
Saints Row developers discuss the game's reveal backlash, and bringing fans back to the series

From Eurogamer: "Following my hands off preview of the Saints Row reboot, I sat down and chatted more with Volition developers Kenzie Lindgren (associate UX designer) and Damien Allen (principal designer). We covered a broad range of topics, including plenty on what's new for this entry, but we started by discussing why Saints Row aficionados should come back to the series, despite its brand-new cast and setting.

"It definitely still feels like Saints Row - even if it's not the same characters, even if it's not the same setting, even if it's not exactly the same as before - it feels like Saints Row," Lindgren said.

"I feel that every single time I go into the game, whether that's just customisation (because customisation is a huge part of it), whether that's travelling around the city, whether that's wing suiting and doing the missions, it feels like Saints Row. And I think that's at least worth checking out if you're an older player, but also for a newer player to discover that feeling for the first time.""

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crazyCoconuts741d ago

"Saints Row team has decided to keep the protagonist's pronouns gender neutral, with the Boss always being referred to as either "they", "them" or "you" throughout"
Intentional or not, right or wrong, this will create controversy and potentially impact sales. I gotta assume they realize this

LOGICWINS741d ago (Edited 741d ago )

It doesn't seem like this was done for "woke" purposes, but more to accommodate the different genders for each player's custom character.

Imagine the headache of having to change every single line of dialogoe in the game depending on if your player is a man or woman. Referring to the boss as gender neutral makes sense in this case.


@CrimsonWing69 Don’t know. This’ll be my first Saints Row game.

jBlakeeper740d ago

Ummm? It’s done in many other games.

Profchaos740d ago

Exactly i don't think this was a new thing or to be worked just a time saving thing

TheColbertinator740d ago

Call of Duty Cold War had transgender "they" voicework and from what I heard was barely noticeable. Not sure if it was a headache since Call of Duty has more voicework than most shooters anyway.

dumahim740d ago

Probably this, but I don't remember how they did it before. Either they had different lines recorded depending on player gender or it was never an issue, because how many times are you going to be referred to as him or her when you're the person they're talking about being that you're the main character.

yeahokwhatever740d ago

its not that hard and games have been doing it for like 30 years. when you record the lines you do several things.
1. avoid using pronouns at all where possible.
2. Record the lines without them, then record 2 sets from each character and add them in programatically.
3. In some cases just record a female and male version of the line when necessary.

739d ago
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Christopher741d ago

This thing RPGs have been doing for decades is now controversial. Yay?

crazyCoconuts740d ago

Avoiding pronouns is common imo. Im guessing if they explicitly use "they" referring to your character it might raise some controversy, but maybe I'm wrong

gamer7804740d ago

The controversial part is that the only good thing is the customization. The story appears terrible along with your Starbucks “gang”.

--Onilink--740d ago

Well, tbh, RPGs that have a choice in gender usually just use a Title instead of pronouns, so this isnt really far off.

Shepard, Inquisitor, Ryder, etc.

Its easier and saves on voice acting

sourOG740d ago

“This is something the developers say is purely for technical reasons, and not done to suggest the Boss is non-binary.”

This is the part you cut off. It was intentional and it won’t impact sales at all. It’s so they don’t have to record a bunch of extra audio. Nobody cares lol.

porkChop740d ago

I don't see why it's an issue. Plenty of games with character creators refer to the player as "they" or "you". Even before "wokeness" it was done to cut down on recording time.

sourOG740d ago

It’s usually an issue the other way around. Calling me “you” is a lot less jarring than somebody calling me a “she” while playing male eivor lol. It’s just too many moving parts to get it right I guess. They never get it right. You/they is better for everyone. Voice actors, developers, producers and players.

senorfartcushion740d ago

When did “wokeness” begin?

It’s funny how people seem to think it’s a strange event that started recently.

porkChop740d ago


I didn't say it started recently. It's just social progress over time. What I meant was when "woke" became the latest buzzword, when it became a label.

senorfartcushion740d ago

You literally have written “even before wokeness.”

