
ValiDate: Struggling Singles in Your Area Review | TheXboxHub

Dave writes: "We would happily go on another date with ValiDate: Struggling Singles in Your Area on Xbox Series X|S."

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‘Marvel’s Black Panther’ Developer Admits To Discriminating Against White People

Dani Lalonders, an Associate Narrative Designer at Cliffhanger Gamers who is currently working on Marvel’s Black Panther, admitted to discriminating against white people while developing her game ValiDate. During a presentation for the Game Devs of Color Expo 2021.

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MestreRothN4G89d ago

The far right babycry never stops 😂

thorstein89d ago

400 years. Hundreds of thousands of black people: I didn't get the job because I'm black.

2023: 1 job. 1 person denied a few white men from getting a job.

The white men of N4G: OMZG!!!! We'Re bEiNg oPpReSsEd fOr a jOb wE dIdN,T ApPlY fOr nOr aRe qUaLiFiEd tO hOlD¡

SyntheticForm89d ago


You say "white men" as if they're inherently bad, and your words indicate what many of us already know - that DEI isn't about inclusion - it is about exclusion and revenge.

thorstein89d ago

I say it because you're the only ones getting your tighty whities in a bunch, you poor oppressed man. Tell us all about your imagined hurts while completely and utterly ignoring the first full paragraph of my comment.
But you're great at that: taking things out of context.

SyntheticForm89d ago


Your post was an infantile response to the fact that anti-white racism is being highlighted and called out. There was nothing cogent, thoughtful, or intelligent about it. Nothing was taken out of context; you're just racist and angry about racism being highlighted.

Discrimination is wrong; can't believe I have to say that today.

thorstein89d ago (Edited 89d ago )

"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions." -Thomas Jefferson

I will not bandy words with you, synthetic, not because you think yourself a sophist but because you simply revealed yourself to be intellectually dishonest when you equate centuries of systemic racism to one instance of one person behaving this way. And because you took something out of context. It really is that simple.

Maybe, one day you'll see the broader world and all it beholds, its wonders and its beauties. Or you can choose to hide in your cave and shirk from your visions of the darkness that is nothing but shadows that scare the child, but not the man.


SyntheticForm88d ago


I'm not sure you know what "intellectual dishonesty" is, but it's a charge I could very easily level against you.

I merely argued that discrimination is wrong, and that we shouldn't attempt to fight racism with more racism. You've outright lied here. The problem for you is that people can read - they can read your posts and mine - and they know that you're lying.

As for the rest of your post... pure tripe. Unimpressive, nonsensical, etc.

CDbiggen88d ago

Nice try, but we alllll know who cries over words, stereotypes, lack of representation, and on and on and on. Crying racism, sexism, homophobia, and on and on and on.
You've needed to ban, deplatform and dox anyone who dares say the wrong thing over and over in case your feelings get hurt.

But yes of course, muh far right are the crybabies.

Huey_My_D_Long88d ago

@thor good effort, but I'd doubt these brainwashed idiots would honestly engage without talking points. Last couple of years it was trans now its dei.

neutralgamer199288d ago


hire the most qualified person irrespective of their skin color. And this is coming from a person of color. No race should be involved in hiring process. Companies should hire based on talent, experience and qualification

RedDevils88d ago (Edited 88d ago )

BLM the victim cult.

JackBNimble88d ago

Ironically it seems many of you are doing exactly what you've been preaching against. Because white is evil it's ok?

You're only creating the great divide with lefties racist ideology. Smh

DarXyde88d ago


While I support the spirit of what you're saying, how does this work if you have an "entry level professional" position where every applicant is fresh out of university with no internships or other experience? By the school they've graduated from? If we did that, it disproportionately favors Caucasians who typically have access to better schools. I should add that I used to work in my graduate school's admissions office and the ONLY time race mattered is when (surprise) you have two equally qualified candidates and one seat left—at that point, you select which ever one has less representation in the program. That is far less common than you might think. It just gets blown up because people are led to believe it is extremely common practice. At the hiring level, I can't say much about that from personal experience, but there have been social research studies where candidates created identical applications (schools, experience, etc) but with different names. Turns out, employers very consistently selected the "whiter sounding names". Full disclosure, I am also a person of color, but there is absolutely a systemic issue that, once you familiarize yourself with the research from criminological, sociological, psychological, economic, political, historical, and labour perspectives, it becomes difficult to ignore how broken the system is—this is an extensive rabbit hole and we would need to get on a call for a few hours to sort that out.

