
Justin Roiland resigns from Squanch Games developer of high on life

On January 16, 2023, Squanch Games received Justin Roland's resignation. The passionate team at Squanch will keep developing games we know our fans will love while continuing to support and improve High On Life.

shinoff2183504d ago (Edited 504d ago )

Kinda seen this coming, I've no interest in the game but I like Rick and Marty every once in Awhile in doses. He still gonna get paid anyway

GamerRN504d ago

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

SurgicalMenace504d ago

It has to be what's said instead of what's proven.

Lifexline504d ago

I think it was also he was on a podcast and speaking about pedophilia almost seeming okay with it. So that didn’t help his case out it’s all out their just Google it

Tacoboto504d ago

In this instance, texts have been shared showing him grooming high school girls

Zeref504d ago

I mean he's technically not guilty in the court of law.

But the evidence is pretty clear. Dude is a pedophile. No doubt about it.

Christopher504d ago

Yeah, that's how company PR works. Public opinion 100% changes based on court results.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 504d ago
porkChop504d ago

It's because of the domestic abuse charges from last week. He's also leaving Rick & Morty and his roles will be recast.

Anunnaki504d ago

It's only partly that. There are also dozens of women coming forward with screenshots of him trying to solicit them for sex when they were 16 years old.

porkChop504d ago

Woah wtf? I didn't see anything about that.

Zeref504d ago

It's not because of the domestic abuse. It came out a couple of days ago that dude was texting with minors.

SullysCigar504d ago

If he goes down for this, he's probably getting Epsteined.

Sciurus_vulgaris504d ago

Roiland is simply paying the price for his actions. He will likely be blacklisted for so time. Why has the same been done to Ezra Miller? A person who has much more accusation and charges.

roadkillers504d ago

You do realize the trial hasn’t started yet right? Same with other people like Danny Masterson (Hyde from that 70s show). Johnny Depp as well… These people lost their iconic role because people are quick to assume everyone is guilty once a headline hits. They all have stated not guilty (we all know how the Depp crapshow went).

Why not wait for the trial before jumping to a conclusion?


"Why not wait for the trial before jumping to a conclusion?"

Because we live in a culture of feelings over facts. Whether he's guilty or innocent is irrelevant, all that matters is that he made a woman upset...which nowadays warrants losing your livelihood apparently.

RpgSama504d ago


100% agree with you, all that's needed it's just the accusation thrown our way to have our livelihood and social standing be over.

DarXyde504d ago


"Whether he's guilty or innocent is irrelevant, all that matters is that he made a woman upset..."

.... Wow. Incel talk there, mate. It's pretty well understood that the U.S. justice system is a joke, but that's a pretty awful way to minimize these accusations.

Instead of assuming that upsetting a woman is "all that matters", maybe take a moment and let the process play out? The irony is that it's like you've already made up your mind about innocence and guilt.

thesoftware730504d ago (Edited 504d ago )

Well said!

People instantly label others guilty due to headlines. No due process, no innocent until proven guilty.

The even more heinous part is that even if they are found innocent, whatever the allegations are, the stigma still sticks to their reputation.


@DarXyde Are you Australian by any chance? (The fact that you used "mate" and your swiftness in calling me an "incel" gave it away). No offense intended, but I find that Australian men are essentially men with female brains. They're programmed from birth to have a bias in favor of women in these cases. Maybe take some time to examine that programming.

With regards to my comment, I didn't "minimize" anyone's experience. If Justin is guilty, he should be charged to the fullest extent of the law.

I simply stated that in the U.S., we have a culture where men are guilty until proven innocent. I can acknowledge the reality of that culture while also being sympathetic for women who are domestic violence survivors. Both situations aren't mutually exclusive.

neutralgamer1992504d ago


Because a woman could have sex with you, send you texts saying do it rougher, choke me out and than sue you for domestic violence and ruin your potentially hall of fame career

Look no further than ex dodgers pitcher Bauer

If a man says he was abused does he get the same benefit? How come this me too movement started by females who kept their mouths shut for decades and cashed in huge 7 figure checks but that they are worth 200+ million they want to cry

Look at Johnny Depp even though he won the case he lost his legendary roles

This world is unfair to being a straight male right now and that's just sad and pathetic

tay8701504d ago

@logicwins. He is toast dude. Have you seen the some of the leaked DMS of his? Talking sexually with 16 yr old girls is gonna get you fired. No need to wait for the domestic violence court case to even go through.

