
NWR: We Cheer Review

Overall, We Cheer's challenging gameplay is exhilarating. However, it does shatter preconceptions about the game. We Cheer can't be played casually and it can't be played carelessly. It's plenty of fun, but whereas Wii Sports was happy to have you simply move, We Cheer challenges you to perform.

* The gesture recognition works fine once you understand it
* The cheer gestures actually match the character's routines
* Memorizing cheer routines is engaging and fun
* Two Wii Remotes is a great way to play, but one Wii Remote works fine too

* The game's tutorials don't teach you complex moves; you'll have to figure those out on your own
* Not as easy as it looks, hence not as immediately accessible
* Some weird interface quirks

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GamesRadar: We Cheer Review

In its favor, We Cheer has a surprisingly good track list and plenty of pre-teen appeal, but it veers between demanding precise movements and accepting vague waves. This means you can bumble through most routines but it's hard to play with any precision. Bear that in mind if you don't want your little sister throwing your remote to the floor in tears because she didn't make the grade.

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We Cheer Wii Review - Console Obsession

Cheerleading with a pair of Wii remotes acting as a pair of pom-poms sounds like a great idea..

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We Cheer gets UK Cheerleader approval

The Core Gamer writes: "With the release of the highly non-anticipated We Cheer hitting store shelves today, Nintendo have released these lovely pictures to promote the game.

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Petresco5567d ago

They look nice, but nowhere near as good as the US flavour ones

Mr_Bun5567d ago

Shouldn't it be "Wii Cheer"?

Senden5567d ago

A cheerleader game.. dear lord. What next..something for the man of the house, build your very own authentic virtual furniture in the house.. sod doing something productive and real, why bother when you can use your trusty wii to build your very own virtual wardrobes and bathroom cabinets! Not only that, why not go a step further and stick it in super mario sims!

On a side note, those cheerleaders are a freaking insult to my country.. I thought cheerleaders were supposed to be drop dead gorgeous? Look at the podge on the blonde? She should stop drinking lambrini and get wii fit.. the stupid person's way to epically fail in getting in shape!

ThanatosDMC5567d ago

They look old and looks like one of them gave birth to the other cheerleader.

They used FAILED cheerleaders as models for the game.

Here's something disgusting to sexy up everybody's minds. Imagine grandma playing this game with the same skimpy outfit!

LorD5567d ago

I'm sure all you virgin nerds talk tough now, but if put in the same room as any of those girls you'd all be quiet and stare at your feet while thinking of something clever to say.

Gish5567d ago

Ok, which UK sports has cheerleaders? Rugby? Cricket? I ask since in the US, basketball and football (not soccer) are the ones that have cheerleaders and those are pretty American of sports. Maybe they have more of a following than I thought in the UK. But someone fill me in.

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