But on the other hand, there are instances where race simply matters. For instance, psychologist. Black men have largely checked out of the therapeutic process and that's because there is either a gendered bias, ethnic bias, or both where it becomes impractical to develop a good rapport with an incompatible therapist. Even if you grow up in a country like America, household cultures come out in therapy and you quickly realize it's a problem.

So again, I support the spirit of what you're saying, but it needs to be taken with nuance.

And to anyone saying "DEI is about revenge"... No, it isn't. You take one instance of discrimination and use it to make a broader point about it being driven by revenge. Be better than that. DEI contingencies exist because they were created by people with power (rarely the beneficiaries of such policies) because there is a precedent: there is discrimination in hiring on the bases of culture, gender, religion, race, hair style, etc. There are a few cases for hair style (food service) and religious restrictions, but I think it is disingenuous for anyone to believe they exist just because. It forces employers to confront their own stereotypes. To be clear, I don't like these policies, but more than that, I don't like that they ever had to exist. In a world where the most qualified person really wins, you don't need these policies, but there is a history for WHY some people are not the most qualified or are "too qualifed". I don't really see how you remove these policies without addressing systemic issues first.

Just my take on the matter.

garos8288d ago

how boring. any original thoughts in that little peanut of yours?

InUrFoxHole88d ago (Edited 88d ago )

He said white men like he was talking about the clear group mentioned in the article.. lol
Your words indicate what I already knew... Humans are weak and you'll cry about everything and anything. Someone is always the victim 🙄

Sonic188188d ago (Edited 88d ago )

"Last couple of years it was trans now its dei."


Mr_cheese88d ago

It's actually outrageous that people are being ridiculed and dubbed far right because they think this is wrong.

It is wrong, it shouldn't happen, it does happen and the difference here is that this individual openly admitted to it.

We don't pick where we are born or the colour of our skin. It's out of our control. We do control our actions.

88d ago
+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 88d ago
MrDead89d ago

Have you seen the links and stories on this site, VALLIANT RENEGADE an insane right-wing movie conspiracy channel and the most crazy DEI s**t I've seen... and it's a rando blog site too! You can tell it's a US election year as all the psychos are going crazy

thorstein89d ago (Edited 89d ago )

Of course, it is. When I first saw this I had to look up to see if it was satirical.

I couldn't believe anyone was this stupid. They love their conspiracies. Especially when it comes to reverse racism. And now they have the smoking gun.

In their minds, this one person's action is equal to all the black people who were denied jobs in 2024 for being black. That's why they spend so much time here calling this out and not on other forums calling out the people who deny jobs to black people.

DrDoomer89d ago

Pretty lame and desperate attempt to try and gaslight people away from the topic at hand...

Rynxie88d ago (Edited 88d ago )


You're the only race in the world on the bottom of the barrel. Every country, every person, in the past was the conquerer, or the conquered, the master, or the slave. However, all other races decided to use such experience to overcome their situation, to better themselves and make something out of themselves and their country. You guys still cry victimhood and blame everyone for your setbacks.

I won't even tell you what race I am, so I can laugh at your assumptions. You're a 🤡

thorstein84d ago (Edited 84d ago )

I'm a straight, white, man.

"Bottom of the barrel"

Your words. Not mine. Guess the righties with their tight whities in a bunch had better call you out for your reverse racism.

LucasRuinedChildhood90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

People are trying to share Libs Of TikTok posts on N4G now?

Libs Of Tiktok caused bombs threats to a children's hospital.

And targeted a district and allegedly inspired the beating and murder of a school student. https://www.independent.co....

kenpachi90d ago

Lol mainstream media links, wake up

DaCajun88d ago

Wow so much ignorance and hate on this site. Not talking about just the person I replied to but all on this site. Anyone who completely and blindly follows, worships, or otherwise is obedient to any person or group is just sad. Can't you people think for yourselves instead of just repeating the same tiring garbage over and over and over until someone finally believes your ignorance.