504d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 504d ago
CobraKai504d ago

Ezra is still up in the air. I think if he were a straight male, he’d also be toast, but since he’s part of the “community” WB is still reconsidering his future.

Orchard504d ago

Hopefully we still get a HoL 2 - had a blast with it and it’s the funniest game I’ve ever played.

But, actions have consequences.

RpgSama504d ago

"alleged actions" for the time being, or are we guilty until proven innocent?

CrimsonWing69504d ago

Guilty until proven innocent now.

dumahim504d ago

If he didn't do what he's alleged to have done, maybe he shouldn't resign.

thesoftware730504d ago (Edited 504d ago )

You have no idea of his or the woman's "actions".

I have personally seen women get upset and try or ruin a man's life over being highly upset. A guy I worked with 3 years ago was getting a divorce(it was ongoing for 2 years before) and his soon-to-be ex-wife wanted to hurt him because she found out he went on a date with another woman, so she decided to tell the courts he sexually touched his daughter!!

He and his daughter had to be investigated, CPS, Courts, guardian aclidinium everyone involved, this man use to be at work literally crying some days. After all the fact findings, boom! found out his ex-wife was lying. The more offensive part was that nothing happened to her, nothing at all. I swear you cant make this ish up.

SullysCigar504d ago

She should have been liable for ALL the labour costs associated with the investigation, his losses and compensation. You can't play with people's lives because you're pissed off. The US 'justice' system is so crooked now, it's moving fast towards being pointless.

504d ago
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Jingsing1d 8h ago (Edited 1d 8h ago )

Not really, Konami is basically in name only and like so many other Japanese studios that have come and gone they are just going to be an IP troll and milk that cow until it is dry. Also one of the advertised features is playing the game from a different camera view while everything else remains the same will just result in making the game easier like what happened with Twin Snakes.

Cacabunga1d 4h ago (Edited 1d 4h ago )

If this turns out good and gamers support it we will get the other ones.. i really hope we get MGS original in zanzibar, Peace Walker and Portable Ops remakes after this one.. they are related with naked snake

Portable Ops was sooooooo good and underrated

gold_drake1d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

Konami might not be super active in the videogame business anymore, or less, but they still make a ton of money with their collections and pachinko machines.

and their castlevania series on netflix is really successful also.

just_looken23h ago


Your dislikes shows this sites situation

Konami has been doing all of that for years now like there contra games or mgs ports

mgs survive anyone

isarai1d 8h ago

When are people going to learn that all Konami is doing with these games Is licensing them out? They are not trying to revive their game development Branch and they are not the ones developing this. It is studios that came to them and asked to use the license to make a game and they have been doing this pretty much since MGSV

jeromeface1d 5h ago

Remaking all his work reaks of desperation. The only reason they are getting away with it is everyones deep love for the series. If delta is successful (which as of right now it should be), they'll be sure to remake all of them.

Redgrave1d 3h ago

Big shoes to fill, and compared to SH2 - this is as much a 1:1 remake as you can get. You can still see the PS2 bones in the movements and how the cutscenes have the same angles. If anything, I'd have preferred the reverse.... with SH2 being closer to a 1:1 remake but prettier, and have MGS3 have a little more freedom.

Ideally, MGS3 with a MGSV skin in terms of gameplay and freedom of approach. This is more like a high budget remaster than a remake. Having recently replayed the Bluepoint remaster, this is going to be like that same experience but even prettier.

But, as with both MGS3 and SH2, nearly impossible shoes to fill if not outright so. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Such is the legacy of these GOAT titles.

Inverno1d 2h ago

It's a one to one remake, using the same voice recordings too. Not a reimagining, no new content thus far announced, just a straight remake of a game that already exists, but now with prettier graphics. There's no revival, they proved they can't make anything related to MG after Survival. They'll just remake all the games and people will eat it up.

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