
Microsoft facing significant job losses?

OXCGN writes:

"Today some interesting rumours have surfaced regarding significant lay-offs and cutbacks at Microsoft. If the rumours are to be believed, Microsoft will be facing considerable reductions in staff across the board. These would encompass the bottom performers (10% of the entire Microsoft divisions) resulting in 5,000 to 10,000 job losses.

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Immortal Kaim5642d ago

This doesn't sound good, Sony, EA and now MS are all sacking people on mass, troubling times indeed.

Fishy Fingers5642d ago

Sadly, job loss' are par for the course during any recession or cut back. From the small shop in the street to the multi national conglomerate. Everyone is cutting back.

UltimateIdiot9115642d ago

This is normal. After the depression, companies will start hiring massively. Then once recession hits again, the cycle repeats. It's all part of the vicious business cycle of life.

N4360G5642d ago

I agree,I hope everything is back to normal soon and all the people get their jobs back.This is nothing to laugh at or joke about.

UltimateIdiot9115642d ago

Unfortunately, these problems will not go away overnight and definitely not within a 1 year time. We still haven't hit rock bottom yet aka depression. We are still currently in recession which means things are still going down hill. I say give it about 4-6 years and things will be fine again.

dantesparda5642d ago

But when Sony has these problems all the 360 fanboys say it must be something wrong with Sony but when it happens to MS, its fine, its normal (not to say you PS3 fanboys are saying that). But take notice.

BrianC62345642d ago

Hasn't Microsoft been quietly shutting down internal development groups the last year anyway? They seem to be getting away from first party development. These reports shouldn't surprise anyone though. All companies are looking for ways to be more profittable. Hopefully they can drop dead weight in management rather than cutting the people who do actual work. Just think if companies got rid of half their managers. They would save even more money.

gaminoz5642d ago

I wonder what the effects of all this will be on the kind and number of games we see.

Will we see less AAA titles and a return to one or two with a couple B games, or will we see only a few AAA titles and no risk-taking at all? Will this last amazing Christmas period with all these great games be a thing of the past for a few years?

I'm worried for smaller developers who may struggle to find publishers now.

It seems strange that at a time when people tend to turn away from other forms of expensive entertainment toward home-based entertainment (like games) that there are so many game companies dropping dead or cutting back. You'd think they'd see this as a possibility to sell more, not wind down, but I guess it's more about a bigger economic picture affecting every company.

gaffyh5641d ago

I remember seeing an article similar to this a couple of weeks ago but it was about Sony. The comments in that read stuff like "bye bye Sony", and general xbox fanboyism. And in this article there are no such comments (maybe a few), but the amount on the Sony article was crazy

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5641d ago
XboxOZ3605642d ago

Well no one is immune from the current economic crysis, no matter WHO they are.

SO MS losing jobs isn't out of the ordinary, but being so close to the others is a worrying thing, and the loss of several decent development houses of late is also worrying for the industry at large.

n4gzz5642d ago (Edited 5642d ago )

BP gas company is immune. When everyone reported loss, these oil companies made 67 (forgot actual number) billion in profit (not revenue).

Anyway, I hope whoever loses job can make it through this economic crisis. Sometime losing job is worse than going in jail. My prayer is with them.

lokiroo4205642d ago

Its funny how you say no one is immune, like MS is some kind of super entity that is normally above such actions. How about their business practices and deception toward the consumer on all its products, vista xbox being completely dropped like a stone, faulty 360 hardware, lets give credit where credit is due, maybe karma is bringing the hammer down on all things billy gates. Microsoft is a bloated over stretched company that is having trouble competing covering their giant footprints. Monopolies always fall the hardest, cant wait to see how the travesty known as windows 7 is going to impact MS. I am not saying the economy has nothing to do with it, but it is hard to ignore the smear campaigning and faulty business practices that MS practices.

5642d ago
Rhoic5642d ago

Loki that was the saddest comment I have read all day.. not only was it off-topic, but who cares?