It's bad enough with the ignorant childish fanboy wars on a gaming site, where we are supposed to come together and support gaming as a whole. Now you people keep bringing your delusional politics into it.

I swear people are stuck in their fantasy worlds these days and refuse to come back to reality. Conspiracy theories run rampid, people seem to run pass the simplest most obvious facts to a simple truth and run straight to the most convoluted, Hollywoodesque, off the wall, ridiculous theories void of any real facts or facts from something else twisted into something that doesn't even apply to the situation but some how becomes part of it because it sounded good to there twisted narratives.

Truth is no longer about concrete facts but who yells their information the loudest and longest regardless of facts to back them up.

Come back to reality people. What ever happened to common sense? Oh wait, I forgot Common Sense is just another made up word like Morals.

darthv7290d ago

Nex died of suicide... the coroner report has just been released.

If people dont want their dirty laundry shared by LoTT... they need to stop doing stupid shit and posting about it.

Christopher89d ago

LoTT is known for spreading false information as well. Let's not being ignorant. LoTT has just as much of an agenda as Dani Lalonders.

SyntheticForm89d ago

All LoTT does is call attention to their nonsense by reposting or highlighting it.

You'd think these people would appreciate the exposure - the assistance in the dissemination of their message - but instead they're angry. Why are they angry? They're angry because the wrong people are seeing it. Now, parents and others who were not privy are now being made so by entities such as LoTT, and their otherwise clandestine indoctrination has been exposed, with lots of new eyes now laser-focused on these public schools.

Hope she never stops.

Neonridr89d ago

LOTT is literally the bottom of the barrel on X/Twitter anyways. Nobody should be listening to them period, or giving them a platform.

BlindMango89d ago

I think you're missing the point, who cares about Libs of TikTok. The person who the entire article is about, who is moving their mouth and speaking the words in the video isn't Libs of TikTok.

coolbeans88d ago

1.) It's kinda confusing how some people are running with this line when she's not the Full Story source above, only linked within the piece. It's standard practice for a writer to source their primary outlet that called attention to it. Apparently LOTT was the first to blow this info up?

2.) When you use such loaded language as "caused" bomb threats, there should be more teeth to that then sharing suspicious info uncovered at a children's hospital. You're basically demanding someone be held directly responsible for actions she's never endorsed.

3.) Again, you're smearing even more loaded language over something that's so disconnected from the reality of the situation. For starters, Nex's death wasn't even a murder! The order of events are as follows:

-Goes to bathroom
-Gets teased by some random students for funny attire
-Nex throws water on them, which triggers a brawl
-Gets hospitalized from injuries, but seems to be in good shape when talking to police
-Overdoses on medication


This is such an insane reach.

SyntheticForm88d ago

Gee Lucas, all you had to say is that racism and discrimination is wrong, against anyone. This isn't hard. But, you couldn't help yourself; had to mention Libs of TikTok.

Not a good look when you can't condemn flagrant racism and discrimination.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 88d ago
Kaii90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

I'm casually scrolling by to say, 8 months employed at Sweet Baby Inc.
Now Its time to dash away from these topics. ^.^

Christopher89d ago

Yeah, this really isn't about Sweet Baby Inc. but the actions of the individual.

AdonisIsBeast89d ago

Source for the Libs of TikTok false stories? I’ll wait

MrDead89d ago (Edited 89d ago )

US identity politics from an insane blog site is N4G now?

MrDead88d ago (Edited 88d ago )

I just want to quote posts in this comment section on this article and tell me if you think this is the message N4G should be pushing?

"Black people are the most emotionally sensitive, and reactionarilly racist of all races. Change my mind."

"Being anti-white is an actual virtue to the woke left, and this woman likely believes her race will shield her from criticism and consequence. This is currently going on with many "POC" in positions of power across the country."

"Another cying minority. Next."

... do you want me to post more? Racially motivated US politics from a blog site is enough to be posted here.

AdonisIsBeast88d ago

First of all, you sourced 3 of the most left-leaning “paid for” biased shill media organizations around.

