
PS5 DualSense Edge Website Surfaces, Lists Exact Contents of What's Included

Sony has launched the DualSense Edge website and also, the exact PS5 pro controller content included that will be available for those who buy one.

Iceball2000655d ago (Edited 655d ago )

Nice! Depending on price I may just hold off on a second controller and wait for this and pick this up as my second controller/primary. I’m going to guess $199USD/$279CAD

excaliburps655d ago

Same. I’ve put off getting any controllers with paddles since I’m pretty sure this will beat those out of the water handily.

Nitrowolf2655d ago (Edited 655d ago )

yeah that's the price i'm guessing too, prob the most i would spend

MadLad655d ago (Edited 655d ago )

I like the PS5 controller, but you'll never see me spending hundreds of dollars for any controller.

MadLad654d ago (Edited 654d ago )

I'd love to see how many people who disagreed actually will buy this controller.

Pyrofire95654d ago

I get wanting a quality controller but $200 is a pretty good sized investment. I could do a lot of other things with $200 and my experience honestly wouldn't be much different with a pricey controller.

Knushwood Butt654d ago

I disagreed and have no plans to buy this.

1. I really like the Dualsense as it is. My favorite pad to date.

2, I bought that attachment paddle for the DS4 and didn't use it. Nice bit of kit but I found I just didn't need the extra buttons and had a hard time adjusting to it.

3. This new pad is white. I have two white Dualsenses and despite me being keen on clean hands at all times, especially when playing on my gaming hardware, I found that the white pads get grubby quickly and are hard to clean. If anyone has any recommendations on cleaning products please let me know.Since then I rotate my main pads between a black and a purple pad - no complaints.

Orchard654d ago (Edited 654d ago )

I agreed and have no intention of buying this controller

@Pyro you summed up my experience with these premium controllers perfectly.

They feel great for the first hour but then you start to realize, it doesn’t really add much to the experience (especially not ~$200+ value) unless you’re a pro COD gamer and even then, I play COD on PC and these controllers don’t come anywhere close to a KB + mouse for FPS.

@Knush 100% agree on the white controllers. I’m planning on replacing my in box controller with a black dual sense, likely around Black Friday as it’s kinda difficult to justify buying another pad purely because of the color.

No real great tips for cleaning to share with you I’m afraid.

Knushwood Butt654d ago

@ Orchard

No worries on the cleaning tip, I did see someone on YT recommend something dedicated but I can't remember what it was and would have a hard time getting it where I am anyway.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 654d ago
myfathersbastard655d ago (Edited 655d ago )

If it comes out at THAT price I’ll wait for a sale. Honestly I wouldn’t spend more than $150CAD/$115USD on one. Some trigger stops and 2 extra buttons shouldn’t make the price almost 3 times as high imo. Even with a carrying case.
Kudos for including a Canadian price. Don’t see that often haha But $199USD would be about $259CAD.

For context. Regular controllers go for about $89.99 or $94.99 CAD. But they regularly go on sale for $69.99.

1nsomniac654d ago

If you’re willing to spend £200 on a game pad you’re a muppet and you deserve all the capitalist scummy dishwater that the industry is currently drowning in!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 654d ago
LucasRuinedChildhood655d ago

Are the high and low dome stick caps actually domed, or is that just a reference to their height and they're otherwise the same as the standard sticks?

Deathdeliverer655d ago

Man… I can’t even bring myself to pay for a Xbox elite controller for that absolutely ridiculous price. The mark up on that “elite” has got to be insane. I’d love to see the margin on that mf. As long as Sony keeps their feet near the ground I’m good. Regular controller is like $70? I’ll give it $140-$150 and realistically that’s high but I’ll allow it. They go into that $200 water and yet again I’m out. Ain’t no way you’re going to convince me it’s some kind of god tier tech warranting that price inside there.

MadLad654d ago

You'd think they could afford to make it cheaper, being they're price gouging virtually every other element of their games division.

garryxcs654d ago

No they're not, give it a rest.