Were you not there for the great anti-fun periods of JFK, Clinton’s impeachment or 9/11? They were much worse than now

porkChop740d ago

I've already explained what I was talking about. It's like you're arguing just for the sake of arguing.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 740d ago
senorfartcushion740d ago

They do. I doubt they care so much about the sales though.

The best approach would be to create your game and say “F you” to anyone who whines about something stupid like inclusion of characters

PS-Gamer-1986740d ago

Yeah, create a game which costs millions an millions to make, say F you to people who actually buy games instead of just applauding them for their inclusivity and cash in like 10 bucks from overall sales. Sounds like a great business strategy.

senorfartcushion740d ago


Everyone buys games now. Too much stuff is being made to suit all those people too. It’s a horrible time to be a content creator. Aiming for your own people (in your mind) is probably better than releasing a Saints Row game which will bomb anyway right now without something to sell it from.

I don’t get the attitude of “only people who look like me buy games.” I can guarantee I don’t look like you.

I do cardio, I lift. That’s enough for me not to look like 99% of the usual dorks who try to keep games in their chubby, lonely hands, regardless of if I’m a white dude. I’m not even broish. I like to partake in things like exercise and I like making gains, but I’m also neurotic as hell. Enough for me not to be “broish “ with my bros.

Gaming is for everyone now. Has been for years. If you want to blame people for taking it away from you, blame the companies trying to make them mainstream I.e the ones you get nostalgic for, they introduced an entire generation to gaming.

PS-Gamer-1986740d ago

"I don’t get the attitude of “only people who look like me buy games.” I can guarantee I don’t look like you."

Where did i state that only people that look like me buy games? I'm like 1/4 native american, 1/4 african american and 2/4 (german) caucasian which resulted in me looking like someone who could be born in northern african states like morocco lol. no i don't believe only people who look like me buy games. But it is funny that you automatically think i look a certain way because of what i wrote ;-)

gamer7804740d ago

Game journos will love this game since SR has forgotten it’s roots and went the other direction. The only cool thing is the driving and character creator.

senorfartcushion740d ago

They’ll love it because it’s AAA. That’s all you need to do now to get high scores. Just appear to be AAA. Most horrible GOAS games get a pass for this alone

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 739d ago
-Foxtrot741d ago

Okay so why does it still look over the top and whacky?

If you wanted fans to come back then it should have kept the tone of Saints Row 2, it had a good balance.

Christopher741d ago

Because 3 and 4 sold way more and are what the series is known for more than 1 & 2.

shinoff2183740d ago

I dont believe that. Its definitely known for 1 and 2. I played 3 and never played it again. 1 and 2 were much better

-Foxtrot740d ago

But 3 & 4 sold more BECAUSE of how popular the franchise got because of Saints Row 2

Add in the fact you had hype after Saints Row 2, the growing fanbase, word of mouth and the fact video games were just growing in terms of the general audience...it's probably why they did better sales wise.

Christopher740d ago

***I dont believe that. Its definitely known for 1 and 2. I played 3 and never played it again. 1 and 2 were much better***

Saints Row 2: 72 Metascore, 6.9 User Score
Saints Row The Third: 84 Metascore, 8.1 User Score
Saints Row IV: 86 Metascore, 7.9 User Score


blackblades740d ago

I liked 3 better and the game is known for what was done in 3. SR2 was like a generic GTA clone etc which why they changed it up.

--Onilink--740d ago

Well, most of the backlash from the first trailer was that it wasnt as wacky and overt the top as the most recent ones. So they are probably trying to tow the line between both styles to avoid pissing off too much either group

sourOG740d ago

That’s worrisome lol. They basically apologized for the new characters. “Well what’s done is done. There is a bunch of customization! At least a little something for everyone!”

I don’t mind the comedic SR games. I thought the b-movie cheese was charming and unique. The problem is postmodern “comedy” doesn’t go for laughs it goes for applause. It’s not even a little funny, it’s f***ing cringe lol.

