
Stray Could Only Exist As A Video Game, And That's Worth Celebrating

While a lot of blockbuster games try to be movies, Stray only wants to be a game.

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Rynxie685d ago (Edited 685d ago )

It's an alright game, not much to it. I like it, but it's not groundbreaking game as people are making it out to be. Trust me, for any of the new people who haven't bought it yet, don't go into this game thinking it's the holy grail of video games, or you'll be disappointed.

There's no side quests, no real interaction with the robots, the story is very bare bones simplistic. If you just want a game to play in a calm environment and just relax, then stray is for you. However, as I said before, don't go into this game with all the hype.

685d ago Replies(2)
GamingSinceForever685d ago

Interactions? You are literally a cat in this game. A real cat not Puss n Boots. 😂

As for hyping up the game for the majority it will be either $29 or free. To me this game actually exceeds that value. On top of it Metacritic gave it an 80+ score meaning the majority thought it was above average.

Rynxie685d ago (Edited 685d ago )

A cat with a robot sidekick that can interact with both. You do know cats need to eat too, right? He doesn't eat anything, just drinks water. Also, drinking water does nothing. He doesn't get tired, or fatigue. The npcs don't walk around, they stay where they are, all hours of the day. Only the ones part of the story move at times. There's no different reactions from the robots to the cats presence, depending on what I do. He doesn't sleep, it's optional. He doesn't release bodily waste. Again, you guys are hyping it up. Also, I picked up a bucket, put it under some water drops, and it did nothing. It didn't fill up the bucket, nor did the water drop splash when hitting the bucket (from what I can remember). You guys are either unnecessarily blind fanboys, or just blissfully ignorant. Or maybe your shills. But this game is alright at best, nothing groundbreaking. I would recommend people go with low expectations and enjoy the game for what it is.

This game at 7gb is definitely not worth anything above 29.99. You're smoking some good stuff, I'm telling you that right now. And yes, other games as old as snes had pets and monsters that can release bodily waste, or need food to keep them alive.

TricksterArrow684d ago (Edited 684d ago )

@Rynxie ... Wat? Humans need to eat as well, yet I never see Leon eating in Resident Evil, or peeing, or drinking water, for all that matter. He is never tired or needs to rest. In many RPGs the same characters are at the same place and the time of day is fixed no matter how much you play, this is true for several Final Fantasies, some of the best games ever. In Elden Ring the character doesn't poop, he/she actually never talks, even though people talk to he/she. Hell he/she hardly even show emotion and they don't even know how to swim?

Guess all those games are just alright.

andy85684d ago

How many games do you actively have to eat or you die? 1%? What a nonsense argument. I don't even want that in games because it's a pain in the arse to keep having to do unnecessary things. It's. A. Game.

GamingSinceForever685d ago

No I think the most of us just look at it as a damn video game is all. You were disappointed fair enough. Why are you concerning yourself with how others are going to think?

I really liked Elden Ring but I wouldn’t call it the best game ever made. Same for Breath of the Wild. But wha I won’t do is write long winded posts about how wrong it is to hype it up. Maybe they think the games are just that good.

There are plenty of outlets and resources available to determine whether or not a game is for you before purchasing. Get over yourself.

fitofficial685d ago

The state of gaming is just... ugh.

MIDGETonSTILTS17685d ago

I’m glad they didn’t try to please everybody with this game.

Sometimes the best games are the ones brave enough to not force their vision to please EVERYONE.

Examples of similar games:
Rainbow Six Siege
Alien Isolation
Death Stranding

DefenderOfDoom2684d ago

Alien ISOLATION is one of my favorite horror games ever.

MIDGETonSTILTS17683d ago

Agreed, which is why I’m glad they weren’t afraid to make the Xeno too smart/deadly.

Many found it frustrating, I found it perfect.

DefenderOfDoom2685d ago

I do not know why , but I find this game very addictive. .


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