MadLad654d ago


What do you call pricing all your games more, raising the price of your system after 2 years on the market, announcing you have more GaaS titles in the works than actual AAA games you can name, putting BC behind a paywall, being one of few who charge for next gen updates?

I'll leave the Last of Us Remake out of it being so many on here want to defend it though the work they've done on it definitely doesn't justify a $70 price tag after already being sold twice in less than ten years.

garryxcs654d ago (Edited 654d ago )

"What do you call pricing all your games more"

They didn't price "all" their games more and it's ok to wait for a price drop which happens all the time and relatively quickly.

"raising the price of your system after 2 years"


"announcing you have more GaaS titles in the works than actual AAA games you can name"

How does GaaS titles have anything to do with "price gouging"? You're just throwing everything against the wall for your tirade and seeing what sticks. Actual Playstation gamers have no problem naming AAA games.

"You'd think they could afford to make it cheaper"

You'd think xbox could afford to make the elite controller cheaper considering they have so much money.

You clearly have some serious biased agenda against Sony and are hyper critical of everything they do.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 654d ago
crazyCoconuts654d ago

I feel like the elite (and probably this edge) is just priced like a luxury item for either ppl super into gaming or with money to burn. I agree the markup has to be crazy, but there's enough people out there willing to drop the $ to make it worth it. Probably sells well during the holidays when no other big tech toys are capturing the market

wiz7191654d ago

There’s been sales on the Elite Series 2 controllers , I got mines from Walmart for $130 brand new ..

whitbyfox654d ago

All for the Sony ‘inflation’ price of $499.

crazyCoconuts654d ago

Yeah. 'Inflation'. What a hoax.

garryxcs654d ago (Edited 654d ago )

Typical reductio ad absurdum from the haters.

whitbyfox654d ago

Typical response from the apologists.

garryxcs654d ago

Where did I apologize? What I'm I even supposed to be apologizing for considering we don't know the price point yet? Do you guys ever think before you post? You made a ridiculous comment I simply pointed out how ridiculous it was. The controller won't cost "$499" so stop being ridiculous.

whitbyfox654d ago

An apologist is somebody who sticks up for a company’s shitty moves. You have done it for the PS5 price increase.

You may or may not do it for this being over priced.

garryxcs654d ago (Edited 654d ago )

I know what an apologist is and I know why you're trying to label me one. "Shitty moves"? Increasing prices of a product do to inflation and stating so has nothing to do with apologizing it's stating a fact as it relates to business, but please do keep that energy up the next time you go shopping for anything and are shocked at the total your merch comes to. Granted in that case you won't be able to use it to attack Sony. Inflation is real like it or not.

Orchard654d ago (Edited 654d ago )

He’s not wrong, it is a shitty move to increase your prices by 10% in almost every major region when your competitors are not.

No matter how hard you try to defend that, it is indefensible, and it makes zero sense for a consumer to try and defend it. Unless you’re Jim Ryan in disguise 🤷

garryxcs654d ago (Edited 654d ago )

He is wrong and so are you, it's called inflation and business and Microsoft did it in India twice which people here have of course defended and made excuses for, doesn't matter if its one region they still did it. You can fake outrage all you like Orchard it isn't going to make PS5 sell any less no matter how much you want to attack Playstation and its fanbase.

Orchard654d ago

Can you link me to where Microsoft or Nintendo have stated that due to inflation, they will increase the prices in major regions - specifically the UK, Europe, Japan, China, Australia, Mexico and Canada? I can wait while you track it down.

No fake outage here - I am part of the Sony fanbase and I was lucky enough to get one before the price increase. It sucks for everyone who has yet to buy one and is a completely indefensible move when others are not doing the same. Being a fan doesn’t mean blindly defending every move.

garryxcs654d ago

Can you link me to where Sony has to do whatever Microsoft or Nintendo is doing in terms of dealing with inflation around the world? I can wait while you track it down.

Your post history suggests otherwise. If you already have one you have even less reason to complain. People have been paying huge mark up prices from scalpers and other sources for months now and if people are willing to pay those prices for a system they'll happily pay for a moderate price increase do to inflation, people know Playstation is a quality system and worth the price. Being a fan doesn't mean you blindly attack them for every move they make and use it as an excuse to troll either.

