opening played on a PSVR2.

456d ago Replies(1)
Babadook7456d ago

I'll buy this one yet, as the demo was very fun.


PlayStation VR2 Review: The New Gold Standard in Virtual Reality Gaming | Man of Many

Rob Edwards: "To put it bluntly, the PlayStation VR2 has reinvigorated my affection for gaming, delivering experiences unlike anything I've seen. I’ve spent more time gaming in the brief window since the VR2 launched than the rest of the last year. And having spent a considerable amount of that time sharing the VR2 experience with friends—some of whom are nonplussed when it comes to traditional gaming experiences but were absolutely floored by what’s on offer here—I can confidently say this is a truly remarkable piece of gaming hardware.

The PlayStation VR2 is the new gold standard for at-home virtual reality and I can’t wait to see what developers do with this technology in the years to come."

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Solitariussaint359d ago

PSVR2 rocks! I'm happy to see newcomers to the lands of Virtual Reality.

SullysCigar359d ago

The games are coming thick and fast too. The quality seems a LOT higher than last gen, on average.

Neonridr359d ago

it helps that this time the PSVR is getting more PC ports too. Something the first PSVR was missing.

SullysCigar359d ago

^ True dat, @Neon.

Still hoping for updated versions of Insomniac's PC VR games - maybe followed by sequels.

DaCajun359d ago

Does work well using it as a regular screen to play non VR games or watch movies/videos. I liked the PSVR 1 except using it to watch movies or play nonVR games the screen kept drifting to the left, if I'm remembering correctly, making me adjust my head by turning it over time until I recentered the screen.

Abnor_Mal359d ago

PSVR2 is my preferred way of gaming this gen, and where most of my money will be spent.

Babadook7359d ago

Come to think of it I’m in the same boat. FF7 rebirth or maybe FF16 could take time away from psvr2 but these days if I game, it’s in vr.

Abnor_Mal359d ago

Exactly, only flat games I’m planning to play are FF16 and Spider-Man2. Everything else will be vr based until Sony reveals more of their first party plans.

Magog359d ago

Being in the game rather than an outside observer makes it an entirely different experience from flat gaming. Going back to flat gaming after playing VR feels like taking a step backwards in time.

ROCKY28359d ago

Need WipEout Omega to be BC please Sony and I will but one today !

philm87359d ago

I'm even starting to play non-VR in the PSV2's cinema mode because it looks so incredible and it extra immersive. Will already take me years to get through the PSVR2 games I want to play.

DaleCooper359d ago

That sounds fun. I'll be checking this out.

Abnor_Mal359d ago

Same, I’ve been playing may of my flat games in cinematic mode. It just adds more to the game when you have to look at different parts of the screen to see everything.

Next I will try a flat shooter, since I have to wait for Crossfire: Sierra squad. Maybe I’ll pick up Pavlov since I keep hearing good things about it, not really into mp games but one could be alright I guess.

F0XH0UND922358d ago

Pavlov is a ton fun imo. I would definitely give it a go if I were you.

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PSVR2 Review - Star Wars: Tales From The Galaxy’s Edge Enhanced: PSVR 2's best game? | CreativeBloq

Is this the PSVR 2 game you're looking for?

Star Wars: Tales From The Galaxy’s Edge uses the best aspects of PSVR 2 to deliver excellent tracking and tactile controls that makes this an easy, swashbuckling adventure to get lost in. No other game I’ve played on PSVR2 asks you to use your hands in such intricate ways. Far away? Far out.

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Viljong394d ago

It is an overlooked gem, great quality, no bugs voice acting triple A quality. Very fun to play and search for collectivies. Love the mission structures. Rocket darts is the most addictive minigame i ever played. Its always 1 more game 1 more game chasing that high score. And the part where you get to feel and use the light saber is awesome. The haptics and sound effecrs make it feel so much better than light saber in flat games. It feel so great. And using the force. There are no bugs or glitches. One of the best games out there.

ravens52394d ago

You make me want to buy a copy lol. I only played the demo. It was pretty cool! Does this have a difficulty setting?

358d ago

Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge - Enhanced Edition Is A Must-Own - Skewed 'n Reviewed

Star Wars fans who have jumped on the awesome new PSVR2 can now enjoy the thrills of Star Wars with Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge – Enhanced Edition and despite some issues with inventory, Skewed and Reviewed said it is a must own for PSVR2 owners.