The NBC and DailyBeast articles were proven to be facts, regardless of what you choose to believe. Those hospitals were in fact pushing those ideologies and were permitting underage surgery, which was confirmed from a whistleblower at the hospital. I suggest doing your research and reading data from both sides (liberal and conservative) and then analyze and interpret the information.

The Mashable one may have been a mistake on LoTT’s end, however teachers create material that is NOT part of the curriculum every day, and these ideologies have been PROVEN to be real and much worse by parents in countless school districts across the country. If you’re for the teachings of oral s*x in grade school too little children, then you’re part of the problem and should take a long look in the mirror

Christopher87d ago

@adonisisbeast: The 'whistleblower' was from Washington University's infectious diseases division in St. Louis and not from the discussed hospital. Furthermore, even that whistleblower was about drugs and not about non-reversible surgeries, which is the claim against the Boston Children's Hospital. So, I think you should make sure the discussion is relevant to the topic, because you've brought in a whistleblower from an entirely different state about doctors prescribing drugs, not about patients under the age of 18 getting hysterectomies.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 87d ago
NicSage89d ago

The amount of people that won't touch a game because of sweet baby inc won't be insignificant.
Will the games still be made? Yeah sure they will. Companies just will not enjoy as much revenue. That is all.

Sweet baby inc is now viewed as a plague. Starting distance 6ft.

Michiel198989d ago

it will be irrelevant, also there is many companies like them out there which we don't even know the name of. It will not matter, especially to the more casual gamer which is the majority. Sweet baby is just one turd from a pile of shit that's being given a spotlight.

Christopher89d ago

Those are dumb people, then. Anyone who thinks they're forcing companies into diversity are crazy when multiple companies have refuted it. They're whole job is to help write diverse characters, not put them in games.

CantThinkOfAUsername88d ago

@Christopher well, they suck at writing then that's why it feels forced.

Rols89d ago

Lets not forget that an employee at SBI tried to launch a harassment campaign against a steam curator for creating a list.

Skuletor89d ago

Boy did that backfire spectacularly, gotta love the Streisand effect.

darthv7290d ago

Discrimination is wrong no matter what sort of justification is behind it. It was wrong in the past, its still wrong in the present.

sushimama89d ago

What this woman did in building her studio is actually illegal. Any person that went for a job at that studio now has a case. If you read it, she also admitted to being a racist in her tweets. What you said is correct. It's wrong from all sides.

purple10189d ago

yeh , she gon' dun' f*cked up

RedDevils88d ago (Edited 88d ago )

She has the mentality of black people can not be racist lol

FinalFantasyFanatic88d ago

Yep, no matter how you frame it, it's racism, and now anyone she didn't hire who is white can sue her for work discrimination. I believe a lot of recruiters has some form of racism/sexism/ageism/etc... But they're generally smart enough not to say it, especially not out in public like this.

88d ago
Psychonaut8589d ago (Edited 89d ago )

Weird, used to be when I was younger assuming someone is going to engage in a certain behavior simply because of the color of their skin was called racism. Dr. King is turning over in his grave. But probably will be no consequences for this. “Rules for thee but not for me” At least now we see where “Diversity Equity and Inclusion” (as a policy, not a concept) ends up.

ravens5289d ago

What she said/did was wrong. As what your doing is “Rules for thee but not for me” At least now we see where “Diversity Equity and Inclusion” (as a policy, not a concept) ends up. This is one person, don't do that. People like this is every race.

Psychonaut8589d ago

True. This is one person, but not unique at all, DEI is another example of a movement that originally had good intentions that has largely been perverted into many of the same faults it claims to want to rectify. Inclusiveness is important. But many people look at this and say, oh well the shoe was on the other foot for so long, so you don’t get to complain. But wrong is wrong. The whole point is that there shouldn’t be different rules for different groups. From a first principles standpoint. Cuz otherwise you never know where to draw the line. And if someone is ok with this, they don’t want equality, they want revenge. And that leads nowhere good.

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Humble Bundle celebrates Valentine's Day with Love is in the Air game bundle

The Humble Love is in the Air Bundle just launched. It includes eight items including A Story Beside, Later Daters, Sucker for Love, and more. As always, a percentage of profits from the bundle go to charity.

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