
Is the PlayStation 3 Dangerous for Small Companies to Develop for?

From the article:

So is it dangerous for smaller studios to develop big budget titles for the PS3? If making a single PS3 game has the risk of bankrupting your company, surely that will make the idea less appealing. It's unlikely that developing a game for the PS3 was the sole cause for the two studio's untimely demise -- but there is no denying that Free Radical and Factor 5 both released just one game this generation, and now they're both out of business. Was this just the sign of two small studios not being able to run with the big dogs, or is this a sign that developing for the PlayStation 3 is the industry equivelent of Russian Roulette?

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Kamikaze1355611d ago

It's just that Haze and Lair sucked pretty bad. Nobody wanted to buy those games because of the number of glitches within the games. Doesn't matter if they were an Xbox 360 or even a Wii exclusive. Bad games don't sell.

HighDefinition5611d ago

Are sh!t games dangerous for companies to develop.


chaosatom5611d ago

But I guess they knew that it won't fair well on xbox either, so they didn't.

I think Ps3 install base is big enough for small developers to make games for it.

The sales have been picked up dramatically for EA, Ubisoft, Konami's, so it's fair to say that Good games made by small developers will sell.


But it is HARD for and very COMPLEX for small companies to work on.The ps3's cell is very powerfull but also very hard to work with.

CrazzyMan5611d ago (Edited 5611d ago )

Ensemble Studios say hi.

Evolution Studios(Motorstorm over 3 mln., Motorstorm:PR over 1 mln.)
Ninja Theory(Heavenly Sword around 1,5 mln.)
Media Molecule(LittleBigPlanet around 1,5 mln.)

Make a GREAT game and you will have GREAT sales, well atleast over 1 mln. LTD. =)
Bad or average games usually don`t sell, unless were advertised much.

And motorstorm also used sixaxis as optional control scheme, for Factor 5 not using same was just stupid decision. And Haze, it just needed to deliver and sales would be big.

@The Lazy One - the difference, we won`t see anymore games from Ensemble Studios. What the difference?

Harry1905611d ago

By today's standards achieved something out of this world. They are also one of the smallest teams. Small in number, Ginormous is talent.

The Lazy One5611d ago

ensemble wasn't bankrupted, it was shut down. Yes, it is very different.

badz1495611d ago

American media always trying hard to downplay the PS3 these days and this is their latest attemp? PS3 doesn't kill devs, but sh!tty games do! Lair and Haze were not up to the standard/hype thus they were both bashed critically! plus, the economy is unforgiving as of today and even EA has to lay it's employees! NFS studio was closed, right? so...what's the true point of this article? is it saying that 360 is easier to developed for? if that so, why the hell do NG2, Fable2, Gears2 are full of glitch and problem? come on...sonsoles only can kill their makers but never the devs! what kill the devs are bad games!

Oner5611d ago

It's not a matter of how big or small your company is. If you don't make a QUALITY title or just resort to shovelware then you have no one to blame but yourselves...and that goes for ALL consoles PS3, PS2, PSP, Wii, DS & 360. That is the real truth.

Dannagar5611d ago

Poor games did Factor 5 and Free Radical in. However, I can't help but feel that the games were released half finished. I think these projects could have been better on Xbox 360 because they wouldn't have had to spend extra time researching and trouble shooting the PS3 hardware. That extra time could have been used developing the actual games. We all know that games developed on the PS3 takes months longer due to the complexity of the architecture and development difficulties that plagued many early PS3 third parties.

Two or three extra months working on the gameplay could have made all the difference in the world.

iamtehpwn5611d ago (Edited 5611d ago )

If PS3 had many AAA games that did poorly, then as a Developer, I'd worry. buuuuuuut. That's definitely not fact. Most of the top PS3 exclusives such as MGS4 and Uncharted have done extremely well on the platform.

baum5611d ago

If you're a small company developing an ambitiously epic game, then your company is in big danger. Level-5 and Free Radical were small devs, and while they didn't pay for themselves, companies wouldn't want to pay for another one of their games as you're pretty much remembered for your last game. Both Lair and Haze were not only very hyped and had a very high budget, they were original IP.

These are probably some of the riskiest projects any gaming company has ever tried to overtake considering their size.

Danja5611d ago (Edited 5611d ago )

so Lair can't be the reason why Factor 5 went under..

Free Radical could have went multi-plat if they wanted , PS3 isn't to blame..

and to answer the question No the PS3 isn't dangerous for small companies to develop for it's actually quite the opposite PS3 is actually the best system for small developers they can easily make PSN games and make profits off it.....

