
Stray - Review | Geeks+Gamers

Stray offers more than just a fun cat simulator. Sure, you can meow and nuzzle up against robots, but there's a masterpiece of storytelling and world design waiting to be unveiled. Gameplay is simple, yet addictive in exploring the dynamic and dense city, and the music and graphics are simply breathtaking. Exploring the hyper-detailed and rich dystopia of the walled cybercity is wildly compelling and fun. While there are a few irritations in the action-oriented sections, the overall experience of Stray far outweighs them. By the end of the journey, you'll feel like you just went through something irreplaceably special, and got to live out your cat fantasy to top it off.

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GamingSinceForever682d ago ShowReplies(2)
Snakeeater25682d ago

Can’t understand that game …
It’s boring, dated graphic and unpleasant gameplay
But I love cats :)

YodaCracker682d ago

I thought the graphics were very good. Excellent lighting (ray tracing?) and very detailed environments with a nice art style.

outsider1624681d ago

Yeah Ray Tracing is there. And the graphics are really good. Gives me that Love, Death and Robots kind of vibe.

KyRo681d ago

Whilst the gameplay is subjective to the player, you cannot say the Zurk chase sequences weren't great. Also the graphics dated? Did you play or watch someone play it on a low end PC? The graphics and lighting on PS5 looks really good. The detail in the world also put a lot of AAA games to shame.

garryxcs681d ago

Not every game needs to be COD levels of chaos and shouldn't be called "boring" becasue its not, the graphics are not at all "dated" and the gameplay is sublime.

682d ago
CaptainHenry916681d ago

One of the best indie game I have ever played

StarkR3ality681d ago

9.4? I can't take reviews on this game seriously, good or bad.

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