
AEW: Fight Forever New Wrestlers Confirmed Revealed; Kris Statlander Featured in New Video

Here are some of the confirmed AEW Fight Forever wrestlers confirmed for the game, which include the late Owen Hart! New trailer featuring in-game graphics showcase Kris Statlander.

Majin-vegeta761d ago

You can definitely see&feel Yukes wrestling DNA in the gameplay snippets.Just the hits need a bit more oomph to them.But all in all game looks like its coming along well.I csnt wait for it

ClayRules2012761d ago

Looks solid, but I sure hope for what sounds like a roster of “50” wrestlers at launch that the move sets won’t be lacking! Gosh, that was one area apart from gameplay (which was solid in TNA impact all those years ago) that I enjoyed. But man, it feeling more like a fighting game (which I don’t believe this has an issue capturing) clearly it is a wrestling game haha, but the lack of move variety hurt impact and everyone felt the same for the most part from what I can remember, which was a shame, because the impact of the moves felt great and hard hitting.

But yeah, the wrestlers looks good and I like the flow of the gameplay, No Mercy feel it seems and the animations do look well done. I’m not expecting anything REVOLUTIONARY just a FUN and hopefully really GOOD game, with enough features/match times for a first go that keeps us players FIGHTING FOREVER with much enjoyment until the next AEW game releases lol.

ZeekQuattro761d ago

I'm ready for this game. Haven't bought a wrestling game since gen 5. My nostalgia for wrestling games made by Yukes is still alive and kicking.

Bobertt760d ago

Supposedly Kenny Omega does not like working with Yuke's and if they don't get back on good terms or if it doesn't sell well this may look for another developer for the future.

"A report emerged from Fightful Select that the roster for the game is set to feature ‘unfortunate, notable omissions’, and that isn’t where the rumours about the game end.

Sports Gamers Online is reporting that the relationship between AEW Games and Yuke’s, specifically Kenny Omega, has not been positive, with Omega reportedly finding himself frustrated and ‘hating’ working with Yuke’s, with one person claiming that it has sometimes come across as if Yuke’s was trying to ‘take advantage’ of Omega’s inexperience in this position.

There have reportedly been multiple arguments over the game’s direction, as well as constraints on development. The game has reportedly had several budget issues that have led to a number of features of the game either being less than originally planned, or cut altogether.

The constraints have led to the roster size of 50 wrestlers, which is less than originally planned, but AEW does want to increase the roster size via DLC post launch as the game is not being made for a yearly release. However, before committing to a fully-fledged DLC plan, Yuke’s is pushing for a long-term agreement for future game development, which isn’t something that AEW is ready to commit to.

Due to how things have gone during development, there are people in both parties believing this may be a ‘one and done’ arrangement between AEW and Yuke’s, with one saying:

“It can be repaired, but it comes down to desire. If either side doesn’t want to continue, then AEW will look for a new partner.

“Yuke’s will almost certainly sign on for it and is even pushing for it, but AEW is nervous about any long-term deal after this.”

Chocoburger760d ago

Dang, thats unfortunate if true. Tony Khan has all the money in the world, there should be no budgeting issues here.

Feels like self-inflicted problems and drama. Work together, make a great game that feels like either No Mercy or early Smackdown! titles and it'll sell well.

I stopped buying WWE games after Smackdown! vs Raw in 2006. Here's hoping AEW can fill that void.


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