@Crazy_Man - Lair does give you the option of using Motion controls or Analog...

Xelai5611d ago

Both games sold around half a million copies, so sales were not so dismal even though the games were. So the problem had to be developing costs rising and mounting with the delays.

Factor 5 HAD to implement sixaxis, and they were forced into doing it in a point the game was already far ahead in development.

Free Radical went exclusive because Ubisoft accepted Sony's money for it, MS is not the only one paying for exclusives, surprise.

BigBaehr5611d ago

The analog use was not patched in until it was too little too late.

Danja5611d ago

I know Analog support came with a patch just felt like getting that out there..that it does support Analog..

medziarz5611d ago (Edited 5611d ago )

There's a lot of Sony hate and misinformation in this article.

"Multiple lengthy delays, hit or miss hands-on reports, and rumors of massive development issues started to plague both games."

I've been following gaming news for the last two years and I don't recall any MULTIPLE or LENGTHY delays.
Lair was one of the games presented at sony E3 PS3 unveiling as a preview of what u can expect for the system, just as Killzone 2,
and it launched in less than a year after the console. Haze was meant to be released in fall 2007 but it slipped to 2008.

I also don't recall any development issues either.
All i remember is that Lair pushed video game tech and PS3's SPUs a bit by doing certain tasks in real time to make the game look good from the ground all the way up to the clouds. Notice that other games don't that to this day, except for Warhawk - it's always corridors or closed valleys and you're always on the ground.
As for Haze, it features vast levels and there's no loading screens in the campaign and there are no ELEVATORS to mask it, you're always in your character's head whether it's a cutscene or action - and it's all seamless.

You can find a couple of other possible reasons for the studios' failures if you're goal is not attacking sony but looking for answers.

Both developers started their projects long before the PS3 launched and with no particular platform in mind. Lair was in development for approx. 4 years before it launched and it was initially announced a 360 only title just because the 360 was available to the developers A LOT earlier than the PS3. Haze was announced quite early 2007 as a 3 platform game.

But in the middle of development they both realized their games are going to suck probably because both the studios lost the ability to produce a good game.
They also lost all their money and years not developing anything else.
So they figured that the only way out is to sell the games using HYPE.

Factor 5 probably ran out of money so they talked Sony into funding the game under the first party umbrella, promising making a significant use of PS3's futuristic architecture before anyone else does. Something Sony was in need and looking for. They looked at F5's past record and took the bait. Unfortunately, the 1st party funding was not enough to cover F5's debt, and the game didn't make the money in sales because it was slaughtered by gaming media in an anty-sony hate campaign that began with the PS3's launch.

Free Radical realized that making the game a broken multiplatform that nobody cares about isn't going to make them enough money to survive. They were already far behind schedule and decided to cancel the PC and X360 versions in order to free themselves from multiplatform development issues and to be able to concentrate on making one version actually work, so that it can be released on the PS3 in line with HALO3.
With that decision, their past record and the PS3-exclusive-shooter marketing campaign they generated media attention and hype among Playstation enthusiasts.
While 360 shooter fans would be buying HALO3, the PS3 owners and fanboys would have an exclusive shooter - crappy or not.
But they failed and the game slipped to 2008 and then was butchered by the media and therefore didn't sell, and there was no exclusive
agreement in this case.

So there u have it.

Time_Is_On_My_Side5611d ago

Wow, I'm shocked, someone finally on N4G.com uses their head with another negative Sony article. People should listen to this user and no, I'm not being sarcastic.

r3xmund15611d ago

I think Lair was not a bad game and I was hoping to see a sequel.... On the other hand I put Haze in yesterday cos I felt bad for FRD (I loved Timesplitters), and it wus BAD>

Sub par graphics and real bad textures/environments, crap AI, lazy level design, appalling dialogue, glitchy animation and a host of issues plagued Haze.

I wanted it to succeed, I waited for a year for it to be released. It sucked. Should they have closed? No. But I think its just a recession and notoriety busting exercise. A new studio is formed, no association to Haze, everyone wins.

I want moar Lair.

ultimolu5610d ago

I agree.

Just because those games were bad, doesn't mean that the PS3 is dangerous to develop for.

