
"MARAUDERS" is soon going to release its "Red Baron" content update via Steam

"Team 17 and Small Impact Games have today announced ‘Red Baron’, the debut and free content update for hardcore looter shooter "Marauders", coming soon to Steam." - Team 17 and Small Impact Games.


“MARAUDERS” has just released its “Plunder” update via Steam EA

"Small Impact Games & Team17 Digital have today announced the fourth free major content update for Steam Early Access shooter "Marauders", ‘Plunder’ which deployed this past week." - Team 17 and Small Impact Games.


The hardcore looter shooter “Marauders” has just reached its 30 million raids milestone

"Team17 and Small Impact Games have announced that hardcore PvPvE looter shooter "Marauders" has seen players jump into 30 million raids – an average of one million per day – since the game’s Steam Early Access launch at the start of October." - Team17 and Small Impact Games.


Marauders Preview - Thumb Culture

"Marauders features a pretty unique backstory, which is a welcome addition amongst a crowded market of looter shooters and battle royals. In this game, WW1 never ended. Instead, the human race practically destroyed Earth by over-mining and industrialising the entire planet, forcing themselves out into the stars. Out here the only way to survive is to salvage ships drifting through space. Be careful though, as there are plenty of others looking to do the same. Confrontation is inevitable." Mark @Thumb Culture

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