I dig everything but the story elements so far so it should be fun at least. I’m still looking forward to it but what little hope I had for story and character were just dashed. I’m just going in expecting the worst characters ever in a video game lol. If they aren’t that bad then pleasant surprise.

gamer7804740d ago

100% this. Spot on with the post modernism going for applause rather than laughs. This is precisely why when it’s reviewed it wil favor well with most game journos.

Christopher740d ago (Edited 740d ago )

***They basically apologized for the new characters.***

Literally not at all what they said. You people are creating fiction out of thin air here.

"It definitely still feels like Saints Row - even if it's not the same characters, even if it's not the same setting, even if it's not exactly the same as before - it feels like Saints Row," Lindgren said.

"I was the one that came out and said, 'the Saints are not coming back', and that can be very nerve wracking. But that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. And honestly, the entire time I've been here... we've always been confident in this direction. I've always been confident in this, and I personally have loved what we've made. So yeah, it can be frustrating, but I'm also pretty confident still."

They are saying it feels like Saints Row, zero apologies for the new characters or setting.

sourOG740d ago

I didnt say they literally apologized for the characters. I said they basically did because they did lol. I didn’t make anything up.

Yes it still feels like saints row. With new dorky zoomer characters. They said they hear the feedback but what’s done is done. Hopefully the old fans still like the “feel” even though the characters were replaced. Of course PR is confident.

Christopher740d ago (Edited 740d ago )

No, they didn't basically apologize either. None of what they said was anything close to apologetic. They showed happiness in the work, stress from criticism as is normal, but determinism and happiness with what they were creating because it feels like Saints row even with all of the changes to characters, settings, and the like.

Nothing apologetic. You're creating something you want to see.

sourOG740d ago

You’re clearly not getting what I’m saying lol…

Im not saying they are apologetic for their work. Their apologetic to the old fans. They are basically saying “look we know the fans are frustrated and want the old characters but what’s done is done. We have customization and things reminiscent of old saints row games. Hopefully that’s enough for the old fans while we go after new fans”.

Basically confirming the new direction and saying sorry. “We get it but sorry”That’s what I mean by apologizing.

The whole “making up fiction” thing you’re stuck on is just weird and literal. I never said they said “wow our characters suck, I apologize for our team”. No that’s not what they said, that’s not what I said either. That’s what you said (or thought I said). You’re arguing about made up fiction lol.

Christopher739d ago (Edited 739d ago )

***Their apologetic to the old fans. They are basically saying “look we know the fans are frustrated and want the old characters but what’s done is done.***

"I was the one that came out and said, 'the Saints are not coming back', and that can be very nerve wracking.
But that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. And honestly, the entire time I've been here... we've always been confident in this direction. I've always been confident in this, and I personally have loved what we've made. So yeah, it can be frustrating, but I'm also pretty confident still."

Zero apologies. Recognizing some people want old people back isn't an apology. It is just what it is.

sourOG739d ago (Edited 739d ago )

"I feel that every single time I go into the game, whether that's just customisation (because customisation is a huge part of it), whether that's travelling around the city, whether that's wing suiting and doing the missions, it feels like Saints Row. And I think that's at least worth checking out if you're an older player, but also for a newer player to discover that feeling for the first time”

Doesn’t mention new characters when “feeling like saints row” lol. Doesn’t mention the characters at all actually. No “hey the vets are going to love these guys, give them a chance!” They know we’re going to think they suck. “At least worth checking out” lmao. Confidence.

“"If you are a veteran, if you've played through one or all four of the previous games, there's going to be something for you to enjoy, [be that] the traversal mechanics, the new things we've added or a world that is more vibrant and unique than anything we've ever had in the past."

There is going to be something for you to enjoy. Just not the characters lol. They aren’t even trying to sell them. They are so confident that they didn’t talk about them at all in regards to the “controversy”. They are selling everything else for the vets. Which is fine, I already said I’m buying it despite the dorky characters.

Yes they acknowledged it and skated around it. How about a “Sorry not sorry” for common ground and we can leave it at that? Put that one sentence in my 3 paragraph post to rest lol.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 739d ago
XiNatsuDragnel740d ago

I hope online is like gta5 at very least to get a sale in my opinion.