IdleLeeSiuLung5610d ago (Edited 5610d ago )

I think other questions should be asked instead:

- What demographics and interrest does the console base have currently in the region you plan to sell your game?
- Size of the console user base (in your sales region)
- How much resources you have and complexity of developing games for the platform (PS3 might not be harder than 360 if you aren't pushing the limits i.e. downloadable PSN indy type games)
- Distribution method, downloadable or disc
- What marketing power do you get from the platform holder, if any
- If you are game just plain sucks

Pretty obvious stuff. Game studios go down and new ones get resurrected all the time. It is just the nature of the business for smaller studios, that rely on one hit wonders.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 5610d ago
Raoh5611d ago

bad for small companies. unless they dedicate to PSN titles.

good for sony.. the worse a small company is financially the easier it is for sony to buy them.

morganfell5611d ago

And that is a boon for small developers. PSN has no download limit as regards game size and it assists small developers in distribution. It is why companies like Blackfoot studios are going PC and PSN for their titles.

Working with the PS3 is not the difficult bash it used to be. You just have to have people willing to learn. Plenty of companies do. As Ubisoft France stated, work with the PS3 was no more difficult for them than with the 360. It just required a willingness to learn new tools, techniques and programming. On deve at Ubi France felt blaming the PS3 was a copout.

SaiyanFury5610d ago

Dangerous for small developers to make games on the PS3? Not so much considering Sony gives an open invitation to those devs and Sony often publishes those devs' games themselves. Sony's not afraid of a bit of risk and we see great titles coming on both PSN and disc based games in general. Flow was simple yet brilliant and we see a lot of creativity on the disc based arena as well. LBP was done by a relatively small team, but Sony sponsored them and Sony had a great selling title with an iconic character as a new mascot to appeal to everyone, not just the cores.

TheColbertinator5611d ago

If a small company is aiming for PS3 development I would recommend a PSN game.However full development on a blu-Ray PS3 game is risky.

5611d ago
jack who5611d ago

aka working on too human 2

TheColbertinator5611d ago

I thought Haze was average,Too Human was average as well but Lair was just horrendous.

Gue15611d ago (Edited 5611d ago )

I'm going right now to rent Lair to actually play it and experience this horrendous sh1t you all are talking about. Because I don't think that game can be that bad...

Everybody said to me that Spider-man Web of Shadow was horrendous too and graphically it is really horrendous but then I played it and it was pretty cool, specially the battles in the air... Then the same happened with Mirror's Edge and that game is one of the best games I have ever played this gen...

PotNoodle5611d ago

Blu-ray has nothing to do with it, tbh.

GiantEnemyLobster5611d ago

If you're stupid enough to develop a game just for the PS3 then you deserve to be out of business.

Danja5611d ago

I suggest you give Lair a rent , the patch made Analog controls optional which enhances the gameplay alot , the game wasn't bad with the Motion controls , it's just that gamers these days expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter , they hate trying something new it it isn't the old fashion way they're use it..it's crap because it has a learning curve...

the game is a 7/10 in my book...and it still looks better than alot of games released this year , the audio is also amazing...

Snake Raiser5611d ago

Who the HEEL would approve an article from a blog that only has one post?
Obviously meant to bash PS3. I, BIG BOSS be snapin' yo neck.
Probably this guy made the blog over night to defend those comments that were made on the Factor 5 goes ker-plop story.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5611d ago
D.THOMAS5611d ago

If and when you use proper grammer then I will take this serious I stoped at bankrupting your company come on this is basic 3rd grade stuff just another stab at the ps3 and its hard to make games for the 360 to because only like two of them work

TIKUP5611d ago

ONE THING: This article is balls!!!!!

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Top 10 Bad Games by Good Studios

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "When shopping for new video games you can often trust the name publisher or developer on the box to be an indication of the quality of the game. Names like Nintendo, Square Enix, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Capcom, Xbox Game Studios and Sega are world famous because they helped shape the industry by releasing some of the most defining video games of all time. Though sometimes even these great gaming houses stumble and put out a stinker."

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Gamerking821399d ago (Edited 1399d ago )

Splatterhouse remake . Loved the og’s at the arcade growing up . Hell the best thing about the remake was the og,s were included . And left alive by Square . That game had so much potential , but the gameplay was worse horrendous .

Game-ur1398d ago

once Great studios getting destroyed is actually common. happened with ND and Last of Us2, Bioware and Mass Effect Andromeda/Anthem, Bungle and Destiny .

BeRich2331398d ago

Fuse should have been on that list (Insomniac Games)

Yui_Suzumiya1398d ago

Splatterhouse remake kicked ass

merryja1398d ago

I personally don't like these games.