1. Microsoft has A-LOT of money.. which is why I don't see this happening so soon.

2. Do you own stock in Sony to even care about their business practices?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5642d ago
Ashton5642d ago

as this is lives of families on the line here.(for all the companies)

much bigger than stupid console war.

XboxOZ3605642d ago

Definitely Ashton, couldn't agree more,and some clowns put up REPORST that it includes Sony, Xbox and Gaming - WELL HELLO . .It does involve SOny, Xbox Div of MS and MS Corp and Sony Corp and SOny Gaming and EA and all those who work for them.

Try READING the article before placing false reports up . .

UltimateIdiot9115642d ago

Like it or not, there is nothing we can do and nothing the companies can really do. This is normal. It happens in all recessions worldwide. People just have to bare with it till we get into expansion/growth period.

vasilisk5642d ago (Edited 5642d ago )

Dude if you want to call me or anyone else a clown, the open zone is one click away.
--------> open zone
That's where comment's like that belong, not here and clearly that's where you belong...

Secondly, I should have reported the article again for the simple fact that you posted it as industry news and not as rumors, I clearly missed that the first time.
Quoting: "Today some interesting rumors have surfaced..."
See my point? Be more careful next time and that applies to me also. As for my report, this "news" is clearly about Xbox360 and Microsoft, it's not about Playstation 3 and definitely not gaming and Xbox since MS canceled it's production 3 years ago. Get over it and stop whining. As for the article mentioning Sony and EA in the beginning, it clearly refers to older news and uses them as an introduction, but you clearly fail at reading comprehension. I still can't believe that you're 55 years old, your mentality is more like a 15 year old

XboxOZ3605642d ago

My appologies, it hasn't bee a great day . .I unfortunately suffer from chronic and unrelenting pain, which means, I'm on pain medcation 24/7/365, and it takes its toll some days. I usually (try) to hold back my frustration, as often it can get me into hot water at times,

SO again, my appologies, In my defense though, seeing MS are still supporting Xbox per-se through XO (Xbox Originals) it does have a bearing on them . .

Perhaps the channels were wrong initially when submitted as a tip, I really can't remember . . But seeing it's allowed to include PC and while it is a rumour, why wouldn't it be able to go in industry ? Serious Q? . . as it is dealing with the industry at large.

Glad to take this to PM if required.

vasilisk5642d ago (Edited 5642d ago )

Apology accepted and don't worry about it, we all have our bad days. I would also like to apologize for my last comment about you.

As far as channels concerned it actually should go to the industry channel but there's no industry rumors channel, so that's a tricky one. I would probably approve it if I saw it on the industry news channel as long as it also had the rumors channel selected.

As I earlier said, don't worry about it, I wish you all a merry merry xmas and especially I wish no more pain for XboxOZ360. Have a great holiday.


Jazz41085642d ago

I have to respond to that fanboyish microsoft comment.

"Windows 7 Travesty" Ahh, I guess you have it already. You must be one of those fanboys that has been playing Killzone 2 for a year and know that its the second coming.

Layoffs suck, they cause a lot of families to suffer. People are losing there homes and wonder where there next meal will come from and all you can think about is bashing Microsoft some more.

Please go to homo I mean Home and play.

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darkmurder5642d ago

MS just needs to cut back on certain things, they could easily avoid these job cuts, they spend like mad...

XboxOZ3605642d ago

Unfortunately, when you getto the size places like MS Corp, MS Xbox-Div, SOny Corp and Sony Gaming etc, spending is almost a nessesity, not a luxury. SO even cuttiung back on some spending means that the items they have "in the works" will not ideally pull in the return required or banked on.

So continued expenditure is needed. Sometime more money is needed to be pushed into something in order for it to rise above what is currently happening.

There are areas they could look at reducing of course. Like the ill fated Zune, that no matter WHAT they do will make any great in-roads into the mobile gaming or mobile mp3 market. Apple has that area sewn up like a sack.

TOO PAWNED5642d ago

Let's see if 1UP reports story about this. I know they won't.

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