
Review: 'Stray' is the best cyberpunk game in recent memory | WGTC

WGTC: “If you've been turned off of cyberpunk games as of late, you might want to give the genre another go with Stray.”

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Montrealien682d ago (Edited 682d ago )

The person who wrote this. Does not play many videogames. Especially when you think Cyberpunk was a disaster leaving you wanting a good Cyberpunk game.

That being said, Im guessing the poor would be videogame reviews was stuck playing it on a PS4 :(

RickRoland682d ago (Edited 682d ago )

Cyberpunk was a disaster and it is still not the game promised. It will be forgotten soon enough.

RabbitFly682d ago (Edited 682d ago )

The game was surely a technical disaster When it comes to the console release.

However anyone that did not like the game because it was not enough this or that. Clearly expected the game to be something different than what they set out to make.

It is clearly the most effective and immersive cyberpunk world created to date.

Is the game perfect? Of course not, but if one cannot appreciate Cyberpunk 2077 fot what it was, I highly doubt that a game like Stray will change someone's mind. Sure the game is undoubtably closer to expectations, but it wont check any of the boxes people wanted 2077 to check.

Eidolon682d ago

It looks and plays well now, but definitely a disaster at launch.

awiseman682d ago

I would be interested in this once it's fixed on PC.

Elda682d ago (Edited 682d ago )

This year I enjoyed playing the cyberpunk games The Ascent,Anno Mutationem & I'm almost done with Cyberpunk 2077 which I'm enjoying as well. It looks like I may be enjoying Stray too seeing the good reviews so far.

bunt-custardly682d ago

Depends what you define as "recent memory". The Blade Runner remaster game that released recently scored pretty badly. Then there is Loopmancer. Further from that you have Anno Mutationem. Granted, Stray could easily best those. If you're taking a side-swipe at CP 2077 post 1.5 update which isn't that recent, then I am pressing X to doubt your opinion tbh. Leaning towards a fanciful headline to catch the digital bottom feeders. Guess I got trapped in the net.


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