
Boomtown.net: Rock Band 2 review

Boomtown: Pretty much everything that people have requested to be improved has been. Band World Tour is now enjoyable online (and can even be played alone if desired), you can even set stand ins for when no human player is taking a specific instrument, so your band will always have your designed singer or bassist if you stick to guitar and drums. The only issue I have found is that the drum fill portions when playing online become silent rather than have the original drum track like the original. It's a known bug and the PS3 version has already been patched to fix it; surely only a matter of time before the 360 game enjoys a similar fix.

Yes, the new instruments are nice, but if you're holding the originals, or even the Guitar Hero World Tour ones, it's not worth upgrading unless you've got a bucketload of cash to throw at the £200 Ion Drum Kit. At least not until your current instruments break. If you've already got Rock Band's instruments, the cost is negligible for the staggering amount of new content and fun you'll get from Rock Band 2. It is totally recommendable. If you're wondering whether to go with GHWT or RB2 it's an easy choice for me to make and it comes down to what Harmonix do best. Rock Band 1 was innovation. Rock Band 2 is perfection. Buy it.

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5 Most Outrageous Near Impossible Gaming Achievements

The joy of achievements and trophies. You've got to love them. Here are five of the most outrageous, mischievously difficult, near impossible culprits.

InTheZoneAC2054d ago

Only recognized one game on the list, rock band

Sonicjp2054d ago

If you bought The Stanley Parable on release day you can unlock the "don't play for 5 years" achievement.

McMahonme72054d ago

Yea this one is annoying because it's time-dependent, but not impossible


Those Were the Days - Legends of Rock

Those Were the Days - Legends of Rock. A look back at one drunken evening that brought to light the best thing about Rock Band and Guitar Hero.

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SpamnJam2967d ago

Nice. I remember so many drunken nights with Guitar Hero and Rock Band. So much fun to be had.


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