
Vooks: Avatar: The Last Airbender – Into the Inferno Review

Vooks writes: "I've never watched the Avatar series, but I did have a vague idea on what the show's basic premise was. I knew it involved characters that had the ability to bend air as well as other elements such as water and earth. So, while I didn't know a whole lot about the show, the basic concept seemed interesting and it came across as a concept that could make for an interesting game. Sadly, Into the Inferno is not particularly interesting, nor is it particularly great. It is not a terrible game, but it's overly simplistic and suffers the same fate as most licensed games as a result of lazy, seemingly rushed development."


THQ's Golden Wii, Meant for the Queen of England, has been Found

Remember THQ? They published such games as Avatar: The Last Airbender, Darksiders I & II, the Destroy All Humans series, Homefront, the Red Faction series, and Saint's Row 1-3. Almost as famous as their games were the THQ marketing stunts, including a Golden Wii.

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Segata1963d ago

yeah ok but can someone find what happened to the Swordquest items on Atari?


Netflix's Avatar: The Last Airbender Reboot Should Have Been a Game First

When Netflix announced that they'll be rebooting the franchise as a live-action TV series, I found myself disappointed that it wasn't something fans could really sink their teeth into, that would allow them to take their time and savor every morsel of Avatar's intriguing and detailed world and story; like a video game.

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annoyedgamer2084d ago

As if Hollywood/Silicon valley weren't satisfied with destroying the material enough.

bujasem_892083d ago

Amazing full of life open games than need to happen. Both Avatars. Adventure time done right, I'd also love a ghibli world.


Why RockSteady Should Make an Avatar: The Last Airbender Game

The Avatar universe has come to a sudden wind down after the conclusion of The Legend of Korra series. Co-Creators Bryan Konietzko and Mike DiMartino had spoke about future comic books in the works, but will we ever see a good Avatar game?

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crazychris41243238d ago (Edited 3238d ago )

If they do I hope we can get 1000 GS or platinum the game within 5 minutes lol


NovusTerminus3238d ago

No, Platinum should, just give them a full budget to do so.

hard joe3238d ago

should make Aang not Korra

Whitefeather3238d ago

Rocksteady should do what they want.

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