East76lands1398d ago

I'm pretty much certain that any Sonic game that comes out will be terrible, I've not enjoyed one since the original side-scrolling days of the MegaDrive.

HarryMasonHerpderp1398d ago

Then you might like a recent sonic "sonic mania".

jaymacx1398d ago

For this Topic it says Good Studios that make bad games. Sonic Team hasn't been good in years.

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5 Disappointing Games and the Great Studios That Should Remake Them

A reimagining of 5 disappointing video games and the masterpieces they could have been underneath other studios.

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FallenAngel19841875d ago

How often do disappointing games get remakes

darthv721875d ago (Edited 1875d ago )

well... if disappointing movies can get remakes then why not games? some of these have really good premise but somewhat disappointing execution. In the right hands they could be great.

I quite enjoyed lair (after the patch), too human and the order 1886. I'd even add in quantum break and recore as disappointing but with a good premise.

gangsta_red1875d ago

"well... if disappointing movies can get remakes then why not games?"

But how many disappointing movies actually get those? I'm still waiting for a remake of Howard the Duck.

darthv721875d ago

^nothing disappointing about howard the duck. It is cheesy 80's goodness.

gangsta_red1875d ago

When you're right, you're right.

rainslacker1875d ago


Wasn't there a rumor that they were looking at making another Howard the Duck? He had a cameo in GoTG2.

Love that movie for how bad it was. That and Garbage Pail Kids.

DrumBeat1874d ago

The Order was a fresh experience. Not the most compelling game, but I didn't want to put it down, and platted it. Good for what it was.

Quantum was something different as well, but a little less fun to actually play, imo. The 'acting' was done in a cheese factory too. Completed one path and never returned to it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1874d ago
pietro12121875d ago (Edited 1875d ago )

FFXIV was already remade, and it's probably the beat thing Square has put out in years.

notachance1875d ago

yes, I was giving an example of disappointing games remade to be a great game

thorstein1875d ago

Every time sites need clicks. Just look at the obligatory: i wAnT cLIcKs tEh OrDer 1886 pIcTUrE.

JonathanHarris1875d ago

It's really not super often, but it does happen!

Mostly we see cult favorites come back around but in the recent case of Shaq-Fu we really saw a truly awful game see new life (not great life but at least new).

It's something I'd love to see a lot more of.

Thanks for reading my article!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1874d ago
1875d ago Replies(4)
NarutoFox1875d ago

Too Human yeah I remember that game smh😂

Inzo1875d ago

The Order has its faults yes but it had a fantastic atmosphere and some great gameplay. A game with enormous potential and far from disappointing. I say give Ready at Dawn another crack at it because I think they created an diamond with some rough edges that just needs some tlc.

Dreamcatcher451875d ago

Problem was the repetitive boss fights. I liked the gunplay, cover system and somewhat the story.

hulk_bash19871875d ago (Edited 1875d ago )

It did have fantastic atmosphere, I'll give you that. But gameplay pretty much played out like short gunfire segments interlaced with walking/sneaking + QTE events. Gameplay was the weakest point of The Order because RAD prioritized world building and graphical detail. Ut was disappointing because it didnt live up to the massive potential it haf. If they were given another shot at a sequel, I hope they can learn from their mistakes.

notachance1875d ago

gameplay was meh but the world had potential, in my ideal world it'd have Mass Effect kind of gameplay

Prubar1875d ago

I waited till The Order was discounted and went in with certain expectations and wasn’t disappointed. Just like Quantum Break. Great concept just needed a little extra meat on the bones.

rainslacker1875d ago

I had high hopes before it released. They were curbed some by the early previews, and while I found faults with the game, and it was obviously released unfinished, I still enjoyed it. The lore, acting, graphics, and world itself were excellent.

JonathanHarris1875d ago

I agree that it had some awesome atmosphere and the gameplay wasn't awful, but that potential is exactly why I put it on this list. I actually loved playing the game (same as some of the other games I put on this list such as Army of Two) But I would just love to see what could happen if it fulfilled some of that potential, ya know? Could have had the next incredible Sony franchise to rival God of War.

Thanks for reading my article!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1875d ago
TheEnigma3131875d ago

The order should have had a sequel. The first one wasn't bad just needed a few tweaks.

robtion1875d ago

I would love a sequel to The Order. It is still a great game.

Lair had a great concept and could be amazing with the current technology available. A Lair-like ps5 game could be incredible.

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Phoenix Down 76.1 – Haze

We bring death to Montel Williams.