
Rise of the Argonauts Review (OXCGN): A Greek Legend To Remember, Or Forget?


"Having first heard of Rise of the Argonauts early in 2008, I was somewhat intrigued as to when I was going to be able to play out one of the most well known stories in Greek mythology. It was then somewhat disappointing to find out the game had been pushed back to an undetermined date in 2009.

Then, almost as if on a whim, Atari released Rise of The Argonauts a week before Christmas, which isn't the best time to release a new IP, let alone one that had not had a great deal of pre-release PR push. All of a sudden the game pops out of nowhere on shelves in stores and I sit perplexed, thinking to myself . . . "what the hell is going on" ?

Oh well, a last minute Christmas present then….but was it a keeper, or a Boxing Day return?"

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gaminoz5631d ago

Yeah they snuck this title in right before Christmas! Man what a bad time to release!

Judging by the score...they could have waited and improved some things.

XboxOZ3605631d ago

They should have given it 1 - 2 more months in development, then it might have had a chance at 1) sales and 2) being better than it is . .. it had all the makings of being a great title, but now it will simply be another title that will never see a re-make or a sequel, and be a waste of 20 odd Million $$.

Steelspawn5631d ago

Never heard a thing about this game until I read this review. Will be staying well clear.

darkmurder5631d ago

Blech, looked poor from the onset, great review, you made me steer clear of this poor game.


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The Five Greatest Romances on the Xbox 360

With Valentine's Day weekend now upon us, what better way to honour all the love-laden gamers out there than to take a look back on the greatest romances found on the Xbox 360.

Love is both an incredible gift and a burdening beast. It is a joy that gives wonderful memories or a cruel mistress that demands incredible sacrifice. Love can make you feel like you have everything in the world or that you have nothing left to cherish. Although these five examples of love are different in almost every way, these couples portray the power of love better than the rest.

Enjoy !

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