Number1TailzFan740d ago

Modders did R*'s job before them with SA-MP back in 06.

This Saints Row game should have way better online than GTA V, if not then it's not an advancement.

Profchaos740d ago

Sa mp is still far superior than GTA online IMO the maps people made were rediculas and so much fun.

dumahim740d ago

Dragged out across multiple generations propped up with the profitability of microtransactions?

739d ago
Profchaos740d ago

They really want to promote the customisation options but honestly I don't care about the character customisation options in saints row games at all and never have I enjoy the storyline and gameplay but customisation is boring as I don't share that whole make my own personality and express myself via my character in a game.

And since every interview seems to centre around this I have to ask is there much meat to this game if all they talk about is the 5 minutes of character customisation options.

gamer7804740d ago

They promote char customization because it’s one of the few things the game has going for it. The rest has gone backwards.

Number1TailzFan740d ago

I'd rather more missions, bigger game overall than more customization, assuming it takes away from work on the main game anyways.

TravsVoid740d ago

I'm always the kind of person who barely changes anything when it comes to character customization. Not into the whole playing as something ridiculous or myself. The only time I might change something is later in a game when I unlock stuff but to start a game I really don't care. If I don't like the default character I probably didn't buy the game so no problem there.

739d ago
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Watch PS Plus Bring A Dead Game Back To Life

Want to see a magic trick?

All you need is an open-world video game that flopped at launch and a popular subscription service with millions of gamers. And presto, you can bring a “dead” game like Saints Row (2022) back to life and make it one of the most played games on PlayStation.

Gamingsince1981212d ago

Because no one is stupid enough to spend their own money on the game I imagine, so they will try it for free and then realise they still over paid.

porkChop212d ago

The game really wasn't that bad. I went in expecting dog shit based on what I'd heard about it. I ended up enjoying it though I do recognize the game is far from perfect.

gold_drake211d ago

everyone says the game was like REALLY bad, but i enjoyed it for what it was.

but i wouldnt have bought it for 70 either

1nsomniac212d ago (Edited 212d ago )

The game is garbage. I spent probably 4-5 hours trying to like it. Telling myself give it a break its trying to break away from the norm and be a little fun. After that it just got deleted I'd rather have the SSD space ready for upcoming games.

But this agenda that keeps getting pushed about how the game is suddenly good because of how many people have now played it. Just shows how stupid the industry is. It's just been given away as a free game, of course people are going to download and play it. The consensus however is quite clear that the majority deleted it shortly after.

This was not a win for PS+ and not a win Saints Row either, far from it.

Profchaos211d ago (Edited 211d ago )

It was a win in the sense that i got to know I was right to ignore it and I got to at least try it and all it cost me was a slot in the monthly line up.

But you're right just because people have played it means nothing it got a huge influx of players who refused to pay anything for it. So that tells us that there are a large portion of at least casual saints row fans who felt rejected by the new direction and gave it a go when it cost them nothing

BrainSyphoned212d ago

Oh boy, we can play shit games on both platforms for increasing fees.

rippermcrip212d ago

And this is Microsoft's standard procedure current gen.

Profchaos211d ago (Edited 211d ago )

It wasn't good I played it on plus as a fan of the original games I watched the things go from bad to worse for the reboot so getting to play it on plus was interesting and it just wasn't good I did give it a chance I invested around 10 hours total before giving up.

it didn't update any mechanics to feel like a modern game it felt like a wave shooter in a lot of areas it didn't offer a real challenge but above all that talk about cringe it was to much I tapped out at the half way point.

Graphically it looked like a early PS4 game putting it nicely but the animations were ripped straight from 3 e.g. throw a grenade same animation cycle and that was a constant. So that made the game look like a fan mod. The world design felt like a step back getting around was slow and tedious.

The story was uninteresting and cringe Incan forgive more than most but I didn't need my gangster game to be an after school special on the power of friendship they couldn't rip on each other a little it was always I'm here for you type phrases who the hell was the games target audience.