Orchard654d ago

“ Can you link me to where Sony has to do whatever Microsoft or Nintendo is doing in terms of dealing with inflation around the world? ”

They don’t need to - but it sure is a bad look, and a huge middle finger to fans to do what they’ve done when others are not.

Yep it won’t affect me since I have one - but I do care about my fellow gamers and the industry.

“ Playstation is a quality system and worth the price”

Great - so where should they stop? Maybe they should make the console $1000 and bump games up to $100?

garryxcs654d ago (Edited 654d ago )

"They don’t need to - but it sure is a bad look, and a huge middle finger to fans to do what they’ve done when others are not."

Looks fine, it's not a middle finger to anyone you're being ridiculous and using this as an excsue to hate, it's just business and making a mountain out of a Mole Hill doesn't change that fact.

"Yep it won’t affect me since I have one - but I do care about my fellow gamers and the industry."

Your comments don't feel like "care" for your fellow gamer, they feel a lot more like derision and condemnation.

"Great - so where should they stop? Maybe they should make the console $1000 and bump games up to $100?"

When are you going to stop with the absurd suggestions?

Not reading anymore of your nonsense Orchard, time to move on.

Orchard654d ago

“When are you going to stop with the absurd suggestions? ”

Not absurd at all - you said it’s a quality system worth the price so I’m asking how much you think it’s worth - how much should Jim raise the prices by?

The sad part here, for myself and everyone who games on PS, is that we are well and truly back into PS3-era Sony and we as consumers are going to pay the cost of allowing that to occur.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 654d ago
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poppatron654d ago

I really really want this but like a few others here have said, I think I’ll likely be priced out. Just cannot warrant £150 on a controller.

Potentially could go up to £100 at a real push but that’s my limit

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This PS2 controller even after 15 years have almost zero stick drift

Recently, I had the opportunity to test a 15-year-old PlayStation 2 (PS2) controller, and what I discovered was astonishing: despite years of heavy use and a considerable amount of dirt buildup, this controller exhibited almost zero stick drift.

For those unfamiliar, stick drift is a common issue in modern gaming controllers where the analog sticks register movement without any input from the player. This problem has become increasingly prevalent with contemporary controllers, including the PlayStation 5’s DualSense. It got me thinking: why did we rarely, if ever, hear about stick drift during the PS2 era, despite analog sticks being a staple feature since the PlayStation 1 days?

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Xbox Exclusives on PS5 - Has Xbox Studios Taken Advantage of the PS5 DualSense Features?

Here's an in-depth look at whether Microsoft took advantage of the PS5 DualSense controller's features with the Xbox games on PS5.

franwex15d ago

This guy wrote a whole dissertation.

VenomUK15d ago

I’m going bed now so have only previewed this article but credit to James Lara at MP1st.com for such a unique and in depth investigation! From comparing the audio captured from the controllers’ vibrations to determining the in-game source of vibration and its effect in Hi-Fi Rush, this seems like a scientific approach has been taken. Wow. Man must really cares about the topic, I gotta respect that passion. 🫡

anast15d ago

I thought you were joking, then I clicked to read it.

anast15d ago

Xbox on PSN took a minute to get used to.

Phoenix02914d ago

Sega on Nintendo was mind blowing

gold_drake15d ago

i love how this is so indepth only to say "well yes, but mostly no"

haha xD good article tho


PS5 beta adds DualSense controller sound enhancements and Share Screen interactions

Beta starts today for invited participants in select countries.

As the new year kicks into high gear with an amazing slate of PS5 game releases like The Last of Us Part II Remastered, Tekken 8 and Helldivers 2, along with FINAL FANTASY VII Rebirth later this month,SIE are pleased to roll out another PS5 system software beta today with a number of quality-of-life enhancements and new features.

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Iceball2000126d ago

Those are some neat features.

CRASHBASHUK126d ago (Edited 126d ago )

there also a new turn off/ rest mode screen

jznrpg126d ago

Looking forward to these nice little upgrades