I'd be kicking myself if I actually paid for it.


Saints Row Devs Overhaul Everything, Ask Fans For Another Chance

Devs asking fans for another chance, is this update enough to convince you to part with your hard earned cash or was this game’s fate sealed long ago?

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isarai386d ago

Maybe, I'll admit even after all the backlash I still have a passive interest in it. The kind where I'd jump on buying it if I had $20 to burn and I spotted it in that budget. But if the overhaul is good enough I'll re-evaluate buying it

385d ago Replies(10)
just_looken385d ago

Well i would like everyone to remember before or if you dive into saint row reboot it cost 500million to make.

Grand theft auto 5 had a full single player multiplayer and was built from the ground up in house engine 500million cost.

Saints row unreal engine 4 asset flipping some original stuff alot from the old games coop only 500million.

I personally want to see how this team blew 500 million during development.

isarai385d ago

Not sure where you got that number, but I don't get how that's supposed to influence my decision 😕

Profchaos385d ago

Agree i had a laugh when I was watching reviews using exactly the same animations as 3 and 4 can tell a lot of that was done to cut cost but it went way to far

RiseNShine385d ago (Edited 385d ago )

It's actually $100 million, which is still incredible for the trash quality this game has.

just_looken385d ago

You were right it was "over 100million" up to 250mill depends on the source but still how?

porkChop384d ago

Volition has over 200 employees and I believe Saints Row was all hands on deck. So salaries, marketing, music licensing, voice actors, etc. Yeah, $100M+ sounds about right.

jeromeface384d ago

yea, you're talkin 8 years ago pricing vs now... which is apples and oranges.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 384d ago
IamTylerDurden1386d ago

Needed overhaul after 3. Three was good but they were never going to push it past that. Four was dumb. They needed to focus on quality and becoming grounded then ramp the wackiness. The recent Saints Row wasn't it.

IamTylerDurden1386d ago

The reboot sucked and 4 was worse than 3 idc disagree but say why you do. They should have gone back to SR2 style.

Asplundh385d ago

People might be disagreeing because it seems like you're thinking that they're talking about overhauling the series with the next game and they're actually talking about over hauling the reboot with updates.

Profchaos385d ago (Edited 385d ago )

4 v 3 is entirely debatable I prefer 4 but I can see both sides.

I'd actually rate them
5 Reboot
4 sr2
3 sr3
2 sr 4
1 sr og 360 launch era

However everyone can agree the reboot sucks.

But sr2 just feels clunky it's graphically worse than 1 and runs worse at that I remember it being so choppy on 360 I brought it on PC and a decent PC of that era struggled to run it despite running crysis decently

P_Bomb386d ago (Edited 386d ago )

Rebooting the reboot? Offer up a demo/free weekend. Not just the character creator this time.

IamTylerDurden1385d ago

Reboot sucked. Reboot the reboot, why stick with trash?

P_Bomb385d ago (Edited 385d ago )

I can’t imagine they made money on this. The overhaul is probably their Hail Mary.

H9386d ago

I have heard that somewhere

potatoseal386d ago (Edited 386d ago )

The game's characters and story are so trash. You shouldn't have made them like fortnite characters. You made your bed, now lie in it. Saints Row 2022 is dead to me. I don't care what they do to it

Chriswheeler22385d ago

That's my take as well. It's not the dated gameplay, it's the esthetic, style, very modern take on saints row characters I don't like. They aren't gang members, they are college kids.

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Saint Row's First Paid Story DLC To Be Added Soon

Saints Row The Heist and The Hazardous DLC has been dated and a launch trailer is expected to be released on the same day.

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Christopher391d ago

Even though I didn't hate the game as much as others, I honestly have forgotten about it until just now.

aws04389d ago

Why do those gangs look like video game journalists?

chicken_in_the_corn389d ago

Looking forward to it. I really like the main game.

CoNn3rB389d ago

Kinda forgot about this game to be honest

Sgt_Slaughter389d ago

The 10 people still playing will be overjoyed

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